Dick Cheney: Obama Has Been 'Unmitigated Disaster To The Country'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

CHEYENNE, Wyo. -- Former Vice President Dick Cheney walked onstage without any assistance and spoke for an hour and 15 minutes without seeming to tire in his first public engagement since he underwent a heart transplant three weeks ago.

He sat in a plush chair throughout the long chat with daughter Liz Cheney and looked decidedly healthier than recent appearances where he has been gaunt and used a cane.

Cheney even threw in a couple of political plugs amid much reminiscing at the Wyoming Republican Party state convention in Cheyenne on Saturday.

He said the presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is going to do a "whale of a job." He said it's never been more important than now to defeat a sitting president and the Republican Party should unite behind Romney.

"He has been an unmitigated disaster to the country," Cheney said of President Barack Obama.

More: Dick Cheney: Obama Has Been 'Unmitigated Disaster To The Country'


CHEYENNE, Wyo. -- Former Vice President Dick Cheney walked onstage without any assistance and spoke for an hour and 15 minutes without seeming to tire in his first public engagement since he underwent a heart transplant three weeks ago.

He sat in a plush chair throughout the long chat with daughter Liz Cheney and looked decidedly healthier than recent appearances where he has been gaunt and used a cane.

Cheney even threw in a couple of political plugs amid much reminiscing at the Wyoming Republican Party state convention in Cheyenne on Saturday.

He said the presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is going to do a "whale of a job." He said it's never been more important than now to defeat a sitting president and the Republican Party should unite behind Romney.

"He has been an unmitigated disaster to the country," Cheney said of President Barack Obama.

More: Dick Cheney: Obama Has Been 'Unmitigated Disaster To The Country'
Compared to what Cheney's Administration did to this country, Obama walks on water. Cheney should be walking around a SuperMax in a jumpsuit with a big fat number on his back. I've got issues with Obama, but there is no comparison in terms of disaster between this and the last Administration.

You people just don't get it, do you? Republican's have absolutely nothing to offer the country. Since the right got booted out of office in 2006, they've done nothing to address the systemic problems of their party, one of which, is constantly lying to this nation. Until the right can bring something to the table, this country has no reason to listen to anything you say.

CHEYENNE, Wyo. -- Former Vice President Dick Cheney walked onstage without any assistance and spoke for an hour and 15 minutes without seeming to tire in his first public engagement since he underwent a heart transplant three weeks ago.

He sat in a plush chair throughout the long chat with daughter Liz Cheney and looked decidedly healthier than recent appearances where he has been gaunt and used a cane.

Cheney even threw in a couple of political plugs amid much reminiscing at the Wyoming Republican Party state convention in Cheyenne on Saturday.

He said the presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is going to do a "whale of a job." He said it's never been more important than now to defeat a sitting president and the Republican Party should unite behind Romney.

"He has been an unmitigated disaster to the country," Cheney said of President Barack Obama.

More: Dick Cheney: Obama Has Been 'Unmitigated Disaster To The Country'


yeah, that's hyperbole.

words like 'complete', 'utter', 'total' would have been better.


CHEYENNE, Wyo. -- Former Vice President Dick Cheney walked onstage without any assistance and spoke for an hour and 15 minutes without seeming to tire in his first public engagement since he underwent a heart transplant three weeks ago.

He sat in a plush chair throughout the long chat with daughter Liz Cheney and looked decidedly healthier than recent appearances where he has been gaunt and used a cane.

Cheney even threw in a couple of political plugs amid much reminiscing at the Wyoming Republican Party state convention in Cheyenne on Saturday.

He said the presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is going to do a "whale of a job." He said it's never been more important than now to defeat a sitting president and the Republican Party should unite behind Romney.

"He has been an unmitigated disaster to the country," Cheney said of President Barack Obama.

More: Dick Cheney: Obama Has Been 'Unmitigated Disaster To The Country'
Compared to what Cheney's Administration did to this country, Obama walks on water. Cheney should be walking around a SuperMax in a jumpsuit with a big fat number on his back. I've got issues with Obama, but there is no comparison in terms of disaster between this and the last Administration.

You people just don't get it, do you? Republican's have absolutely nothing to offer the country. Since the right got booted out of office in 2006, they've done nothing to address the systemic problems of their party, one of which, is constantly lying to this nation. Until the right can bring something to the table, this country has no reason to listen to anything you say.

Very well said. Thank you.

CHEYENNE, Wyo. -- Former Vice President Dick Cheney walked onstage without any assistance and spoke for an hour and 15 minutes without seeming to tire in his first public engagement since he underwent a heart transplant three weeks ago.

He sat in a plush chair throughout the long chat with daughter Liz Cheney and looked decidedly healthier than recent appearances where he has been gaunt and used a cane.

