Did Donald Trump just shoot himself in the foot ?

Are lefties that freaking desperate these days? Trump tried a left wing tactic of encouraging vaccinations and his audience didn't like it. Meanwhile Joe Biden doesn't have enough feet left to shoot and his handlers still won't let him speak in public.
Quite honestly he's a little bit out of touch if he thought this statement about getting vaccines would go over well, not just in Alabama but anywhere.
If he plans to run in 2024 he may want to rethink his strategy.
If the deep state decides, for whatever reason, to install him in 2024, as they installed Joe Bin Laden, then his running mouth has no effect on the plan.
His statement that the Taliban are "good negociators and tough fighters" is just as corrupt and screwed up, given that some of the US soldiers came back from Afghanistan, not as single or double, but AS TRIPLE EMPUTEES, because they truly believed in thier mission to hold back the savages that constitute the Taliban. He basically was validating the Taliban's savage terrorism against the US Soldiers!!!! And apparently he was ok with it. We don't even talk about the ones that did not make it.

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