Did you give more to homeless people or less during the 8 years of Obama?

Is your life getting better or worse with President Trump in office.

  • It is getting better. I am a Conservative/Libertarian/Republican

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • It hasnt changed.

    Votes: 6 85.7%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Before Obama took office, I used to give to homeless people a few bucks so they could grab a meal, buy some cigarettes or alcohol, or bus fair home. When Obama took office and started raising my taxes and healthcare costs, I started getting squeezed on finances, and found out that my family was first before I gave any more to charity. In the 2nd term of Obama, I decided to question some of the homeless who they voted for. Most if not all had voted for Obama for they thought he was going to steal more of my money to give it to them. I told them that Obama, who had 8 million dollars while I was losing mine towards taxes, those homeless ones should go to him for the dollars that were taken away from me. They started realizing that voting does have consequences, and maybe that is another reason why President Trump got elected. So far, I am back giving out charity to those in need, as the new President is making my life better.

Do you think it is getting better under President Trump or getting worse?
I bought my 2 daughters condos during the Obama years so they wouldn't be homeless. Does that count? :biggrin:
Before Obama took office, I used to give to homeless people a few bucks so they could grab a meal, buy some cigarettes or alcohol, or bus fair home. When Obama took office and started raising my taxes and healthcare costs, I started getting squeezed on finances, and found out that my family was first before I gave any more to charity. In the 2nd term of Obama, I decided to question some of the homeless who they voted for. Most if not all had voted for Obama for they thought he was going to steal more of my money to give it to them. I told them that Obama, who had 8 million dollars while I was losing mine towards taxes, those homeless ones should go to him for the dollars that were taken away from me. They started realizing that voting does have consequences, and maybe that is another reason why President Trump got elected. So far, I am back giving out charity to those in need, as the new President is making my life better.

Do you think it is getting better under President Trump or getting worse?
You and your God(money) such a lovely slave/master bonding...
I bought my 2 daughters condos during the Obama years so they wouldn't be homeless. Does that count? :biggrin:
You just didn't want them in your house..Taxes have not been reduced since Trump has taken office, but they will increase in states like Missouri that elected a GOP majority in state govt. So far an increase in property and tobacco....Such nice fellows, not at all like those tax-n-spend democrats...
I bought my 2 daughters condos during the Obama years so they wouldn't be homeless. Does that count? :biggrin:
You just didn't want them in your house..Taxes have not been reduced since Trump has taken office, but they will increase in states like Missouri that elected a GOP majority in state govt. So far an increase in property and tobacco....Such nice fellows, not at all like those tax-n-spend democrats...
I "didn't want them in (my) house", that's why I bought them cars. The condos were so they'd have somewhere to go. :D
Before Obama took office, I used to give to homeless people a few bucks so they could grab a meal, buy some cigarettes or alcohol, or bus fair home. When Obama took office and started raising my taxes and healthcare costs, I started getting squeezed on finances, and found out that my family was first before I gave any more to charity. In the 2nd term of Obama, I decided to question some of the homeless who they voted for. Most if not all had voted for Obama for they thought he was going to steal more of my money to give it to them. I told them that Obama, who had 8 million dollars while I was losing mine towards taxes, those homeless ones should go to him for the dollars that were taken away from me. They started realizing that voting does have consequences, and maybe that is another reason why President Trump got elected. So far, I am back giving out charity to those in need, as the new President is making my life better.

