DeVos: The Atrocious Secretary of Education -Thanks Again Donald!


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
Yes, there have been other threads about Betsy DeVos. However, the most recent has been dormant since February of this year, while DeVos continues here rampage intent on destroying the concept of a free public education. Worse, her policies are resulting in the teaching of theology based hate to vulnerable and impressionable young people. No one could express the impact better than a former victim brainwashing by an Evangelical school :

PORTLAND, Ore. ― It was late morning in an artsy cafe, the smell of coffee and baked goods sweetening the air, and Ashley Bishop sat at a table, recalling a time when she was taught that most of secular American society was worthy of contempt.

Growing up in private evangelical Christian schools, Bishop saw the world in extremes, good and evil, heaven and hell. She was taught that to dance was to sin, that gay people were child molesters and that mental illness was a function of satanic influence. Teachers at her schools talked about slavery as black immigration, and instructors called environmentalists “hippie witches.”

So when Bishop left school in 2003 and entered the real world at 17, she felt like she was an alien landing on Planet Earth for the first time. Having been cut off from mainstream society, she felt unequipped to handle the job market and develop secular friendships. Lacking shared cultural and historical references, she spent most of her 20s holed up in her bedroom, suffering from crippling social anxiety.


President Donald Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos have openly championed such programs and have encouraged states to embrace school choice, arguing that voucher programs give parents an alternative to low-performing public schools. Currently 14 states and the District of Columbia have voucher programs, and 17 have tax credit programs. DeVos has made it a top priority to push a federal school choice initiative.


The textbooks used at all of Bishop’s schools were published by three of the most popular, and most ideologically extreme, Christian textbook companies: Abeka, Bob Jones University Press and Accelerated Christian Education. The ideas in these textbooks often flout widely accepted science and historical fact.

In my opinion, this is tantamount to child abuse. It is also bad for the country and bad for the economy because we are producing young people who are ill equipped to deal with the real world, emotionally and intellectually.

Here is more on DeVos

The Council for National Policya secretive network of right-wing religious and political leaders that shares and shapes conservative political strategies—has an ambitious policy agenda for Betsy DeVos, who was confirmed as secretary of the U.S. Department of Education when Vice President Mike Pence cast a tie-breaking vote.

The group’s big picture goal is to eliminate what it calls “the worst abuses in current state systems” while promoting “a gradual, voluntary return at all levels to free-market private schools, church schools and home schools as the normative American practice.”

Sounds a bit like the late Jerry Falwell’s dream that he would live to see the day when “we won’t have any public schools” because the “churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them.” As scholar Julie Ingersoll, author of a book about Christian Reconstructionism, has noted, “It’s been a long-standing goal of the Religious Right to replace public education with Christian education.”

This cannot be allowed to continue!! We should not allow the American Taliban to be educating our children

I am sure you dont mind indoctrination of social perversion, though..
Yes, there have been other threads about Betsy DeVos. However, the most recent has been dormant since February of this year, while DeVos continues here rampage intent on destroying the concept of a free public education. Worse, her policies are resulting in the teaching of theology based hate to vulnerable and impressionable young people. No one could express the impact better than a former victim brainwashing by an Evangelical school :

PORTLAND, Ore. ― It was late morning in an artsy cafe, the smell of coffee and baked goods sweetening the air, and Ashley Bishop sat at a table, recalling a time when she was taught that most of secular American society was worthy of contempt.

Growing up in private evangelical Christian schools, Bishop saw the world in extremes, good and evil, heaven and hell. She was taught that to dance was to sin, that gay people were child molesters and that mental illness was a function of satanic influence. Teachers at her schools talked about slavery as black immigration, and instructors called environmentalists “hippie witches.”

So when Bishop left school in 2003 and entered the real world at 17, she felt like she was an alien landing on Planet Earth for the first time. Having been cut off from mainstream society, she felt unequipped to handle the job market and develop secular friendships. Lacking shared cultural and historical references, she spent most of her 20s holed up in her bedroom, suffering from crippling social anxiety.


President Donald Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos have openly championed such programs and have encouraged states to embrace school choice, arguing that voucher programs give parents an alternative to low-performing public schools. Currently 14 states and the District of Columbia have voucher programs, and 17 have tax credit programs. DeVos has made it a top priority to push a federal school choice initiative.


