Did we learn anything from Parkland? Don't hold your breath.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Scot Peterson, the Florida campus cop who cowered outside the building while students died just sent a message to all potential mass shooters: the cops will wait until the shooting stops because they might be outgunned just like Columbine. This raises a perplexing question: If the cops just stand there figuring out if they are outgunned, why are they there collecting a paycheck in the first place? Even the local good humor man can just sit on his ass while kids die but he is not paid by the state to protect them.

It’s pretty obvious that Peterson was just a lazy state employee cashing in on a cushy state job paid for by local taxpayers. When he was urgently needed to save lives, he swung into action and did nothing so he could protect what was really important-his state pension which he earned risking his life probably by eating a double cheeseburger and choking on the pickle.

While it’s unlikely Peterson could have saved all those kids he might have been able to save a few just by distracting the shooter but we’ll never know because Peterson acted on his own behalf to save his own skin. Like a lot of state employees, Peterson is the closest thing in nature to an immovable object so it is all but impossible to fire him which is why he chose to retire with a full pension paid for with the tax money of the grieving parents.

As the public has come to expect the media has jumped into the fray defending Peterson as a hero deserving of a Profile in Courage award for allowing the carnage to go uninterrupted. Peterson can now be crafted into poster boy against the National Rifle Association. As with a lot of the liberal media’s heroes that lay the foundation for the moral decay of our society, it wouldn’t be surprising if Peterson already has a book deal pending.

Peterson is a fat, lazy state hack but he is not the only reason seventeen people died in a public school of all places. There were warning signs everywhere with the mass killer including his own statements to just about anyone who would listen including the FBI that was apparently too busy interfering in the selection process of the next president.

Have we learned anything from this? Don’t hold your breath.
Scot Peterson, the Florida campus cop who cowered outside the building while students died just sent a message to all potential mass shooters: the cops will wait until the shooting stops because they might be outgunned just like Columbine. This raises a perplexing question: If the cops just stand there figuring out if they are outgunned, why are they there collecting a paycheck in the first place? Even the local good humor man can just sit on his ass while kids die but he is not paid by the state to protect them.

It’s pretty obvious that Peterson was just a lazy state employee cashing in on a cushy state job paid for by local taxpayers. When he was urgently needed to save lives, he swung into action and did nothing so he could protect what was really important-his state pension which he earned risking his life probably by eating a double cheeseburger and choking on the pickle.

While it’s unlikely Peterson could have saved all those kids he might have been able to save a few just by distracting the shooter but we’ll never know because Peterson acted on his own behalf to save his own skin. Like a lot of state employees, Peterson is the closest thing in nature to an immovable object so it is all but impossible to fire him which is why he chose to retire with a full pension paid for with the tax money of the grieving parents.

As the public has come to expect the media has jumped into the fray defending Peterson as a hero deserving of a Profile in Courage award for allowing the carnage to go uninterrupted. Peterson can now be crafted into poster boy against the National Rifle Association. As with a lot of the liberal media’s heroes that lay the foundation for the moral decay of our society, it wouldn’t be surprising if Peterson already has a book deal pending.

Peterson is a fat, lazy state hack but he is not the only reason seventeen people died in a public school of all places. There were warning signs everywhere with the mass killer including his own statements to just about anyone who would listen including the FBI that was apparently too busy interfering in the selection process of the next president.

Have we learned anything from this? Don’t hold your breath.

When seconds count, the police are just minutes away or hiding behind a building?
Just exactly what you would do, in that situation.
Assault weapons are VERY effective, and have no place in the hands of amateurs.
You can sit there in your easy-chair and criticize the 'cowardly' actions of others, but you've no fucking idea what it's like to be under fire.
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Just exactly what you would do, in that situation.
Assault weapons are VERY effective, and have no place in the hands of amateurs.
You can sit there in your easy-chair and criticize the 'cowardly' actions of others, but you've no fucking idea what it's like to be under fire.

These people are collecting pay and benefits to do a job. They didn't do their job and seventeen people are dead. Your post is absurd.
Just exactly what you would do, in that situation.
Assault weapons are VERY effective, and have no place in the hands of amateurs.
You can sit there in your easy-chair and criticize the 'cowardly' actions of others, but you've no fucking idea what it's like to be under fire.

These people are collecting pay and benefits to do a job. They didn't do their job and seventeen people are dead. Your post is absurd.

The FBI didn't do their job, school security didn't do their job. How in the fuck does someone that's not even a student get into the school with a semi-automatic weapon and no one recognizes it. The official story is just as pathetic as that of Sandy Hoax.
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Only a few have an opinion on this travesty? Is our society so browbeaten and timid due to political correctness that they are afraid to speak? Apparently Peterson is more representative of the population than those who actually care about and would act to save kids.
Scot Peterson, the Florida campus cop who cowered outside the building while students died just sent a message to all potential mass shooters: the cops will wait until the shooting stops because they might be outgunned just like Columbine. This raises a perplexing question: If the cops just stand there figuring out if they are outgunned, why are they there collecting a paycheck in the first place? Even the local good humor man can just sit on his ass while kids die but he is not paid by the state to protect them.

