Dems put themselves in a corner-the Ultimate Checkmate would be....


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
By harping on removing Bill Barr in the middle of investigations of the political motivated abuses, the Dems left themselves open for the ultimate checkmate.
File charges with the O.C.E. & DOJ of these Dems obstructing justice and threatening the AG.
Why is this a checkmate?
Because if they deny they are obstructing justice then that means they abused their power in making those false charges on Trump with Mueller and did so to manipulate the 2018 mid terms elections, harrass, spy, and try to find & create charges to oust a political rival aka a treasonous coup.=checkmate!
Too cute by half.
First you need to prove the crimes, then the obstruction, we'll see, but I'm not optimistic.
But that's part of the checkmate, they never had the smoke to claim they had the right to investigate for a fire.
Trump had every presidential and legal right to fire Mueller for conflicts of interest and unusual conflicts of the people he had involved, but Trump never did use that right to fire , he merely asked about should he be if conflicted. ASKING ABOUT THE LAWS IS NOT WRONG, doing something wrong without asking advice from council is. Dems aren't asking, they are telling and filing and using media to undermine Barr's investigations.
Too cute by half.
First you need to prove the crimes, then the obstruction, we'll see, but I'm not optimistic.
But that's part of the checkmate, they never had the smoke to claim they had the right to investigate for a fire.
Trump had every presidential and legal right to fire Mueller for conflicts of interest and unusual conflicts of the people he had involved, but Trump never did use that right to fire , he merely asked about should he be if conflicted. ASKING ABOUT THE LAWS IS NOT WRONG, doing something wrong without asking advice from council is. Dems aren't asking, they are telling and filing and using media to undermine Barr's investigations.

Agreed that the MSM and the dems are starting to squirm about the Barr/Durham investigations. That's a good sign.
Now we need to protect Barr and Durham until they uncover the biggest scandal in US history, the illegal use of Federal agencies to illegally spy on a political opponent's campaign. That "break in" makes Nixon's plumbers look like child play. Here's hoping that Barr & Durham have a lot of indictments that go high up in the Obama admin.
Too cute by half.
First you need to prove the crimes, then the obstruction, we'll see, but I'm not optimistic.
But that's part of the checkmate, they never had the smoke to claim they had the right to investigate for a fire.
Trump had every presidential and legal right to fire Mueller for conflicts of interest and unusual conflicts of the people he had involved, but Trump never did use that right to fire , he merely asked about should he be if conflicted. ASKING ABOUT THE LAWS IS NOT WRONG, doing something wrong without asking advice from council is. Dems aren't asking, they are telling and filing and using media to undermine Barr's investigations.

Agreed that the MSM and the dems are starting to squirm about the Barr/Durham investigations. That's a good sign.
Now we need to protect Barr and Durham until they uncover the biggest scandal in US history, the illegal use of Federal agencies to illegally spy on a political opponent's campaign. That "break in" makes Nixon's plumbers look like child play. Here's hoping that Barr & Durham have a lot of indictments that go high up in the Obama admin.
Agreed. They are so panicking that they are using the Nixon analogy in classic deflective form.
Nothing they claimed Trump did was even remotely liken to Nixon's acts, but Obama's spygate was the emulation of the premise of the Nixon tape scandal.

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