The textbooks used at all of Bishop’s schools were published by three of the most popular, and most ideologically extreme, Christian textbook companies: Abeka, Bob Jones University Press and Accelerated Christian Education. The ideas in these textbooks often flout widely accepted science and historical fact.

In my opinion, this is tantamount to child abuse. It is also bad for the country and bad for the economy because we are producing young people who are ill equipped to deal with the real world, emotionally and intellectually.

Here is more on DeVos

The Council for National Policya secretive network of right-wing religious and political leaders that shares and shapes conservative political strategies—has an ambitious policy agenda for Betsy DeVos, who was confirmed as secretary of the U.S. Department of Education when Vice President Mike Pence cast a tie-breaking vote.

The group’s big picture goal is to eliminate what it calls “the worst abuses in current state systems” while promoting “a gradual, voluntary return at all levels to free-market private schools, church schools and home schools as the normative American practice.”

Sounds a bit like the late Jerry Falwell’s dream that he would live to see the day when “we won’t have any public schools” because the “churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them.” As scholar Julie Ingersoll, author of a book about Christian Reconstructionism, has noted, “It’s been a long-standing goal of the Religious Right to replace public education with Christian education.”

This cannot be allowed to continue!! We should not allow the American Taliban to be educating our children

It's taxpayer paid education, not free.

You keep forgetting that.
Yes, there have been other threads about Betsy DeVos. However, the most recent has been dormant since February of this year, while DeVos continues here rampage intent on destroying the concept of a free public education. Worse, her policies are resulting in the teaching of theology based hate to vulnerable and impressionable young people. No one could express the impact better than a former victim brainwashing by an Evangelical school :

PORTLAND, Ore. ― It was late morning in an artsy cafe, the smell of coffee and baked goods sweetening the air, and Ashley Bishop sat at a table, recalling a time when she was taught that most of secular American society was worthy of contempt.

Growing up in private evangelical Christian schools, Bishop saw the world in extremes, good and evil, heaven and hell. She was taught that to dance was to sin, that gay people were child molesters and that mental illness was a function of satanic influence. Teachers at her schools talked about slavery as black immigration, and instructors called environmentalists “hippie witches.”

So when Bishop left school in 2003 and entered the real world at 17, she felt like she was an alien landing on Planet Earth for the first time. Having been cut off from mainstream society, she felt unequipped to handle the job market and develop secular friendships. Lacking shared cultural and historical references, she spent most of her 20s holed up in her bedroom, suffering from crippling social anxiety.


President Donald Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos have openly championed such programs and have encouraged states to embrace school choice, arguing that voucher programs give parents an alternative to low-performing public schools. Currently 14 states and the District of Columbia have voucher programs, and 17 have tax credit programs. DeVos has made it a top priority to push a federal school choice initiative.


The textbooks used at all of Bishop’s schools were published by three of the most popular, and most ideologically extreme, Christian textbook companies: Abeka, Bob Jones University Press and Accelerated Christian Education. The ideas in these textbooks often flout widely accepted science and historical fact.

In my opinion, this is tantamount to child abuse. It is also bad for the country and bad for the economy because we are producing young people who are ill equipped to deal with the real world, emotionally and intellectually.

Here is more on DeVos

The Council for National Policya secretive network of right-wing religious and political leaders that shares and shapes conservative political strategies—has an ambitious policy agenda for Betsy DeVos, who was confirmed as secretary of the U.S. Department of Education when Vice President Mike Pence cast a tie-breaking vote.

The group’s big picture goal is to eliminate what it calls “the worst abuses in current state systems” while promoting “a gradual, voluntary return at all levels to free-market private schools, church schools and home schools as the normative American practice.”

Sounds a bit like the late Jerry Falwell’s dream that he would live to see the day when “we won’t have any public schools” because the “churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them.” As scholar Julie Ingersoll, author of a book about Christian Reconstructionism, has noted, “It’s been a long-standing goal of the Religious Right to replace public education with Christian education.”

This cannot be allowed to continue!! We should not allow the American Taliban to be educating our children

Yo, the "Taliban Radical Democrats" have beat the Republican Party in the Brain-Washing Department in Schools eon`s ago, teaching the Communist Manifesto! Look around you boy, it`s so obvious, anybody with eyes can see the Immorality, the Filth, the Illegals, the Ignorant people all around us, those are the types the "Socialist Democrat Party" supports, just for Votes and Power! Hell, if Obama had his way? He would be a Socialist Dictator, he looked up to Hugo Chavez, among others!!!

