Democrats -War on Women" Obama paying women LESS!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The Democratic War on Women Continues
Female staffers on Obama campaign earned less than male coworkers in May and June, WFB analysis find The Obama reelection campaign’s female employees earned an average of $6,872 during that period, compared with an average of $7,235 for male employees. That is a difference of $363, or 5.3 percent.

The annualized pay difference is more than $2,100 per year

The pay disparity is consistent with other Free Beacon analyses, which found that female employees of both the White House and Democratic lawmakers were consistently paid less than their male peers.

The Democratic War on Women Continues | Washington Free Beacon

Why should we NOT be surprised the party of "DO AS I SAY ..NOT as I DO"...
has as a leader that preaches we should be our "brother's keeper" all the while his brother lives in a $12 a year hut...
OR Der Leader moans about the RICH taking tax breaks WHILE he writes off against his tax payment $48,000 as GIFTS to his daughters!
And yet the MSM jumps all over Anne Romney's $900 dress YET the MSM hardly mentions Michelle's $6,800 sweater!!!

Don't you people that voted for Obama and now are questioning that vote realize it wasn't your fault when Obama lied to you with his "HOPE " and "CHANGY"... his fault...
"fool me once shame on you (Obama).. fool me twice shame on ME!!

BUT after ALL the damage Obama's done and the hypocrisy blatant as it is.. if you vote again for him IT IS YOUR fault for being stupid!
this has been posted many times on this board. The libtards don't seem to care.

Unless the lower paying jobs are substantially different than the higher paying ones, this kills Obama's credibility with the whole Lilly Ledbetter thing.
this was out i didnt see many women upset over it, plus i dont think any women were invited to play basketball for him. Women have fallen so hard even they dont care anymore, lately its just been a shell of what women used to be and how they were regarded. a beautifully written article by a women who wrote on how far women have fallen, i cant find it but it was immaculate.
the democratic war on women continues
female staffers on obama campaign earned less than male coworkers in may and june, wfb analysis find the obama reelection campaign’s female employees earned an average of $6,872 during that period, compared with an average of $7,235 for male employees. That is a difference of $363, or 5.3 percent.

the democratic war on women continues
female staffers on obama campaign earned less than male coworkers in may and june, wfb analysis find the obama reelection campaign’s female employees earned an average of $6,872 during that period, compared with an average of $7,235 for male employees. That is a difference of $363, or 5.3 percent.


once again ur job if u were a female ud be on the persons desk demanding back pay.
the democratic war on women continues
female staffers on obama campaign earned less than male coworkers in may and june, wfb analysis find the obama reelection campaign’s female employees earned an average of $6,872 during that period, compared with an average of $7,235 for male employees. That is a difference of $363, or 5.3 percent.


once again ur job if u were a female ud be on the persons desk demanding back pay.

If you think its such a big deal, do this....

go stand in front of the White House
bring a 5 gallon jug of gasoline
pour it over yourself
light yourself on fire

once again ur job if u were a female ud be on the persons desk demanding back pay.

If you think its such a big deal, do this....

go stand in front of the White House
bring a 5 gallon jug of gasoline
pour it over yourself
light yourself on fire

this is lefty love, this is how u accept everyone and u accept everyones opinion. this is tolerance and this is the love the lefty and muslims show. here u go people. deny it.
once again ur job if u were a female ud be on the persons desk demanding back pay.

If you think its such a big deal, do this....

go stand in front of the White House
bring a 5 gallon jug of gasoline
pour it over yourself
light yourself on fire

this is lefty love, this is how u accept everyone and u accept everyones opinion. this is tolerance and this is the love the lefty and muslims show. here u go people. deny it.
My bad, I thought women's rights were an issue you felt strongly about.
If you think its such a big deal, do this....

go stand in front of the White House
bring a 5 gallon jug of gasoline
pour it over yourself
light yourself on fire

this is lefty love, this is how u accept everyone and u accept everyones opinion. this is tolerance and this is the love the lefty and muslims show. here u go people. deny it.
My bad, I thought women's rights were an issue you felt strongly about.

if they dont why should i, i showed two reasons women should be upset with obama and they are not, why should i care. im not a woman.
this is lefty love, this is how u accept everyone and u accept everyones opinion. this is tolerance and this is the love the lefty and muslims show. here u go people. deny it.
My bad, I thought women's rights were an issue you felt strongly about.

if they dont why should i, i showed two reasons women should be upset with obama and they are not, why should i care. im not a woman.

If you don't care, then stop talking about it.
My bad, I thought women's rights were an issue you felt strongly about.

if they dont why should i, i showed two reasons women should be upset with obama and they are not, why should i care. im not a woman.

If you don't care, then stop talking about it.

wow way to keep showing people how low life the left have become now hes TELLING me what i should and should not talk about.

See why i tel u people they are soliders, look how he obeyed his orders and towed the company line.
if they dont why should i, i showed two reasons women should be upset with obama and they are not, why should i care. im not a woman.

If you don't care, then stop talking about it.

wow way to keep showing people how low life the left have become now hes TELLING me what i should and should not talk about.

See why i tel u people they are soliders, look how he obeyed his orders and towed the company line.

If you DON'T care about the issue yet insist on POSTING about it - that makes you a TROLL.
Women, like blacks, beanburners, and homos, are not important to the left except as pawns to get votes. That's why the OWS parasites pander to them so.

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