Did You Miss "UP"

Media Matters? Nah.

Joe Scarborough is a Right Wing Repub, has a premier show on MSNBC. Chuck Todd and Andrea Mitchell are down the middle, those ugly "non-partisan" types, "straight reporting" only.

Can't compare to the arm of the RNC, Fox.

For a great taste of excellent listening and journalism, the 2 weekend shows (mentioned in the Original Post) with Chris Hayes and Patricia Harris-Perry are very refreshing; and the best is the new Currentv lineup of Keith, Cenk Uygur, and Jennifer Granholm. Good stuff.
Once you state "Andrea Mitchell are down the middle" you destroyed any claim to cache...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gO0LLh2BnOU]They don't know what's good for them Andrea Mitchell - YouTube[/ame]

If you know as little about life as you do politics, it's hard to imagine how you find your way home each day.

Fox over-abundance of Libs:
Alan Colmes
Susan Estrich
Bob Beckel
Juan Williams
Mara Laiason
Mort Kondrache
Kirsten Powers
Shepard Smith
Pat Caddell
Greta Van Sustren (defended Clinton)
Geraldo Rivera
Leslie Marshall
Lanny Davis
Ellis Henican
Ed Henry
Marc Lamont Hill
Professor Caroline Heldman
Representative Martin Frost
Nina Easton
Judy Miller
Evan Bayh
Joe Trippi
Joey Jackson
Alicia Menendez
Juan Hernandez
Lis Wiehl
Kimberly Guilfoyle
John Roberts
Rick Folbaum

David Blaine never made anything disappear as fast as your reputation.

Yeah, wow. Gee, it seems we are all wrong about FOX. It's very very liberal.
Media Matters? Nah.

Joe Scarborough is a Right Wing Repub, has a premier show on MSNBC. Chuck Todd and Andrea Mitchell are down the middle, those ugly "non-partisan" types, "straight reporting" only.

Can't compare to the arm of the RNC, Fox.

For a great taste of excellent listening and journalism, the 2 weekend shows (mentioned in the Original Post) with Chris Hayes and Patricia Harris-Perry are very refreshing; and the best is the new Currentv lineup of Keith, Cenk Uygur, and Jennifer Granholm. Good stuff.
Once you state "Andrea Mitchell are down the middle" you destroyed any claim to cache...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gO0LLh2BnOU]They don't know what's good for them Andrea Mitchell - YouTube[/ame]

If you know as little about life as you do politics, it's hard to imagine how you find your way home each day.

Fox over-abundance of Libs:
Alan Colmes
Susan Estrich
Bob Beckel
Juan Williams
Mara Laiason
Mort Kondrache
Kirsten Powers
Shepard Smith
Pat Caddell
Greta Van Sustren (defended Clinton)
Geraldo Rivera
Leslie Marshall
Lanny Davis
Ellis Henican
Ed Henry
Marc Lamont Hill
Professor Caroline Heldman
Representative Martin Frost
Nina Easton
Judy Miller
Evan Bayh
Joe Trippi
Joey Jackson
Alicia Menendez
Juan Hernandez
Lis Wiehl
Kimberly Guilfoyle
John Roberts
Rick Folbaum

David Blaine never made anything disappear as fast as your reputation.

Yeah, wow. Gee, it seems we are all wrong about FOX. It's very very liberal.

Don't be afraid to stand up on your own...."it seems we are all wrong..."

So, who's the "we"?
You and your tapeworm???

Let's review: Only a dolt would say Andrea Mitchell is middle of the road....
Scarborough takes Obama positions as often as he takes Republican positions.

Whatever he is, Todd reports from the Left.

Fox is far closer to the middle than your fav

The point?
You're perfect for the Left: you know less than nothing.
Whatever you say. Fox. Right down the middle. Yep. Yawn.

Oh, yes, another nice characteristic of Cons. They just start gratuitous insults for no good reason. It was a civil discussion, a back and forth, a disagreement, but then there we go with the insult-a-thons. Why, pal? Just can't accept an opposing viewpoint?
Last edited:
I saw Up

It was about this old guy who attached balloons to his house and flew to South America. It was pretty good, especially the opening scene with his wife

Did you see it in Hi-Def? I rented a Blue-ray disc. The balloons were so lifelike. AMAZING!
Once you state "Andrea Mitchell are down the middle" you destroyed any claim to cache...

