Despite Hillary Lies and Scandals, How on Earth are People Going to Vote for Her? Brainwashed.


May 23, 2014
Democrats sytimatically are brainwashed into a cult belief that their candidate is "love and hope" and Republican candidate is a "mean Ol' Racist rich person" Some of the best evidence comes from 2008. These kids are voters now.
Most Americans are tired of being scared.

They've come to realize that the republicans' dire apocalyptic warnings were nothing but bullshit.

Time to walk in the sunshine.

The Trump campaign offers zero sunlight.
Most Americans are tired of being scared.

They've come to realize that the republicans' dire apocalyptic warnings were nothing but bullshit.

Time to walk in the sunshine.

The Trump campaign offers zero sunlight.
Thanks for validation of my post. Now, board the train for a trip to the "sunshine" and remember that "work shall set you free."
Democrats sytimatically are brainwashed into a cult belief that their candidate is "love and hope" and Republican candidate is a "mean Ol' Racist rich person" Some of the best evidence comes from 2008. These kids are voters now.A]

Poor gullible Trumpster.

You really believe all of his lies.
Democrats sytimatically are brainwashed into a cult belief that their candidate is "love and hope" and Republican candidate is a "mean Ol' Racist rich person" Some of the best evidence comes from 2008. These kids are voters now.A]

Poor gullible Trumpster.

You really believe all of his lies.
Thanks for validation of my post. Is Hillary "love" and Trump "hate?" You can stop eating grass long enough to reply...or our you allowed to?
Historically, blacks vote democratic. The democrats could run Micky Mouse for President and the black folks would vote for him because he's running on the democratic party. The rest of the people who vote democratic are just plain idiots.
I'm glad I don't live in that miserable world.

It's like the whole Right Wing is rooting for the Silent Hill platform.
Historically, blacks vote democratic. The democrats could run Micky Mouse for President and the black folks would vote for him because he's running on the democratic party. The rest of the people who vote democratic are just plain idiots.
I'm glad I don't live in that miserable world.
You do live in this world, but you cannot reach for the truth after years of indoctrination through liberal media and public schools and college campuses. Free your mind and your ass will follow Winston Smith.
"Give me one generation and I will control the world..." Youth vote crazy over Hillary.
Despite Hillary Lies and Scandals, How on Earth are People Going to Vote for Her? Brainwashed.

Because a Republican, no matter which one, isn't just a mean old racist rich person, as you guessed in the OP. He is also incorrigibly eeeeevil to the core, deserving of nothing more than complete denigration, smearing, and destruction.

Much of the Democrats' efforts have gone into repeating this over and over to everybody they see. They don't dare argue honestly with Republicans, because the Dems know they'd lose. So they pour all their effort into shutting them up, verbally smashing them down, preventing them from speaking, changing the subject, and calling them all the names they can think of. You may have noticed that Democrats attack Republicans far more viciously than they ever attack Islamic terrorists.

"Brainwashing" is only a mild term for what Democrats try to do in the presence of voters. Voters must be convinced that Republicans are completely bad, dangerous to talk to, deserving only of being destroyed. Discussing what the Republicans said is out. They must change the subject, and/or announce the Republican said something he didn't, and then bash them for that.

Reasonable discussion? That's out. It's the thing to be avoided at all cost, according to Democrat belief. So a great many of their recruits are people lacking both the character and the honesty to hold an actual debate. These thugs are the ones who can be trusted to continue treating Republicans as vile, dreadful creatures instead of actually discussing things with them... since the Democrats know they'd lose if they tried that.
Yes, the political scale cannot be "Reason" vs. "Irrationality" but instead "Good" vs. "Evil." That's why Democrats need a permanent victim class, where they and only they are the champions of social justice. It is their mindset.
Democrats sytimatically are brainwashed into a cult belief that their candidate is "love and hope" and Republican candidate is a "mean Ol' Racist rich person" Some of the best evidence comes from 2008. These kids are voters now.

I'm curious. Are you in denial your hero Bush92 endorsed Hillary?

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