Destroying Mystery: Holograms of Democracy [Censorship]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does capitalism (and hence 'TrumpUSA') compel you to think about lifestyle-intelligence?

This capitalism-consciousness critique-vignette is a political-cartoon (which is why I didn't feel comfy posting it in the Writing section of USMB) inspired by the film Virtuosity.


"Consider a matrix of helmeted cybernetic beings on Earth who were once human but were 'transformed' into sentinels of a new capitalism-oriented fascist civilization devoted to power, profit, and piracy. Yes, these semi-machines are diplomats of a new 'domination-aesthetic' that has no mercy for considerations about the 'wisdom' of distributing profits. No, these 'machine-men' resemble 'holograms of the ambitious spirit' and are therefore 'messengers' of the 'presence' of a 'complicated' democracy. So what are we to learn from this transformed world of capitalism?"


"Of course, there's no real way to deny the fact that the mass sea of dollars and profits in a capitalist universe create real perceptions of the ubiquitous quality of conveniences and amenities. Who doesn't love Howard Johnson hotels and Burger King onion-rings? Yes, capitalism is a form of lifestyle-awareness, and TrumpUSA (led by capitalism-baron-turned-president Donald Trump) reveals various kinds of commercial traffic that 'highlight' the 'matrix' of consumers and commerce imagination. That's why media is like manmade-weather in a capitalist-society --- it creates public messages of profitability."


"So what's the harm? Why not cheer on this new cybernetic world of 'machine-men' who've established a 'dominion' of profit-focus and fortune-metaphysics? After all, isn't money merely a hologram? We have to consider why a democracy is, by definition, a governance-system based on free will and individual needs (not state-demands!). By streamlining free-will to create a 'grid' of profiteers, these 'machine-men' introduce the world to a serpent of liberty called Leviathan who, like the machine-men who 'freed' it', has no concern (whatsoever) for considerations about temperance or restraint. How should a capitalist-society orient its media-presentations of pure mercantilism (in the context of unrestrained greed)?"


"My name is Ajay Satan. I'm an Internet-blogging self-proclaimed 'vigilante.' I post on the Internet about the complications of pornography-imagination in this new age of media-proliferation and TrumpUSA-consumerism 'flowery.' The above described 'new world of cybernetic machine-men' is not real; it's just something I made up to present to my readers an 'image' of the complexity of capitalism-consciousness. In other words, the philosophy of capitalism is something akin to the urge to break free and fight for the right to pursue untempered fortunes. I sometimes dress up in offbeat masks/costumes for my blogs about capitalism-iconic TV game-shows such as Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? to argue that commerce creates various kinds of 'euphoria imagination.' Is the struggle between democracy (a network-system) and capitalism (a liberty-system) like an 'Ideology War'?"


"In conclusion, the greatest threat to TrumpUSA capitalism intelligibility, rationalism, and imagination is therefore obviously censorship. Capitalism/consumerism is a media-matrix driven system built on the notions of free-exchange, and even radical/pornographic ideas must be given weight, for if we entertain degrees of censorship, don't we introduce the problem of 'psychological limits'? I've decided to travel to the Middle East this Christmas to see what the Muslim world does to celebrate Christmastime consumerism-spirit. What do you think?"


"My only adversary is, of course, a demonic messenger of Hell named 'Brass-Man.' Brass-Man is a telepath comprised entirely of brass, and he wants to challenge the capitalism-mission I (Ajay Satan) have established as a high civilization priority. You see, unlike me, Brass-Man believes that the awareness of the 'degrees' of fortune and risk in capitalism may 'justify' the unlimited pursuit of intellectual ideas regarding the 'aesthetics' of gambling. Brass-Man thinks that capitalism may merely be a 'hologram' (not reflection!) of democracy and that censorship is never allowed in a civilization catering to forms of fortune-analysis. Because Brass-Man is comprised entirely of brass, which is more colorful than silver and less precious than gold, his mind is oriented towards a special 'incendiary imagination'. Brass-Man will meet me in the Middle East and challenge my perceptions of 'capitalism-limits'."


BRASS-MAN: Are you impressed with my brass composition, Ajay?
AJAY: Of course! However, I prefer rusty antique teapots/cups.
BRASS-MAN: Are you an 'aficionado' of collections?
AJAY: I used to collect baseball-cards when I was a kid.
BRASS-MAN: Where did you study?
AJAY: Yale; I'm an Internet-blogger now.
BRASS-MAN: I know that! I'm psychic.
AJAY: So why did you want to meet me in Iran?
BRASS-MAN: There're anti-capitalists terrorists here who share my passion.
AJAY: Passion for what?
BRASS-MAN: Capitalism complications of course...
AJAY: Are you trying to destroy mystery with your brand of 'levied competition'?
BRASS-MAN: Since brass is a 'medium' for value, capitalism is a launch-pad for fantasy.
AJAY: We have to temper fantasy with science...
BRASS-MAN: Are you a scientist?
AJAY: No, I'm more like Thomas Nast (an empirically-oriented political-cartoonist!).
BRASS-MAN: Are you a fan of Richie Rich comics?
AJAY: Yes, and I also like Mr. Monopoly...
BRASS-MAN: Consider the 'true value' of consumerism-IQ.
AJAY: I'll always believe commerce is an arena for objective rationalism.
BRASS-MAN: You'll possess a marketing-idealism I never will...
AJAY: Let's toast to the 'great debate.'



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