They don't know what's good for them Andrea Mitchell - YouTube

If you know as little about life as you do politics, it's hard to imagine how you find your way home each day.

Fox over-abundance of Libs:
Alan Colmes
Susan Estrich
Bob Beckel
Juan Williams
Mara Laiason
Mort Kondrache
Kirsten Powers
Shepard Smith
Pat Caddell
Greta Van Sustren (defended Clinton)
Geraldo Rivera
Leslie Marshall
Lanny Davis
Ellis Henican
Ed Henry
Marc Lamont Hill
Professor Caroline Heldman
Representative Martin Frost
Nina Easton
Judy Miller
Evan Bayh
Joe Trippi
Joey Jackson
Alicia Menendez
Juan Hernandez
Lis Wiehl
Kimberly Guilfoyle
John Roberts
Rick Folbaum

David Blaine never made anything disappear as fast as your reputation.

Yeah, wow. Gee, it seems we are all wrong about FOX. It's very very liberal.

Don't be afraid to stand up on your own...."it seems we are all wrong..."

So, who's the "we"?
You and your tapeworm???

Let's review: Only a dolt would say Andrea Mitchell is middle of the road....
Scarborough takes Obama positions as often as he takes Republican positions.

Whatever he is, Todd reports from the Left.

Fox is far closer to the middle than your fav

The point?
You're perfect for the Left: you know less than nothing.

What evidence do you have that Chuck Todd skews his reporting to the left?
Media Matters? Nah.

Joe Scarborough is a Right Wing Repub, has a premier show on MSNBC. Chuck Todd and Andrea Mitchell are down the middle, those ugly "non-partisan" types, "straight reporting" only.

Can't compare to the arm of the RNC, Fox.

For a great taste of excellent listening and journalism, the 2 weekend shows (mentioned in the Original Post) with Chris Hayes and Patricia Harris-Perry are very refreshing; and the best is the new Currentv lineup of Keith, Cenk Uygur, and Jennifer Granholm. Good stuff.
Once you state "Andrea Mitchell are down the middle" you destroyed any claim to cache...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gO0LLh2BnOU]They don't know what's good for them Andrea Mitchell - YouTube[/ame]

If you know as little about life as you do politics, it's hard to imagine how you find your way home each day.

Fox over-abundance of Libs:
Alan Colmes
Susan Estrich
Bob Beckel
Juan Williams
Mara Laiason
Mort Kondrache
Kirsten Powers
Shepard Smith
Pat Caddell
Greta Van Sustren (defended Clinton)
Geraldo Rivera
Leslie Marshall
Lanny Davis
Ellis Henican
Ed Henry
Marc Lamont Hill
Professor Caroline Heldman
Representative Martin Frost
Nina Easton
Judy Miller
Evan Bayh
Joe Trippi
Joey Jackson
Alicia Menendez
Juan Hernandez
Lis Wiehl
Kimberly Guilfoyle
John Roberts
Rick Folbaum

David Blaine never made anything disappear as fast as your reputation.

Yeah, wow. Gee, it seems we are all wrong about FOX. It's very very liberal.

Get used to that kind of comical argument from the right around here.
Media Matters? Nah.

Joe Scarborough is a Right Wing Repub, has a premier show on MSNBC. Chuck Todd and Andrea Mitchell are down the middle, those ugly "non-partisan" types, "straight reporting" only.

Can't compare to the arm of the RNC, Fox.

For a great taste of excellent listening and journalism, the 2 weekend shows (mentioned in the Original Post) with Chris Hayes and Patricia Harris-Perry are very refreshing; and the best is the new Currentv lineup of Keith, Cenk Uygur, and Jennifer Granholm. Good stuff.

Melissa Harris-Perry.
Whatever you say. Fox. Right down the middle. Yep. Yawn.

Oh, yes, another nice characteristic of Cons. They just start gratuitous insults for no good reason. It was a civil discussion, a back and forth, a disagreement, but then there we go with the insult-a-thons. Why, pal? Just can't accept an opposing viewpoint?

"...gratuitous insults for no good reason."

I had a great reason...your dumb comment.
Yeah, wow. Gee, it seems we are all wrong about FOX. It's very very liberal.

Don't be afraid to stand up on your own...."it seems we are all wrong..."

