Detained Muslim Olympian


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Another fake anti-Trump hullabaloo. She claimed she was stopped for 2 hours by customs in December because she wore a hijab and is Muslim.

Notice something? She said ut was Trump's fault. How could it be? He wasn't inaugurated until late January.

Story @ ‘Detained Muslim Olympian’ Made Headlines — but Then Someone Dug Below the Surface of Her Story
Progressives won't care about the facts.

They need to attack any and all things Trump, and defend any and all things Islam.
Progressives won't care about the facts.

They need to attack any and all things Trump, and defend any and all things Islam.

I remember seeing threads about this in USMB.... I bet you all breathlessly condemned the Muslims Eh
Mass sexual assault in Frankfurt by refugees 'completely made up'
Source: Independent

One purported victim of 'sex rioting mob' was not in city at time of alleged attack

Harriet Agerholm @HarrietAgerholm 7 hours ago


Fressgas, in Frankfurt's city centre, where the purported mass assault took place

Prosecutors are investigating two people for allegedly fabricating an account of a mass sex attack by Arab migrants in Frankfurt.

Claims that a “sex rioting mob” of around 50 men assaulted a group of women over the new year were reported by German tabloid Bild earlier this month.

The report, which suggested the attackers lived at a refugee shelter in central Hasse, was widely re-circulated by right-wing news sites.

In an article since taken down from its website, Bild interviewed a chef who runs a restaurant in Fressgass, a busy shopping district, as well as a 27-year-old woman.

Read more: Mass sexual assault in Frankfurt by refugees 'completely made up'
You are allowed to lie in her religion.
Based on that. Integrity would not be in the muzzie dictionary.

Dear tyroneweaver
If you follow the full teachings, the Muslims are called to follow the Jewish Torah and Christian Bible also.
So no, this is NOT true that people should lie:
You still have to follow God's commandments
* not to bear false witness against neighbors (Exodus)
* to speak the TRUTH with love (Ephesians 4:15)
* to seek to redress grievances and restore good faith relations
as in Matthew 18:15-20 (also pray for one another that we may
be healed James 5:16 and Matthew 5:44)
We are supposed to use speech to uplift and resolve things
in the spirit of truth that HEALS and corrects, not antagonizes by fear and falsehood.

tyroneweaver just because you are ignorant of what the Bible and Islam
teaches does not give you authority or right to blame this ignorance on others.

You are responsible if you spread misinformation. You can't blame that on
someone else who is responsible for their own faults.
Their mistakes don't excuse yours. You double the fault if you repeat false things.
If someone steals a car and you steal after that, too, you are still at fault.

What allows people to lie and repeat falsehoods is the freedom of
speech online that nobody gets sued or censored for. We have the
freedom to make mistakes and correct ourselves by our own conscience and free will.

If you don't like people lying and spreading falsehoods,
then I suggest: don't engage in the same yourself or the confusion and vicious cycle never ends.
To break this pattern, let's start sticking to what is true
and refrain from repeating anything we know is false.

If you know lying causes problems, we need to start
teaching it is NOT acceptable in true religious teachings to lie.

All religions teach to treat others as we want to be treated ourselves.

So if you don't like people lying to you,
please quit teaching that any religion justifies that.

It's people being lazy and just repeating others that makes that happen.
And by the Bible (which both the Christians and Muslims are called to follow)
we are supposed to rebuke and correct each other, to make peace by establishing
truth to cast out error and make good on our word and relationships.

If you believe in justice, not injustice, you would seek to correct
wrongs, not justify more such wrongs as if religions teach that as the goal.
Politics and bullying may teach that, but that is NOT the true meaning of religions.
That is human corruption and greed talking, so we should learn the difference.

Thank you tyroneweaver
I was detained at a USA airport-----before a domestic flight. -----I have an OBVIOULY JEWISH LAST NAME. -----I was directed to WAIT in a scary
little room for a STRIP SEARCH---------(some nut wanted to strip a jewess---
OBVIOUSLY) I waited and waited-----then a HORRIFYING large woman
appeared--------took a look at me-----poked her forefinger into my puritanical
chignon <<< that's a fancy name for dowdy hair bun. ------and said---
"ok ---that's it" It a RANDOM search----carefully made random by computer
program-----or so they said------DAMN NAZI COMPUTER!!!!!!
You are allowed to lie in her religion.
Based on that. Integrity would not be in the muzzie dictionary.

Dear tyroneweaver
If you follow the full teachings, the Muslims are called to follow the Jewish Torah and Christian Bible also.
So no, this is NOT true.
You still have to follow God's commandments
* not to bear false witness against neighbors
* to speak the truth with love
* to seek to redress grievances and restore good faith relations
as in Matthew 18:15-20

tyroneweaver just because you are ignorant of what the Bible and Islam
teaches does not give you authority or right to blame this ignorance on others.

You are responsible if you spread misinformation. You can't blame that on
someone else who is responsible for their own faults.
Their mistakes don't excuse yours. You double the fault if you repeat false things.
If someone steals a car and you steal after that, too, you are still at fault.

