Did These Cops In Brazil Go Too Far Here??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Brazilians have responded with outrage to the death of a mentally ill Black man who was bundled into the back of a police car by officers who then released a gas grenade inside the vehicle. Genivaldo de Jesus Santos, 38, was stopped by the federal highway police in the city of Umbaúba on Wednesday. Video footage of the incident shows two officers in helmets holding the car boot closed on his thrashing legs, as clouds of gas billow out of the vehicle. “They’re going to kill the guy,” an onlooker can be heard saying, as Santos’s legs go still.

An autopsy report confirmed on Thursday that Santos had died of asphyxiation. According to his family, Santos suffered from schizophrenia, for which he took medication. The horrific death has produced shock in Brazil, where lethal police violence is commonplace and disproportionately affects the country’s Black population."

Apparently, the police said they stopped the guy, but I haven't seen what he was being stopped for....they went on to say that he was not complying and resisted arrest -- maybe he was having an episode due to his mental illness.... so they decided to shut him in the back of the van and then deploy tear gas in the van as a way to immobilize him...which they definitely did, because he is dead.....He had no weapons nor am I hearing that any weapon was found on him...

I don't know what is or isn't considered excessive use of force in Brazil...but considering the amount of outrage over this incident......but I wouldn't definitely hope if something like this happened here -- we can all agree that this is excessive and those cops should be charged with manslaughter --or at the very least, reckless endangerment....To use a device that is meant to disperse large crowds on one man in a closed confined space has to be intended to inflict more than just "immobilization" -- that is intent to kill.....

"Brazilians have responded with outrage to the death of a mentally ill Black man who was bundled into the back of a police car by officers who then released a gas grenade inside the vehicle. Genivaldo de Jesus Santos, 38, was stopped by the federal highway police in the city of Umbaúba on Wednesday. Video footage of the incident shows two officers in helmets holding the car boot closed on his thrashing legs, as clouds of gas billow out of the vehicle. “They’re going to kill the guy,” an onlooker can be heard saying, as Santos’s legs go still.

An autopsy report confirmed on Thursday that Santos had died of asphyxiation. According to his family, Santos suffered from schizophrenia, for which he took medication. The horrific death has produced shock in Brazil, where lethal police violence is commonplace and disproportionately affects the country’s Black population."

Apparently, the police said they stopped the guy, but I haven't seen what he was being stopped for....they went on to say that he was not complying and resisted arrest -- maybe he was having an episode due to his mental illness.... so they decided to shut him in the back of the van and then deploy tear gas in the van as a way to immobilize him...which they definitely did, because he is dead.....He had no weapons nor am I hearing that any weapon was found on him...

I don't know what is or isn't considered excessive use of force in Brazil...but considering the amount of outrage over this incident......but I wouldn't definitely hope if something like this happened here -- we can all agree that this is excessive and those cops should be charged with manslaughter --or at the very least, reckless endangerment....To use a device that is meant to disperse large crowds on one man in a closed confined space has to be intended to inflict more than just "immobilization" -- that is intent to kill.....

The left: "All cops are bad!"
Also the left: "Only cops should have guns!"

You people are just fucking dumb.

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