So, who's the "we"?
You and your tapeworm???

Let's review: Only a dolt would say Andrea Mitchell is middle of the road....
Scarborough takes Obama positions as often as he takes Republican positions.

Whatever he is, Todd reports from the Left.

Fox is far closer to the middle than your fav

The point?
You're perfect for the Left: you know less than nothing.

What evidence do you have that Chuck Todd skews his reporting to the left?

Slowwwwwly I turn. Step by step. Inch by inch.

Let me explain this to you, as one would to any three year old....

1. I've been witness to his reporting.

2. I, unlike you, have the gift of discrimination.

a. "The diehards who are pointing to Journolist as proof of a Vast Left Wing Media Conspiracy were very excited this morning by a Politico article quoting Chuck Todd criticizing the list in fairly harsh terms. Todd ripped J-List as "offensive" and suggested its legacy is "destroying the credibility of journalism."

But I spoke today with Todd, and he told me that the Politico article didn't represent his full thoughts on the matter. Indeed, it's hard to see how anyone on the right could be cheered by what Todd actually thinks.

In particular, Todd clarified that the right's campaign to use Journolist to tar the entire mainstream media is more "disingenuous" than anything J-List did.

Todd stressed to me that he wasn't condoning what J-Listers appeared to do at times, for instance, when some J-Listers suggested message coordination. But he clarified that his primary concern is that the right is successfully using this to carry out its larger program of tarring the mainstream press as liberal."
The Plum Line - Chuck Todd clarifies his criticism of Journolist

b. "Just further proof how far up the Obama Administration’s butt Chuck Todd is to actually attempt to defend this. Then he gets upset how it is pointed out how the media would have acted under Bush. Truth always hurts huh?"
Is Chuck Todd Really This Stupid?? » Liberal Fail

c. "All week we’ve been exploring America’s ten most left-biased working journalists and now we come to spot number four on the list. And so, for his close attention to pushing the spin and as one of the most active members of the Old Media’s Obama Butt Covering squad, we are pleased to award the number four spot to NBC Political Director Chuck Todd."
Top Ten Most Left-Biased American Journalists – #4: Chuck Todd, NBC - Big Journalism

d. "At the top of his MSNBC show the other day, Chuck Todd was good enough to offer us all a preview of how the corrupt media intends to use the lawless, Obama-endorsed Occupy movement to throw the GOP off message and portray them as hapless and not ready for primetime."
NBC’s Chuck Todd Previews How Media Will Team With #Occupy to Hammer Obama’s GOP Challengers - Big Journalism

e. "MSNBC’s Leftist Propagandist Chuck Todd’s Repeal And Investigations Fear: Incoming GOP House Leadership “Looking Backwards” "
MSNBC’s Leftist Propagandist Chuck Todd’s Repeal And Investigations Fear: Incoming GOP House Leadership

Need I go on?

Did you just say "Please, may I have another?"

f. "Ingraham to NBC's Todd: 'I Don’t Remember You Saying Pollsters Were Concerned About Bush’s Poll Numbers'"
Read more: Ingraham to NBC's Todd: 'I Don

You have become the same source of entertainment as a piñata, and for the same reason: the fun of beating you with a stick.

So....wipe the egg off your face, and try not to be caught with your pants down again.
Don't be afraid to stand up on your own...."it seems we are all wrong..."

So, who's the "we"?
You and your tapeworm???

Let's review: Only a dolt would say Andrea Mitchell is middle of the road....
Scarborough takes Obama positions as often as he takes Republican positions.

Whatever he is, Todd reports from the Left.

Fox is far closer to the middle than your fav

The point?
You're perfect for the Left: you know less than nothing.

What evidence do you have that Chuck Todd skews his reporting to the left?

Slowwwwwly I turn. Step by step. Inch by inch.

Let me explain this to you, as one would to any three year old....

1. I've been witness to his reporting.

2. I, unlike you, have the gift of discrimination.

a. "The diehards who are pointing to Journolist as proof of a Vast Left Wing Media Conspiracy were very excited this morning by a Politico article quoting Chuck Todd criticizing the list in fairly harsh terms. Todd ripped J-List as "offensive" and suggested its legacy is "destroying the credibility of journalism."

