dems hold the house ?


Senior Member
Aug 4, 2015
virus + riots = republican victory (throw in mail problems and nancy's beauty salon trip)
virus + riots = republican victory (throw in mail problems and nancy's beauty salon trip)
Democrats are such scum they defend Pelosi and attack the Solon owner

Democrats need to stop their terrorist riots and take a step back before they get done to them what they are doing. Armies of Kyles will be roaming the streets yelling "we got a Democrat over here" BANG! While locking Democrats in their buildings and setting them on fire.
Well the Dems sure haven't covered themselves in glory after trying to impeach Trump, the Ukraine bullshit and Kavenaugh.

They also aren't looking good when they called Trump a racist when he wanted to stop flights into the US. Hell the Dems told people it was nothing and to carry on as usual. No mensa geniuses in the Dem crew.

Add in the Dem Mayors who told their police departments to stand down and then stood back and watched looters and arsonists burn buildings to the ground and I'd say the Dems have a problem.

I'd say they stand a good chance of losing the House.
I sure hope not!

But after obama won a 2nd term...I guess anything is possible :dunno:

Yup. I never expected that. The economy was in the toilet and UE was through the roof and he hung Obamacare around the necks of the American tax payer. Yet that guy got re-elected.
I sure hope not!

But after obama won a 2nd term...I guess anything is possible :dunno:

Yup. I never expected that. The economy was in the toilet and UE was through the roof and he hung Obamacare around the necks of the American tax payer. Yet that guy got re-elected.
He was elected on the color of his skin and not the content of his character. Terrible President who could have been a contender.
I sure hope not!

But after obama won a 2nd term...I guess anything is possible :dunno:

Yup. I never expected that. The economy was in the toilet and UE was through the roof and he hung Obamacare around the necks of the American tax payer. Yet that guy got re-elected.

Mitt Romney

I think you are right. Mitt was a piss poor choice and his being the RNC choice gave Barry that second term.
It will be difficult (but not impossible) for the GOP to take the House next year, even though Pelosi is doing her best to help them. The big question is which party will control the most state legislatures and be able to draw new Congressional boundaries for the 2022 elections.

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