Did you stop buying bud light? You may still be supporting them anyway.


Diamond Member
May 2, 2021
I don't think enough people realize this.

Don't forget. Even if you stopped buying Anheuser Busch products you may still be supporting them.

Anheuser Busch isn't an American company anymore, it was bought by a dutch company a while back that owns a shit pot of beer brands. So if you're buying one of their other brand you're still supporting bud light.

So if you're not supporting other companies just make sure you didn't switch to another company that is still owned by them.
I don't think enough people realize this.

Don't forget. Even if you stopped buying Anheuser Busch products you may still be supporting them.

Anheuser Busch isn't an American company anymore, it was bought by a dutch company a while back that owns a shit pot of beer brands. So if you're buying one of their other brand you're still supporting bud light.

So if you're not supporting other companies just make sure you didn't switch to another company that is still owned by them.
What you need is a life. Being afraid of masks, vaccines and beer cans is a cry for help. :206:
I don't think enough people realize this.

Don't forget. Even if you stopped buying Anheuser Busch products you may still be supporting them.

Anheuser Busch isn't an American company anymore, it was bought by a dutch company a while back that owns a shit pot of beer brands. So if you're buying one of their other brand you're still supporting bud light.

So if you're not supporting other companies just make sure you didn't switch to another company that is still owned by them.

I still plan on getting my 30 pack of Busch for my camping trip, because it's the only time I buy it.

That being said, I am skewing towards other brewers/conglomerates more often than not.

I don't consider it a boycott, more a skewed selective process.
I don't think enough people realize this.

Don't forget. Even if you stopped buying Anheuser Busch products you may still be supporting them.

Anheuser Busch isn't an American company anymore, it was bought by a dutch company a while back that owns a shit pot of beer brands. So if you're buying one of their other brand you're still supporting bud light.

So if you're not supporting other companies just make sure you didn't switch to another company that is still owned by them.
doesn't bother me a bit

Haven't bought a beer in 30 years.
I don't think enough people realize this.

Don't forget. Even if you stopped buying Anheuser Busch products you may still be supporting them.

Anheuser Busch isn't an American company anymore, it was bought by a dutch company a while back that owns a shit pot of beer brands. So if you're buying one of their other brand you're still supporting bud light.

So if you're not supporting other companies just make sure you didn't switch to another company that is still owned by them.
The boycott should include the entire InBev family of beers

Which as you point out are many

One independent beer is

But there are many others
Don't let up... we need to bury this brewery to send the other woke companies a message... and stay out of Target and Disney....
Butt Wipe? ... yea, once a day ... ha ha ... butt seriously, I'm an Oly man myself when I seek an American Pilsner ... and that ain't often ... it is the water, and Washington State has the best water ... Butt Wipe draws their water from the Mississippi? ... ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ....

We've a profusion of micro-breweries here in the Pacific Northwest ... they understand queer-folk have money, lotsa of money ... and enough of the rest of us like the queer-folk ... spend our money where the queer are welcome ...

This stuff sells:


Did you stop buying bud light?​

Never started.

You may still be supporting them anyway.​

Nope. Only beer there I might buy is Corona Extra, but I don't buy beer anymore and the point has been made well enough, I have no need to put AB out of business just because they went all rainbow on ONE of their lines. That line is now half dead costing them a buttload of money.
Pretty much all the beer I consume is brewed within a hundred miles or so of where I live.

I miss Rainier Ale ... the Sierrea Nevada product is great, worth the glass shards that occasionally show up in their bottles ... Brewed in Jefferson ... tastes like "Don't Tread on Us" ...
I don't think enough people realize this.

Don't forget. Even if you stopped buying Anheuser Busch products you may still be supporting them.

Anheuser Busch isn't an American company anymore, it was bought by a dutch company a while back that owns a shit pot of beer brands. So if you're buying one of their other brand you're still supporting bud light.

So if you're not supporting other companies just make sure you didn't switch to another company that is still owned by them.
When you cost a brand market share and billions of dollars, you're impacting the parent company, even if they have multiple brands. You're also sending a very clear message to the parent company, which will think twice before doing that same thing to another of their brands.
The boycott should include the entire InBev family of beers

Which as you point out are many

One independent beer is

But there are many others

Never had yeungling but I'll have to try it next time I go out. I used to drink miller genuine draft or miller lite but I don't do that anymore.
I don't think enough people realize this.

Don't forget. Even if you stopped buying Anheuser Busch products you may still be supporting them.

Anheuser Busch isn't an American company anymore, it was bought by a dutch company a while back that owns a shit pot of beer brands. So if you're buying one of their other brand you're still supporting bud light.

So if you're not supporting other companies just make sure you didn't switch to another company that is still owned by them.
I am not a big beer drinker, though I keep some around, but do not currently have Bud Light in the Beverage fridge. That said, I can point to my brother-in-law. He was as is an extremely conservative, retired Warrant officer, never seeing a politician with an "R" beside his name, he didn't like and is certainly no part of the LGBTQ community. He was a Bud Light drinker, and still is. I saw him drinking a few over the holiday. He is not much of a joiner, and buys what he likes, because he likes it, not giving a rats ass what other people think. Like me, he doesn't have to.
Never had yeungling but I'll have to try it next time I go out. I used to drink miller genuine draft or miller lite but I don't do that anymore.
I dont think miller has been bitten by the homo-tranny vampires yet

So its still safe to drink
I don't think enough people realize this.

Don't forget. Even if you stopped buying Anheuser Busch products you may still be supporting them.

Anheuser Busch isn't an American company anymore, it was bought by a dutch company a while back that owns a shit pot of beer brands. So if you're buying one of their other brand you're still supporting bud light.

So if you're not supporting other companies just make sure you didn't switch to another company that is still owned by them.

Most people who don't buy Bud Light aren't interested in punishing A-B at all. They are just concerned about the message that they would be sending up drinking Bud Light specifically.

If I see someone drinking B-L, I assume its someone who either wants to have their own butthole violated, or wants to do the same to some other fellow.

Not a message I would want to give to the public.
I'll stick with Heineken for now, with the occasional Blue Moon.

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