But I spoke today with Todd, and he told me that the Politico article didn't represent his full thoughts on the matter. Indeed, it's hard to see how anyone on the right could be cheered by what Todd actually thinks.

In particular, Todd clarified that the right's campaign to use Journolist to tar the entire mainstream media is more "disingenuous" than anything J-List did.

Todd stressed to me that he wasn't condoning what J-Listers appeared to do at times, for instance, when some J-Listers suggested message coordination. But he clarified that his primary concern is that the right is successfully using this to carry out its larger program of tarring the mainstream press as liberal."
The Plum Line - Chuck Todd clarifies his criticism of Journolist

b. "Just further proof how far up the Obama Administration’s butt Chuck Todd is to actually attempt to defend this. Then he gets upset how it is pointed out how the media would have acted under Bush. Truth always hurts huh?"
Is Chuck Todd Really This Stupid?? » Liberal Fail

c. "All week we’ve been exploring America’s ten most left-biased working journalists and now we come to spot number four on the list. And so, for his close attention to pushing the spin and as one of the most active members of the Old Media’s Obama Butt Covering squad, we are pleased to award the number four spot to NBC Political Director Chuck Todd."
Top Ten Most Left-Biased American Journalists – #4: Chuck Todd, NBC - Big Journalism

d. "At the top of his MSNBC show the other day, Chuck Todd was good enough to offer us all a preview of how the corrupt media intends to use the lawless, Obama-endorsed Occupy movement to throw the GOP off message and portray them as hapless and not ready for primetime."
NBC’s Chuck Todd Previews How Media Will Team With #Occupy to Hammer Obama’s GOP Challengers - Big Journalism

e. "MSNBC’s Leftist Propagandist Chuck Todd’s Repeal And Investigations Fear: Incoming GOP House Leadership “Looking Backwards” "
MSNBC’s Leftist Propagandist Chuck Todd’s Repeal And Investigations Fear: Incoming GOP House Leadership

Need I go on?

Did you just say "Please, may I have another?"

f. "Ingraham to NBC's Todd: 'I Don’t Remember You Saying Pollsters Were Concerned About Bush’s Poll Numbers'"
Read more: Ingraham to NBC's Todd: 'I Don

You have become the same source of entertainment as a piñata, and for the same reason: the fun of beating you with a stick.

So....wipe the egg off your face, and try not to be caught with your pants down again.

None of that is evidence.
Whatever you say. Fox. Right down the middle. Yep. Yawn.

Oh, yes, another nice characteristic of Cons. They just start gratuitous insults for no good reason. It was a civil discussion, a back and forth, a disagreement, but then there we go with the insult-a-thons. Why, pal? Just can't accept an opposing viewpoint?

She has a bad case of self-loathing conservative woman syndrome. You won't get a civil conversation out of her.
What evidence do you have that Chuck Todd skews his reporting to the left?

Slowwwwwly I turn. Step by step. Inch by inch.

Let me explain this to you, as one would to any three year old....

1. I've been witness to his reporting.

2. I, unlike you, have the gift of discrimination.

a. "The diehards who are pointing to Journolist as proof of a Vast Left Wing Media Conspiracy were very excited this morning by a Politico article quoting Chuck Todd criticizing the list in fairly harsh terms. Todd ripped J-List as "offensive" and suggested its legacy is "destroying the credibility of journalism."

But I spoke today with Todd, and he told me that the Politico article didn't represent his full thoughts on the matter. Indeed, it's hard to see how anyone on the right could be cheered by what Todd actually thinks.

In particular, Todd clarified that the right's campaign to use Journolist to tar the entire mainstream media is more "disingenuous" than anything J-List did.

Todd stressed to me that he wasn't condoning what J-Listers appeared to do at times, for instance, when some J-Listers suggested message coordination. But he clarified that his primary concern is that the right is successfully using this to carry out its larger program of tarring the mainstream press as liberal."
The Plum Line - Chuck Todd clarifies his criticism of Journolist

b. "Just further proof how far up the Obama Administration’s butt Chuck Todd is to actually attempt to defend this. Then he gets upset how it is pointed out how the media would have acted under Bush. Truth always hurts huh?"
Is Chuck Todd Really This Stupid?? » Liberal Fail

