Did members of congress commit felonies: Witness Tampering and Obstruction? Could be!


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Turns out Michael Flynn gave Robert Mueller a smoking gun about Donald Trump

NBC says that this tampering was done by people in the Trump White House and unnamed people in Congress, which opens a whole new can of worms. Flynn told Mueller all about these efforts while they were going on. It gets even uglier.

The other huge story here is which (presumably Republican) members of Congress helped Trump try to convince Flynn not to cooperate. Whoever they are, they’re facing criminal scandals.

Prosecutors: Person 'connected to' Congress tried to influence Flynn's cooperation with Mueller

Mueller’s report refers to a voicemail left by an attorney to Trump, shortly after Flynn withdrew from a joint defense agreement with Trump. In the voicemail, the attorney suggests that Trump still has warm feelings for Flynn.

Someone From Congress Attempted to Tamper With Russia Probe Witness, Flynn

Keep in mind that this is different than what Robert Mueller included in his final report, with at least ten clear instances of the president working to obstruct the investigation.

This was a member of Congress, stepping outside of his role, in an attempt to influence a key witness in a federal investigation.

As of the time of this writing, we don’t know which member of Congress made the call (or however he reached out), but we can probably take a solid guess.

I’m not ready to name names, but I’m willing to bet it rhymes with: Tevin Munes.


Every single day, more crime and dirt. And now Trump's criminality is affecting members of congress? How does he do it? Does he have "stuff" on them or is Trump the living, walking nectar of the Gods and Trump lets them sip a little? The amount of illegality is overwhelming. It's like a poorly written episode of VEEP.


If they're in congress, they've probably committed a felony every day for breakfast.

If they're democrooks, they committed treason too.

Is spamming the GD forum with dozens of your psychotic, paranoid, baby-tantrum Trump Derangement Syndrome EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY the only way your little penis can get an erection, you sorry vessel of failed manhood? You're so obsessed, why don't you just get yourself a life-sized poster of President Trump, put it on your wall, and just masturbate to your heart's content......generously assuming a puerile excuse of a man like yourself has ever been able to achieve an orgasm.

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