Did the CIA just try to overthrow President Trump to cover up the origins of Russiagate in Ukraine o


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
In 2017, President Donald Trump’s conversations with foreign heads of state in Mexico and Australia — which are classified information — were leaked to news outlets with the purpose of undermining U.S. policies on immigration, the southern border wall and refugees.

Americans for Limited Government’s reaction at the time was to call for then-National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster and the entire National Security Council staff to be fired.

Because there was only one of two ways for the contents of those conversations to get to the press. Either, they were intercepted and leaked, or transcripts were taken from the White House by staff and given to reporters, with the latter being more likely.

Did the CIA just try to overthrow President Trump to cover up the origins of Russiagate in Ukraine on behalf of Biden?
Well, it’s happened again. This time with President Donald Trump’s now declassified July 25 conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

First, it was transcribed by White House staff, as per usual practice, and then, according to the now declassified so-called whistleblower complaint, somebody or somebodies with access to the phone call on the National Security Council disagreed with the President’s approach to Ukraine policy.
BJ -

Here is the real story ya'll

As I have been saying.

Biden is a small collateral damaged fish in all of this.

"The so-called whistleblower complaint refers directly to the Durham investigation into the origins of the Russiagate investigation, and the efforts by Rudy Giuliani and reporting by The Hill’s John Solomon to uncover the same."
Well, it’s happened again. This time with President Donald Trump’s now declassified July 25 conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

First, it was transcribed by White House staff, as per usual practice, and then, according to the now declassified so-called whistleblower complaint, somebody or somebodies with access to the phone call on the National Security Council disagreed with the President’s approach to Ukraine policy.
This is a massive violation of the Security Laws and the Hatch Act... These people need to be tried for the crimes and put in jail.
In 2017, President Donald Trump’s conversations with foreign heads of state in Mexico and Australia — which are classified information — were leaked to news outlets with the purpose of undermining U.S. policies on immigration, the southern border wall and refugees.

Americans for Limited Government’s reaction at the time was to call for then-National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster and the entire National Security Council staff to be fired.

Because there was only one of two ways for the contents of those conversations to get to the press. Either, they were intercepted and leaked, or transcripts were taken from the White House by staff and given to reporters, with the latter being more likely.

Did the CIA just try to overthrow President Trump to cover up the origins of Russiagate in Ukraine on behalf of Biden?
It’s starting to look very much like it...
Only Libtard trolls try to deny the actual corruption of the Democratic Party. The rest simply accept it as business as usual.
It seems like CIA under the careful Deep State control has never stopped their attempts to overthrow the president who doesn't belong to Deep State and who doesn't want to obey them.

Even a so called Russian Dossier appears not to be Russian at all: it's British/Ukrainian/American.

Dimitri Simes on a Russian political TV show “The Great Game”: The second adversary of the President Trump is Christopher Steele who put together the famous dossier. Many believe that he’s a former UK intelligence officer, he headed the investigation of a Litvinenko case. Christopher Steele prepared his Trump dossier without coming to Moscow even once. He said he had his own sources. It’s becoming increasingly clear now that these sources were provided by the people we’ve just mentioned: originally they came from Russia and now settled in Ukraine, UK, London and USA. So, this attack on Donald Trump was if not directly inspired by London but London at least directly participated in it.

Details in the video (already interpreted into English) (start watching from minute 28):
The Great Game. 15.05.2019

Dimitri Simes on a Russian political TV show “The Great Game”: I’m sure that one of the important external forces that helped to start all those “investigations” in the USA was the security service of Ukraine and Ukrainian oligarchs related to it. Plus some Russian emigrants from the radical opposition [to Putin] who hated Trump and were scared to death of him cause they believed he would renew relations with Russia. I think it’s very important to realize where this devastated and paralyzing attack on the Trump administration came from.