c. "All week we’ve been exploring America’s ten most left-biased working journalists and now we come to spot number four on the list. And so, for his close attention to pushing the spin and as one of the most active members of the Old Media’s Obama Butt Covering squad, we are pleased to award the number four spot to NBC Political Director Chuck Todd."
Top Ten Most Left-Biased American Journalists – #4: Chuck Todd, NBC - Big Journalism

d. "At the top of his MSNBC show the other day, Chuck Todd was good enough to offer us all a preview of how the corrupt media intends to use the lawless, Obama-endorsed Occupy movement to throw the GOP off message and portray them as hapless and not ready for primetime."
NBC’s Chuck Todd Previews How Media Will Team With #Occupy to Hammer Obama’s GOP Challengers - Big Journalism

e. "MSNBC’s Leftist Propagandist Chuck Todd’s Repeal And Investigations Fear: Incoming GOP House Leadership “Looking Backwards” "
MSNBC’s Leftist Propagandist Chuck Todd’s Repeal And Investigations Fear: Incoming GOP House Leadership

Need I go on?

Did you just say "Please, may I have another?"

f. "Ingraham to NBC's Todd: 'I Don’t Remember You Saying Pollsters Were Concerned About Bush’s Poll Numbers'"
Read more: Ingraham to NBC's Todd: 'I Don

You have become the same source of entertainment as a piñata, and for the same reason: the fun of beating you with a stick.

So....wipe the egg off your face, and try not to be caught with your pants down again.

None of that is evidence.

I just love it when you prove what a sad sack you are, carby.

The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

Did I call you a three-year-old?

My apologies to three-year-olds.
Whatever you say. Fox. Right down the middle. Yep. Yawn.

Oh, yes, another nice characteristic of Cons. They just start gratuitous insults for no good reason. It was a civil discussion, a back and forth, a disagreement, but then there we go with the insult-a-thons. Why, pal? Just can't accept an opposing viewpoint?

She has a bad case of self-loathing conservative woman syndrome. You won't get a civil conversation out of her.

I have to admit it, carby....I find it difficult to suffer fools easily...

This may explain it...Charles Murray, in his new book "Coming Apart" comments on the society mistake wherein everyone is supposed to behave with "ecumenical niceness"...never to be judgmental of others.

I'm waging a one woman campaign aimed at overcoming ecumenical niceness....I tell it the way it is.

I don’t dislike you and your buddy, Mentol 1 personally…it’s just that I’m a member of the Partnership For An Idiot Free America, and you two are on my list.
Whatever you say. Fox. Right down the middle. Yep. Yawn.

Oh, yes, another nice characteristic of Cons. They just start gratuitous insults for no good reason. It was a civil discussion, a back and forth, a disagreement, but then there we go with the insult-a-thons. Why, pal? Just can't accept an opposing viewpoint?

She has a bad case of self-loathing conservative woman syndrome. You won't get a civil conversation out of her.

I have to admit it, carby....I find it difficult to suffer fools easily...

This may explain it...Charles Murray, in his new book "Coming Apart" comments on the society mistake wherein everyone is supposed to behave with "ecumenical niceness"...never to be judgmental of others.

I'm waging a one woman campaign aimed at overcoming ecumenical niceness....I tell it the way it is.

I don’t dislike you and your buddy, Mentol 1 personally…it’s just that I’m a member of the Partnership For An Idiot Free America, and you two are on my list.

Did it ever occur to you that one of the first things intelligent people learn when posting on places like this is that becoming impervious to petty insults is a must? And so they do so?
Slowwwwwly I turn. Step by step. Inch by inch.

Let me explain this to you, as one would to any three year old....

1. I've been witness to his reporting.

2. I, unlike you, have the gift of discrimination.

a. "The diehards who are pointing to Journolist as proof of a Vast Left Wing Media Conspiracy were very excited this morning by a Politico article quoting Chuck Todd criticizing the list in fairly harsh terms. Todd ripped J-List as "offensive" and suggested its legacy is "destroying the credibility of journalism."

But I spoke today with Todd, and he told me that the Politico article didn't represent his full thoughts on the matter. Indeed, it's hard to see how anyone on the right could be cheered by what Todd actually thinks.

In particular, Todd clarified that the right's campaign to use Journolist to tar the entire mainstream media is more "disingenuous" than anything J-List did.