What allows people to lie and repeat falsehoods is the freedom of
speech online that nobody gets sued or censored for. We have the
freedom to make mistakes and correct ourselves by our own conscience and free will.

If you don't like people lying and spreading falsehoods,
then I suggest: don't engage in the same yourself or the confusion and vicious cycle never ends.
To break this pattern, let's start sticking to what is true
and refrain from repeating anything we know is false.

If you know lying causes problems, we need to start
teaching it is NOT acceptable in true religious teachings to lie.

All religions teach to treat others as we want to be treated ourselves.

So if you don't like people lying to you,
please quit teaching that any religion justifies that.

It's people being lazy and just repeating others that makes that happen.
And by the Bible (which both the Christians and Muslims are called to follow)
we are supposed to rebuke and correct each other, to make peace by establishing
truth to cast out error and make good on our word and relationships.

If you believe in justice, not injustice, you would seek to correct
wrongs, not justify more such wrongs as if religions teach that as the goal.
Politics and bullying may teach that, but that is NOT the true meaning of religions.
That is human corruption and greed talking, so we should learn the difference.

Thank you tyroneweaver

Emily------you know nothing about ISLAM as defined by MUSLIM SCHOLARS.
Promulgation of lies is not a way to bring about "world peace"
Progressives won't care about the facts.

They need to attack any and all things Trump, and defend any and all things Islam.

I remember seeing threads about this in USMB.... I bet you all breathlessly condemned the Muslims Eh
Mass sexual assault in Frankfurt by refugees 'completely made up'
Source: Independent

One purported victim of 'sex rioting mob' was not in city at time of alleged attack

Harriet Agerholm @HarrietAgerholm 7 hours ago


Fressgas, in Frankfurt's city centre, where the purported mass assault took place

Prosecutors are investigating two people for allegedly fabricating an account of a mass sex attack by Arab migrants in Frankfurt.

Claims that a “sex rioting mob” of around 50 men assaulted a group of women over the new year were reported by German tabloid Bild earlier this month.

The report, which suggested the attackers lived at a refugee shelter in central Hasse, was widely re-circulated by right-wing news sites.

In an article since taken down from its website, Bild interviewed a chef who runs a restaurant in Fressgass, a busy shopping district, as well as a 27-year-old woman.

Read more: Mass sexual assault in Frankfurt by refugees 'completely made up'

Widespread report? I never even heard of that one and I live near Frankfurt.
Frankfurt did have a nice machete attack by a Muslim that wasn't reported by US media:
Frankfurt attack: Four people injured in stabbing at rail station

Köln and Hamburg certainly had sexual assaults and rapes committed by Muslims.

Still want to pretend Muslims are nothing but victims while they are actively and collectively working to destroy the West?
Progressives won't care about the facts.

They need to attack any and all things Trump, and defend any and all things Islam.

I remember seeing threads about this in USMB.... I bet you all breathlessly condemned the Muslims Eh
Mass sexual assault in Frankfurt by refugees 'completely made up'
Source: Independent

One purported victim of 'sex rioting mob' was not in city at time of alleged attack

Harriet Agerholm @HarrietAgerholm 7 hours ago


Fressgas, in Frankfurt's city centre, where the purported mass assault took place

Prosecutors are investigating two people for allegedly fabricating an account of a mass sex attack by Arab migrants in Frankfurt.

Claims that a “sex rioting mob” of around 50 men assaulted a group of women over the new year were reported by German tabloid Bild earlier this month.

The report, which suggested the attackers lived at a refugee shelter in central Hasse, was widely re-circulated by right-wing news sites.

In an article since taken down from its website, Bild interviewed a chef who runs a restaurant in Fressgass, a busy shopping district, as well as a 27-year-old woman.

Read more: Mass sexual assault in Frankfurt by refugees 'completely made up'

Widespread report? I never even heard of that one and I live near Frankfurt.
Frankfurt did have a nice machete attack by a Muslim that wasn't reported by US media:
Frankfurt attack: Four people injured in stabbing at rail station

Köln and Hamburg certainly had sexual assaults and rapes committed by Muslims.

Still want to pretend Muslims are nothing but victims while they are actively and collectively working to destroy the West?

seems to me like a BACK AT YOU invention as a response to the many
fake allegations leveled by muslims------mostly muslimah sluts
I was detained at a USA airport-----before a domestic flight. -----I have an OBVIOULY JEWISH LAST NAME. -----I was directed to WAIT in a scary
little room for a STRIP SEARCH---------(some nut wanted to strip a jewess---
OBVIOUSLY) I waited and waited-----then a HORRIFYING large woman
appeared--------took a look at me-----poked her forefinger into my puritanical
chignon <<< that's a fancy name for dowdy hair bun. ------and said---
"ok ---that's it" It a RANDOM search----carefully made random by computer
program-----or so they said------DAMN NAZI COMPUTER!!!!!!

I was stopped by the TSA here in Houston for a moment and the little fella was acting like he was going to pull me from my flight while I stayed calm and then all of a sudden his boss told him to sniff on someone else and I was told to get on the plane...

