Despite already admitting it was real, Trump now says the Access Hollywood tape was fake

Outrage that a Presidential candidate admitted to trying to have sex with a married woman while his wife was pregnant with his son?

Outrage that he admits to forcing himself on women and grabbing their pussies?

Outrage that a married man is bragging about this stuff?
What women did Trump try to have sex with? And he said you can grab their pussy's if you are rich and powerful. That's a dig on the fame hungry women not Trump.
And many married men brag about non existent conquests, it's how we cope with a life spent with one women.
Keep on digging when the whole is 6X4X6 get in and cover yourself up.
Listen to the Access Hollywood tape and get back to me
When will his sheep finally admit this guy is just not mentally well?
If this doesn’t confirm it, I don’t know what will.

Meanwhile Billy Bush’s career is over with this tape President Crazypants now says didn’t happen.

The whole world is laughing at us.

No the world isn’t laughing at us, they are laughing at y’all stupid liberals. Y’all are just to funny.
Trump trolls y’all,and y’all loose your minds.

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Trump is his own troll

Trump is also back to making birther claims

Trump is also back to making birther claims
Trump is still stuck on:

  • denying Hollywood Access tape
  • Obama not born in Hawaii
  • he won the popular vote
  • his inauguration crowd was the biggest ever
  • winning the women vote

Trump Once Said the ‘Access Hollywood’ Tape Was Real. Now He’s Not Sure.

We have a certifiable lunatic in the White House — and at the worst possible time...

Trump confronts perilous North Korean test - CNNPolitics
Listen to the Access Hollywood tape and get back to me
A tape? you are afraid of words on a tape? Really snowflake? Well okay I will listen to it. It sounds like an older man trying to impress a younger man. If you have never done this in your life it is most likely due to your incredible lack of testosterone. Snowflakes are known for that...
Listen to the Access Hollywood tape and get back to me
A tape? you are afraid of words on a tape? Really snowflake? Well okay I will listen to it. It sounds like an older man trying to impress a younger man. If you have never done this in your life it is most likely due to your incredible lack of testosterone. Snowflakes are known for that...
Women confirmed he grabbed pussies. It wasn't just talk.

Fuck you
More Wapo BS...besides you don't get it...we don't care! I told you that you and your side has made this kind of behavior OK due to your defense of Clinton and other libs.
Now libs are dropping like perverted flies all in the attempt to tag Trump with the same perverted brush. One big difference! Trump was elected not hired. It's the voters that will either look the other way or vote him out in the next election. Until then I hope you continue to wish upon a star.
If Trump is a bad guy dirty rotten scoundrel then he is a bad guy dirty rotten scoundrel that has made my life better.
So stop barking up an empty tree fucktard.
Women confirmed he grabbed pussies. It wasn't just talk
So What? Good for him if he did but I think if any of it were true it would have been blasted all over the news a long time ago not just in the WAPO Rag when it's convenient for the dems...LMFAO Progs are so simple minded.

Fuck you
More Wapo BS...besides you don't get it...we don't care! I told you that you and your side has made this kind of behavior OK due to your defense of Clinton and other libs.
Now libs are dropping like perverted flies all in the attempt to tag Trump with the same perverted brush. One big difference! Trump was elected not hired. It's the voters that will either look the other way or vote him out in the next election. Until then I hope you continue to wish upon a star.
If Trump is a bad guy dirty rotten scoundrel then he is a bad guy dirty rotten scoundrel that has made my life better.
So stop barking up an empty tree fucktard.

You’re so full of shit, your eyes are brown. Of course you care. You wouldn’t be challenging me for proof if you didn’t. You wouldn’t be defending trump if you didn’t care.

As far the Washington Post, thanks to Project Veritas, we learned they don’t print BS. When they smell BS, like they did with O’Keefe and Phillips, they out the BS, they don’t run with it.
Women confirmed he grabbed pussies. It wasn't just talk
So What? Good for him if he did but I think if any of it were true it would have been blasted all over the news a long time ago not just in the WAPO Rag when it's convenient for the dems...LMFAO Progs are so simple minded.
Moron, it was all over the news. Thanks for at least admitting it was true. :thup:
I've got a question, which Trump should we believe............

The one that apologized for making those comments (and there is video to prove it), or do we believe the current Trump who is saying the tape is a fake?

Trump is also back to making birther claims

Trump is also back to making birther claims
Trump is still stuck on:

  • denying Hollywood Access tape
  • Obama not born in Hawaii
  • he won the popular vote
  • his inauguration crowd was the biggest ever
  • winning the women vote

Trump Once Said the ‘Access Hollywood’ Tape Was Real. Now He’s Not Sure.

We have a certifiable lunatic in the White House — and at the worst possible time...

Trump confronts perilous North Korean test - CNNPolitics
Trump lives in an alternate reality where facts are what he chooses them to be
You’re so full of shit, your eyes are brown. Of course you care. You wouldn’t be challenging me for proof if you didn’t. You wouldn’t be defending trump if you didn’t care.

As far the Washington Post, thanks to Project Veritas, we learned they don’t print BS. When they smell BS, like they did with O’Keefe and Phillips, they out the BS, they don’t run with it
I don't care...I knew who I voted for when I voted for Trump. I didn't vote for Trump because he is a saint. I voted for him to stop freaks like you, to stop the Obama ruination of America. That has been achieved. The vastly improving economy is icing on the cake. The anger he generates among folks like you....priceless.
You’re so full of shit, your eyes are brown. Of course you care. You wouldn’t be challenging me for proof if you didn’t. You wouldn’t be defending trump if you didn’t care.

As far the Washington Post, thanks to Project Veritas, we learned they don’t print BS. When they smell BS, like they did with O’Keefe and Phillips, they out the BS, they don’t run with it
I don't care...I knew who I voted for when I voted for Trump. I didn't vote for Trump because he is a saint. I voted for him to stop freaks like you, to stop the Obama ruination of America. That has been achieved. The vastly improving economy is icing on the cake. The anger he generates among folks like you....priceless.
At least you admit you have no principles. I suppose that’s a start.
At least you admit you have no principles. I suppose that’s a start
I'm principled as hell when it comes to the sovereignty and economic security of America. I'm really principled about The United States remaining the greatest nation on earth. I know you were taught that that was old hat and silly but you were lied to. America is going to be great again with you or without you.
At least you admit you have no principles. I suppose that’s a start
I'm principled as hell when it comes to the sovereignty and economic security of America. I'm really principled about The United States remaining the greatest nation on earth. I know you were taught that that was old hat and silly but you were lied to. America is going to be great again with you or without you.

Spits the guy who voted for a groper who sexually assaults women And Is so crazy, he thinks the last president wasn’t born in the U.S..

That’s not exemplary of principles, it’s lashing out in protest like a 4 year old girl. Which happens to fit you perfectly.

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