Todd stressed to me that he wasn't condoning what J-Listers appeared to do at times, for instance, when some J-Listers suggested message coordination. But he clarified that his primary concern is that the right is successfully using this to carry out its larger program of tarring the mainstream press as liberal."
The Plum Line - Chuck Todd clarifies his criticism of Journolist

b. "Just further proof how far up the Obama Administration’s butt Chuck Todd is to actually attempt to defend this. Then he gets upset how it is pointed out how the media would have acted under Bush. Truth always hurts huh?"
Is Chuck Todd Really This Stupid?? » Liberal Fail

c. "All week we’ve been exploring America’s ten most left-biased working journalists and now we come to spot number four on the list. And so, for his close attention to pushing the spin and as one of the most active members of the Old Media’s Obama Butt Covering squad, we are pleased to award the number four spot to NBC Political Director Chuck Todd."
Top Ten Most Left-Biased American Journalists – #4: Chuck Todd, NBC - Big Journalism

d. "At the top of his MSNBC show the other day, Chuck Todd was good enough to offer us all a preview of how the corrupt media intends to use the lawless, Obama-endorsed Occupy movement to throw the GOP off message and portray them as hapless and not ready for primetime."
NBC’s Chuck Todd Previews How Media Will Team With #Occupy to Hammer Obama’s GOP Challengers - Big Journalism

e. "MSNBC’s Leftist Propagandist Chuck Todd’s Repeal And Investigations Fear: Incoming GOP House Leadership “Looking Backwards” "
MSNBC’s Leftist Propagandist Chuck Todd’s Repeal And Investigations Fear: Incoming GOP House Leadership

Need I go on?

Did you just say "Please, may I have another?"

f. "Ingraham to NBC's Todd: 'I Don’t Remember You Saying Pollsters Were Concerned About Bush’s Poll Numbers'"
Read more: Ingraham to NBC's Todd: 'I Don

You have become the same source of entertainment as a piñata, and for the same reason: the fun of beating you with a stick.

So....wipe the egg off your face, and try not to be caught with your pants down again.

None of that is evidence.

I just love it when you prove what a sad sack you are, carby.

The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

Did I call you a three-year-old?

My apologies to three-year-olds.

I thought you might enjoy seeing what debating a succinct version of you would be like.
Slowwwwwly I turn. Step by step. Inch by inch.

Let me explain this to you, as one would to any three year old....

1. I've been witness to his reporting.

2. I, unlike you, have the gift of discrimination.

a. "The diehards who are pointing to Journolist as proof of a Vast Left Wing Media Conspiracy were very excited this morning by a Politico article quoting Chuck Todd criticizing the list in fairly harsh terms. Todd ripped J-List as "offensive" and suggested its legacy is "destroying the credibility of journalism."

But I spoke today with Todd, and he told me that the Politico article didn't represent his full thoughts on the matter. Indeed, it's hard to see how anyone on the right could be cheered by what Todd actually thinks.

In particular, Todd clarified that the right's campaign to use Journolist to tar the entire mainstream media is more "disingenuous" than anything J-List did.

Todd stressed to me that he wasn't condoning what J-Listers appeared to do at times, for instance, when some J-Listers suggested message coordination. But he clarified that his primary concern is that the right is successfully using this to carry out its larger program of tarring the mainstream press as liberal."
The Plum Line - Chuck Todd clarifies his criticism of Journolist

b. "Just further proof how far up the Obama Administration’s butt Chuck Todd is to actually attempt to defend this. Then he gets upset how it is pointed out how the media would have acted under Bush. Truth always hurts huh?"
Is Chuck Todd Really This Stupid?? » Liberal Fail

c. "All week we’ve been exploring America’s ten most left-biased working journalists and now we come to spot number four on the list. And so, for his close attention to pushing the spin and as one of the most active members of the Old Media’s Obama Butt Covering squad, we are pleased to award the number four spot to NBC Political Director Chuck Todd."
Top Ten Most Left-Biased American Journalists – #4: Chuck Todd, NBC - Big Journalism

d. "At the top of his MSNBC show the other day, Chuck Todd was good enough to offer us all a preview of how the corrupt media intends to use the lawless, Obama-endorsed Occupy movement to throw the GOP off message and portray them as hapless and not ready for primetime."
NBC’s Chuck Todd Previews How Media Will Team With #Occupy to Hammer Obama’s GOP Challengers - Big Journalism

e. "MSNBC’s Leftist Propagandist Chuck Todd’s Repeal And Investigations Fear: Incoming GOP House Leadership “Looking Backwards” "
MSNBC’s Leftist Propagandist Chuck Todd’s Repeal And Investigations Fear: Incoming GOP House Leadership

Need I go on?

