Destroying a free democracy in two quick steps


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
1. support BIG GOVERNMENT to the point where more than half of the voters get a regular check from the government.... because nothing, not even opium, is as addictive as a government check

2. succumb to fraudulent fear and give up your rights.... terror, school shootings, global warming.... all fraud, all designed to suck up your freedom while you fear... and before you get a clue....

Don't think that's right?

Ask a GREEK....
I agree with the above---but would add that it is not working fast enough to suit the Marxists, so they have determined to bring in a populace from Mexico which will complete the process with more dispatch.
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Marxists will never be happy until the US is in the same condition as Greece....

One person asked Bernie Sanders what was the difference between his proposals and what Greece actually did...

Bernie said the comparison was invalid because the US was much richer... a longer way to fall and more to steal on the way down....
This is why the modern day dems need so many people from economically depressed nations to sneak into our nation...They would never win another election again if we completely shut down the borders....
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The only reason the Dems do win elections is because the post 1998 GOP is every bit as bad.....
All this bitching about 'the other side' is futile. As if we didn't know that already!
The reason Democracy is in its death throes is that we have allowed monied interests to own the system.
We would do well to adopt something similar to the system used in New Zealand.
Party Donations and Loans
But we lack the transparency and controls needed to keep the Government honest, and we're never going to get them without a Revolution.
On way is to penalize or restrict the 99.5% who act right over the 0.5% who dont. This policy has been creeping in already anyway
And just as an aside about where restrictions are clamoured for-if all Muslims are not terrorists and thus no immigration restriction needed then why are all guns and gun owners in need of restriction?

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