Diagnosing Left Syndrome...


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

Yes indeed....

The "intellectual" elitist John Kerry did indeed say that we need to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, thus eliminating a primary ingredient of photosynthesis, wiping out all plant life, and thus the rest of the life on the planet. You may have seen this video before and it's right up there with Hank Johnson's concern about an island capsizing as if it floats on the water. It's a degree of absolute stupidity that ought to be studied by medical professionals, except that these jabbering retards are in the government rather than patients at an asylum where they belong.

Now I don't like to pick on people with Down Syndrome. They need and deserve care through no fault of their own and I've never seen one of them attempt to acquire power with a malevolent agenda. That said perhaps we should use the term "Left Syndrome" to specify the condition Kerry suffers from. While he does appear to have severe genetic defects observing his facial features alone, his ability to articulate utter stupidity, illogical conclusions, and vacuous rhetorical bullshit is astounding. He can seem to mimic refinement and sophistication, but it becomes rapidly obvious he really is nothing more than a jabbering retard.

Doctors ought to be studying retards like John Kerry. If he represents the "intelligentsia" of liberals imagine how stupid one has to be to vote for him. This creates a potential firestorm of idiocy that can lead to people wiping out all the mocking birds that eat parasites off rice crops and lead to mass starvation. It could lead to people who are aware their government "disappears" people in the dead of night for no reason and refuse to take up arms in their own defense. It's possible hordes of such imbeciles might wipe out cities and 25% of their own population in order to establish collective prison farms.

It's Weapons Grade Stupidity and it needs to be contained and controlled just as all dangerous weapons need to be.

Excess CO2 Dufus..excess~ Net zero CO2 means no man-made additions to the natural process. BTW..this was back in April.

Newsmax Host Dragged For Claiming Biden Wants To Eliminate All Carbon Dioxide From The Earth​

Newsmax host John Bachman is not a scientist, and he demonstrated that fact after showing a clip of John Kerry—the head of climate policy in the Biden administration—giving a speech on the importance of President Joe Biden's climate jobs act.
Mistakenly believing John Kerry suggested the President wanted to remove carbon dioxide from the air in general, Bachman asked, with a straight face, "what're the trees gonna turn into oxygen?"

Newsmax host: "If we take all the carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, what're the trees gonna turn into oxygen?" https://t.co/PzslVApzi7
— Jason Campbell (@Jason Campbell)1619199136.0
Aside from the fact the political right has had no interest in acknowledging humans have negatively affected the climate at all, this idea is nonsense—considering humans aspirate carbon dioxide, as do literally most animals on planet Earth.
The trees will have plenty to work with.

Damn, can't believe the scientists overlooked this https://t.co/9behkpW0tA
— Zachary Kerska (@Zachary Kerska)1619378654.0

"The stupid, it burns." https://t.co/SUBDFfvGj6
— Cat Allman💉🎉 (@Cat Allman💉🎉)1619305403.0

His stupid is showing. https://t.co/hALqTJkK8l
— David J. Syzdek (@David J. Syzdek)1619304729.0

😂😂😂 https://t.co/VD6eFWxsjZ
— Dr. Paula M Figueiredo (@Dr. Paula M Figueiredo)1619304319.0

check and mate, libs https://t.co/vU3riacxWS
— NFL = WWE (@NFL = WWE)1619303466.0
The carbon emissions Kerry is referring to are the excess emissions—mostly from corporations and vehicles—that release massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, trapping heat on the planet's surface.
This effect—called the "greenhouse effect"—has raised global temperatures at a record rate in the recent past and poses a threat to human civilization and the very well-being of planet earth.

For the few who might want to dig deeper:


Yes indeed....

The "intellectual" elitist John Kerry did indeed say that we need to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, thus eliminating a primary ingredient of photosynthesis, wiping out all plant life, and thus the rest of the life on the planet. You may have seen this video before and it's right up there with Hank Johnson's concern about an island capsizing as if it floats on the water. It's a degree of absolute stupidity that ought to be studied by medical professionals, except that these jabbering retards are in the government rather than patients at an asylum where they belong.

Now I don't like to pick on people with Down Syndrome. They need and deserve care through no fault of their own and I've never seen one of them attempt to acquire power with a malevolent agenda. That said perhaps we should use the term "Left Syndrome" to specify the condition Kerry suffers from. While he does appear to have severe genetic defects observing his facial features alone, his ability to articulate utter stupidity, illogical conclusions, and vacuous rhetorical bullshit is astounding. He can seem to mimic refinement and sophistication, but it becomes rapidly obvious he really is nothing more than a jabbering retard.

Doctors ought to be studying retards like John Kerry. If he represents the "intelligentsia" of liberals imagine how stupid one has to be to vote for him. This creates a potential firestorm of idiocy that can lead to people wiping out all the mocking birds that eat parasites off rice crops and lead to mass starvation. It could lead to people who are aware their government "disappears" people in the dead of night for no reason and refuse to take up arms in their own defense. It's possible hordes of such imbeciles might wipe out cities and 25% of their own population in order to establish collective prison farms.