Did you just say "Please, may I have another?"

f. "Ingraham to NBC's Todd: 'I Don’t Remember You Saying Pollsters Were Concerned About Bush’s Poll Numbers'"
Read more: Ingraham to NBC's Todd: 'I Don

You have become the same source of entertainment as a piñata, and for the same reason: the fun of beating you with a stick.

So....wipe the egg off your face, and try not to be caught with your pants down again.

None of that is evidence.

I just love it when you prove what a sad sack you are, carby.

The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

Did I call you a three-year-old?

My apologies to three-year-olds.

Ok, let's start breaking this down.

First thing I notice is that the Plum Line article disputes your claim, it doesn't support it, as evidenced by this quite straightforward line:

"...But it appears Todd has the balance right here..."

So I'll let you respond (briefly I pray) as to how an endorsement of Todd's balance is evidence of his bias?
None of that is evidence.

I just love it when you prove what a sad sack you are, carby.

The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

Did I call you a three-year-old?

My apologies to three-year-olds.

Ok, let's start breaking this down.

First thing I notice is that the Plum Line article disputes your claim, it doesn't support it, as evidenced by this quite straightforward line:

"...But it appears Todd has the balance right here..."

So I'll let you respond (briefly I pray) as to how an endorsement of Todd's balance is evidence of his bias?

It's not just that you are wrong, it's that you're dense.

You fail to understand the context...

1."... let's start breaking this down..."
By start...you mean 'end' as you went no further than the Washington Post article.

2. As is true of so very many Leftists...see if the shoe fits...they have no soul, and honesty is way, way on the back burner.
When the syndicate of Leftist 'journalists' known as the Journolist Scandal was revealed...Todd at first pretended he was shocked, a la Claude Rains in 'Casablanca.'

a. But..."But I spoke today with Todd, and he told me..." that he was only kidding.
Do you realize that Greg Sargent was one of the syndicate???

b. "Greg Sargent is a Washington Post blogger. He’s also a former member of Journolist..."
Greg Sargent’s Journolist Pushback | Verum Serum

c. "Todd was reported to have found the JournoList revelations to be “very depressing” and said that the story had “kept him up nights” because of the overt leftist bias evinced by the list member’s emails....But later that day another story claiming that Todd was taken out of context emerged that told a slightly different tale. In the afternoon JouronLista Greg Sargent wrote..."
JournoList, Shame of a Nation: Does Chuck Todd Agree or Disagree? - Big Journalism

3. So, my simple friend, your lack of cognitive abilities prevents you from viewing the 'evidence' provided, correctly.

4. Now let's be honest. You and I both know that I could have produced a signed and dated affidavit from Todd admitting his Leftist bias, and you would have retreated to your default position:
"Is not, is not....."

5. Let's make this into a quiz...if you are the dishonest little turnip that I think you are, you will either ignore this post....or pretend you don't understand it.

On second thought...based on ability, ...you may not understand it.
None of that is evidence.

I just love it when you prove what a sad sack you are, carby.

The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

Did I call you a three-year-old?

My apologies to three-year-olds.

I thought you might enjoy seeing what debating a succinct version of you would be like.

I fully understand your attempts to re-package your lack of writing skills as exceptional in the area of being succinct.

Let me give you my considered analysis:

I’ve read your posts, and, sadly, you have no future in writing interesting posts…
...but good news?

You are qualified to write what is the most lucrative of compositions: ransom notes.
I just love it when you prove what a sad sack you are, carby.

The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

Did I call you a three-year-old?

My apologies to three-year-olds.

Ok, let's start breaking this down.

First thing I notice is that the Plum Line article disputes your claim, it doesn't support it, as evidenced by this quite straightforward line:

"...But it appears Todd has the balance right here..."

So I'll let you respond (briefly I pray) as to how an endorsement of Todd's balance is evidence of his bias?

It's not just that you are wrong, it's that you're dense.

You fail to understand the context...

1."... let's start breaking this down..."
By start...you mean 'end' as you went no further than the Washington Post article.

