Did John Wilkes Booth escape?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
If you have to ask who JW Booth was you need to exit the history forum. Booth was a successful actor in the mid 19th century and most likely a democrat since Lincoln was a republican. There is no question that Booth shot president Lincoln in a incident that only a lame 19th century actor could think up. He apparently fractured his leg in a dramatic leap to the Ford stage hollering "Sic Temper Tyrannis" and escaped on horseback eluding Federal Troops for about two weeks before being cornered in a tobacco barn in Virginia. The Federals set fire to the barn and Booth was allegedly shot and his body was dragged out of the barn. A doctor who treated Booth could not identify the body and it's possible that Booth had escaped and created a new identity.
Eyewitnesses said they did not hear Booth scream in pain or limp off the stage after shooting Lincoln. Booth was also able to climb on a horse unassisted with a badly broken leg.

His partner said he broke it when a horse fell on him
Let's just go ahead and put this to rest.

Corbett claimed that he saw Booth aim his carbine, prompting him to shoot at Booth with his Colt revolver. The bullet struck Booth in the back of the head behind his left ear, passed through his neck, and out into the barn. Booth screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

Doherty, Conger and several soldiers rushed into the burning barn and carried the mortally wounded Booth out.


Lincoln's Assassination was a manufactured event meaning, it never happened

by Miles Mathis
First published February 19, 2014

NEW PAPER, added 5/31/14, The Lincoln Assassination was another Manufactured Event. I take you through the whole thing, using both old and new evidence.
PAPER UPDATE, added 8/28/16, The Lincoln Assassination was a False Flag. I have added several paragraphs of genealogy, showing Lincoln was related to most of his alleged conspirators through his wife Mary Todd, including John Wilkes Booth, Henry Rathbone, and the Surratts. Go down to p. 28 in the PDF.
PAPER UPDATE, added 5/29/19, Abe Lincoln. See p. 25, where we find more evidence Lincoln's death was faked.
PAPER UPDATE, added 3/11/20, The Lincoln Assassination. I show that we now have the grand slam: Lincoln was a gay Jewish actor who faked his death. See p. 29.
PAPER UPDATE, added 7/17/20, The Lincoln Assassination was Faked. I have added about a page to this one. See p. 21.
PAPER UPDATE, added 1/15/21, The Fake Lincoln Assassination. I have added another short paragraph and a couple of pictures of Booth to this one, in support of my research. See p. 30.

** Lincoln was a gay Jewish actor who faked his death-- same old story.
Eyewitnesses said they did not hear Booth scream in pain or limp off the stage after shooting Lincoln. Booth was also able to climb on a horse unassisted with a badly broken leg.

His partner said he broke it when a horse fell on him
He definitely broke his leg. The physician who helped him famously coined the term "my name is mud" because, EVERYONE hated him for it. It ruined his life.
He definitely broke his leg. The physician who helped him famously coined the term "my name is mud" because, EVERYONE hated him for it. It ruined his life.
No question Booth broke his leg. Just not by jumping from Lincoln’s suite onto the stage.

Mudd was not an innocent doctor in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was known by Booth and they had discussed assassination
Well since you offer-up nothing else but your own (and unsupported) speculation on the matter then perhaps it should be in conspiracy theories.
At least American conspiracy theories beat the Russian and Ukie history constantly offered by foreign posters. I'm just trying to change focus with some good old American history.
At least American conspiracy theories beat the Russian and Ukie history constantly offered by foreign posters. I'm just trying to change focus with some good old American history.
I love CW history.....What I don't like is unfounded BS.

Goodness knows there are enough people trying to change it as it is without helping them along.
If you have to ask who JW Booth was you need to exit the history forum. Booth was a successful actor in the mid 19th century and most likely a democrat since Lincoln was a republican. There is no question that Booth shot president Lincoln in a incident that only a lame 19th century actor could think up. He apparently fractured his leg in a dramatic leap to the Ford stage hollering "Sic Temper Tyrannis" and escaped on horseback eluding Federal Troops for about two weeks before being cornered in a tobacco barn in Virginia. The Federals set fire to the barn and Booth was allegedly shot and his body was dragged out of the barn. A doctor who treated Booth could not identify the body and it's possible that Booth had escaped and created a new identity.

I used to think that the theory that Booth escaped was absurd and loony, but when I delved into it, I was surprised to find that even back then there was considerable doubt that the man who was killed in the Garrett barn was actually Booth.

I'm not sure about either of the men who have been suggested as the escaped Booth, but I agree that there are some serious, gaping holes in the identification of the body from the Garrett farm as Booth's body.

There is a lot more evidence than these articles mention, but they are a decent start. As chance would have it, I am trying to find some articles I wrote on the subject around six years ago. I forgot to transfer them to my Google Drive when I moved my homepage from Arvixe to Google Sites. I'm hoping they're on one of my backup flash drives.

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