Did you see Sean Hannity's full, all out meltdown tonight on his show? It was hilarious!


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
It went on for at least 15 minutes. Let me paraphrase:

Liberal media Hillary Clinton Bill Clinton Obama liberal media lie lie lie Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton Obama Obama Obama transparency Uranium one lie lie lie Clinton Foundation Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Liberal media liberal media deep state deep state Hillary Clinton prosecute Hillary Clinton prosecute Bill Clinton arrest Obama Obama Obama deep state.

And it went on and on like that for at least 15 minutes.

The guy is panicking. I haven't seen him this freaked out since Malik Shabazz asked him about his close relationship with Neo Nazi Hall Turner at 4:40..

Neo Nazi Hal Turner was so upset with Hannity lies, he wrote him a letter and posted it on the Internet.

About Sean Hannity and Me. . . . . Yes, we were friends and yes, Sean agreed with some of my views....On Wednesday, March 19, Malik Zulu Shabazz of the New Black Panther Party appeared as a guest on "Hannity & Colmes" to discuss the Obama / Reverend Wright controversy. During that appearance, Sean Hannity asked Shabazz if Barak Obama shouldn't be judged by his past affiliations with Reverend Wright, to which Shabazz replied by asking Sean Hannity "Should you be judged by your past association with Hal Turner, a neo-Nazi?"

I was quite disappointed when Sean Hannity at first tried to say he didn't know me and then went on to say that I ran some senate campaign in New Jersey. In fact, Sean Hannity does know me and we were quite friendly a number of years ago.When Hannity took over Bob Grant's spot on 77 WABC in New York City, I was a well-known, regular and welcome caller to his show. Through those calls, Sean and I got to know each other a bit and at some point, I can't remember exactly when, Sean gave me the secret "Guest call-in number" at WABC so that my calls could always get on the air.

When I utlized that call-in number, Sean would very often come onto that line during commercial breaks so we could chat before I went on the air. Our off-the-air chats grew to an exchange of other phone numbers, me giving Sean my home and cellular number and Sean giving me his direct dial-in number at Fox News channel....My on-air calls to his show remained regular and welcome.

I can tell you from my firsthand, personal experience that Sean Hannity does, in fact, agree with many of my political and social views.... Suffice it to say that my recollection is that when Sean and I spoke by phone, while no one else was listening, he and I exchanged the kinds of views that most White, Irish-Catholic guys hold, but won't speak in public.

In my opinion, based on my first hand experience, I believe Sean Hannity is, in fact, a Hal Turner sort of guy. It seems to me that a big difference between Sean and me is that I am willing to say publicly what I think about savage Black criminals, diseased, uneducated illegal aliens and the grotesque cultural destruction wrought by satanic jews while Sean and many others keep quiet to protect their paychecks.

Another big difference is that I am perfectly willing to use force and violence against my enemies while Sean Hannity and others are not. Those using me as a prop to attack Sean Hannity would do well to remember this fact. Rest assured I will remember them when the opportunity presents itself; especially as it pertains to that douche bag sodomite Max Blumenthal for the falsehoods and total trash he wrote about me in "The Nation" magazine.
I saw a bit of it. I saw no melting, no panic. His days of that sort of thing are over. Stop looking for crap where there isn't any.:eusa_naughty:
I'll bet Deanturd didn't watch either.

He's probably parroting leftist drivel someone else posted on Huff Po.
“Liberal media Hillary Clinton Bill Clinton Obama liberal media lie lie lie…”


And Hannity is typical of most on the reprehensible right: nothing but red herring fallacies and lies.
“Liberal media Hillary Clinton Bill Clinton Obama liberal media lie lie lie…”


And Hannity is typical of most on the reprehensible right: nothing but red herring fallacies and lies.

Did you see Sean Hannity's full, all out meltdown tonight on his show?

Nope. I couldn't give a shit less. But I'd be pissed too if a bunch of asshole freaks like you were making it their business to invade my personal life just to harass me, and there's nothing the Anarchist Left would like better than to take Hannity off the air. You jerks simply CANNOT STAND opposition opinion, especially when it casts bare the rawness of your methods! Frankly, I could care less who he socializes with much less seeks counsel from so long as it isn't done in the commission of a crime and no crime has even been implied, which make you really PATHETIC.

I really don't care what Hannity does for fun, what he eats or drinks, what TV shows he watches, what brand of cigarette he smokes, what his favorite sex position is, or who he socializes with. I HAVE MY OWN LIFE.

