Dick Durbin not sure if HHS mandate still violates religious liberty

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
How about that, this plan affects self insured. I could have sworn somebody told me Obamacare doesn't affect self insured companies. Anyone remember who that was? Ravi? Anyone?

Sen. Dick Durbin, the second-ranking Democrat in the U.S. Senate, said Tuesday afternoon that he doesn't know if President Obama's revised contraception mandate violates the religious liberty of self-insured religious institutions, such as some hospitals, universities, and the Catholic church in Washington, D.C.
That is the remaining question in my mind--the risk plans, the self-insured," Durbin told THE WEEKLY STANDARD following the Senate Democrats weekly luncheon. "I want to know how they're treated. I've asked that." Last Friday, President Obama announced a revision to his mandate, saying that the insurers of religious institutions, not the religious institutions themselves, would provide contraception, sterilization, and abortion-inducing drugs to beneficiaries "free of charge." Many scholars and other public figures rejected the revision as a meaningless "cheap accounting trick" that still leaves religious institutions providing services they find morally objectionable. But the president didn't even try to explain how this alleged "accommodation" would protect self-insured religious organizations, such as the Catholic church in Washington, D.C.

Dick Durbin: 'I Don't Know' If HHS Mandate Still Violates Religious Liberty | The Weekly Standard
Who cares...

The courts have already ruled that religions have comply with the law.

Too bad, so sad for the men in dresses.

No Joe, the EEOC has ruled that. It hasn't made it's way through the courts yet.

Nice try though...
Who cares...

The courts have already ruled that religions have comply with the law.

Too bad, so sad for the men in dresses.

Who cares, the court has already ruled that laws have to comply with religions.

Too bad, so sad for the boys in diapers.
Who cares...

The courts have already ruled that religions have comply with the law.

Too bad, so sad for the men in dresses.

No Joe, the EEOC has ruled that. It hasn't made it's way through the courts yet.

Nice try though...

too bad for the man in a dress....


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