Do you think it is getting better under President Trump or getting worse?
You and your God(money) such a lovely slave/master bonding...
Ah yes, when I give willingly to those in need during good times, you hate me for that, then when I struggle to feed my family and cant give to those that Obama stole my money to give them but didn't, then you hate me more. Yep, a no win situation because I am not a stingy ass libtard like you.
I don't give money to homeless people or beggars that approach me asking for it. If I see that their need is legitimate, and I'm the only one that can make that decision, I will offer to meet that need by buying them whatever it is. In the years I've been taking that approach, I've had only one take me on it. The rest, and they're far too many to count, either went on their way, cursed at me while going on their way, or continued to beg for the money using such excuses as "I don't eat what they have there". In all but that one case mentioned, they got nothing, money or otherwise.
I bought my 2 daughters condos during the Obama years so they wouldn't be homeless. Does that count? :biggrin:
You just didn't want them in your house..Taxes have not been reduced since Trump has taken office, but they will increase in states like Missouri that elected a GOP majority in state govt. So far an increase in property and tobacco....Such nice fellows, not at all like those tax-n-spend democrats...
Just because you say it Doomblow doesn't make it so. Say that shit, post your proof. Virginia has been ever increasing the taxes since I have been here, and I remember Tim Kaine who put a temporary $500 per house tax for funding northing Va transportation. Guess what, it is still here. They lie to US to get us to pay more, then tax US more just to fuck US again.
I don't give money to homeless people or beggars that approach me asking for it. If I see that their need is legitimate, and I'm the only one that can make that decision, I will offer to meet that need by buying them whatever it is. In the years I've been taking that approach, I've had only one take me on it. The rest, and they're far too many to count, either went on their way, cursed at me while going on their way, or continued to beg for the money using such excuses as "I don't eat what they have there". In all but that one case mentioned, they got nothing, money or otherwise.
What I really want to know, is how under 8 years of Obama, did those homeless people stay homeless? I thought that the fundamental transformation was to redistribute wealth so those in need would be better. Funny how Warren Buffet(who has a lower tax rate than his secretary) ended up with billions more. Socialism always tends to do that, punish the poor and enrich the liberal elites.
I don't give money to homeless people or beggars that approach me asking for it. If I see that their need is legitimate, and I'm the only one that can make that decision, I will offer to meet that need by buying them whatever it is. In the years I've been taking that approach, I've had only one take me on it. The rest, and they're far too many to count, either went on their way, cursed at me while going on their way, or continued to beg for the money using such excuses as "I don't eat what they have there". In all but that one case mentioned, they got nothing, money or otherwise.
What I really want to know, is how under 8 years of Obama, did those homeless people stay homeless? I thought that the fundamental transformation was to redistribute wealth so those in need would be better. Funny how Warren Buffet(who has a lower tax rate than his secretary) ended up with billions more. Socialism always tends to do that, punish the poor and enrich the liberal elites.

I had a similar discussion this morning with a defender of Obama that claimed the record number on food stamps under Obama was Bush's fault. His argument was that food stamp use was coming down under Obama as was unemployment. I looked up some numbers. When Bush left office, unemployment was around 7.6% and food stamp use was at 32 million. Under Obama, unemployment went over 10% despite his claims that a stimulus would keep it under 8% and food stamp use went well over 45 million. My question to this idiot was when unemployment under Obama dropped to the same percentage it was under Bush, why didn't the number on food stamps follow the pattern and get back to 32 million? Additionally, when claimed unemployment under Obama got to 4.8%, why was food stamp use still 10 million more than under Bush with a higher unemployment rate? That leads me to one of two conclusion. Either unemployment really wasn't down or the jobs Obama claimed he created to make the unemployment number look good were shitty, low paying jobs for which he only counted to make himself look good.
I don't give money to homeless people or beggars that approach me asking for it. If I see that their need is legitimate, and I'm the only one that can make that decision, I will offer to meet that need by buying them whatever it is. In the years I've been taking that approach, I've had only one take me on it. The rest, and they're far too many to count, either went on their way, cursed at me while going on their way, or continued to beg for the money using such excuses as "I don't eat what they have there". In all but that one case mentioned, they got nothing, money or otherwise.
What I really want to know, is how under 8 years of Obama, did those homeless people stay homeless? I thought that the fundamental transformation was to redistribute wealth so those in need would be better. Funny how Warren Buffet(who has a lower tax rate than his secretary) ended up with billions more. Socialism always tends to do that, punish the poor and enrich the liberal elites.

You're making it sound like we had Socialism under obama, and now under Trump, all that socialism that you say we had has disappeared. Anyway, I think it's too soon to see what effect Trump's term in office has on the economy. So far, it looks like he will be a big time military expenditure guy. Guns instead of butter, and he's a typical republican. Cut taxes for the extremely wealthy cuz it'll MAGA.
I don't give money to homeless people or beggars that approach me asking for it. If I see that their need is legitimate, and I'm the only one that can make that decision, I will offer to meet that need by buying them whatever it is. In the years I've been taking that approach, I've had only one take me on it. The rest, and they're far too many to count, either went on their way, cursed at me while going on their way, or continued to beg for the money using such excuses as "I don't eat what they have there". In all but that one case mentioned, they got nothing, money or otherwise.
What I really want to know, is how under 8 years of Obama, did those homeless people stay homeless? I thought that the fundamental transformation was to redistribute wealth so those in need would be better. Funny how Warren Buffet(who has a lower tax rate than his secretary) ended up with billions more. Socialism always tends to do that, punish the poor and enrich the liberal elites.

