Did You Miss "UP"


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The most professional and talented Leftists appear every weekend, both Saturday and Sunday morns, on MSNBC- two hours each day.

The show is "Up" with Chris Hayes.
Unlike the loud, screaming blather found on the Matthews or Schultz shows, the show is peopled with young, talented, well-informed dedicated Leftists.

It is a mistake for conservatives to miss the opportunity to peek into the collectives' group-think.

Two topics of interest today...

1. The group sat around firing barbs and historical references at the target that they feel will be the greatest threat to Obama's reelection...Romney.

The attacks when back as far a Goldwater, and Mitt's father...
The amusement for me was how much of the mugging would apply to Obama as well: "He moved around the country... lived in so many places...no real home...."
To this they attached the idea that one would favor raising taxes if one felt at home in an area.

I said they were good....

2. But to see the strategy that is designed to be a psychological ploy...the group went on to attack capitalism in a number of ways. They emphasized the way that capitalism 'favors and selects the few..." and the multifaceted benefits of being rich, of a huge gulf between the winners and losers....
...how the rich had two last names....'Preston Bush'..

...Academy-Award Winner Wallace Shawn came on to read a section from his one-man monologue about a wealthy individual thinking about the less-endowed among whom he was having dinner... and beginning to identify with them...
....A Christmas Carol? Or another dinner with Andre?

But they avoided the obvious pitfall of championing communism or socialism.
"I lived in the Soviet Union in the 90's," said one young lady..."and the great joke was, we know how bad communism was, and now we see how bad capitalism is!"

Here is the brilliant Deus ex Machina of Obama's reelection plan: subtle examples and references to a mythological divide between the rich and the poor....
....the "99%" vs. the "1%".....
...the need to have an Obama to protect all from capitalism.

This show must be seen in order to be prepared....
...but watch it with a 'jaundiced eye.'
Meanwhile they draw paychecks from a mega corporation that tailor's its news feed to the daily needs of a corrupt administration. One should enjoy one's daily dose of irony
The most professional and talented Leftists appear every weekend, both Saturday and Sunday morns, on MSNBC...
Stopped reading right there.

Then you missed this, Doc...

"It is a mistake for conservatives to miss the opportunity to peek into the collectives' group-think."

I hope you don't think that there are no "professional and talented Leftists."
I know they give each other awards and accolades all the time....even Nobel Prizes to folks who aren't that nobel....but some of 'em probably deserves awards.

Perhaps not the ones they get...but still.....
I saw Up

It was about this old guy who attached balloons to his house and flew to South America. It was pretty good, especially the opening scene with his wife
The most professional and talented Leftists appear every weekend, both Saturday and Sunday morns, on MSNBC...
Stopped reading right there.
Good to see you have an open mind warrior ; ) Santorum on protestants:
“And of course we look at the shape of mainline Protestantism in this country and it is a shambles. It is gone from the world of Christianity as I see it. So they attacked mainline Protestantism, they attacked the Church, and what better way to go after smart people who also believe they’re pious — to use both vanity and pride to go after the Church.”

Read more: Santorum | Catholic Church | Abortion | Speech | The Daily Caller
Who were these "liberals"? McCain and Dole?
The most professional and talented Leftists appear every weekend, both Saturday and Sunday morns, on MSNBC...
Stopped reading right there.
Good to see you have an open mind warrior ; ) Santorum on protestants:
“And of course we look at the shape of mainline Protestantism in this country and it is a shambles. It is gone from the world of Christianity as I see it. So they attacked mainline Protestantism, they attacked the Church, and what better way to go after smart people who also believe they’re pious — to use both vanity and pride to go after the Church.”

Read more: Santorum | Catholic Church | Abortion | Speech | The Daily Caller
Who were these "liberals"? McCain and Dole?
I haven't watched it today but I recorded it. There's also a new one premiering today called Melissa Harris-Perry. She is a professor of political science at Tulane University. Or was.

The really smart Lefties have taken over MSNBC.

Up's Chris Hayes was one of Rachel Maddow's frequent guests and he also hosted for her. They have similar styles. He was editor at large for The Nation so you are correct, he is very Liberal.