Betsy DeVos and Trump are just trying to "Educate the Ignorant Puppet Socialist Democrats," so maybe one day, they will become "Contributing Americans" if that is possible, and not Little Puppet Socialist Democrats!!! You notice the Socialist Democrat Party thinks like you, leave the Socialist Brain-Washing alone, you`re a Good Little Puppet Boy!!!

Just be glad Hillary (commie) Clinton didn`t get elected, you would be dead by now, a War would have started, and the "True Americans" would be living High on the Hog!!!

Praise President Trump, just for putting Betsy Devos in that position, Hope, (Hmmm, where did I hear that word before in a lie?) Well, I Hope she can stop the Destruction of this Country, before it`s to late!!!

Let`s use a word the "Socialist Democrat Party" likes to use? "Flip Flop"- Trump is in the top two best Presidents this Country will ever see, between Trump and Reagan, you can "Flip Flop" the two, they both deserve the Top Spot!!!

P.S.: If you`re an Atheist? Why not admitt it!!! If you are, there are plenty of other Countries you would feel at home in, get a Life!!!!

Betsy Devos is making changes because our public school system woefully under performs other countries despite spending an enormous amount of money per student.
Public school systems vary tremendously. There are many very good ones in my area. But even if what you are saying is correct, it does not excuse the use of tax dollars for religious indoctrination, the spread of hate, and ignoring established science. I am willing to bet that a kid with a public education will have it easier that one who was home schooled or subjected to an Evangelical School.
Yes, there have been other threads about Betsy DeVos. However, the most recent has been dormant since February of this year, while DeVos continues here rampage intent on destroying the concept of a free public education. Worse, her policies are resulting in the teaching of theology based hate to vulnerable and impressionable young people. No one could express the impact better than a former victim brainwashing by an Evangelical school :

PORTLAND, Ore. ― It was late morning in an artsy cafe, the smell of coffee and baked goods sweetening the air, and Ashley Bishop sat at a table, recalling a time when she was taught that most of secular American society was worthy of contempt.

Growing up in private evangelical Christian schools, Bishop saw the world in extremes, good and evil, heaven and hell. She was taught that to dance was to sin, that gay people were child molesters and that mental illness was a function of satanic influence. Teachers at her schools talked about slavery as black immigration, and instructors called environmentalists “hippie witches.”

So when Bishop left school in 2003 and entered the real world at 17, she felt like she was an alien landing on Planet Earth for the first time. Having been cut off from mainstream society, she felt unequipped to handle the job market and develop secular friendships. Lacking shared cultural and historical references, she spent most of her 20s holed up in her bedroom, suffering from crippling social anxiety.


President Donald Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos have openly championed such programs and have encouraged states to embrace school choice, arguing that voucher programs give parents an alternative to low-performing public schools. Currently 14 states and the District of Columbia have voucher programs, and 17 have tax credit programs. DeVos has made it a top priority to push a federal school choice initiative.


The textbooks used at all of Bishop’s schools were published by three of the most popular, and most ideologically extreme, Christian textbook companies: Abeka, Bob Jones University Press and Accelerated Christian Education. The ideas in these textbooks often flout widely accepted science and historical fact.

In my opinion, this is tantamount to child abuse. It is also bad for the country and bad for the economy because we are producing young people who are ill equipped to deal with the real world, emotionally and intellectually.

Here is more on DeVos

The Council for National Policya secretive network of right-wing religious and political leaders that shares and shapes conservative political strategies—has an ambitious policy agenda for Betsy DeVos, who was confirmed as secretary of the U.S. Department of Education when Vice President Mike Pence cast a tie-breaking vote.

The group’s big picture goal is to eliminate what it calls “the worst abuses in current state systems” while promoting “a gradual, voluntary return at all levels to free-market private schools, church schools and home schools as the normative American practice.”

Sounds a bit like the late Jerry Falwell’s dream that he would live to see the day when “we won’t have any public schools” because the “churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them.” As scholar Julie Ingersoll, author of a book about Christian Reconstructionism, has noted, “It’s been a long-standing goal of the Religious Right to replace public education with Christian education.”

