DeSantis Decries 'Incredibly, Incredibly Disturbing' Books In School Libraries, Pushes Education Law...Republicans are literally canceling culture

Do we have any examples of the books that are being removed from the libraries?

One of the 'teaching resources' in my school:

So yea, you are not going to get me upset about parents wanting racists and sexual bullshit removed from school resources. I doubt you want books hanging out in the library that tell kids how it is okay to hate black people or that transgenders do not exist. How about the Holy Bible, should we stock that on the elementary school bookshelf?

Or is this sudden love of books and speech not extend to those things?
parents should not be involved in what is taught in the school system, it's none of their business my friends, they don't even have a right to KNOW what is being taught.
What planet are you from again?

Hey asshole, parents OWN the school system. It's ours, lock stock and barrel.

WE paid for it, and CONTINUE to pay for it, with our tax money.

Your administrators, and all your teachers, work for US.

That's why I do what I do. Because there's a bunch of brainless lefwits out there who've lost their marbles

These leftist nitwits are DANGEROUS, they're trying to transmit their stupidity to my child.

So tell ya what: we are reclaiming control. Sorry if you don't like it, and fuck you for bitching about it.

By the time November rolls around our parent groups are going to be 20 million strong. We're going to roll over the progtards like a tidal wave.

Statist drivel like you posted above ^^^ is dangerously stupid. The state doesn't own my child. The statist fucktards are the same assholes that brought us the Summer of Love. They THREATENED MY CHILDREN, just like you did with your words above.

And I've been very clear on this point and I'll say it again, point blank and crystal. Threaten my children again, and I'm going to start cracking heads. And so are others. We will not ALLOW you to trample on this boundary anymore.

Howl all you want, it's music to our ears.

If you want to fight us with lawfare, good luck and see you in court.
Books are a good thing. I read anything i can get my hands on.

So DeSantis just signed into law a bill that allows parents to petition to remove books and learning materials from schools and libraries if they deem them ‘inappropriate.’

Republicans are literally canceling culture.

Desantis probably hasn't read anything since highschool.
Books are a good thing. I read anything i can get my hands on.

So DeSantis just signed into law a bill that allows parents to petition to remove books and learning materials from schools and libraries if they deem them ‘inappropriate.’

Republicans are literally canceling culture.


While others diminish the value in anything in attempts to suggest that everything is "appropriate" ... :auiqs.jpg:

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