Cheney even threw in a couple of political plugs amid much reminiscing at the Wyoming Republican Party state convention in Cheyenne on Saturday.

He said the presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is going to do a "whale of a job." He said it's never been more important than now to defeat a sitting president and the Republican Party should unite behind Romney.

"He has been an unmitigated disaster to the country," Cheney said of President Barack Obama.

More: Dick Cheney: Obama Has Been 'Unmitigated Disaster To The Country'
Compared to what Cheney's Administration did to this country, Obama walks on water. Cheney should be walking around a SuperMax in a jumpsuit with a big fat number on his back. I've got issues with Obama, but there is no comparison in terms of disaster between this and the last Administration.

You people just don't get it, do you? Republican's have absolutely nothing to offer the country. Since the right got booted out of office in 2006, they've done nothing to address the systemic problems of their party, one of which, is constantly lying to this nation. Until the right can bring something to the table, this country has no reason to listen to anything you say.

What's improved since 2006?

I'm sitting here gleefully awaiting an array of bullshit.

What's improved since 2006?

I'm sitting here gleefully awaiting an array of bullshit.

The economy is growing again. When Obama took office, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. His stimulus packaged stopped that. But I think I'll stop there. In answer to your question, not much. But there has been some improvement.
What's improved since 2006?

I'm sitting here gleefully awaiting an array of bullshit.

The economy is growing again. When Obama took office, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. His stimulus packaged stopped that. But I think I'll stop there. In answer to your question, not much. But there has been some improvement.


Ty, I wish there was a way I could have typed your answer before hand.

the growing economy; gas is at $4/gal. My cost of living it through the roof. dows up; the rich get richer.

loosing jobs; UE is still over that magic 8 percent.

the stimulus; devalued the dollar even more.

Good thing you stopped there.

Ty, I wish there was a way I could have typed your answer before hand.

the growing economy; gas is at $4/gal. My cost of living it through the roof. dows up; the rich get richer.

loosing jobs; UE is still over that magic 8 percent.

the stimulus; devalued the dollar even more.

Good thing you stopped there.
Like I said, I've got my issues with Obama. I started protesting his policies about 18 months after he took office. Which is a lot more than I could say about the right playing deaf, dumb and blind for 8 years during the Bush Administration. Only when he became a lame duck, did they start criticizing his policies. The rest of the time, they were nothing but cheerleaders.

Ty, I wish there was a way I could have typed your answer before hand.

the growing economy; gas is at $4/gal. My cost of living it through the roof. dows up; the rich get richer.

loosing jobs; UE is still over that magic 8 percent.

the stimulus; devalued the dollar even more.

Good thing you stopped there.
Like I said, I've got my issues with Obama. I started protesting his policies about 18 months after he took office. Which is a lot more than I could say about the right playing deaf, dumb and blind for 8 years during the Bush Administration. Only when he became a lame duck, did they start criticizing his policies. The rest of the time, they were nothing but cheerleaders.

I dropped out after the Patriot act was signed and passed the scotus.

nuthin but a bunch of big gubmit moderates and religious conservatives.

CHEYENNE, Wyo. -- Former Vice President Dick Cheney walked onstage without any assistance and spoke for an hour and 15 minutes without seeming to tire in his first public engagement since he underwent a heart transplant three weeks ago.

He sat in a plush chair throughout the long chat with daughter Liz Cheney and looked decidedly healthier than recent appearances where he has been gaunt and used a cane.

Cheney even threw in a couple of political plugs amid much reminiscing at the Wyoming Republican Party state convention in Cheyenne on Saturday.

He said the presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is going to do a "whale of a job." He said it's never been more important than now to defeat a sitting president and the Republican Party should unite behind Romney.

"He has been an unmitigated disaster to the country," Cheney said of President Barack Obama.

More: Dick Cheney: Obama Has Been 'Unmitigated Disaster To The Country'

I'm no longer easily shocked, but this one I had to read twice.

What nerve.

If Obama is an "unmitigated disaster", Mr Cheney, precisely what would you call the steaming pile of shit you and Dubya left behind, sir?

Holy crap. Astonishing. I wish I hadn't seen that one.

I gather Haliburton is not pulling in the money it did at the beginning of the Iraq war; and Libya and Syria are not putting $$$ in Cheney's pockets.
So the dark lord of the Sith has spoken.
Why shoul we listen to Cheney?
He is the one who said that Reagan proved the defecit did not matter.
And was the one who gathered the intelligence about Iraq to make the case for war. Which turned out to be wrong.

So tell me again why we should listen to Dickie?

why do Republicans consider him great?
Has he led great spending cuts? Balanced a budget?
Led the fight against the "Pill Bill"?
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