Dems: Thanks again, Newt!


Jun 27, 2009
Newt Gingrich isn't the only victim of his political implosion this week. His biting remarks on the Republicans' Medicare plan come right as Democrats sharpen their attacks on the Republican budget -- and party officials are only too happy to bank his remarks for later.

"We're getting a gold mine of things we can use," Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), the chair of the DSCC in a difficult election cycle, told TPM when asked about Gingrich

As Newt Implodes, Democrats Pass The Popcorn | TPMDC

I guess this all just part of a cunning GOP strategy, but hell, it's entertaining! :lol::lol::lol:
Excuse me, has anyone seen my ability to give a shit? I appear to have misplaced it. I know I am supposed to be outraged, or concerned, or even bothered but, embarrassingly, I find myself not being able to give a rats ass.

I say again...

The Republicans are toast, TOAST I said.

Excuse me, has anyone seen my ability to give a shit? I appear to have misplaced it. I know I am supposed to be outraged, or concerned, or even bothered but, embarrassingly, I find myself not being able to give a rats ass.

Your faux apathy is telling. If indeed the above were the case, you wouldn’t have posted at all.
I say again...

The Republicans are toast, TOAST I said.

If the election was held today I agree. However, election day is about 17-months in the distance, and the economy is fragile, unemployment is high, the consequences of printing money hasn't hit yet. So I wouldn't start celebrating until the votes are counted. I seem to recall the same type of optimism just before the 2010 mid-terms....
Mr. Everyvoter is not going to contemplate the economy, unemployment, or monetary policy before voting. He’s not going to think to himself: ‘gee, Obama’s done a terrible job – everyone on the internets says so – so I’ll vote for Romney, although I don’t like him and I don’t think he will win.’

Sorry folks, it’s a popularity contest, nothing more.
Excuse me, has anyone seen my ability to give a shit? I appear to have misplaced it. I know I am supposed to be outraged, or concerned, or even bothered but, embarrassingly, I find myself not being able to give a rats ass.

you keep on going into threads saying this over and over again.
We get it, you have nothing to offer in the way of an opinion that matters.

You dont give a shit about Trump, Palin, Newt, or any GOP Candidate. All you have is complaining about other people on here and how Obama is ruining this nation.

Whores have more to offer than you.

OH damn. Fat whores at that.
Mr. Everyvoter is not going to contemplate the economy, unemployment, or monetary policy before voting. He’s not going to think to himself: ‘gee, Obama’s done a terrible job – everyone on the internets says so – so I’ll vote for Romney, although I don’t like him and I don’t think he will win.’

Sorry folks, it’s a popularity contest, nothing more.

Sorry Clay but I gotta disagree. IMO the Economy is going to be the driver in 2012.

If the economy and the jobs situation have improved dramatically then Barry Boy will win a second term

However, if the economy and jobs are still in the toilet then Barry can kiss term two goodby.

Popularity won't have a single thing to do with it.

I doubt seriously Newt could have won the nomination but he didn't do himself any favors. He effectivly imploded his own run for POTUS. Newts a smart guy but sometimes you just gotta wonder. Jeeze.
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Newt Gingrich isn't the only victim of his political implosion this week. His biting remarks on the Republicans' Medicare plan come right as Democrats sharpen their attacks on the Republican budget -- and party officials are only too happy to bank his remarks for later.

"We're getting a gold mine of things we can use," Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), the chair of the DSCC in a difficult election cycle, told TPM when asked about Gingrich

As Newt Implodes, Democrats Pass The Popcorn | TPMDC

I guess this all just part of a cunning GOP strategy, but hell, it's entertaining! :lol::lol::lol:

LOL...well I'll put our gold mine of things up against their gold mine any day.

Stimulus of $800 Billion will keep unemployment from exceeding 8%...oops.

Barry boy's recent allegation that the border fence is "now basically complete"...oops.

And lots and lots more where they came from.
Funny, I don't hear the Dems touting their accomplishments.. it's all ____________ is stupid, ______________ is boinking his/her _______________, ___________________ sucks, ________________ is crazy, __________________ is to religious, etc.

That is very telling.
Let's Review

Obama record.

Annual Deficit so large it must be expressed in Scientific Notation 1.6E+12 (Bigger than entire Reagan budgets)

Called himself a failure for raising debt ceiling. "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure..." Barak Hussein Obama

Unemployment near 9%

Gallon of gas $4.

On the plus side Newt, who has no shot of getting nominated, supports ObamaCare.

Yeah. Run with that
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Did newt implode or did the republican party implode?

Newt tried to bring some common sense to the republican party.

He was aiming for the middle.

The fact that he was so savagely shot down by what now is the republican mainstream (tea party peeps with their heads full of Fox lies).

This is your new party, they are touting a bill that the vast majority of Americans hate as soon as they now whats in the little crapper.

You can not win a national election with you historically failed ideas.
Did newt implode or did the republican party implode?

Newt tried to bring some common sense to the republican party.

He was aiming for the middle.

The fact that he was so savagely shot down by what now is the republican mainstream (tea party peeps with their heads full of Fox lies).

This is your new party, they are touting a bill that the vast majority of Americans hate as soon as they now whats in the little crapper.

You can not win a national election with you historically failed ideas.

Thanks for your input.

In 2012 we will try to improve on our recent record which includes:

winning the "Kennedy Seat" in a state where deceased registered Democrat voters outnumber all living Republicans

winning the governorship in NJ where Obama won by 10


Winning VA governor race

and in 2010 we inflicted on the Dems one of the most onesided ass kicking since the defeat of the North at Tet Offensive.

We're hoping to take your advice and do better in 2012.

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