I guess me being white upset that one agent or it could have been my not looking like I care if he was acting nutter but after that my flight to Hawaii was more enjoyable and coming home the TSA in Hilo were laughing because all what was in my big luggage was gifts for the mainland idiots here in Houston...

Wait I had no luggage heading to Hawaii so maybe I was flagged for that...
You are allowed to lie in her religion.
Based on that. Integrity would not be in the muzzie dictionary.
Incorrect juden boy. ...... :cool:

Remember the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. The pedophile prophet used the treaty to buy time in order to bolster his forces then attack. Just like Arafat did when agreed to the Oslo Accords. Just like the Iranians will do to us with Obama's "Iran Deal". You can't make a deal with a Muslim. You're better off making a deal with the Devil.
You are allowed to lie in her religion.
Based on that. Integrity would not be in the muzzie dictionary.
Incorrect juden boy. ...... :cool:

Remember the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. The pedophile prophet used the treaty to buy time in order to bolster his forces then attack. Just like Arafat did when agreed to the Oslo Accords. Just like the Iranians will do to us with Obama's "Iran Deal". You can't make a deal with a Muslim. You're better off making a deal with the Devil.

I would add-----in reference to the Islamic claim "we follow the laws of the bible"-----
the fact is that muslim "scholars" teach that the bible is a corrupted piece of shit that exists in THOUSANDS OF VERSIONS-------written by EVIL CHRISTIANS AND JOOOS-----as a means to DISPUTE BEAUTIFUL ISLAM. I learned about
islam in a mosque-------in that particular mosque-----the EVIL PEOPLE OF THE DAY----were Christians whose piece of crap bible was written by EVIL LIARS
(ie Christians------the disgusting imam did not mention joooo----so my hosts could not understand why I had an objection....)
You are allowed to lie in her religion.
Based on that. Integrity would not be in the muzzie dictionary.
Incorrect juden boy. ...... :cool:

Remember the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. The pedophile prophet used the treaty to buy time in order to bolster his forces then attack. Just like Arafat did when agreed to the Oslo Accords. Just like the Iranians will do to us with Obama's "Iran Deal". You can't make a deal with a Muslim. You're better off making a deal with the Devil.

I would add-----in reference to the Islamic claim "we follow the laws of the bible"-----
the fact is that muslim "scholars" teach that the bible is a corrupted piece of shit that exists in THOUSANDS OF VERSIONS-------written by EVIL CHRISTIANS AND JOOOS-----as a means to DISPUTE BEAUTIFUL ISLAM. I learned about
islam in a mosque-------in that particular mosque-----the EVIL PEOPLE OF THE DAY----were Christians whose piece of crap bible was written by EVIL LIARS
(ie Christians------the disgusting imam did not mention joooo----so my hosts could not understand why I had an objection....)

All non-Muslims are "filth" to Muslims. Just look what happened to the Christians in Lebanon when they welcomed Muslims into their country with open arms.
You are allowed to lie in her religion.
Based on that. Integrity would not be in the muzzie dictionary.

Dear tyroneweaver
If you follow the full teachings, the Muslims are called to follow the Jewish Torah and Christian Bible also.
So no, this is NOT true that people should lie:
You still have to follow God's commandments
* not to bear false witness against neighbors (Exodus)
* to speak the TRUTH with love (Ephesians 4:15)
* to seek to redress grievances and restore good faith relations
as in Matthew 18:15-20 (also pray for one another that we may
be healed James 5:16 and Matthew 5:44)
We are supposed to use speech to uplift and resolve things
in the spirit of truth that HEALS and corrects, not antagonizes by fear and falsehood.

tyroneweaver just because you are ignorant of what the Bible and Islam
teaches does not give you authority or right to blame this ignorance on others.

You are responsible if you spread misinformation. You can't blame that on
someone else who is responsible for their own faults.
Their mistakes don't excuse yours. You double the fault if you repeat false things.
If someone steals a car and you steal after that, too, you are still at fault.

What allows people to lie and repeat falsehoods is the freedom of
speech online that nobody gets sued or censored for. We have the
freedom to make mistakes and correct ourselves by our own conscience and free will.

If you don't like people lying and spreading falsehoods,
then I suggest: don't engage in the same yourself or the confusion and vicious cycle never ends.
To break this pattern, let's start sticking to what is true
and refrain from repeating anything we know is false.

If you know lying causes problems, we need to start
teaching it is NOT acceptable in true religious teachings to lie.

All religions teach to treat others as we want to be treated ourselves.

So if you don't like people lying to you,
please quit teaching that any religion justifies that.

It's people being lazy and just repeating others that makes that happen.
And by the Bible (which both the Christians and Muslims are called to follow)
we are supposed to rebuke and correct each other, to make peace by establishing
truth to cast out error and make good on our word and relationships.

If you believe in justice, not injustice, you would seek to correct
wrongs, not justify more such wrongs as if religions teach that as the goal.
Politics and bullying may teach that, but that is NOT the true meaning of religions.
That is human corruption and greed talking, so we should learn the difference.

Thank you tyroneweaver

Quran 2.225
IN 2014 I read the New Testament 26 times. So you're just as guilty of what you accuse me of.
I'm currently reading the OT for the 6th time.
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