This cannot be allowed to continue!! We should not allow the American Taliban to be educating our children

It's taxpayer paid education, not free.

You keep forgetting that.
I don't forget anything. It is free as opposed to fee for service. Anyone can send their kid to public school at no additional cost.
Betsy Devos is making changes because our public school system woefully under performs other countries despite spending an enormous amount of money per student.

Our school system is just fine except for mainly minority-dominated inner city schools. Language issues and behavioral problems negate any attempt to educate. That is not the school's fault but society in general. Lack of work ethic is another major problem that you cannot teach.
Yes, there have been other threads about Betsy DeVos. However, the most recent has been dormant since February of this year, while DeVos continues here rampage intent on destroying the concept of a free public education. Worse, her policies are resulting in the teaching of theology based hate to vulnerable and impressionable young people. No one could express the impact better than a former victim brainwashing by an Evangelical school :

PORTLAND, Ore. ― It was late morning in an artsy cafe, the smell of coffee and baked goods sweetening the air, and Ashley Bishop sat at a table, recalling a time when she was taught that most of secular American society was worthy of contempt.

Growing up in private evangelical Christian schools, Bishop saw the world in extremes, good and evil, heaven and hell. She was taught that to dance was to sin, that gay people were child molesters and that mental illness was a function of satanic influence. Teachers at her schools talked about slavery as black immigration, and instructors called environmentalists “hippie witches.”

So when Bishop left school in 2003 and entered the real world at 17, she felt like she was an alien landing on Planet Earth for the first time. Having been cut off from mainstream society, she felt unequipped to handle the job market and develop secular friendships. Lacking shared cultural and historical references, she spent most of her 20s holed up in her bedroom, suffering from crippling social anxiety.


President Donald Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos have openly championed such programs and have encouraged states to embrace school choice, arguing that voucher programs give parents an alternative to low-performing public schools. Currently 14 states and the District of Columbia have voucher programs, and 17 have tax credit programs. DeVos has made it a top priority to push a federal school choice initiative.


The textbooks used at all of Bishop’s schools were published by three of the most popular, and most ideologically extreme, Christian textbook companies: Abeka, Bob Jones University Press and Accelerated Christian Education. The ideas in these textbooks often flout widely accepted science and historical fact.

In my opinion, this is tantamount to child abuse. It is also bad for the country and bad for the economy because we are producing young people who are ill equipped to deal with the real world, emotionally and intellectually.

Here is more on DeVos

The Council for National Policya secretive network of right-wing religious and political leaders that shares and shapes conservative political strategies—has an ambitious policy agenda for Betsy DeVos, who was confirmed as secretary of the U.S. Department of Education when Vice President Mike Pence cast a tie-breaking vote.

The group’s big picture goal is to eliminate what it calls “the worst abuses in current state systems” while promoting “a gradual, voluntary return at all levels to free-market private schools, church schools and home schools as the normative American practice.”

Sounds a bit like the late Jerry Falwell’s dream that he would live to see the day when “we won’t have any public schools” because the “churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them.” As scholar Julie Ingersoll, author of a book about Christian Reconstructionism, has noted, “It’s been a long-standing goal of the Religious Right to replace public education with Christian education.”

This cannot be allowed to continue!! We should not allow the American Taliban to be educating our children

Yo, the "Taliban Radical Democrats" have beat the Republican Party in the Brain-Washing Department in Schools eon`s ago, teaching the Communist Manifesto! Look around you boy, it`s so obvious, anybody with eyes can see the Immorality, the Filth, the Illegals, the Ignorant people all around us, those are the types the "Socialist Democrat Party" supports, just for Votes and Power! Hell, if Obama had his way? He would be a Socialist Dictator, he looked up to Hugo Chavez, among others!!!

Betsy DeVos and Trump are just trying to "Educate the Ignorant Puppet Socialist Democrats," so maybe one day, they will become "Contributing Americans" if that is possible, and not Little Puppet Socialist Democrats!!! You notice the Socialist Democrat Party thinks like you, leave the Socialist Brain-Washing alone, you`re a Good Little Puppet Boy!!!

Just be glad Hillary (commie) Clinton didn`t get elected, you would be dead by now, a War would have started, and the "True Americans" would be living High on the Hog!!!

