Did Romney Really Call Santorum a Desperate Liar Today? Really???


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is the same Romney who gets most of his support from RINOS and blue states, and yet his rhetoric is far to the right as he tries to win the trust of conservatives?

That only makes sense if they know that Romney is really as liberal as his record indicates.

It is also amazing how comfortable these RINOS are with people who are such bald-faced liars that they actually ignore all the conservative things Romney says and just assumes he is lying like a used car salesman and is really a RINO too.

And this well known liar has the nerve to call Santorum a liar?

That is all Romney has any more. He cant seriously argue that we should vote for him because of who HE is and what HE stands for, so he has to fall back on, 'Vote for me because I am not as bad as that guy.' and then his kabal of RINO liars saturate markets with tens of millions of dollars in slander adds.

Apparently Romney and the RINOs really think we are all stupid, or at least that enough of us are stupid enough to vote for him.
How exactly would we know if Romney really called Santorum a desperate liar today? You've provided no audio. No context whatsoever. You haven't even provided a freakin quote.

Somehow we are supposedly to magically answer your question despite the fact that you've given us absolutely nothing to work with?

EVERY one of these candidate has issues with honesty. Not at the Caliber of Newt, but they all do.
Glad to hear you are planning on voting for President Obama.

I will if Romney gets the nomination.

Obama is not that bad, really.

Has Obama banned any guns?

Has Obama supported gay marriage?

Has Obama raised taxes on average Americans?

Has Obama done anything to make abortions more legal?

And yet Romney has done all these things, and on top of all that lies his ass off about what he plans to do (really conservative things) and most of his supporters KNOW he is lying and they love it.

Yeah, give me 4 more years of Obama any damned day of the weak before the lying hypocrit Romney gets in the WH.
How exactly would we know if Romney really called Santorum a desperate liar today? You've provided no audio. No context whatsoever. You haven't even provided a freakin quote.

Somehow we are supposedly to magically answer your question despite the fact that you've given us absolutely nothing to work with?

Dude, I am asking a question. Some friends told me this and I cant find it anywhere.

So I asked. You are saying I should know the answer prior to asking the question?

If he called Santorum a liar and I had the audio then why would I ask if he did?

You're making my head hurt.

EVERY one of these candidate has issues with honesty. Not at the Caliber of Newt, but they all do.

Good God. You have drank the Kool Aid too?

Please read and think about what I am saying.

1. Romney has the most extreme right wing rhetoric of any of the candidates.

2. Most of his supporters in the GOP are moderates or RINOs and they apparently think he is lying with every right wing statement that Romney makes.

3. Romney is getting tens of millions of dollars in donations from extremely liberal groups because THEY also think he is lying about having a conservative agenda.

4. Romney is winning mostly in deep blue states like Hawai that the GOP will not win this election. Hundreds of thousands of liberal Democrats, like in Ohio, have been crossing over to vote for Romney because they ALSO think he is a closet libtard and think he is lying about all the conservative things he plans to do.

5. Many of Romneys staff have said that he will not end Obamacare when he gets into office and that he will raise taxes (VAT and $2/gallon gas tax). So his staffers apparently think that he is a liar when he says exactly the opposite in his stump speeches.

Now, I agree that Gingrich has told some fibs and has wandered off the conservative ranch a few times, but the people who support him support him because they think he WILL DO what he is saying in his speeches that he will do.

This is the exact opposite of Romney whose moderate supporters think he is blowing shit out of his mouth when he campaigns as the most conservative candidate in the race, and they LIKE that about him.

There is simply no comparison between the habitual liar Mit Romney who is sprimarily supported BECAUSE he is a liar, and the academic wanderer Newt Gingrich.
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This is the same Romney who gets most of his support from RINOS and blue states, and yet his rhetoric is far to the right as he tries to win the trust of conservatives?

That only makes sense if they know that Romney is really as liberal as his record indicates.

It is also amazing how comfortable these RINOS are with people who are such bald-faced liars that they actually ignore all the conservative things Romney says and just assumes he is lying like a used car salesman and is really a RINO too.

And this well known liar has the nerve to call Santorum a liar?

That is all Romney has any more. He cant seriously argue that we should vote for him because of who HE is and what HE stands for, so he has to fall back on, 'Vote for me because I am not as bad as that guy.' and then his kabal of RINO liars saturate markets with tens of millions of dollars in slander adds.

Apparently Romney and the RINOs really think we are all stupid, or at least that enough of us are stupid enough to vote for him.

Well, he is desperate to win and he does lie.
When did Romney cheat the government out of $$$?
Santorum took 100K to school his kids from Penn Hills School District and did not even live in the district.
Santorum is a liar and the worst possible candidate the GOP could nomonate.
But it doesn't matter as Romney is the nominee.
How exactly would we know if Romney really called Santorum a desperate liar today? You've provided no audio. No context whatsoever. You haven't even provided a freakin quote.

Somehow we are supposedly to magically answer your question despite the fact that you've given us absolutely nothing to work with?

Dude, I am asking a question. Some friends told me this and I cant find it anywhere.

So I asked. You are saying I should know the answer prior to asking the question?

If he called Santorum a liar and I had the audio then why would I ask if he did?

You're making my head hurt.

EVERY one of these candidate has issues with honesty. Not at the Caliber of Newt, but they all do.

Good God. You have drank the Kool Aid too?

Please read and think about what I am saying.

1. Romney has the most extreme right wing rhetoric of any of the candidates.

2. Most of his supporters in the GOP are moderates or RINOs and they apparently think he is lying with every right wing statement that Romney makes.

3. Romney is getting tens of millions of dollars in donations from extremely liberal groups because THEY also think he is lying about having a conservative agenda.

4. Romney is winning mostly in deep blue states like Hawai that the GOP will not win this election. Hundreds of thousands of liberal Democrats, like in Ohio, have been crossing over to vote for Romney because they ALSO think he is a closet libtard and think he is lying about all the conservative things he plans to do.

5. Many of Romneys staff have said that he will not end Obamacare when he gets into office and that he will raise taxes (VAT and $2/gallon gas tax). So his staffers apparently think that he is a liar when he says exactly the opposite in his stump speeches.

Now, I agree that Gingrich has told some fibs and has wandered off the conservative ranch a few times, but the people who support him support him because they think he WILL DO what he is saying in his speeches that he will do.

This is the exact opposite of Romney whose moderate supporters think he is blowing shit out of his mouth when he campaigns as the most conservative candidate in the race, and they LIKE that about him.

There is simply no comparison between the habitual liar Mit Romney who is sprimarily supported BECAUSE he is a liar, and the academic wanderer Newt Gingrich.

Quit banging your head against the wall and it will quit hurting.
Rocks bouncing against your cranium will always hurt.

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