You thread is even more so hilariously because he's so far in your head and up your ass that he made you sit and watch his show for an hour! Thanks for helping out Fox's ratings. That'll make up for the fact that I no longer get them. That's an hour you'll never get back just so you could rant about him being justifiably annoyed on a message board? DUDE. YOU ARE THE DEFINITION OF A FREEKING LOSER.
We are seeing what happens when the lie machine the conservatives have built the last 20 years starts coming apart and the parts are flying every which way. They lose their shit. Lying juice starts oozing out of their pores. Even when caught red handed and nailed to the wall Hannity is trying to lie his way out of his lies.

It's so funny to watch.
There is a simple determination. His show will be replayed on the internet soon. We can all watch the melt down. That's the cool thing about video.
Did you see Sean Hannity's full, all out meltdown tonight on his show?

Nope. I couldn't give a shit less. But I'd be pissed too if a bunch of asshole freaks like you were making it their business to invade my personal life just to harass me, and there's nothing the Anarchist Left would like better than to take Hannity off the air. You jerks simply CANNOT STAND opposition opinion, especially when it casts bare the rawness of your methods! Frankly, I could care less who he socializes with much less seeks counsel from so long as it isn't done in the commission of a crime and no crime has even been implied, which make you really PATHETIC.

I really don't care what Hannity does for fun, what he eats or drinks, what TV shows he watches, what brand of cigarette he smokes, what his favorite sex position is, or who he socializes with. I HAVE MY OWN LIFE.

You thread is even more so hilariously because he's so far in your head and up your ass that he made you sit and watch his show for an hour! Thanks for helping out Fox's ratings. That'll make up for the fact that I no longer get them. That's an hour you'll never get back just so you could rant about him being justifiably annoyed on a message board? DUDE. YOU ARE THE DEFINITION OF A FREEKING LOSER.

He said Hannity, not what you think about David Hogg.
We are seeing what happens when the lie machine the conservatives have built the last 20 years starts coming apart and the parts are flying every which way. They lose their shit. Lying juice starts oozing out of their pores.

Newt, conservatives haven't built a thing, I think you have us confused with Republicans. And Republicans aren't the ones who lost the House, the Senate, countless state governorships, the Supreme Court and the Presidency and have been flailing like scalded babies ever since, IT IS YOU.

Even when caught red handed and nailed to the wall Hannity is trying to lie his way out of his lies.

NAME what Hannity has been caught "red handed with?"

NAME what Hannity is being "nailed to the wall with?"

NAME what he has to "lie his way out of his lies" about?

You people are so full of bullshit right up to your eyeballs so busy deluding yourself with to give yourself some sense of accomplishment, you never even stop to realize it is all an empty box of smoke!
Let's get a few things straight. Cohen is a horrible lawyer. Any time Cohen tried to negotiate business deals, more often than not he failed, miserably. Hannity said he spoke to Cohen about real estate. Cohen is a "fixer" not a lawyer. That means someone has to do something they weren't supposed to do in order to "fix it." Out of the three people listed that Cohen is their lawyer, the two that we know of deals Cohen has done for them were to "fix" issues that were morally corrupt. So what makes you think the deal with Hannnity will be any different?

So there are two possibilities here.

1. Hannity needed Cohen to do something for him to cover up something bad he did.
2. Cohen and Hannity cooked up this idea that Hannity was a client in order to try and help Cohen's case to block the release of evidence taken in the raids by the government.

If #1 is true and the tapes and evidence get exposed that Hannity did something wrong, his goose is cooked like some of the others from Fox News.

If #2 is proven then Hannity and Cohen could get busted for conspiring to obstruct justice.

Nothing good is going to come from this for Hannity and he knows it.
It went on for at least 15 minutes. Let me paraphrase:

Liberal media Hillary Clinton Bill Clinton Obama liberal media lie lie lie Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton Obama Obama Obama transparency Uranium one lie lie lie Clinton Foundation Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Liberal media liberal media deep state deep state Hillary Clinton prosecute Hillary Clinton prosecute Bill Clinton arrest Obama Obama Obama deep state.

And it went on and on like that for at least 15 minutes.

The guy is panicking. I haven't seen him this freaked out since Malik Shabazz asked him about his close relationship with Neo Nazi Hall Turner at 4:40..

Neo Nazi Hal Turner was so upset with Hannity lies, he wrote him a letter and posted it on the Internet.