Praise President Trump, just for putting Betsy Devos in that position, Hope, (Hmmm, where did I hear that word before in a lie?) Well, I Hope she can stop the Destruction of this Country, before it`s to late!!!

Let`s use a word the "Socialist Democrat Party" likes to use? "Flip Flop"- Trump is in the top two best Presidents this Country will ever see, between Trump and Reagan, you can "Flip Flop" the two, they both deserve the Top Spot!!!

P.S.: If you`re an Atheist? Why not admitt it!!! If you are, there are plenty of other Countries you would feel at home in, get a Life!!!!

View attachment 164917
Quite an unhinged and bizarre rant!! Now.........

Yes, there have been other threads about Betsy DeVos. However, the most recent has been dormant since February of this year, while DeVos continues here rampage intent on destroying the concept of a free public education. Worse, her policies are resulting in the teaching of theology based hate to vulnerable and impressionable young people. No one could express the impact better than a former victim brainwashing by an Evangelical school :

PORTLAND, Ore. ― It was late morning in an artsy cafe, the smell of coffee and baked goods sweetening the air, and Ashley Bishop sat at a table, recalling a time when she was taught that most of secular American society was worthy of contempt.

Growing up in private evangelical Christian schools, Bishop saw the world in extremes, good and evil, heaven and hell. She was taught that to dance was to sin, that gay people were child molesters and that mental illness was a function of satanic influence. Teachers at her schools talked about slavery as black immigration, and instructors called environmentalists “hippie witches.”

So when Bishop left school in 2003 and entered the real world at 17, she felt like she was an alien landing on Planet Earth for the first time. Having been cut off from mainstream society, she felt unequipped to handle the job market and develop secular friendships. Lacking shared cultural and historical references, she spent most of her 20s holed up in her bedroom, suffering from crippling social anxiety.


President Donald Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos have openly championed such programs and have encouraged states to embrace school choice, arguing that voucher programs give parents an alternative to low-performing public schools. Currently 14 states and the District of Columbia have voucher programs, and 17 have tax credit programs. DeVos has made it a top priority to push a federal school choice initiative.


The textbooks used at all of Bishop’s schools were published by three of the most popular, and most ideologically extreme, Christian textbook companies: Abeka, Bob Jones University Press and Accelerated Christian Education. The ideas in these textbooks often flout widely accepted science and historical fact.

In my opinion, this is tantamount to child abuse. It is also bad for the country and bad for the economy because we are producing young people who are ill equipped to deal with the real world, emotionally and intellectually.

Here is more on DeVos

The Council for National Policya secretive network of right-wing religious and political leaders that shares and shapes conservative political strategies—has an ambitious policy agenda for Betsy DeVos, who was confirmed as secretary of the U.S. Department of Education when Vice President Mike Pence cast a tie-breaking vote.

The group’s big picture goal is to eliminate what it calls “the worst abuses in current state systems” while promoting “a gradual, voluntary return at all levels to free-market private schools, church schools and home schools as the normative American practice.”

Sounds a bit like the late Jerry Falwell’s dream that he would live to see the day when “we won’t have any public schools” because the “churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them.” As scholar Julie Ingersoll, author of a book about Christian Reconstructionism, has noted, “It’s been a long-standing goal of the Religious Right to replace public education with Christian education.”

This cannot be allowed to continue!! We should not allow the American Taliban to be educating our children

It's taxpayer paid education, not free.

You keep forgetting that.
I don't forget anything. It is free as opposed to fee for service. Anyone can send their kid to public school at no additional cost.

Still not free.
Yes, there have been other threads about Betsy DeVos. However, the most recent has been dormant since February of this year, while DeVos continues here rampage intent on destroying the concept of a free public education. Worse, her policies are resulting in the teaching of theology based hate to vulnerable and impressionable young people. No one could express the impact better than a former victim brainwashing by an Evangelical school :

PORTLAND, Ore. ― It was late morning in an artsy cafe, the smell of coffee and baked goods sweetening the air, and Ashley Bishop sat at a table, recalling a time when she was taught that most of secular American society was worthy of contempt.

Growing up in private evangelical Christian schools, Bishop saw the world in extremes, good and evil, heaven and hell. She was taught that to dance was to sin, that gay people were child molesters and that mental illness was a function of satanic influence. Teachers at her schools talked about slavery as black immigration, and instructors called environmentalists “hippie witches.”

