DeSantis endorses Trump, says he's the one Republicans want.... etc


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023

Well, this was interesting. DeSantis at one point didn't sound overly enthused about Trump but said that even though he disagreed with the Fauci thing and etc... Trump is the man [my words] for our time. I kind of read that into what DeS said even though he didn't say it... lol

He could have endorsed Haley instead like some liberals likely thought he would (?) Wait... who in his or her right mind would say that?

But anyhow

from the site

DeSantis said Trump has his endorsement "because we can’t go back to the old Republican guard of yesteryear — a repackaged form of warmed-over corporatism — that Nikki Haley represents."
"warmed over corporatism"

hmm... interesting term. What I know is that a lot of big corporations get goodies--tax breaks, etc-- from the fed govt that small businesses don't.

And also, big business can afford a lot of regulation whereas small business go under if there is too much

Pretty sure thing now that Trump will make Ron the bride or the bride'smaid.

Ron could still be a faker but credible enough for Trump's mental pay grade. It's a winning team if only Biden can be propped up with a stick to keep him appearing to be in the running.
He's gonna do his best to repair his relationship with Trump and suck up to him. But someone should warn him, like Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, and Kevin McCarthy, anyone who cucks themselves to Trump can consider their political career trajectory..over. The first three will never run for President again and be seriously considered, and McCarthy is done in completely done. :)

Well, this was interesting. DeSantis at one point didn't sound overly enthused about Trump but said that even though he disagreed with the Fauci thing and etc... Trump is the man [my words] for our time. I kind of read that into what DeS said even though he didn't say it... lol

He could have endorsed Haley instead like some liberals likely thought he would (?) Wait... who in his or her right mind would say that?

But anyhow

from the site

DeSantis said Trump has his endorsement "because we can’t go back to the old Republican guard of yesteryear — a repackaged form of warmed-over corporatism — that Nikki Haley represents."
Large, permanent corporate tax cuts. The centerpiece of the 2017 tax law was a deep, permanent cut in the corporate tax rate — from 35 percent to 21 percent — and a shift toward a territorial tax system, which exempts certain foreign income of multinational corporations from U.S. tax.
Large, permanent corporate tax cuts. The centerpiece of the 2017 tax law was a deep, permanent cut in the corporate tax rate — from 35 percent to 21 percent — and a shift toward a territorial tax system, which exempts certain foreign income of multinational corporations from U.S. tax.

I am not wealthy but I don't have a problem w/ the corp tax rate being down to 21%

21% is even too high IMO

A country cannot thrive with massive taxes and regulations being levied against those who provide

He's gonna do his best to repair his relationship with Trump and suck up to him. But someone should warn him, like Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, and Kevin McCarthy, anyone who cucks themselves to Trump can consider their political career trajectory..over. The first three will never run for President again and be seriously considered, and McCarthy is done in completely done. :)
I saw it from the other side. I doubt that Trump wanted the DeSanctimonious endorsement.

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