2. As is true of so very many Leftists...see if the shoe fits...they have no soul, and honesty is way, way on the back burner.
When the syndicate of Leftist 'journalists' known as the Journolist Scandal was revealed...Todd at first pretended he was shocked, a la Claude Rains in 'Casablanca.'

a. But..."But I spoke today with Todd, and he told me..." that he was only kidding.
Do you realize that Greg Sargent was one of the syndicate???

b. "Greg Sargent is a Washington Post blogger. He’s also a former member of Journolist..."
Greg Sargent’s Journolist Pushback | Verum Serum

c. "Todd was reported to have found the JournoList revelations to be “very depressing” and said that the story had “kept him up nights” because of the overt leftist bias evinced by the list member’s emails....But later that day another story claiming that Todd was taken out of context emerged that told a slightly different tale. In the afternoon JouronLista Greg Sargent wrote..."
JournoList, Shame of a Nation: Does Chuck Todd Agree or Disagree? - Big Journalism

3. So, my simple friend, your lack of cognitive abilities prevents you from viewing the 'evidence' provided, correctly.

4. Now let's be honest. You and I both know that I could have produced a signed and dated affidavit from Todd admitting his Leftist bias, and you would have retreated to your default position:
"Is not, is not....."

5. Let's make this into a quiz...if you are the dishonest little turnip that I think you are, you will either ignore this post....or pretend you don't understand it.

On second thought...based on ability, ...you may not understand it.

Nothing in your post refutes the fact that you offered up the Plumline article as evidence in the Todd Journolist episode,

and the evidence therein, which was a clarification of Todd's position,

endorses Todd's position as balanced.

So we'll assume you can't refute that and thus the whole Journolist portion of your 'evidence' can be dismissed.

What would like me to address next?
Ok, let's start breaking this down.

First thing I notice is that the Plum Line article disputes your claim, it doesn't support it, as evidenced by this quite straightforward line:

"...But it appears Todd has the balance right here..."

So I'll let you respond (briefly I pray) as to how an endorsement of Todd's balance is evidence of his bias?

It's not just that you are wrong, it's that you're dense.

You fail to understand the context...

1."... let's start breaking this down..."
By start...you mean 'end' as you went no further than the Washington Post article.

2. As is true of so very many Leftists...see if the shoe fits...they have no soul, and honesty is way, way on the back burner.
When the syndicate of Leftist 'journalists' known as the Journolist Scandal was revealed...Todd at first pretended he was shocked, a la Claude Rains in 'Casablanca.'

a. But..."But I spoke today with Todd, and he told me..." that he was only kidding.
Do you realize that Greg Sargent was one of the syndicate???

b. "Greg Sargent is a Washington Post blogger. He’s also a former member of Journolist..."
Greg Sargent’s Journolist Pushback | Verum Serum

c. "Todd was reported to have found the JournoList revelations to be “very depressing” and said that the story had “kept him up nights” because of the overt leftist bias evinced by the list member’s emails....But later that day another story claiming that Todd was taken out of context emerged that told a slightly different tale. In the afternoon JouronLista Greg Sargent wrote..."
JournoList, Shame of a Nation: Does Chuck Todd Agree or Disagree? - Big Journalism

3. So, my simple friend, your lack of cognitive abilities prevents you from viewing the 'evidence' provided, correctly.

4. Now let's be honest. You and I both know that I could have produced a signed and dated affidavit from Todd admitting his Leftist bias, and you would have retreated to your default position:
"Is not, is not....."

5. Let's make this into a quiz...if you are the dishonest little turnip that I think you are, you will either ignore this post....or pretend you don't understand it.

On second thought...based on ability, ...you may not understand it.

Nothing in your post refutes the fact that you offered up the Plumline article as evidence in the Todd Journolist episode,

and the evidence therein, which was a clarification of Todd's position,

endorses Todd's position as balanced.

So we'll assume you can't refute that and thus the whole Journolist portion of your 'evidence' can be dismissed.

What would like me to address next?

"So we'll assume you can't refute that and thus the whole Journolist portion of your 'evidence' can be dismissed."

Except for two itsy-bitsy facts...

1. As I explained twice so far, the author of the Plumline article is one of the Journolista-syndicate.
See...he's fronting for the other Leftist....Chuck Todd.

2. You are studiously incapable of processing that.


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