DePaul University's Appeasement to Anti-Constitution / Wussification Of It's Campus / Students


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"The entire idea of “chalking” as a form of expression has apparently been a tradition at DePaul for quite some time, just as it is on sidewalks around the nation. It may seem silly and even trashy (when attempted by those with less artistic flair) but if you’re going to allow the temporary defacement of the public thoroughfare in what is an essentially harmless exercise of the First Amendment it obviously has to apply to everyone. The alternative is to have it apply to nobody and that’s the course which the university has chosen."

Remember the story not long ago about the college student claimed he felt 'threatened' because someone had drawn / written a Trump 'Slogan' with chalk on a wall. Think about that for a second, at just how far our nation / our nation's youth has fallen. Years ago 18yo kids were bravely storming the beaches of Normandy, trudged through the jungles in Viet Nam, or marched through hostile gauntlets of police/racists/dogs alongside Martin Luther King. Todays youth are 'threatened' and rendered traumatized by CHALK DRAWINGS.

Such an offended / traumatized student railed against the tradition at DePaul due to the fact that someone wrote / drew something in chalk that disagreed with what they did. They demanded that the offender's 1st Amendment right be denied / stripped. Finding itself unable to single out individuals in such a manner, DePaul outlawed its tradition of allowing the self-expressive use of chalk on its campus by anyone.

As I said in another thread, think for a minute at how far our youth have fallen in this country. Years ago 18yos bravely stormed the beaches of Normandy, trudged through the jungles of Viet Nam, and ran the hostile 'gauntlets' of cops, dogs, fire hoses, and violent racists as they marched beside Martin Luther King Jr. Today's youth demand free education, free health care, refuse to work for any of it, and are 'threatened' by chalk drawings, forcing them to demand 'safe zones'. The only safe zones those kids getting off the landing crafts at the beaches of Normandy had was onboard the ship they had just left.

If our youth really are this nation's future...we're screwed.

DePaul University bans chalk for student safety - Hot Air
"The entire idea of “chalking” as a form of expression has apparently been a tradition at DePaul for quite some time, just as it is on sidewalks around the nation. It may seem silly and even trashy (when attempted by those with less artistic flair) but if you’re going to allow the temporary defacement of the public thoroughfare in what is an essentially harmless exercise of the First Amendment it obviously has to apply to everyone. The alternative is to have it apply to nobody and that’s the course which the university has chosen."

Remember the story not long ago about the college student claimed he felt 'threatened' because someone had drawn / written a Trump 'Slogan' with chalk on a wall. Think about that for a second, at just how far our nation / our nation's youth has fallen. Years ago 18yo kids were bravely storming the beaches of Normandy, trudged through the jungles in Viet Nam, or marched through hostile gauntlets of police/racists/dogs alongside Martin Luther King. Todays youth are 'threatened' and rendered traumatized by CHALK DRAWINGS.

Such an offended / traumatized student railed against the tradition at DePaul due to the fact that someone wrote / drew something in chalk that disagreed with what they did. They demanded that the offender's 1st Amendment right be denied / stripped. Finding itself unable to single out individuals in such a manner, DePaul outlawed its tradition of allowing the self-expressive use of chalk on its campus by anyone.

As I said in another thread, think for a minute at how far our youth have fallen in this country. Years ago 18yos bravely stormed the beaches of Normandy, trudged through the jungles of Viet Nam, and ran the hostile 'gauntlets' of cops, dogs, fire hoses, and violent racists as they marched beside Martin Luther King Jr. Today's youth demand free education, free health care, refuse to work for any of it, and are 'threatened' by chalk drawings, forcing them to demand 'safe zones'. The only safe zones those kids getting off the landing crafts at the beaches of Normandy had was onboard the ship they had just left.

If our youth really are this nation's future...we're screwed.

DePaul University bans chalk for student safety - Hot Air
college student felt 'threatened' because Trump 'Slogan' with chalk on a wall. Years ago 18yo kids were bravely storming Normandy, in Viet Nam. If our youth really are this nation's future...we're screwed.

Those same kids existed in the 60's as well, they were called Hippies and anti-war protesters, they were much worse. WW2 had its anti-war campaign which many Americans were against joining Nazi-Britain fighting, so as not to repeat WW1, until that day which would live in infamy, then America found their balls again after the Japs woke up a sleeping giant. War and anti-war is based on ignorance because neither party has a clue about how to achieve peace. The protesters won't go to the enemy country and risk their lives to speak with the enemy about peace, neither will the vets speak to the government about killing innocent.

Once the radicals attack us hard enough like Pearl Harbor, you will see them awaken a hibernating bear, our snooze alarm has just been silent for a while. Even the shell shocked chalk students will find a pair or grow some, because this will traumatize them more than Trump border wall.


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