So when Bishop left school in 2003 and entered the real world at 17, she felt like she was an alien landing on Planet Earth for the first time. Having been cut off from mainstream society, she felt unequipped to handle the job market and develop secular friendships. Lacking shared cultural and historical references, she spent most of her 20s holed up in her bedroom, suffering from crippling social anxiety.


President Donald Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos have openly championed such programs and have encouraged states to embrace school choice, arguing that voucher programs give parents an alternative to low-performing public schools. Currently 14 states and the District of Columbia have voucher programs, and 17 have tax credit programs. DeVos has made it a top priority to push a federal school choice initiative.


The textbooks used at all of Bishop’s schools were published by three of the most popular, and most ideologically extreme, Christian textbook companies: Abeka, Bob Jones University Press and Accelerated Christian Education. The ideas in these textbooks often flout widely accepted science and historical fact.

In my opinion, this is tantamount to child abuse. It is also bad for the country and bad for the economy because we are producing young people who are ill equipped to deal with the real world, emotionally and intellectually.

Here is more on DeVos

The Council for National Policya secretive network of right-wing religious and political leaders that shares and shapes conservative political strategies—has an ambitious policy agenda for Betsy DeVos, who was confirmed as secretary of the U.S. Department of Education when Vice President Mike Pence cast a tie-breaking vote.

The group’s big picture goal is to eliminate what it calls “the worst abuses in current state systems” while promoting “a gradual, voluntary return at all levels to free-market private schools, church schools and home schools as the normative American practice.”

Sounds a bit like the late Jerry Falwell’s dream that he would live to see the day when “we won’t have any public schools” because the “churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them.” As scholar Julie Ingersoll, author of a book about Christian Reconstructionism, has noted, “It’s been a long-standing goal of the Religious Right to replace public education with Christian education.”

This cannot be allowed to continue!! We should not allow the American Taliban to be educating our children

Yo, the "Taliban Radical Democrats" have beat the Republican Party in the Brain-Washing Department in Schools eon`s ago, teaching the Communist Manifesto! Look around you boy, it`s so obvious, anybody with eyes can see the Immorality, the Filth, the Illegals, the Ignorant people all around us, those are the types the "Socialist Democrat Party" supports, just for Votes and Power! Hell, if Obama had his way? He would be a Socialist Dictator, he looked up to Hugo Chavez, among others!!!

Betsy DeVos and Trump are just trying to "Educate the Ignorant Puppet Socialist Democrats," so maybe one day, they will become "Contributing Americans" if that is possible, and not Little Puppet Socialist Democrats!!! You notice the Socialist Democrat Party thinks like you, leave the Socialist Brain-Washing alone, you`re a Good Little Puppet Boy!!!

Just be glad Hillary (commie) Clinton didn`t get elected, you would be dead by now, a War would have started, and the "True Americans" would be living High on the Hog!!!

Praise President Trump, just for putting Betsy Devos in that position, Hope, (Hmmm, where did I hear that word before in a lie?) Well, I Hope she can stop the Destruction of this Country, before it`s to late!!!

Let`s use a word the "Socialist Democrat Party" likes to use? "Flip Flop"- Trump is in the top two best Presidents this Country will ever see, between Trump and Reagan, you can "Flip Flop" the two, they both deserve the Top Spot!!!

P.S.: If you`re an Atheist? Why not admitt it!!! If you are, there are plenty of other Countries you would feel at home in, get a Life!!!!

View attachment 164917
Quite an unhinged and bizarre rant!! Now.........

View attachment 164921

Yo, something the Socialist Democrat Party and their Little Puppets Hate, """THE TRUTH."""

Yes, there have been other threads about Betsy DeVos. However, the most recent has been dormant since February of this year, while DeVos continues here rampage intent on destroying the concept of a free public education. Worse, her policies are resulting in the teaching of theology based hate to vulnerable and impressionable young people. No one could express the impact better than a former victim brainwashing by an Evangelical school :

PORTLAND, Ore. ― It was late morning in an artsy cafe, the smell of coffee and baked goods sweetening the air, and Ashley Bishop sat at a table, recalling a time when she was taught that most of secular American society was worthy of contempt.

