Deniers push for death-via-global-warming


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana
From the fine folks at WUWT ...

Climate Risk Map 8211 Mainly Countries Hostile to the USA Watts Up With That
High on their risk are countries such as Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Afghanistan, countries whose populations regularly express hostility towards the USA and Western values.

US allies such as Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, and most of Europe score well on the risk map – they are listed as countries least likely to be severely impacted by climate change.

All of this poses an obvious question – if we accept the map at face value, why should we care about climate change?

Hey, nothing like a friendly wish for death-to-the-swarthy-people, eh?

And no, I don't expect the deniers here to disagree. After all, it is WUWT, so they're required to agree. They are probably a little confused about why the author said it out loud, since they've been told they're supposed to hide that part of their agenda.
So Frank is the first to chime in with his support of genocide-by-global-warming.

Who's next?

Don't be shy. Remember, the denier cult says you don't have to conceal those feelings any more.
Let's just expend hundreds of trillions of dollars and put tens of millions out of work while raising the price of everything from electricity to a loaf of bread ten-fold.

Yeah, that should keep humanity a few degrees cooler. :slap:
Skook, I'm constantly post links. You ought to apologize for being such a dishonest piece of shit. Just admit that you can't face me in a debate, which is why you always have lie about me. It's the same with all the mincing metrosexuals who are constantly weeping about me.

But then, along and Frank and Mr. H here, you're backing the deliberately genocidal policies of the deniers. Compared to your lust for mass death on a global scale, your lies are pretty insignificant.

Tell you what. If you stop guys trying to exterminate most of the people the third world, you can lie all you want. Deal?
From the fine folks at WUWT ...

Climate Risk Map 8211 Mainly Countries Hostile to the USA Watts Up With That
High on their risk are countries such as Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Afghanistan, countries whose populations regularly express hostility towards the USA and Western values.

US allies such as Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, and most of Europe score well on the risk map – they are listed as countries least likely to be severely impacted by climate change.

All of this poses an obvious question – if we accept the map at face value, why should we care about climate change?

Hey, nothing like a friendly wish for death-to-the-swarthy-people, eh?

And no, I don't expect the deniers here to disagree. After all, it is WUWT, so they're required to agree. They are probably a little confused about why the author said it out loud, since they've been told they're supposed to hide that part of their agenda.

And by the term "deniers" tools like manboob MEAN, those who look at the hyperventilating claims of the AGW Faithers and laugh at the generally absurd "conclusions" they reach.

The AGW Faithers seem to take it as a precept and article of their faith that before human industry, the climate was static.

Thus, only humankind can possibly be responsible for climate "change."

The sky is still falling.
The AGWCult are very much like Islamic Jihadists, they have absolute FAITH in the CO2 molecule are willing to kill every civilized society to make every knee bow to it.

I can see a nut like Mamooth strapping herself with methane and CO2 canisters, standing in the middle of a crowd and yelling "AGW AKBAR!!!!!" before releasing these deadly vapors into the atmosphere
well it seems clear to me that WUWT posts all reports, ones they agree with and those they don't. So I'm unclear the need for this thread. What is the intention of this one?

NASA confirms that CO2 is aiming it's heat death ray on the Amazon, Congo and Indonesia.
Ummmm...........the title of the thread should read >>

"AGW mental cases want us all to live like peasants based upon the global warming increase in temperature of hundreths of degree's/year"

The fact of the matter order for the world to go green, we are all looking at living in a world where taxation is a minimum of 60%!! Job loss would be massive!!!

Going green can cost too much green -

Go check the Spanish experiment with this!!:coffee::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::lmao:

Any elaboration needed?

Didn't think so.:2up:
We shouldn't make fun of the mentally ill, then again Old Rocks, Crick and Mamooth are fucking hysterical

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