Democrats Win Clear Mandate By Majority Of America To Pass Progressive Agenda And Stop Trump

Republicans control 2/3 of the federal government. What kind of mandate do democrats think they have?
/——-/ Ocasio-Cortez is on the case: “.. three chambers of government are the presidency, the Senate, and the House. Her objective is to win control of all three, and they don’t have that now so they’ve gotta work really, really hard. She urged people to join the Justice Democrats. I guess it’s the name of a group. Justice Democrats, #OurTime campaign. It’s a hashtag. To help them identify Democrat House incumbents who are demographically and ideologically out of touch with their districts like Joe Crowley was in his.

So after they ship all the Republicans off to the Gulag, there will be "Just Us Democrats"?

Pretty scary if you think about it.
And that's exactly what they're going to do.

Just wow. Five Thirty Eight's Nate Silver notes that House Democrats will likely amass close to 60 million votes nationwide when the dust settles on the midterms. That figure will come darn close to reaching the total number of votes cast for the last several GOP presidential nominees, with Donald Trump garnering about 63 million votes, Mitt Romney getting some 61 million in 2012, and John McCain receiving around 60 million votes nationwide.

What that means is the House Democratic majority will have the backing of a number of voters that rivals the number of voters who supported the GOP’s presidential candidate in 2016—and Democrats will have gotten that backing during a frickin' midterm vote. That is simply unprecedented, just like Trump winning the electoral college while losing the popular vote by some 3 million votes was. By comparison, the incoming House GOP majority in 2010 got about 45 million total votes in their wave election.

In other words, House Democrats will head into next year with an unprecedented mandate from an election that sent pundits on a week-long debate over whether it was really a wave. Maybe we should ask the GOP's Orange County contingent what they think after every one of them got washed away.

In fact, the Republican party might want to spend a little more time contemplating California now that they're on track to decisively alienate both America's suburban voters and voters of color. California—where Republicans are now less relevant to major legislative decisions than mosquitoes are to major camping decisions—is where the future national Republican party is heading.

House Democrats' vote totals nationwide near that of Trump's 2016 sum—Can you say 'mandate'?

Trump has the White House and GOP has the Senate.... executing the other American Majority’s mandate to stop Socialism.
The OP is stupid on so many levels.

The Democrat party has sort-of control over one house in the Congress. They can choose to do NOTHING, or to play ball with the Senate and President Donald Trump.

Most of the "Progressive" agenda is blatantly unconstitutional. See Article I, Section 8 for a comprehensive listing of what Congress can do. No free healthcare for all, no free college tuition, etc.
Oh Wait they do have the treasonous lying media to push their agenda till they go out of business of they are pulled into court for espionage and sedition.
GOP controls Senate and WH....Good luck with that, chumps.

I really don't see that as a problem. Very few Republican Senators were up for election this time and those that were wewre in the safest possible seats for a Republican - all of them in States where Trump won by more than 20 points in 2016. Even though Republicans retained those seats, that 20 point margin was erased and many of the results were nailbiters - decided by very slim margins.

Republicans are now in the same position that Democrats were in the last election. They're going to have a lot of trouble getting quality candidates to run on the Republican ticket in 2020 because of who is at the top of that ticket. Few competent or moderate Republicans are going to want to run for office with such a toxic president. That alone will spell doom for Republicans chances of regaining the House or holding the Senate.

Now that Republicans are taking their leaders advice to #WalkAway from the party of racism and divisiveness which attacks the innocent in the name politics, and will tolerate any kind of behaviour from those at the top of the party, and joining the Democrats. This is especially true in the Kavenaugh case. Here's a hint - When you want to treat someone "respectfully" you do more than just let them speak, you believe them. Republicans knew Kavenaugh lied about a lot of things - and they appointed him anyway.
And that's exactly what they're going to do.

Just wow. Five Thirty Eight's Nate Silver notes that House Democrats will likely amass close to 60 million votes nationwide when the dust settles on the midterms. That figure will come darn close to reaching the total number of votes cast for the last several GOP presidential nominees, with Donald Trump garnering about 63 million votes, Mitt Romney getting some 61 million in 2012, and John McCain receiving around 60 million votes nationwide.

What that means is the House Democratic majority will have the backing of a number of voters that rivals the number of voters who supported the GOP’s presidential candidate in 2016—and Democrats will have gotten that backing during a frickin' midterm vote. That is simply unprecedented, just like Trump winning the electoral college while losing the popular vote by some 3 million votes was. By comparison, the incoming House GOP majority in 2010 got about 45 million total votes in their wave election.

In other words, House Democrats will head into next year with an unprecedented mandate from an election that sent pundits on a week-long debate over whether it was really a wave. Maybe we should ask the GOP's Orange County contingent what they think after every one of them got washed away.

In fact, the Republican party might want to spend a little more time contemplating California now that they're on track to decisively alienate both America's suburban voters and voters of color. California—where Republicans are now less relevant to major legislative decisions than mosquitoes are to major camping decisions—is where the future national Republican party is heading.

House Democrats' vote totals nationwide near that of Trump's 2016 sum—Can you say 'mandate'?

I agree with you that Democrats had a yuuuge win, but I am not so certain what you mean by a "progressive agenda." Blue Dog aka more moderate Democrats were the big winners in 2018. Liberal Democrats lost races in districts they really shouldn't have tried running in. IOW--if the DNC put up a blue dog Democrat to run against Ted Cruz, Cruz would be looking for a new job today..

So be very careful as to what you're thinking here. Progressive to me means liberal, and that's not really what happened. Moderate Democrats are the ones that can appeal to moderate Republicans & they were the big winners.


