Did Paul Ryan make it "own his own"? NO!!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Paul Ryan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, here is how Paul Ryan made it "on his own" without any help building his career:

After a tragic early death of his father, he was able to get by on Social Security survivor's benefits until age 18. Thank goodness for that safety net.

But best "help" of all????

Ryan attended the Univ of Miami-Ohio.........a PUBLIC university.

While there, he visited with libertarian professor Richard Hart, where he became hugely interested in Ayn Rand, and read about her while at UM-OH.

How interesting. Ryan attended a government funded college. Learned from a libertarian college professor, who was employed by a govt college, and began to read anti-government material by Ayn Rand....while on campus of a govt funded college.

Yep. Govt had NO help in shaping Paul Ryan.
Paul Ryan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, here is how Paul Ryan made it "on his own" without any help building his career:

After a tragic early death of his father, he was able to get by on Social Security survivor's benefits until age 18. Thank goodness for that safety net.

But best "help" of all????

Ryan attended the Univ of Miami-Ohio.........a PUBLIC university.

While there, he visited with libertarian professor Richard Hart, where he became hugely interested in Ayn Rand, and read about her while at UM-OH.

How interesting. Ryan attended a government funded college. Learned from a libertarian college professor, who was employed by a govt college, and began to read anti-government material by Ayn Rand....while on campus of a govt funded college.

Yep. Govt had NO help in shaping Paul Ryan.

That he PAID to attend.
Did he? He didn't recieve ONE CENT of govt financial aid??? You sure??
Paul Ryan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After a tragic early death of his father, he was able to get by on Social Security survivor's benefits until age 18. Thank goodness for that safety net.

I myself received SS Survivors benefits from the death of my father in 1980. The amount was piddling.

Secondly, that is NOT what YOUR SOURCE says, dumb ass, so you're again shown to be a fucking liar.
Due to his father's death Ryan received survivor's benefits through Social Security until his 18th birthday, which were saved up in order to pay for his college education
And they wouldn't have been enough for even books. I know this from personal experience.
Did he? He didn't recieve ONE CENT of govt financial aid??? You sure??

Hmm.. Maybe he and Obama can release their college financials at the same time.

You're taking your new job as Obama's best cheerleader a little too seriously. Save some bandwith for Obama's other worshipers.
It seems some poor libs have a concept of "all or nothing"...I doubt they truly believe that the right is against the role of government in any capacity, but whatever it takes to console themselves at this point.:D
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Did he? He didn't recieve ONE CENT of govt financial aid??? You sure??

Paul Ryan received social security benefits--AFTER he found his father dead at age 16--which he was eligible for since his father died. He saved that money to pay for college. In high school he worked at McDonald's flipping hamburgers--so WTF is your point? Didn't his father pay into social security all of his working years--and once he suddenly died--that money goes to the UNDERAGE children of the deceased? And be assured that the money Paul Ryan received did not come close to the amount his father paid into the fund.


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