Did John Boehner destroy the Republican National Convention all by himself?


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
In the time John "Crybaby" Boehner has been speaker of the house, I have given serious effort to try and find one good thing to say about the cowardly lion. Unfortunately, I just can not find one good thing to say about him. Just when I thought Boehner couldn't be a bigger albatross to the Republican party, at the Republican National Convention, he proved to be an even bigger detriment than I possibly could have imagined. While I am a registered Libertarian, I was looking forward to the RNC. Unfortunately, John Boehner with his "throw em out" speech, he sounded like the town drunk who was a sip of whiskey away from passing out and falling off his stool. Is it any wonder there was an enormous drop in viewership of the RNC the following day? Is it any wonder why the RNC had a low viewershi? Really, I fell asleep on my couch during Boehner's speech, my girlfriend woke me up...no joking. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to see Mia Love speak, unfortunately, after the town drunk, John Boehner spoke, I doubt enough people saw her speak.

The RNC convention was very good, the only problem was John Boehner really ruined it. I like how the Republican speakers gave accounts of Mitt Romney, it was perfectly done so that way Mitt didn't have to talk about all his accomplishments on his own. Had Mitt needed to talk about all his accomplishments on his own, the Democrats Party's SuperPac, also known as the media would have focused on Mitt only caring about himself. Ryan's speech was a grand slam, and Mitt did a good job of being personable and warm. I know many wanted more attacks on Obama, but I am glad they did not attack Obama as much as many hoped. Why? Because the Communist Convention starts on Tuesday and all of Mitt's attacks would have been forgotten. Mitt did not gain the success he did by being a fool, I just have a feeling Obama is not gonna have any idea of what hit him come the first debate. Mitt is gonna save it for when it counts. Oh, and BTW, the Clint Eastwood thing was hilarious!!! Even Bill Maher liked it!!!!

While I think the Republicans did a good job, unfortunately this was ruined by the worst ever speaker of the house, John Boehner. I truly believe his drunken tirade turned alotta people off and hurt the viewership. This guy really needs to go. He is a disgrace to the Republican Party and a disgrace to America. If I should ever meet John Boehner, I will have no problems asking him this: how is it that you have such a deep booming voice, since you do not have a pair of balls? In all honesty, the Republicans would be better off if Boehner loses his seat to a Democrat, and then hopefully the following election regain that seat. John Boehner is nothing more than a turd in a bucket of honey.
I agree 100%. I like Boehner less and less every time I see him.

In the time John "Crybaby" Boehner has been speaker of the house, I have given serious effort to try and find one good thing to say about the cowardly lion. Unfortunately, I just can not find one good thing to say about him. Just when I thought Boehner couldn't be a bigger albatross to the Republican party, at the Republican National Convention, he proved to be an even bigger detriment than I possibly could have imagined. While I am a registered Libertarian, I was looking forward to the RNC. Unfortunately, John Boehner with his "throw em out" speech, he sounded like the town drunk who was a sip of whiskey away from passing out and falling off his stool. Is it any wonder there was an enormous drop in viewership of the RNC the following day? Is it any wonder why the RNC had a low viewershi? Really, I fell asleep on my couch during Boehner's speech, my girlfriend woke me up...no joking. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to see Mia Love speak, unfortunately, after the town drunk, John Boehner spoke, I doubt enough people saw her speak.

The RNC convention was very good, the only problem was John Boehner really ruined it. I like how the Republican speakers gave accounts of Mitt Romney, it was perfectly done so that way Mitt didn't have to talk about all his accomplishments on his own. Had Mitt needed to talk about all his accomplishments on his own, the Democrats Party's SuperPac, also known as the media would have focused on Mitt only caring about himself. Ryan's speech was a grand slam, and Mitt did a good job of being personable and warm. I know many wanted more attacks on Obama, but I am glad they did not attack Obama as much as many hoped. Why? Because the Communist Convention starts on Tuesday and all of Mitt's attacks would have been forgotten. Mitt did not gain the success he did by being a fool, I just have a feeling Obama is not gonna have any idea of what hit him come the first debate. Mitt is gonna save it for when it counts. Oh, and BTW, the Clint Eastwood thing was hilarious!!! Even Bill Maher liked it!!!!

