Did Anyone Else Break Down In Fake Tears Mocking Demon Rats Invocation of Systemic Racism ?


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Did Anyone Else Break Down In Fake Tears Mocking Demon Rats Invocation of Systemic Racism ? "

* Can Demon Rat Candidates Be Any More Pathetic In Promoting Anti-Racist Racism Expecting White Guilt And Blacks As Fools ? *

The diatribes from demon rat candidates in the debate tonight as to how hard each can suck on a black cock was completely astounding .
There was a democrat debate tonight? Damn, I missed it!
What tonight proved is that the Black migration away off of the Democrat plantation is real and it scares them to death.

There's more of that patronizing racism from the right, where they say an entire race is stupid. That's kind of the definition of racism.

The funny thing is how after they spout that kind of racism, they then wonder why blacks don't vote for them.
" A Definition Of Racism Must Stipulate A Contingency Upon Violence "

* Anti-Racist Racists Pretending To Hold The Moral High Ground *
There's more of that patronizing racism from the right, where they say an entire race is stupid. That's kind of the definition of racism.
Is painting an entire political party as white , intolerant , bigoted , racists , racism , or is it simply legitimate aggression , where legitimate aggression is equally entitled to all ?

* Political Narrative Of Promoting Racial Strife And Incompetence Stereotypes In Lieu Of Actual Economic Opportunity *
The funny thing is how after they spout that kind of racism, they then wonder why blacks don't vote for them.
The patronizing racism was actually from the left as it was repeated over and again " there is no excuse " , in reference to disparity in income and to incarceration rates ; however , the left does not perceive its own statements as racism against blacks , as from a different perspective , " there is no excuse " is an admonition of blacks that they are not up to snuff .
" Temporal Acclaims Four Collaborative Self Interests "

* Wonder Ring By Who What When Where Why How Did This Occur *
What tonight proved is that the Black migration away off of the Democrat plantation is real and it scares them to death.
Are democrats offering to taxpayers a bloat in bureaucracy through the establishment of government work forces ?

* Calling Four Police State Feigning Population Count Efficiency While Global Swarming Four Greenery And Guns *

Where management of public issues is determined by government , those determining the acts of government are by definition exercising authoritarian acts , and conservation of government .

A policy conservative of government is any public policy where government exercises an authoritarian action to manage some social issue of the public .

Which us political party holds a delusion that enlarging government agents to crack down on pet peeves listed under the current party banter of the democrats is not an encroachment on individual liberty ?

A negative wright is a law proscribing actions of government , which is a liberal policy with respect to government authoritarian acts .

Those legislating positive wrights are thereby conservative for government management and may be denoted as being conservative on some public issue .
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Watch this Bloomberg's ad.

Democrats constant effort to link Trump to Klan and Neo-nazis is worse kind of propaganda that fascist and communists are using. Trump has daughter that converted to Judaism because of his son in law. rump is married to an immigrant, even his first wife was immigrant. Trump did more for minorities in this country than Barry ever did, from standpoint of economy, helping inner cities, reforms of criminal system, push for school choice... Trump shown no interest in Klan, or Neo-nazis, and Democrats continuation to paint him as one, is disgusting.

Bloomberg does not have ads about himself and his own achievements when he was Republican, or Democrat, or Independent, because he achieved nothing. He has no ads about Omar, or Tlaib, or AOC, or Shartpton and similar Democrats,because that where systematic racism and bigotry in this country IS coming from.
Is painting an entire political party as white , intolerant , bigoted , racists , racism , or is it simply legitimate aggression , where legitimate aggression is equally entitled to all ?

Logic failure. No wonder you fell for the conservative scam.

Saying "A political party that happens to be composed of whites is bad" is not the same as saying "whites are bad", hence your comparison fails.
" Contemporary Liberal Versus Conservative Paradigm Is Intellectual Buffoonery "

* Authoritarianism Versus Individualism *
Logic failure. No wonder you fell for the conservative scam.

Let us begin with a common understanding for a definition of a conservative policy versus a liberal policy , which is that a conservative policy emphasizes conservation of government management through authoritarian action , whereas a liberal policy emphasizes individual liberty and independence from government management through proscriptions against government authoritarian actions .

The terms negative wrights , positive wrights , negative liberties , positive liberties are interrelated with a definition of conservative versus liberal policies .

That being stated , those describing themselves as conservative are correctly applying the term for its public policy restricting civil liberties as its party emphasizes government management of individual private issues .

Alternatively , those describing themselves as conservative are not correct applying the term for its public policy for unrestrained economic liberties as its party emphasizes proscriptions against government management of individual private issues .

Thus , many policies promoted by the republicans and democrats fall into the categories of " conservation for government authority - conservative " and " liberation of individuals from government authority - liberal " .

* Expectations For Dissolution *
Saying "A political party that happens to be composed of whites is bad" is not the same as saying "whites are bad", hence your comparison fails.
The left allusion is that the repugnican party is composed of whites who are bad ; thus , from where did your assessment produce that " whites are bad " was forwarded ?

In deed , it is true , the left promotes that self loathing and guilt should be facets of the white perspective about themselves .
" Contemporary Liberal Versus Conservative Paradigm Is Intellectual Buffoonery "

* Authoritarianism Versus Individualism *
Logic failure. No wonder you fell for the conservative scam.

Let us begin with a common understanding for a definition of a conservative policy versus a liberal policy , which is that a conservative policy emphasizes conservation of government management through authoritarian action , whereas a liberal policy emphasizes individual liberty and independence from government management through proscriptions against government authoritarian actions .