Just to remind you that Hillary Clinton walloped Bernie Sanders in 2016 by 3,775,437 Democrat primary popular votes. (The moderate Democrat against the Liberal Democrat.) In comparison Obama beat Hillary Clinton by a mere 41,622 Democrat primary popular votes in 2008.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

The lesson of the 2018 midterm is (Blue Dog Democrats can beat Republicans in their own back yards.)
And that's exactly what they're going to do.

Just wow. Five Thirty Eight's Nate Silver notes that House Democrats will likely amass close to 60 million votes nationwide when the dust settles on the midterms. That figure will come darn close to reaching the total number of votes cast for the last several GOP presidential nominees, with Donald Trump garnering about 63 million votes, Mitt Romney getting some 61 million in 2012, and John McCain receiving around 60 million votes nationwide.

What that means is the House Democratic majority will have the backing of a number of voters that rivals the number of voters who supported the GOP’s presidential candidate in 2016—and Democrats will have gotten that backing during a frickin' midterm vote. That is simply unprecedented, just like Trump winning the electoral college while losing the popular vote by some 3 million votes was. By comparison, the incoming House GOP majority in 2010 got about 45 million total votes in their wave election.

In other words, House Democrats will head into next year with an unprecedented mandate from an election that sent pundits on a week-long debate over whether it was really a wave. Maybe we should ask the GOP's Orange County contingent what they think after every one of them got washed away.

In fact, the Republican party might want to spend a little more time contemplating California now that they're on track to decisively alienate both America's suburban voters and voters of color. California—where Republicans are now less relevant to major legislative decisions than mosquitoes are to major camping decisions—is where the future national Republican party is heading.

House Democrats' vote totals nationwide near that of Trump's 2016 sum—Can you say 'mandate'?

Trump has the White House and GOP has the Senate.... executing the other American Majority’s mandate to stop Socialism.

There is no "other American Majority". Republicans have enjoyed minority rule for a generation - ever since W stole the election in 2000. Nationwide, Democrats have been consistently outpolling Republicans nationwide, and although the electoral map is very very red, that's only because the votes cast by Democrats in those states are treated like they don't exist. Democrats may be in the minority in those states, but that simply means that there 5% more Republicans than Democrats, not that there are no Democrats.
And that's exactly what they're going to do.

Just wow. Five Thirty Eight's Nate Silver notes that House Democrats will likely amass close to 60 million votes nationwide when the dust settles on the midterms. That figure will come darn close to reaching the total number of votes cast for the last several GOP presidential nominees, with Donald Trump garnering about 63 million votes, Mitt Romney getting some 61 million in 2012, and John McCain receiving around 60 million votes nationwide.

What that means is the House Democratic majority will have the backing of a number of voters that rivals the number of voters who supported the GOP’s presidential candidate in 2016—and Democrats will have gotten that backing during a frickin' midterm vote. That is simply unprecedented, just like Trump winning the electoral college while losing the popular vote by some 3 million votes was. By comparison, the incoming House GOP majority in 2010 got about 45 million total votes in their wave election.

In other words, House Democrats will head into next year with an unprecedented mandate from an election that sent pundits on a week-long debate over whether it was really a wave. Maybe we should ask the GOP's Orange County contingent what they think after every one of them got washed away.

In fact, the Republican party might want to spend a little more time contemplating California now that they're on track to decisively alienate both America's suburban voters and voters of color. California—where Republicans are now less relevant to major legislative decisions than mosquitoes are to major camping decisions—is where the future national Republican party is heading.

House Democrats' vote totals nationwide near that of Trump's 2016 sum—Can you say 'mandate'?
By LOSING statewide senate seats and winning TINY districts in states? LMAO hardly. Have fun though.
And that's exactly what they're going to do.

Just wow. Five Thirty Eight's Nate Silver notes that House Democrats will likely amass close to 60 million votes nationwide when the dust settles on the midterms. That figure will come darn close to reaching the total number of votes cast for the last several GOP presidential nominees, with Donald Trump garnering about 63 million votes, Mitt Romney getting some 61 million in 2012, and John McCain receiving around 60 million votes nationwide.

What that means is the House Democratic majority will have the backing of a number of voters that rivals the number of voters who supported the GOP’s presidential candidate in 2016—and Democrats will have gotten that backing during a frickin' midterm vote. That is simply unprecedented, just like Trump winning the electoral college while losing the popular vote by some 3 million votes was. By comparison, the incoming House GOP majority in 2010 got about 45 million total votes in their wave election.

In other words, House Democrats will head into next year with an unprecedented mandate from an election that sent pundits on a week-long debate over whether it was really a wave. Maybe we should ask the GOP's Orange County contingent what they think after every one of them got washed away.

In fact, the Republican party might want to spend a little more time contemplating California now that they're on track to decisively alienate both America's suburban voters and voters of color. California—where Republicans are now less relevant to major legislative decisions than mosquitoes are to major camping decisions—is where the future national Republican party is heading.

House Democrats' vote totals nationwide near that of Trump's 2016 sum—Can you say 'mandate'?

Trump has the White House and GOP has the Senate.... executing the other American Majority’s mandate to stop Socialism.

There is no "other American Majority". Republicans have enjoyed minority rule for a generation - ever since W stole the election in 2000. Nationwide, Democrats have been consistently outpolling Republicans nationwide, and although the electoral map is very very red, that's only because the votes cast by Democrats in those states are treated like they don't exist. Democrats may be in the minority in those states, but that simply means that there 5% more Republicans than Democrats, not that there are no Democrats.

How did Bush steak the 2000 Election when the Democrats made certain that the Military vote of absentee ballots were disqualified? I thought Democrats supported the troops?

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