It's Weapons Grade Stupidity and it needs to be contained and controlled just as all dangerous weapons need to be.


I don't need John Fucking Kerry the tell me what "we need to do."

He needs to fuck off and die.
JGalt Dude is that a way to talk about a man who took a few BBs in the ass for his county

When the original Mr Ketchup went down on his private plane, Mr Ketchup The 2nd came right in another private plane

Yes indeed....

The "intellectual" elitist John Kerry did indeed say that we need to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, thus eliminating a primary ingredient of photosynthesis, wiping out all plant life, and thus the rest of the life on the planet. You may have seen this video before and it's right up there with Hank Johnson's concern about an island capsizing as if it floats on the water. It's a degree of absolute stupidity that ought to be studied by medical professionals, except that these jabbering retards are in the government rather than patients at an asylum where they belong.

Now I don't like to pick on people with Down Syndrome. They need and deserve care through no fault of their own and I've never seen one of them attempt to acquire power with a malevolent agenda. That said perhaps we should use the term "Left Syndrome" to specify the condition Kerry suffers from. While he does appear to have severe genetic defects observing his facial features alone, his ability to articulate utter stupidity, illogical conclusions, and vacuous rhetorical bullshit is astounding. He can seem to mimic refinement and sophistication, but it becomes rapidly obvious he really is nothing more than a jabbering retard.

Doctors ought to be studying retards like John Kerry. If he represents the "intelligentsia" of liberals imagine how stupid one has to be to vote for him. This creates a potential firestorm of idiocy that can lead to people wiping out all the mocking birds that eat parasites off rice crops and lead to mass starvation. It could lead to people who are aware their government "disappears" people in the dead of night for no reason and refuse to take up arms in their own defense. It's possible hordes of such imbeciles might wipe out cities and 25% of their own population in order to establish collective prison farms.

It's Weapons Grade Stupidity and it needs to be contained and controlled just as all dangerous weapons need to be.


I don't usually pick on retards, but everyone except you knows we are actually working on ways to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Nobody but you is dumb enough to think he meant to remove all of it.

John Kerry can start walking the walk and sell his massive home and live a more modest life like his constituents.

The rambling gasbag burns more fucking carbons in one month than most people do in a year. All those bleating elitist worthless douchebags do. Al Gore has enriched himself living lavishly while demonizing Americans who enjoy their SUV's and pickups.

Fuck them and I will continue to enjoy my Hemi Jeep that tows my many gas guzzling toys without an ounce of fucking guilt.
John Kerry can start walking the walk and sell his massive home and live a more modest life like his constituents.

The rambling gasbag burns more fucking carbons in one month than most people do in a year. All those bleating elitist worthless douchebags do. Al Gore has enriched himself living lavishly while demonizing Americans who enjoy their SUV's and pickups.

Fuck them and I will continue to enjoy my Hemi Jeep that tows my many gas guzzling toys without an ounce of fucking guilt.
I've always loved gas guzzlin pigs. My 81 Oldsmobile Sherman Tank, one of many over the yrs

If it has an airbag, I won't drive it. Even though this thing gets around 19 city for a fucking 40 yr old 2 ton beast. I sit next to a rice burning little yapper that gets 30.......................BAWWWHAHA

While I did post this in "satire", I'm not even slightly joking. This is a serious problem. The climate change bullshit is one of many symptoms, just like the bed wetters still wearing masks, that believe criminals will obey gun laws, or that wasting $3.5 Trillion on collectivist nonsense will actually cost $0. These "people" clearly need to be supervised more than regular people, many obviously ought to be living in asylums so that they can not harm the rest of us. They're dangerous not only to themselves, but they're so susceptible to following nefarious sociopaths and demanding impossible results from government that they have a massive negative impact on the quality of life for everyone else in the country.

It's time that we recognize this biological threat, allow liberals to abort their genetic accidents and offer them free relocation to places like North Korea, Laos, the country formerly known as Rhodesia, now "Zimbabwe", or China. There aren't many other commie countries left, and we did enough damage to Vietnam as it is, plus I doubt they would take these wads of waste off our hands. North Korea would likely take each one of them with a sow, 5 chickens, 100LBS of rice and a pack of smokes in exchange for a political prisoner not afflicted with Left Syndrome. Venezuela and Cuba are far too close and they may wander back. We ought to use the oceans as a better barrier.

Again, just to be clear, I am the Emperor of the Western Hemisphere after all... I'm trying to fix a major problem but I need my beloved people to force your local elected officials to act. I can't do it with a pen, phone and magic dildo like that meat puppet faggot obozo. We can end Left Syndrome in this half of the world together and truly prosper.


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