Details in the video (already interpreted into English) (start watching from minute 46):
The Great Game. 28.05.2019

Dimitri Simes
Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest
Well, it’s happened again. This time with President Donald Trump’s now declassified July 25 conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

First, it was transcribed by White House staff, as per usual practice, and then, according to the now declassified so-called whistleblower complaint, somebody or somebodies with access to the phone call on the National Security Council disagreed with the President’s approach to Ukraine policy.
This is a massive violation of the Security Laws and the Hatch Act... These people need to be tried for the crimes and put in jail.

The list just grows and grows.

But no one ever goes to jail.

And Democrats are never even charged.
It seems like CIA under the careful Deep State control has never stopped their attempts to overthrow the president who doesn't belong to Deep State and who doesn't want to obey them.

Even a so called Russian Dossier appears not to be Russian at all: it's British/Ukrainian/American.

Dimitri Simes on a Russian political TV show “The Great Game”: The second adversary of the President Trump is Christopher Steele who put together the famous dossier. Many believe that he’s a former UK intelligence officer, he headed the investigation of a Litvinenko case. Christopher Steele prepared his Trump dossier without coming to Moscow even once. He said he had his own sources. It’s becoming increasingly clear now that these sources were provided by the people we’ve just mentioned: originally they came from Russia and now settled in Ukraine, UK, London and USA. So, this attack on Donald Trump was if not directly inspired by London but London at least directly participated in it.

Details in the video (already interpreted into English) (start watching from minute 28):
The Great Game. 15.05.2019

Dimitri Simes on a Russian political TV show “The Great Game”: I’m sure that one of the important external forces that helped to start all those “investigations” in the USA was the security service of Ukraine and Ukrainian oligarchs related to it. Plus some Russian emigrants from the radical opposition [to Putin] who hated Trump and were scared to death of him cause they believed he would renew relations with Russia. I think it’s very important to realize where this devastated and paralyzing attack on the Trump administration came from.

Details in the video (already interpreted into English) (start watching from minute 46):
The Great Game. 28.05.2019

Dimitri Simes
Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest
Three years ago, when all this "Russian collusion" was forced upon us by Democrats I said that dossier was FBI job. They used Hillary and DNC to pay Steele to take credit for it, so it looks like it came from foreign sources. Steele took the money, later said he doesn't believe in half of things in dossier. Remember how afraid he was that "firewall" wont hold?

If you look at it today, it looks more realistic than back then. There are still the same players involved that were covering for Hillary email server... Comey, McCabe, Perkins Coie, Fusion GPS, Crowdstrike, Mueller. On the top of it, everything was reported to Obongo, he knew everything that was going on.
It seems like CIA under the careful Deep State control has never stopped their attempts to overthrow the president who doesn't belong to Deep State and who doesn't want to obey them.

Even a so called Russian Dossier appears not to be Russian at all: it's British/Ukrainian/American.

Dimitri Simes on a Russian political TV show “The Great Game”: The second adversary of the President Trump is Christopher Steele who put together the famous dossier. Many believe that he’s a former UK intelligence officer, he headed the investigation of a Litvinenko case. Christopher Steele prepared his Trump dossier without coming to Moscow even once. He said he had his own sources. It’s becoming increasingly clear now that these sources were provided by the people we’ve just mentioned: originally they came from Russia and now settled in Ukraine, UK, London and USA. So, this attack on Donald Trump was if not directly inspired by London but London at least directly participated in it.

Details in the video (already interpreted into English) (start watching from minute 28):
The Great Game. 15.05.2019

Dimitri Simes on a Russian political TV show “The Great Game”: I’m sure that one of the important external forces that helped to start all those “investigations” in the USA was the security service of Ukraine and Ukrainian oligarchs related to it. Plus some Russian emigrants from the radical opposition [to Putin] who hated Trump and were scared to death of him cause they believed he would renew relations with Russia. I think it’s very important to realize where this devastated and paralyzing attack on the Trump administration came from.

Details in the video (already interpreted into English) (start watching from minute 46):
The Great Game. 28.05.2019

Dimitri Simes
Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest
Three years ago, when all this "Russian collusion" was forced upon us by Democrats I said that dossier was FBI job. They used Hillary and DNC to pay Steele to take credit for it, so it looks like it came from foreign sources. Steele took the money, later said he doesn't believe in half of things in dossier. Remember how afraid he was that "firewall" wont hold?