About Sean Hannity and Me. . . . . Yes, we were friends and yes, Sean agreed with some of my views....On Wednesday, March 19, Malik Zulu Shabazz of the New Black Panther Party appeared as a guest on "Hannity & Colmes" to discuss the Obama / Reverend Wright controversy. During that appearance, Sean Hannity asked Shabazz if Barak Obama shouldn't be judged by his past affiliations with Reverend Wright, to which Shabazz replied by asking Sean Hannity "Should you be judged by your past association with Hal Turner, a neo-Nazi?"

I was quite disappointed when Sean Hannity at first tried to say he didn't know me and then went on to say that I ran some senate campaign in New Jersey. In fact, Sean Hannity does know me and we were quite friendly a number of years ago.When Hannity took over Bob Grant's spot on 77 WABC in New York City, I was a well-known, regular and welcome caller to his show. Through those calls, Sean and I got to know each other a bit and at some point, I can't remember exactly when, Sean gave me the secret "Guest call-in number" at WABC so that my calls could always get on the air.

When I utlized that call-in number, Sean would very often come onto that line during commercial breaks so we could chat before I went on the air. Our off-the-air chats grew to an exchange of other phone numbers, me giving Sean my home and cellular number and Sean giving me his direct dial-in number at Fox News channel....My on-air calls to his show remained regular and welcome.

I can tell you from my firsthand, personal experience that Sean Hannity does, in fact, agree with many of my political and social views.... Suffice it to say that my recollection is that when Sean and I spoke by phone, while no one else was listening, he and I exchanged the kinds of views that most White, Irish-Catholic guys hold, but won't speak in public.

In my opinion, based on my first hand experience, I believe Sean Hannity is, in fact, a Hal Turner sort of guy. It seems to me that a big difference between Sean and me is that I am willing to say publicly what I think about savage Black criminals, diseased, uneducated illegal aliens and the grotesque cultural destruction wrought by satanic jews while Sean and many others keep quiet to protect their paychecks.

Another big difference is that I am perfectly willing to use force and violence against my enemies while Sean Hannity and others are not. Those using me as a prop to attack Sean Hannity would do well to remember this fact. Rest assured I will remember them when the opportunity presents itself; especially as it pertains to that douche bag sodomite Max Blumenthal for the falsehoods and total trash he wrote about me in "The Nation" magazine.

Dude melted down so bad with Shabazz, they had to cut to another person. It’s amazing how I’ve heard nothing but Rev Wright this and that, but nothing about Hal Turner until today.

Then again, we are talking about conservatives and neo-nazis, which by the leader of the Conservative party has stated, are “decent people”.
Let's get a few things straight. Cohen is a horrible lawyer. Any time Cohen tried to negotiate business deals, more often than not he failed, miserably. Hannity said he spoke to Cohen about real estate. Cohen is a "fixer" not a lawyer. That means someone has to do something they weren't supposed to do in order to "fix it." Out of the three people listed that Cohen is their lawyer, the two that we know of deals Cohen has done for them were to "fix" issues that were morally corrupt. So what makes you think the deal with Hannnity will be any different?

So there are two possibilities here.

1. Hannity needed Cohen to do something for him to cover up something bad he did.
2. Cohen and Hannity cooked up this idea that Hannity was a client in order to try and help Cohen's case to block the release of evidence taken in the raids by the government.

If #1 is true and the tapes and evidence get exposed that Hannity did something wrong, his goose is cooked like some of the others from Fox News.

If #2 is proven then Hannity and Cohen could get busted for conspiring to obstruct justice.

Nothing good is going to come from this for Hannity and he knows it.
Option 3. Cohen is a Good Samaritan that helps lascivious cretins.
Let's get a few things straight. Cohen is a horrible lawyer. Any time Cohen tried to negotiate business deals, more often than not he failed, miserably. Hannity said he spoke to Cohen about real estate. Cohen is a "fixer" not a lawyer. That means someone has to do something they weren't supposed to do in order to "fix it." Out of the three people listed that Cohen is their lawyer, the two that we know of deals Cohen has done for them were to "fix" issues that were morally corrupt. So what makes you think the deal with Hannnity will be any different?

So there are two possibilities here.

1. Hannity needed Cohen to do something for him to cover up something bad he did.
2. Cohen and Hannity cooked up this idea that Hannity was a client in order to try and help Cohen's case to block the release of evidence taken in the raids by the government.

If #1 is true and the tapes and evidence get exposed that Hannity did something wrong, his goose is cooked like some of the others from Fox News.

If #2 is proven then Hannity and Cohen could get busted for conspiring to obstruct justice.

Nothing good is going to come from this for Hannity and he knows it.
Option 3. Cohen is a Good Samaritan that helps lascivious cretins.