I record Lawrence ODonnell and Rachel about every night but only watch if something is happening politically.

Glad you can tune in, PC. I sure can't stand Fox News for any amount of time.
I haven't watched it today but I recorded it. There's also a new one premiering today called Melissa Harris-Perry. She is a professor of political science at Tulane University. Or was.

The really smart Lefties have taken over MSNBC.

Up's Chris Hayes was one of Rachel Maddow's frequent guests and he also hosted for her. They have similar styles. He was editor at large for The Nation so you are correct, he is very Liberal.

I record Lawrence ODonnell and Rachel about every night but only watch if something is happening politically.

Glad you can tune in, PC. I sure can't stand Fox News for any amount of time.
I posted twice without intending to; I read the requisite attack on Santorum, a quote from 4 years ago, but read about no LIBERALS that are known nationwide. And The Nation has gone beyond liberal to bizarre.
"...the show is peopled with young, talented, well-informed dedicated Leftists...."

And USMB is peopled with rightwingers who are generally incapable of acknowledging that any of the above even exist.

But if you can talk any of them into forsaking their usual weekend morning heart, mind, and soul depleting dose of Fox and Friends,

good for you.
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The most professional and talented Leftists appear every weekend, both Saturday and Sunday morns, on MSNBC...
Stopped reading right there.
Good to see you have an open mind warrior ; ) Santorum on protestants:
“And of course we look at the shape of mainline Protestantism in this country and it is a shambles. It is gone from the world of Christianity as I see it. So they attacked mainline Protestantism, they attacked the Church, and what better way to go after smart people who also believe they’re pious — to use both vanity and pride to go after the Church.”

Read more: Santorum | Catholic Church | Abortion | Speech | The Daily Caller
Who were these "liberals"? McCain and Dole?

I guess now we can freely respond to Santorum by calling him a 'Papist' in the most perjorative sense of that word,

while not in any way lowering the class and dignity and intellect of the conversation.
I saw Up

It was about this old guy who attached balloons to his house and flew to South America. It was pretty good, especially the opening scene with his wife

same. the beginning made me sad, but I enjoyed it.
I'd rather watch this than some political hacks
Meanwhile they draw paychecks from a mega corporation that tailor's its news feed to the daily needs of a corrupt administration. One should enjoy one's daily dose of irony

Are you speaking about Fox???

Did you miss the revelation that Media Matters dictates the prime time programming of MSNBC?

"Recently, though, Fox News has been fighting back with ammunition supplied by The Daily Caller, which has been running a multi-part expose on Media Matters that includes allegations that it coordinates its message with the White House, a no-no for a tax-exempt organization that claims to be nonpartisan. Republican lawmakers are already looking into the issue.

The series also claims that Media Matters intended to do opposition research on Fox News personalities in order to dig up personal dirt on them and publicly humiliate them. Caught in the crosshairs is MSNBC, which the Daily Caller accuses of being a lapdog for Media Matters."
Fox News Strikes Against MSNBC and Media Matters (Video) - The Hollywood Reporter

Hey...maybe you missed this, as well:

"The list of Media Matters’ foundation funders, 120 in all, reads like a Who’s Who of the American progressive movement, including the far-left Tides Foundation ($4,384,702), George Soros’ Open Society Institutes ($1,075,000), the Ford Foundation ($966,466), the Sandler Foundation ($400,000) — endowed by subprime mortgage lenders Herb and Marion Sandler, who once bankrolled the embattled ACORN organization — and the Schumann Fund for Media and Democracy ($600,000), managed by longtime PBS host Bill Moyers and his son."

Read more: Left-Wing Foundations | Media Matters Donors | Progressives | The Daily Caller

"Media Matters talking points occupy MSNBC [VIDEO]"
Media Matters | MSNBC | Fox News | The Daily Caller
I saw Up

It was about this old guy who attached balloons to his house and flew to South America. It was pretty good, especially the opening scene with his wife

same. the beginning made me sad, but I enjoyed it.
I'd rather watch this than some political hacks

I'm gonna guess that Pixar has less of a hand in the destruction of America than "some political hacks"...and you'd do well to be more discriminating in who you keep your eye on....
Media Matters? Nah.