While I think the Republicans did a good job, unfortunately this was ruined by the worst ever speaker of the house, John Boehner. I truly believe his drunken tirade turned alotta people off and hurt the viewership. This guy really needs to go. He is a disgrace to the Republican Party and a disgrace to America. If I should ever meet John Boehner, I will have no problems asking him this: how is it that you have such a deep booming voice, since you do not have a pair of balls? In all honesty, the Republicans would be better off if Boehner loses his seat to a Democrat, and then hopefully the following election regain that seat. John Boehner is nothing more than a turd in a bucket of honey.
Mitt did not gain the success he did by being a fool, I just have a feeling Obama is not gonna have any idea of what hit him come the first debate. Mitt is gonna save it for when it counts.


Keeping this one on ice.
Considering the Convention wasnt destroyed, Id have to say the answer is no. But then he certainly doesnt help the cause.

Boehner needs to go. Mitt is going to destroy Obama during the debate and I doubt Biden will even show up for the VP debate
Sounds pretty good to me..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-gyRnCVZ5E]John Boehner Addresses The Republican National Convention, Tampa, Florida -- August 28 2012 - YouTube[/ame]

Is this the same speech?

In defense of Mr. Boehner, before you jump all over someone who puts in 100 hour weeks into serving America, and trying to keep the lid on agressive spending and money printing that is ruining America's childrens' chances of having personal money due to the excesses of overspending, John Boehner has been the man to just say no to Obama's spending and do something about it by putting the brakes on it.

What does Obama do? He calls the Treasury and jumps up and down on them about printing more money. He calls the Treasury and jumps up and down about the Treasury hustling the check for $535 million to Solyndra, who takes the money and less than 2 years later goes bellyup, but the owners and their investors get out with a $535 million parachute from you and me that they will never have to pay back.

Boehner is getting pretty aggressive back and encouraging the American people to vote in Romney and Ryan.

He has the hardest job in Washington. He is a physician and sensitive to people, even when in Washington, people are at each others' necks 24/7 these days, no breaks. That's a lot of stress to be under, and trying to be Speaker of the House adds more responsibilities to his state duties as the elected representative from his district, which is in and of itself also a full-time job.

He is older and may be experiencing somatic issues such as back pain or autoimmune issue. He is a physician, and physicians may not tell their plight to anybody else.

Has anyone considered the thought he may have to take pain pills and try not to look like he has screaming out loud pain of some kind, but he can't stop working because there's too much to do and no one else to do it like he does, which has been as effective as he could be against the Clintonistas in the White House again pushing an agenda that will be hard to undo if it goes another 8 years.

If he had slurred words, some pain medications may be the culprit, but Boehner feels a need to keep going at this important time of convention.

When you get a little older, you aren't dead, but sometimes there are pain issues that start at or around 45-55, and they need treatment.

Look what happened to Rick Perry. Two weeks before kicking off his campaign, he had major back surgery that required anesthesia pain killer, and he couldn't speak right for 6 months, so the press started making him into an idiot since he is a conservative anyhow.

I knew that wasn't right. Perry is a great speaker, impromptu if he is called, seldom goes off subject. But anesthesia drugs have a propensity to cause issue to every sense in the body. The trade off for getting a major and complex problem like his back problem was fixed is enough meds to make him not feel the knife. These anesthesia drugs get into the body's cells and they stick around for days, weeks, months, and up to a couple of years. I know. I have fibromyalgia, and my physician couldn't get a drug that I wasn't allergic to to work for my pain. He finally gave me a product associated with anesthesia that blocks pain neurons that are misfiring in a sufferer of fibromyalgia, and you don't feel pain any more. In my case, I started making serious errors of judgment in math on everyday receipts. I was all fired up to work because I felt better, but fully half of my receipts contained errors--little errors, middle sized errors, and big errors. I had no idea! But my husband did, because he did the accounting. First thing I knew, he was calling my attention to $20 to $80 errors on a lot of receipts. I was horrified. My usual error rate was less than .01%, and all of a sudden, it was 55.00% Fortunately, I had a history of taking people's names and addresses down on big sales, so we could contact the people if we shortchanged them with their overpayment and $25 gift certificates for merchandise for their inconvenience. We struggled for a year until I realized, it was the anesthetic that was making me make mistakes. I went off them and started having screaming out loud pain again.

That slurred speech may not be the drunken sot. It may be the man masking his pain, but not being able to find the right drug, and accepting the one that just made the pain stop.

Boehner isn't telling what his problem is. That speaks well of his character. There are also conditions that make the eyes dry and there are some than make them appear "weepy." Boehner isn't sayin' nothin.'

If there are issues with decisions, let's talk about those.

This making his "slurred speech" into something it may not be is not a good idea.

/lectio divinia :eusa_whistle:

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