The terms negative wrights , positive wrights , negative liberties , positive liberties are interrelated with a definition of conservative versus liberal policies .

That being stated , those describing themselves as conservative are correctly applying the term for its public policy restricting civil liberties as its party emphasizes government management of individual private issues .

Alternatively , those describing themselves as conservative are not correct applying the term for its public policy for unrestrained economic liberties as its party emphasizes proscriptions against government management of individual private issues .

Thus , many policies promoted by the republicans and democrats fall into the categories of " conservation for government authority - conservative " and " liberation of individuals from government authority - liberal " .

* Expectations For Dissolution *
Saying "A political party that happens to be composed of whites is bad" is not the same as saying "whites are bad", hence your comparison fails.
The left allusion is that the repugnican party is composed of whites who are bad ; thus , from where did your assessment produce that " whites are bad " was forwarded ?

In deed , it is true , the left promotes that self loathing and guilt should be facets of the white perspective about themselves .

Except, conservatism, by definition is not "conservation of government authority" but conservation of traditional values and ideas and opposition to large and sudden changes.

But I'd like to address something else. Where government get their rights? Do government actually have rights that we as individuals do? Or any?

The government create and perpetuate good or evil by claiming to hold power that actually does not exist. Government claims power over others as if it had the right to do so. If you look at it, most of the people look at today "laws" set forth by governments as rules that must be obeyed. But if people are thinking properly, they would not need them, and would ignore all government laws, and call them what they are... demands enforced by the ruling class by open and aggressive force.

These "laws" are not meant to make a better or safer environment, but strictly meant to control the population at large. The majority of people have been nudged into believing that the state is a "god" that must exist so that order can be maintained.

Back to your post, whose policies today are designed to assign or approve more power to government, conservative or liberal?
" Complex But Simplified "

* Non Specific Transient Acclaim *
Except, conservatism, by definition is not "conservation of government authority" but conservation of traditional values and ideas and opposition to large and sudden changes.
Are you stating that the contemporary party is conserving their traditional values and ideas and the they are the conservative party until they are replaced with a new party that which then becomes the conservative party ?

* Basics Dichotomy With Respect To Government Action *
But I'd like to address something else. Where government get their rights? Do government actually have rights that we as individuals do? Or any?

The government create and perpetuate good or evil by claiming to hold power that actually does not exist. Government claims power over others as if it had the right to do so. If you look at it, most of the people look at today "laws" set forth by governments as rules that must be obeyed. But if people are thinking properly, they would not need them, and would ignore all government laws, and call them what they are... demands enforced by the ruling class by open and aggressive force.

These "laws" are not meant to make a better or safer environment, but strictly meant to control the population at large. The majority of people have been nudged into believing that the state is a "god" that must exist so that order can be maintained.
Prior to establishing a greater individual through government , all are subject to natural freedoms inherited from relativism within nature .

To improve ones safety , security and quality of life , one exchanges their natural freedoms for " protected " wrights as a citizen in a social civil agreement of a constitution .

A negative wright is a law written in a form that proscribes authoritarian actions of government and it provides negative liberties , that is independence and protections from government .

A positive wright is a law written in a form that prescribes authoritarian actions by government and it may provides negative liberties between individuals or positive liberties that are endowments from government .

The us constitution specifies in its first amendment that it may not censure free speech ( non violent speech ) , but assuredly , the constitution does not prohibit private individuals from affecting censure through its willful intentions .

A very concerning issue against adherents of fictional ishmaelism is its notion of Hisbah - Wikipedia which expects an abdication to government as " An obligation of a Muslim. " and " An obligation of a state to ensure its citizens comply with hisbah such as sharia. " .

* More Transparency Required *
Back to your post, whose policies today are designed to assign or approve more power to government, conservative or liberal?
By definition , a conservative policy is designed to assign or approve more power to government , whereas a liberal policy emphasizes independence from government ; such is that the contemporary lexicon of blanket claims denoting repugnicans as " conservative " and demoncrats as " liberal " is absurd .

How could any refer to gun control , or socialism , as liberal policies ?
" Cautionary Trails "

* Seams Too Many Wear There *
" Complex But Simplified "

* Basics Dichotomy With Respect To Government Action *
The us constitution specifies in its first amendment that it may not censure free speech ( non violent speech ) , but assuredly , the constitution does not prohibit private individuals from affecting censure through its willful intentions .
Consider the content at the following link -
To fix anti-vaxxing, climate change, and white supremacy, we 'have to fix Facebook and Google': Roger McNamee

Will free enterprise such as facebook and google stipulate non violence as its criteria for abridging free speech ?

* Exponential Notation *

Free enterprise must remain free from coercion by pariahs seeking to censor speech which does not qualify as violence .

The threat or acts of violence such as coordination of illegitimate aggression is due censure through notification and prosecution by law enforcement .

However , simply because some individual disagrees with miscegenation , or makes audacious claims about supremacy , as long as those actions by do not transgress against non violence principles , free enterprise should maintain the core principle of individualism and not abdicate to the pressure from deceit of anti-racist racist purporting an altruism of good intentions but exercising illegitimate aggression against individual liberty .

* Basic Rules More *

First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[3]

Us first amendment stipulates that government may not abridge the freedom of speech through government property and expressly precludes violence .

Us first amendment does not stipulate that individuals may not abridge the freedom of speech through private property and willful intents though violence is intrinsically precluded .

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