If you look at it today, it looks more realistic than back then. There are still the same players involved that were covering for Hillary email server... Comey, McCabe, Perkins Coie, Fusion GPS, Crowdstrike, Mueller. On the top of it, everything was reported to Obongo, he knew everything that was going on.
And how gracefully they have put the blame on Russia trying to kill several birds in one shot, the people whom they take as their existential threat: Trump and Putin.
It seems like CIA under the careful Deep State control has never stopped their attempts to overthrow the president who doesn't belong to Deep State and who doesn't want to obey them.

Even a so called Russian Dossier appears not to be Russian at all: it's British/Ukrainian/American.

Dimitri Simes on a Russian political TV show “The Great Game”: The second adversary of the President Trump is Christopher Steele who put together the famous dossier. Many believe that he’s a former UK intelligence officer, he headed the investigation of a Litvinenko case. Christopher Steele prepared his Trump dossier without coming to Moscow even once. He said he had his own sources. It’s becoming increasingly clear now that these sources were provided by the people we’ve just mentioned: originally they came from Russia and now settled in Ukraine, UK, London and USA. So, this attack on Donald Trump was if not directly inspired by London but London at least directly participated in it.

Details in the video (already interpreted into English) (start watching from minute 28):
The Great Game. 15.05.2019

Dimitri Simes on a Russian political TV show “The Great Game”: I’m sure that one of the important external forces that helped to start all those “investigations” in the USA was the security service of Ukraine and Ukrainian oligarchs related to it. Plus some Russian emigrants from the radical opposition [to Putin] who hated Trump and were scared to death of him cause they believed he would renew relations with Russia. I think it’s very important to realize where this devastated and paralyzing attack on the Trump administration came from.

Details in the video (already interpreted into English) (start watching from minute 46):
The Great Game. 28.05.2019

Dimitri Simes
Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest
Three years ago, when all this "Russian collusion" was forced upon us by Democrats I said that dossier was FBI job. They used Hillary and DNC to pay Steele to take credit for it, so it looks like it came from foreign sources. Steele took the money, later said he doesn't believe in half of things in dossier. Remember how afraid he was that "firewall" wont hold?

If you look at it today, it looks more realistic than back then. There are still the same players involved that were covering for Hillary email server... Comey, McCabe, Perkins Coie, Fusion GPS, Crowdstrike, Mueller. On the top of it, everything was reported to Obongo, he knew everything that was going on.
And how gracefully they have put the blame on Russia trying to kill several birds in one shot, the people whom they take as their existential threat: Trump and Putin.

According to Democrats, it's perfectly appropriate for the Democrat Senators to lean on Ukrainian officials (see the article below), and perfectly fine for sitting VP to threaten to withhold foreign aid. But if Trump dares to bring up any of it while doing his job, than... REEEEE, we must impeach him. According to Democrats, it's a crime for Trump to ask questions about previous administration, and crimes that may have been committed by Biden.

Senate Democrats Face Questions After Letter Resurfaces of Them Asking Ukraine to Investigate Trump in 2018

Last May, three Democratic senators — Senators Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), and Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) — sent a letter to Ukranian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko expressing their “great concern about reports” that his office had taken steps to inhibit former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian election interference.

The group of senators wrote that Ukraine “has made significant progress” in their process of building up their “accountable democratic institutions” in spite of the geopolitical pressure from Russia.

“We have supported that capacity-building process and are disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these principles in order to avoid the ire of President Trump,” continued the senators. “If these reports are true, we strongly encourage you to reverse course and halt any efforts to impede cooperation with this important investigation.”
It seems like CIA under the careful Deep State control has never stopped their attempts to overthrow the president who doesn't belong to Deep State and who doesn't want to obey them.

Even a so called Russian Dossier appears not to be Russian at all: it's British/Ukrainian/American.

