Did You Know that Harry Reid Got Rich Pimping Out HOs?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Did You Know that Harry Reid Got Rich Pimping Out HOs?

Bernard Goldberg


But then what should we really expect from Harry Reid. After all, here is a career politician who lives in the Ritz Carlton in Washington and has millions hidden in illegal offshore accounts – money he accrued from pimping prostitutes back home in Nevada.

I know this because “the word’s out” about it. Besides, an “extremely credible source” told me.

Harry Reid Political Sewer Rat

Did You Know that Harry Reid Got Rich Pimping Out HOs? – Patriot Update
IS that why Nancy Pelosi does everything he says? Is she afraid of the back hand? Democrats love to point out he was a boxer, maybe she fought back and gave him the black eye, even Nancy thinks he's nasty.
Harry Reid to Alan Grayson: 'I want you to lose'

By Deirdre Walsh, CNN Senior Congressional Producer
Updated 6:55 PM ET, Wed May 11, 2016


Washington (CNN)There was already bad blood between Sen. Harry Reid and Rep. Alan Grayson. But at a closed-door meeting on Capitol Hill Wednesday, things got really ugly when the Florida Democrat -- who is running for a Senate seat -- confronted Reid only to be shut down and told by the top Senate Democrat he hopes Grayson loses his primary race.

Grayson, one of the most liberal House Democrats, is running in a divisive primary against the more centrist Rep. Patrick Murphy to fill outgoing Sen. Marco Rubio's seat. In February, Reid endorsed Murphy and called Grayson to drop out of the costly race, citing allegations that he unethically promoted his Cayman Islands hedge funds while serving in Congress.

But Grayson, who is furious the Democratic establishment is working against him, decided to use Reid's visit to the Congressional Progressive Caucus's weekly lunch to confront him and call him out. According to members in the meeting, it got awkward when the third-term lawmaker stood up and repeatedly asked if Reid knew his name. Grayson told reporters afterward that Reid replied that he didn't know who he was.

RELATED: House ethics committee extends probe of Florida Democrat
Grayson then demanded that Reid provide evidence to back up complaints about his business dealings, and Reid responded that he thought the reports about his hedge fund were true and bluntly told him in front of a room full of uncomfortable Democrats, "I want you to lose."

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The Hill newspaper first reported on the altercation between the two Democrats.


Harry Reid to Alan Grayson: 'I want you to lose' - CNNPolitics.com




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