Joe Scarborough is a Right Wing Repub, has a premier show on MSNBC. Chuck Todd and Andrea Mitchell are down the middle, those ugly "non-partisan" types, "straight reporting" only.

Can't compare to the arm of the RNC, Fox.

For a great taste of excellent listening and journalism, the 2 weekend shows (mentioned in the Original Post) with Chris Hayes and Patricia Harris-Perry are very refreshing; and the best is the new Currentv lineup of Keith, Cenk Uygur, and Jennifer Granholm. Good stuff.
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Media Matters? Nah.

Joe Scarborough is a Right Wing Repub, has a premier show on MSNBC. Chuck Todd and Andrea Mitchell are down the middle, those ugly "non-partisan" types, "straight reporting" only.

Can't compare to the arm of the RNC, Fox.

For a great taste of excellent listening and journalism, the 2 weekend shows (mentioned in the Original Post) with Chris Hayes and Patricia Harris-Perry are very refreshing; and the best is the new Currentv lineup of Keith, Cenk Uygur, and Jennifer Granholm. Good stuff.
Once you state "Andrea Mitchell are down the middle" you destroyed any claim to cache...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gO0LLh2BnOU]They don't know what's good for them Andrea Mitchell - YouTube[/ame]

If you know as little about life as you do politics, it's hard to imagine how you find your way home each day.

Fox over-abundance of Libs:
Alan Colmes
Susan Estrich
Bob Beckel
Juan Williams
Mara Laiason
Mort Kondrache
Kirsten Powers
Shepard Smith
Pat Caddell
Greta Van Sustren (defended Clinton)
Geraldo Rivera
Leslie Marshall
Lanny Davis
Ellis Henican
Ed Henry
Marc Lamont Hill
Professor Caroline Heldman
Representative Martin Frost
Nina Easton
Judy Miller
Evan Bayh
Joe Trippi
Joey Jackson
Alicia Menendez
Juan Hernandez
Lis Wiehl
Kimberly Guilfoyle
John Roberts
Rick Folbaum

David Blaine never made anything disappear as fast as your reputation.
I'm gonna guess that Pixar has less of a hand in the destruction of America than "some political hacks"...and you'd do well to be more discriminating in who you keep your eye on....

Big Business buys the politicians. It doesn't really matter which politician gets elected, half the people will be disappointed with who's in office, and the other half will be disappointed with how their elected representative performs.
I'm gonna guess that Pixar has less of a hand in the destruction of America than "some political hacks"...and you'd do well to be more discriminating in who you keep your eye on....

Big Business buys the politicians. It doesn't really matter which politician gets elected, half the people will be disappointed with who's in office, and the other half will be disappointed with how their elected representative performs.

I have seen the kind of answer that you post so very often from those who have failed to educate themselves.

"It doesn't really matter which politician gets elected,"
Sure it does.

If this President gains reelection he will leave the Left's imprint on the next 30 to 40 years, by way of the Supreme Court.
Energy self-sufficiency will never occur.
The United States will slide into decline in every way.

Charles Murray, author of "Coming Apart," said the following in a recent lecture:
Today we have politicians, and a large swath of citizens, who envision a large benevolent state that smoothes over the rough patches in people’s lives and manages, in elaborate ways, how people interact- for their own benefit, of course. There is, it seems, a major political push for transforming America in a way that implicitly repudiates the ‘American experience,” from a place where people could be left as individuals or families to live their lives as they saw fit into something very different.

You'd do well to pick up a copy of Alexis de Tocqueville's “Democracy in America” in which he described “an immense, tutelary power, which takes sole charge of assuring their enjoyment and of watching over their fate.” As he predicted, this power is “absolute, attentive to detail, regular, provident, and gentle,” and it “works willingly for their happiness, but it wishes to be the only agent and the sole arbiter of that happiness. It provides for their security, foresees and supplies their needs, guides them in their principal affairs, directs their industry, regulates their testaments, divides their inheritances.” It is entirely proper to ask, as he asked, whether it can “relieve them entirely of the trouble of thinking and of the effort associated with living.”

He wrote that, predicted the Liberal progressive morass back in 1830.

"It doesn't really matter which politician gets elected,"
It sure does.

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