Dimitri Simes on a Russian political TV show “The Great Game”: The second adversary of the President Trump is Christopher Steele who put together the famous dossier. Many believe that he’s a former UK intelligence officer, he headed the investigation of a Litvinenko case. Christopher Steele prepared his Trump dossier without coming to Moscow even once. He said he had his own sources. It’s becoming increasingly clear now that these sources were provided by the people we’ve just mentioned: originally they came from Russia and now settled in Ukraine, UK, London and USA. So, this attack on Donald Trump was if not directly inspired by London but London at least directly participated in it.

Details in the video (already interpreted into English) (start watching from minute 28):
The Great Game. 15.05.2019

Dimitri Simes on a Russian political TV show “The Great Game”: I’m sure that one of the important external forces that helped to start all those “investigations” in the USA was the security service of Ukraine and Ukrainian oligarchs related to it. Plus some Russian emigrants from the radical opposition [to Putin] who hated Trump and were scared to death of him cause they believed he would renew relations with Russia. I think it’s very important to realize where this devastated and paralyzing attack on the Trump administration came from.

Details in the video (already interpreted into English) (start watching from minute 46):
The Great Game. 28.05.2019

Dimitri Simes
Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest
Three years ago, when all this "Russian collusion" was forced upon us by Democrats I said that dossier was FBI job. They used Hillary and DNC to pay Steele to take credit for it, so it looks like it came from foreign sources. Steele took the money, later said he doesn't believe in half of things in dossier. Remember how afraid he was that "firewall" wont hold?

If you look at it today, it looks more realistic than back then. There are still the same players involved that were covering for Hillary email server... Comey, McCabe, Perkins Coie, Fusion GPS, Crowdstrike, Mueller. On the top of it, everything was reported to Obongo, he knew everything that was going on.
And how gracefully they have put the blame on Russia trying to kill several birds in one shot, the people whom they take as their existential threat: Trump and Putin.

According to Democrats, it's perfectly appropriate for the Democrat Senators to lean on Ukrainian officials (see the article below), and perfectly fine for sitting VP to threaten to withhold foreign aid. But if Trump dares to bring up any of it while doing his job, than... REEEEE, we must impeach him. According to Democrats, it's a crime for Trump to ask questions about previous administration, and crimes that may have been committed by Biden.

Senate Democrats Face Questions After Letter Resurfaces of Them Asking Ukraine to Investigate Trump in 2018

Last May, three Democratic senators — Senators Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), and Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) — sent a letter to Ukranian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko expressing their “great concern about reports” that his office had taken steps to inhibit former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian election interference.

The group of senators wrote that Ukraine “has made significant progress” in their process of building up their “accountable democratic institutions” in spite of the geopolitical pressure from Russia.

“We have supported that capacity-building process and are disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these principles in order to avoid the ire of President Trump,” continued the senators. “If these reports are true, we strongly encourage you to reverse course and halt any efforts to impede cooperation with this important investigation.”

It's another "Mueller Moment"
This will go no where.
Trump did have a perfect conversation with him.
Countries all over the world look for the US to help with Corruption - especially corruption we had a hand in.
Ukraine even has a treaty with us to do that.

Russia-gate was just the first round fired in a battle between Trump and his supporters and the Deep State forces determined to have their coup and remove Trump from office by any means necessary.

In the sixties Deep State actors would just hire assassins and blow the top of the president's skull off blaming it all on some very low level member of the intelligence community (while calling him a Commie nut job).

I doubt they can get away with that anymore but I wouldn't put anything past Brennan, Clapper, McMasters, Comey and the like.
According to Democrats, it's perfectly appropriate for the Democrat Senators to lean on Ukrainian officials (see the article below), and perfectly fine for sitting VP to threaten to withhold foreign aid. But if Trump dares to bring up any of it while doing his job, than... REEEEE, we must impeach him. According to Democrats, it's a crime for Trump to ask questions about previous administration, and crimes that may have been committed by Biden.

Senate Democrats Face Questions After Letter Resurfaces of Them Asking Ukraine to Investigate Trump in 2018

This right here is why this impeachment shit is a complete fucking joke. "Rules for thee but not for me" should be the mantra of the Democrat party.

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