You're making it sound like we had Socialism under obama, and now under Trump, all that socialism that you say we had has disappeared. Anyway, I think it's too soon to see what effect Trump's term in office has on the economy. So far, it looks like he will be a big time military expenditure guy. Guns instead of butter, and he's a typical republican. Cut taxes for the extremely wealthy cuz it'll MAGA.
You do realize that without guns, there isn't a country and then no butter?
I don't give money to homeless people or beggars that approach me asking for it. If I see that their need is legitimate, and I'm the only one that can make that decision, I will offer to meet that need by buying them whatever it is. In the years I've been taking that approach, I've had only one take me on it. The rest, and they're far too many to count, either went on their way, cursed at me while going on their way, or continued to beg for the money using such excuses as "I don't eat what they have there". In all but that one case mentioned, they got nothing, money or otherwise.
What I really want to know, is how under 8 years of Obama, did those homeless people stay homeless? I thought that the fundamental transformation was to redistribute wealth so those in need would be better. Funny how Warren Buffet(who has a lower tax rate than his secretary) ended up with billions more. Socialism always tends to do that, punish the poor and enrich the liberal elites.

You're making it sound like we had Socialism under obama, and now under Trump, all that socialism that you say we had has disappeared. Anyway, I think it's too soon to see what effect Trump's term in office has on the economy. So far, it looks like he will be a big time military expenditure guy. Guns instead of butter, and he's a typical republican. Cut taxes for the extremely wealthy cuz it'll MAGA.
You do realize that without guns, there isn't a country and then no butter?

I don't give money to homeless people or beggars that approach me asking for it. If I see that their need is legitimate, and I'm the only one that can make that decision, I will offer to meet that need by buying them whatever it is. In the years I've been taking that approach, I've had only one take me on it. The rest, and they're far too many to count, either went on their way, cursed at me while going on their way, or continued to beg for the money using such excuses as "I don't eat what they have there". In all but that one case mentioned, they got nothing, money or otherwise.
What I really want to know, is how under 8 years of Obama, did those homeless people stay homeless? I thought that the fundamental transformation was to redistribute wealth so those in need would be better. Funny how Warren Buffet(who has a lower tax rate than his secretary) ended up with billions more. Socialism always tends to do that, punish the poor and enrich the liberal elites.

You're making it sound like we had Socialism under obama, and now under Trump, all that socialism that you say we had has disappeared. Anyway, I think it's too soon to see what effect Trump's term in office has on the economy. So far, it looks like he will be a big time military expenditure guy. Guns instead of butter, and he's a typical republican. Cut taxes for the extremely wealthy cuz it'll MAGA.
You do realize that without guns, there isn't a country and then no butter?

I don't believe we're in danger of losing our right to bear arms or arm bears.
I stopped giving altogether.
Obama and the democrats said they were going to take care of all those problems.
They didn't need money from white male conservatives.
I don't give money to homeless people or beggars that approach me asking for it. If I see that their need is legitimate, and I'm the only one that can make that decision, I will offer to meet that need by buying them whatever it is. In the years I've been taking that approach, I've had only one take me on it. The rest, and they're far too many to count, either went on their way, cursed at me while going on their way, or continued to beg for the money using such excuses as "I don't eat what they have there". In all but that one case mentioned, they got nothing, money or otherwise.
What I really want to know, is how under 8 years of Obama, did those homeless people stay homeless? I thought that the fundamental transformation was to redistribute wealth so those in need would be better. Funny how Warren Buffet(who has a lower tax rate than his secretary) ended up with billions more. Socialism always tends to do that, punish the poor and enrich the liberal elites.

