Did Trump praise dictators at PA rally, because I will NEVER believe fake news, only kind i can get

The relevant part is available here:

thanks but actually, that does sound bad.. I think I know what he means but it is not the correct words.. I have to give the opposition a point or 2 here..

but then again, I am hearing what he said out of context, as I have not heard the whole speech

which again.. can't seem to find bc of censorship (apparently)
I can't even find a video that will allow me to watch the whole thing


They are telling us all.. no forcing us all to shut the hell up!

But that kind of thing just makes Trump look all the better

fetterman wants safe shoot up sights for heroin users, would legalize heroin!

he says you should be able to kill your baby up to the day of birth

he cannot even handle a regular campaign schedule, has done almost no campaigning, allegedly bc of his stroke, so how the hell is he going to handle being in Congress?

well, it is true, they don't do much over there, save run their mouths.. but in any case, no one wants to hear HIM..

Vote for OZ

we've had enough of these ultra.. was going to say liberal but ultra FREAKS
They do not, and while I've always known the Dumbing Down of America by Republicans was deliberate, I also knew there were terrible consequences to such an immoral and cynical approach to winning elections. This is the exactly the terrible consequence that concerns me, and all thinking Americans.
I've often wondered if Limbaugh, the Father of the Alternate Universe, ever had second thoughts about what he created -- this self contained, paranoid, isolated, insulated informational ecosystem. The copycats like Tucker and Hannity and Levin don't seem to mind what they're causing, of course.

I tend to think that, rather than dumbing down, it's more of an isolation and manipulation. Those are, not coincidentally, the primary functions that cults use to attract and control their people. If you don't count North Korea, it's been 85 years since the world has seen this. How did we not learn?
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oh... I dropped by thinking there were interesting posts from sane and reasonable people

guess I will mosey along.................................................................

thanks but actually, that does sound bad.. I think I know what he means but it is not the correct words.. I have to give the opposition a point or 2 here..

but then again, I am hearing what he said out of context, as I have not heard the whole speech

which again.. can't seem to find bc of censorship (apparently)
Acknowledging that Xi is smart and that Puti is smart is not praising them. He said they are doing their jobs better than our leaders. Again, not praising them. It is denigrating American governmental leadership. About the latter, is he wrong?

Recognizing that the leadership of our opponents are intelligent is itself a smart thing to do. Why pretend that they’re not? What purpose does that serve. You know, it’s perfectly possible to hold two thoughts at the same time:

Putin is a fucking scumbag and yet Putin is intelligent.

Xi is a miserable scumbag and yet Xi is still intelligent.
I am so flippin tired of this!

I Searched for Trump rally at Wilkes Barre, PA at Fox Business and when I clicked on the video, got NOTHING, not even a message saying tech difficulties or whatever the hell

And I am not about to go to the other sites that supposedly carry this story.

In any case, allegedly Trump is supposed to have praised XI and Putin. My guess is that he only praised their... shall we say: their not being a wuss..?

But it is hard to know when you cannot get reliable information.

We are in a national crisis here. Trumps MAGA cultists want to destroy America. This is 1939 Germany all over. That's as simple as I can make it.

They are no longer a Republican party, but the party of pain and suffering.
I'm not quite sure which is worse: That they don't fully understand what they're asking for and are being conned right in front of us, or that they REALLY DO understand what they're asking for.

You can't ask them, because they'll default to Hillary's emails or Hunter's laptop.

They understand, and they know what they want. They want all power and control, a slave state, and ethnic cleansing. Once they have that, mass murder is on the table. Folks probably think I'm being hyperbolic. I don't think so. Why? Because that's how a cult works. You get someone like a Trump, who could care less if his base lives or dies, but instead, uses them to stoke anger, hatred, and fear by way of constant lies. His whole entire life has been a lie, but he uses it against the ignorant among us. Hitler did the same thing, and look what happened. Trump needs to be arrested yesterday, to put cold water on this Gestapo movement of his and theirs.
Jesus, this guy is now open about praising not only authoritarians, but the lack of freedom and opposition they face by their repressive methods. And make no mistake, his loyal flock will cheer themselves hoarse with their approval.

Joe Biden warned the country about this three days ago.
He knows MAGA wants another Hitler. Trump is their man. Ethnic cleansing/ full power and control. They want a Putin who can do whatever to whomever he wants.
No it is not. You said it is Trump supporters and I am certainly not the only one. You will not, and do not, tell me what I personally feel and never will. Blowhole.
Are you for the Constitution, the rule of law, we the people, Declaration of Independence, equal rights under the law, voting rights, human rights, civil rights, health care, etc.? If your answer is yes to all that, then you wouldn't be supporting Trump. Can't have it both ways.
Are you for the Constitution, the rule of law, we the people, Declaration of Independence, equal rights under the law, voting rights, human rights, civil rights, health care, etc.? If your answer is yes to all that, then you wouldn't be supporting Trump. Can't have it both ways.
Trump is for all things you stupid blowhole.
They do not, and while I've always known the Dumbing Down of America by Republicans was deliberate, I also knew there were terrible consequences to such an immoral and cynical approach to winning elections. This is the exactly the terrible consequence that concerns me, and all thinking Americans.
Trump Republicans have been taught two things with elections. They either won, or they were cheated.

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