It’s pretty obvious that Peterson was just a lazy state employee cashing in on a cushy state job paid for by local taxpayers. When he was urgently needed to save lives, he swung into action and did nothing so he could protect what was really important-his state pension which he earned risking his life probably by eating a double cheeseburger and choking on the pickle.

While it’s unlikely Peterson could have saved all those kids he might have been able to save a few just by distracting the shooter but we’ll never know because Peterson acted on his own behalf to save his own skin. Like a lot of state employees, Peterson is the closest thing in nature to an immovable object so it is all but impossible to fire him which is why he chose to retire with a full pension paid for with the tax money of the grieving parents.

As the public has come to expect the media has jumped into the fray defending Peterson as a hero deserving of a Profile in Courage award for allowing the carnage to go uninterrupted. Peterson can now be crafted into poster boy against the National Rifle Association. As with a lot of the liberal media’s heroes that lay the foundation for the moral decay of our society, it wouldn’t be surprising if Peterson already has a book deal pending.

Peterson is a fat, lazy state hack but he is not the only reason seventeen people died in a public school of all places. There were warning signs everywhere with the mass killer including his own statements to just about anyone who would listen including the FBI that was apparently too busy interfering in the selection process of the next president.

Have we learned anything from this? Don’t hold your breath.
This was my college roommate at FSU. He is a Boynton cop and this is how a cop should deal with it.

Ironic that Peterson cop actually lives in Boynton Beach.
It just goes to prove that cops are not what they claim to be and we don't need them if we are armed ourselves and they fear for their cushy 90% retirement that they are not worth. Get rid of their unions and their ridiculously high retirement pay..
School unfortunately must become citidales or armories to deal with the idiots that are allowed to have guns or access to them to placate the second amendment rights...
Just exactly what you would do, in that situation.
Assault weapons are VERY effective, and have no place in the hands of amateurs.
You can sit there in your easy-chair and criticize the 'cowardly' actions of others, but you've no fucking idea what it's like to be under fire.

It wasn't an assault weapon......that is a select fire weapon...the AR-15 is a civilian and police rifle no different from any other semi auto rifle....there are 8 million of them in private hands at last count.

And it doesn't matter what rifle the shooter had, we know from actual mass public shootings that as soon as a mass shooter is confronted by someone with a gun...even a civilian with a gun, they commit suicide, surrender or run away...they do not engage in a shoot out.....

All of the following had AR-15 civilian rifles, and they all surrenered or committed suicide or ran way as soon as they were confronted by someone with a gun....

The Colorado theater shooter did not shoot it out with police....he surrendered.

The Sandy Hook Shooter did not shoot it out with police....

The recent Texas Shooter fled the scene after he took fire from the NRA instructor who also had an AR-15 civilian rifle.....

The Vegas shooter committed suicide before the police stormed his room...he was already dead when they entered...

The Florida High school shooter attempted to escape.....

Nothing you posted has any bearing on the reality of mass public shootings.....
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School unfortunately must become citidales or armories to deal with the idiots that are allowed to have guns or access to them to placate the second amendment rights...

There are 535 members of congress...they have a police force of 2,100 cops who are there to keep them safe.....you don't want one cop to protect our kids.........really?
Just exactly what you would do, in that situation.
Assault weapons are VERY effective, and have no place in the hands of amateurs.
You can sit there in your easy-chair and criticize the 'cowardly' actions of others, but you've no fucking idea what it's like to be under fire.

These people are collecting pay and benefits to do a job. They didn't do their job and seventeen people are dead. Your post is absurd.

The FBI didn't do their job, school security didn't do their job. How in the fuck does someone that's not even a student get into the school with a semi-automatic weapon and no one recognizes it. The official story is just as pathetic as that of Sandy Hoax.

From my understanding, he shot 5 people before entering the building.
There is one exception....the San Bernadino muslim terrorist couple did shoot it out with police...but they were muslim terrorists, vs. mass public shooters in the regular sense.....
Another exception......the Night Club shooter, another muslim terrorist shot it out with police...again...a muslim terrorist, not a regular mass public shooter.
Just exactly what you would do, in that situation.
Assault weapons are VERY effective, and have no place in the hands of amateurs.
You can sit there in your easy-chair and criticize the 'cowardly' actions of others, but you've no fucking idea what it's like to be under fire.