You're making it sound like we had Socialism under obama, and now under Trump, all that socialism that you say we had has disappeared. Anyway, I think it's too soon to see what effect Trump's term in office has on the economy. So far, it looks like he will be a big time military expenditure guy. Guns instead of butter, and he's a typical republican. Cut taxes for the extremely wealthy cuz it'll MAGA.
You do realize that without guns, there isn't a country and then no butter?

I don't give money to homeless people or beggars that approach me asking for it. If I see that their need is legitimate, and I'm the only one that can make that decision, I will offer to meet that need by buying them whatever it is. In the years I've been taking that approach, I've had only one take me on it. The rest, and they're far too many to count, either went on their way, cursed at me while going on their way, or continued to beg for the money using such excuses as "I don't eat what they have there". In all but that one case mentioned, they got nothing, money or otherwise.
What I really want to know, is how under 8 years of Obama, did those homeless people stay homeless? I thought that the fundamental transformation was to redistribute wealth so those in need would be better. Funny how Warren Buffet(who has a lower tax rate than his secretary) ended up with billions more. Socialism always tends to do that, punish the poor and enrich the liberal elites.

You're making it sound like we had Socialism under obama, and now under Trump, all that socialism that you say we had has disappeared. Anyway, I think it's too soon to see what effect Trump's term in office has on the economy. So far, it looks like he will be a big time military expenditure guy. Guns instead of butter, and he's a typical republican. Cut taxes for the extremely wealthy cuz it'll MAGA.
You do realize that without guns, there isn't a country and then no butter?

I don't believe we're in danger of losing our right to bear arms or arm bears.
You are an idiot. I mean the military who has guns, without them there isn't a country. Damn you liberals are the stupidest people in the universe.

I don't give money to homeless people or beggars that approach me asking for it. If I see that their need is legitimate, and I'm the only one that can make that decision, I will offer to meet that need by buying them whatever it is. In the years I've been taking that approach, I've had only one take me on it. The rest, and they're far too many to count, either went on their way, cursed at me while going on their way, or continued to beg for the money using such excuses as "I don't eat what they have there". In all but that one case mentioned, they got nothing, money or otherwise.
What I really want to know, is how under 8 years of Obama, did those homeless people stay homeless? I thought that the fundamental transformation was to redistribute wealth so those in need would be better. Funny how Warren Buffet(who has a lower tax rate than his secretary) ended up with billions more. Socialism always tends to do that, punish the poor and enrich the liberal elites.

You're making it sound like we had Socialism under obama, and now under Trump, all that socialism that you say we had has disappeared. Anyway, I think it's too soon to see what effect Trump's term in office has on the economy. So far, it looks like he will be a big time military expenditure guy. Guns instead of butter, and he's a typical republican. Cut taxes for the extremely wealthy cuz it'll MAGA.

Interesting that you say it's too soon under Trump to see effects. On a much shorter time span, the Obamanites were already giving credit to him if something went good with the economy. Sadly, at the same time span, they refused to give him blame saying he hadn't been in office long enough.

When it comes to guns vs. butter, since one of the few delegated powers of the federal government is the military, I'll go with that. Since butter, the multi-faceted social welfare structure we have, isn't within those delegated powers, we'll go without that.
I don't give money to homeless people or beggars that approach me asking for it. If I see that their need is legitimate, and I'm the only one that can make that decision, I will offer to meet that need by buying them whatever it is. In the years I've been taking that approach, I've had only one take me on it. The rest, and they're far too many to count, either went on their way, cursed at me while going on their way, or continued to beg for the money using such excuses as "I don't eat what they have there". In all but that one case mentioned, they got nothing, money or otherwise.
What I really want to know, is how under 8 years of Obama, did those homeless people stay homeless? I thought that the fundamental transformation was to redistribute wealth so those in need would be better. Funny how Warren Buffet(who has a lower tax rate than his secretary) ended up with billions more. Socialism always tends to do that, punish the poor and enrich the liberal elites.

You're making it sound like we had Socialism under obama, and now under Trump, all that socialism that you say we had has disappeared. Anyway, I think it's too soon to see what effect Trump's term in office has on the economy. So far, it looks like he will be a big time military expenditure guy. Guns instead of butter, and he's a typical republican. Cut taxes for the extremely wealthy cuz it'll MAGA.
You do realize that without guns, there isn't a country and then no butter?

I'm thinking that's why the founders put within the delegated power things related to having a military and none about having social welfare.

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