Growing up in private evangelical Christian schools, Bishop saw the world in extremes, good and evil, heaven and hell. She was taught that to dance was to sin, that gay people were child molesters and that mental illness was a function of satanic influence. Teachers at her schools talked about slavery as black immigration, and instructors called environmentalists “hippie witches.”

So when Bishop left school in 2003 and entered the real world at 17, she felt like she was an alien landing on Planet Earth for the first time. Having been cut off from mainstream society, she felt unequipped to handle the job market and develop secular friendships. Lacking shared cultural and historical references, she spent most of her 20s holed up in her bedroom, suffering from crippling social anxiety.


President Donald Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos have openly championed such programs and have encouraged states to embrace school choice, arguing that voucher programs give parents an alternative to low-performing public schools. Currently 14 states and the District of Columbia have voucher programs, and 17 have tax credit programs. DeVos has made it a top priority to push a federal school choice initiative.


The textbooks used at all of Bishop’s schools were published by three of the most popular, and most ideologically extreme, Christian textbook companies: Abeka, Bob Jones University Press and Accelerated Christian Education. The ideas in these textbooks often flout widely accepted science and historical fact.

In my opinion, this is tantamount to child abuse. It is also bad for the country and bad for the economy because we are producing young people who are ill equipped to deal with the real world, emotionally and intellectually.

Here is more on DeVos

The Council for National Policya secretive network of right-wing religious and political leaders that shares and shapes conservative political strategies—has an ambitious policy agenda for Betsy DeVos, who was confirmed as secretary of the U.S. Department of Education when Vice President Mike Pence cast a tie-breaking vote.

The group’s big picture goal is to eliminate what it calls “the worst abuses in current state systems” while promoting “a gradual, voluntary return at all levels to free-market private schools, church schools and home schools as the normative American practice.”

Sounds a bit like the late Jerry Falwell’s dream that he would live to see the day when “we won’t have any public schools” because the “churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them.” As scholar Julie Ingersoll, author of a book about Christian Reconstructionism, has noted, “It’s been a long-standing goal of the Religious Right to replace public education with Christian education.”

This cannot be allowed to continue!! We should not allow the American Taliban to be educating our children

It's taxpayer paid education, not free.

You keep forgetting that.
I don't forget anything. It is free as opposed to fee for service. Anyone can send their kid to public school at no additional cost.

Still not free.
These people that, when in power, push their religion into schools need to consider the opposite is also possible as a backlash. That after a new group is elected they will push evolution to be taught mandatory in all churches.

This is what uneducated ignoramously don't understand about life. There are consequences for your actions. When you crap in someone else's backyard then don't be surprised when you wake up to the smell of two tons of manure in yours.
There should be NO indoctrination in schools. NONE
Religion, sexual, or any subjective matters.
These people that, when in power, push their religion into schools need to consider the opposite is also possible as a backlash. That after a new group is elected they will push evolution to be taught mandatory in all churches.

This is what uneducated ignoramously don't understand about life. There are consequences for your actions. When you crap in someone else's backyard then don't be surprised when you wake up to the smell of two tons of manure in yours.

They bypass that and simply try to indoctrinate society that religion is evil to shut it down.
Betsy Devos is making changes because our public school system woefully under performs other countries despite spending an enormous amount of money per student.
She's just pushing the destruction of our system of public education in favor of her rabid marketing of her "religious" bullshit. trump has populated our federal government with trash like Betsy, who actually thinks that such garbage as ACE provides an education that will allow our children to compete in this world when we are all dead and gone. I wish all the kids who come from fundie households every good luck in the future because they will need it, as they are not being equipped to compete in the world.
People from other countries, particularly people from Asian countries, are going to kick their "Christian" fundie asses because of the neglect and stupidity of people like Betsy and the emphasis on education in Asian countries. Hope that these fundie "Christian" parents are still alive to see what happens when their offspring are themselves parents of just how many children (since fundies seem to like a whole lot of children, one after the other, early marriage, and one kid after the other in a pregnancy go-round 'cause Big Daddy, like Jim Bob, needs to get laid).
I hope that every fundie parent, who has a daughter who gets pregnant every year by her "husband," gets the shit slapped out of them every day by their daughter, and dies AFTER apologizing to her for their total failure to be good parents to her. Fundie mommy, fundie daddy, you deserve it.

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