I've seen heroic actions of police and civilians in the past. I've seen police officers jump into ice cold Lake Erie in the middle of winter to save a drowning woman. I've seen a story of an off duty police officer run after a bank robber where he was a customer and gunned the robber down. I've seen a woman who was swimming in Lake Erie when she spotted a speeding boat heading right at a child, and she pushed the child out of the way. It cost her her life.

People do heroic things all the time, some even stupidly like going back into a burning house to save a dog. It should be human instinct to save the life of another human being if possible. I don't know who this deputy was, but he obviously was an older gentleman since he had enough years in to retire. He should have chanced his life to save at least one child if possible. I don't know how anybody could live with themselves after he just stood there listing to young life after young life be taken by a maniac.
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Scot Peterson, the Florida campus cop who cowered outside the building while students died just sent a message to all potential mass shooters: the cops will wait until the shooting stops because they might be outgunned just like Columbine. This raises a perplexing question: If the cops just stand there figuring out if they are outgunned, why are they there collecting a paycheck in the first place? Even the local good humor man can just sit on his ass while kids die but he is not paid by the state to protect them.

It’s pretty obvious that Peterson was just a lazy state employee cashing in on a cushy state job paid for by local taxpayers. When he was urgently needed to save lives, he swung into action and did nothing so he could protect what was really important-his state pension which he earned risking his life probably by eating a double cheeseburger and choking on the pickle.

While it’s unlikely Peterson could have saved all those kids he might have been able to save a few just by distracting the shooter but we’ll never know because Peterson acted on his own behalf to save his own skin. Like a lot of state employees, Peterson is the closest thing in nature to an immovable object so it is all but impossible to fire him which is why he chose to retire with a full pension paid for with the tax money of the grieving parents.

As the public has come to expect the media has jumped into the fray defending Peterson as a hero deserving of a Profile in Courage award for allowing the carnage to go uninterrupted. Peterson can now be crafted into poster boy against the National Rifle Association. As with a lot of the liberal media’s heroes that lay the foundation for the moral decay of our society, it wouldn’t be surprising if Peterson already has a book deal pending.

Peterson is a fat, lazy state hack but he is not the only reason seventeen people died in a public school of all places. There were warning signs everywhere with the mass killer including his own statements to just about anyone who would listen including the FBI that was apparently too busy interfering in the selection process of the next president.

Have we learned anything from this? Don’t hold your breath.

Yes. Admit nothing, deny everything and make counter accusations.
The cops were not outgunned. Five cops armed with pistols should have been more than a match for one teen with an AR-15. Heck, two cops with pistols should be able to take out a kid with a semi-automatic rifle.
For decades, standard police practice has been for police to cordon and contain active shooters or hostage situations and wait for SWAT or HRT to breach. Police were not allowed to move to eliminate an active threat.

The reason for this is it was thought that regular police would raise the risk of collateral deaths to civilians. In a way, this was actually used to justify the expense of training and equipping special tactic teams.

There is new thinking for Active Armed Offender scenarios that call for regular police to breech the hot cordon under a very specific set of conditions.

Police departments around the country have been adopting the new AAO procedure for a few years now but not everyone has been trained and not all police have adopted the new procedures.

It’s my feeling that this may be just such a case.
For decades, standard police practice has been for police to cordon and contain active shooters or hostage situations and wait for SWAT or HRT to breach. Police were not allowed to move to eliminate an active threat.

The reason for this is it was thought that regular police would raise the risk of collateral deaths to civilians. In a way, this was actually used to justify the expense of training and equipping special tactic teams.

There is new thinking for Active Armed Offender scenarios that call for regular police to breech the hot cordon under a very specific set of conditions.

Police departments around the country have been adopting the new AAO procedure for a few years now but not everyone has been trained and not all police have adopted the new procedures.

It’s my feeling that this may be just such a case.

This was the main lesson learned at Columbine. Police cannot stand in the parking lot playing pocket pool while people die.
For decades, standard police practice has been for police to cordon and contain active shooters or hostage situations and wait for SWAT or HRT to breach. Police were not allowed to move to eliminate an active threat.

The reason for this is it was thought that regular police would raise the risk of collateral deaths to civilians. In a way, this was actually used to justify the expense of training and equipping special tactic teams.

There is new thinking for Active Armed Offender scenarios that call for regular police to breech the hot cordon under a very specific set of conditions.

Police departments around the country have been adopting the new AAO procedure for a few years now but not everyone has been trained and not all police have adopted the new procedures.

It’s my feeling that this may be just such a case.

This was the main lesson learned at Columbine. Police cannot stand in the parking lot playing pocket pool while people die.

It’s always been a horrific math equation.

Scenario A, regular police breach and end up shooting hostages or innocents.

Scenario B, police wait for special tactics to breach and hostages end up being killed by the offender.

If A results in a greater chance of lawsuit against the department than B. Do B.

It’s always been about avoiding potential liability.

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