Good Samaritan and lawyer don't fit together...
Let's get a few things straight. Cohen is a horrible lawyer. Any time Cohen tried to negotiate business deals, more often than not he failed, miserably. Hannity said he spoke to Cohen about real estate. Cohen is a "fixer" not a lawyer. That means someone has to do something they weren't supposed to do in order to "fix it." Out of the three people listed that Cohen is their lawyer, the two that we know of deals Cohen has done for them were to "fix" issues that were morally corrupt. So what makes you think the deal with Hannnity will be any different?

So there are two possibilities here.

1. Hannity needed Cohen to do something for him to cover up something bad he did.
2. Cohen and Hannity cooked up this idea that Hannity was a client in order to try and help Cohen's case to block the release of evidence taken in the raids by the government.

If #1 is true and the tapes and evidence get exposed that Hannity did something wrong, his goose is cooked like some of the others from Fox News.

If #2 is proven then Hannity and Cohen could get busted for conspiring to obstruct justice.

Nothing good is going to come from this for Hannity and he knows it.
Option 3. Cohen is a Good Samaritan that helps lascivious cretins.

Good Samaritan and lawyer don't fit together...

I know, just trying to help with a third option.
We are seeing what happens when the lie machine the conservatives have built the last 20 years starts coming apart and the parts are flying every which way. They lose their shit. Lying juice starts oozing out of their pores.

Newt, conservatives haven't built a thing, I think you have us confused with Republicans. And Republicans aren't the ones who lost the House, the Senate, countless state governorships, the Supreme Court and the Presidency and have been flailing like scalded babies ever since, IT IS YOU.

Even when caught red handed and nailed to the wall Hannity is trying to lie his way out of his lies.

NAME what Hannity has been caught "red handed with?"

NAME what Hannity is being "nailed to the wall with?"

NAME what he has to "lie his way out of his lies" about?

You people are so full of bullshit right up to your eyeballs so busy deluding yourself with to give yourself some sense of accomplishment, you never even stop to realize it is all an empty box of smoke!

Come now, even Fake Fox News is skewering Hannity for trying to 'have it both ways'. And if you think Hannity doesn't lie there isn't anyone can say to you to enlighten you. He himself says it in plain English. His bullshit is debunked over and over, there is a plethora of videos on youtube showing this.
Did you see Sean Hannity's full, all out meltdown tonight on his show?

Nope. I couldn't give a shit less. But I'd be pissed too if a bunch of asshole freaks like you were making it their business to invade my personal life just to harass me, and there's nothing the Anarchist Left would like better than to take Hannity off the air. You jerks simply CANNOT STAND opposition opinion, especially when it casts bare the rawness of your methods! Frankly, I could care less who he socializes with much less seeks counsel from so long as it isn't done in the commission of a crime and no crime has even been implied, which make you really PATHETIC.

I really don't care what Hannity does for fun, what he eats or drinks, what TV shows he watches, what brand of cigarette he smokes, what his favorite sex position is, or who he socializes with. I HAVE MY OWN LIFE.

You thread is even more so hilariously because he's so far in your head and up your ass that he made you sit and watch his show for an hour! Thanks for helping out Fox's ratings. That'll make up for the fact that I no longer get them. That's an hour you'll never get back just so you could rant about him being justifiably annoyed on a message board? DUDE. YOU ARE THE DEFINITION OF A FREEKING LOSER.

It is just another example of how dedicated to ignorance pieces of shit like Deanturd are.

It isn't good enough that he can ignore reality, there has to be an effort to keep the rest of the world from being exposed to reality. In order to minimize the threat of individuals developing their own opinions, because critical thinking prevents adherence to regressive dogma. Lets just hope the trend of rejecting marxism continues. I believe the actions of sniveling regressive pukes like Deanturd to thwart the spread of information is actually helping us.

I saw a bit of it. I saw no melting, no panic. His days of that sort of thing are over. Stop looking for crap where there isn't any.:eusa_naughty:
Oh please.

How many times can you fit Obama, Clinton, Mrs. Clinton, Lynch, Democrats, Mueller, and Fake news into one 10 minute rant and still have it kind of make sense.

Well, Sean showed us. It was a rant. I hadn't seen him that emotional since Sabezz cleaned his clock with racist Neo Nazi Hal Turner. Gee, do you think Turner votes GOP?

Turner served on the Hudson County Republican Committee from 1991 to 1993

Hal Turner arrested for threatening murder of federal judges

Hmmm, interesting.

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