Democrats to eliminate Subcommittee on TERRORISM, Will use $$ To investigate President Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...because un-doing the 2016 election is a higher priority to Democrats than protecting the United States from Terrorism.

Doofus Alert: Dem Wants to Replace Terrorism Subcommittee With...

“We just thought, if we’re going to do something relevant in this era where Congress is going to reassert itself, where there are so many questionable activities of this Administration vis-à-vis foreign policy, that it made sense to have this," said new Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committees, Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY).

WHAT 'questionable activities of THIS administration'?

President Trump has negotiated better trade deals for the American people.

President Trump has gotten NATO to pay the amount they promised for THEIR defense.

President Trump negotiated an historic meeting w/the leader of Nth Korea to discussing eliminating their nukes.

President Trump has brought Americans being held abroad home w/out paying ransoms.

President Trump is doing something Obama refused to do - bring US troops home from combat areas & pulling US troops out of a country Obama illegally invaded.

President currently stands w/the American people for the securing of our borders & protection of Americans.

Let's compare that to the 'questionable activities' of THE LAST administration':

- Funded, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, aided, and abetted TERRORISTS.

- Helped overthrow governments and assassinate foreign Presidents to give terrorists their own nations.

- Dragged the United States into 2 illegal, Un-Constitutional wars to help terrorists - to include Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01, take over their own nations

- Protected ISIS Black Market Oil facilities / Operations, which funded 50% of its terrorist activities - like the attack on Paris. Instead of taking part in the retaliatory air strike on those facilities after the Paris attack, Obama had the US military drop leaflets down to ISIS at those facilities warning them that the air strikes were coming.

- Paid nations ransoms for US hostages

- Violated the US Constitution / Separation of Powers by by-passing Congress to negotiate his own 'Treaty' with Iran and then again when he took the signed illegal agreement to the U.N. immediately after for it to be Ratified by the U.N. / world before allowing Congress to read it.

- Protected Iran-supported Hezbollah Drug operations in order to ensure his illegal 'Treaty' with Iran went through

- While abroad, mocked Americans for being afraid of 'Widows and Orphans', only to have the terrorist he helped obtain a Visa and enter the country murder 7 Americans in a terrorist attack in Ca several days later.

- In 2012, Obama was embarrassingly caught on audio telling Putin-Puppet Medvedev to pass on to his master, Putin, that he would be more 'flexible' after his re-election.

-- In 2014, staying true to his word, Obama gave Putin 20% of the US supply of uranium, Crimea, Top Secret data on Hillary's Illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server AND 2 years of un-challenged, un-molested, undeterred hacking attempts on Hillary server & our nation's power grid, counter-intelligence operations in which snowflakes were conned into organizing and marching for them...which he allowed to continue - knowingly - for 2 years.

-- Obama's administration then engaged in a proven conspiracy in which they furthered the Russian goal of dividing America by attempting to deny Donald Trump the Presidency and, if they failed to do so, has engaged in a 2-year soft coup attempt while undermining and attempting to over-throw the President and Government of the United States.

:wtf: WHY is this man and the heads of his Cabinet / Agencies NOT in GITMO right now?

And the Democrats openly just announced they are going to make taking down President Trump, undermining him and the US Government, and partisanly attempting to destroy his chances of being re-elected (because they know they have no one / can not do it any other way) their HIGHEST Priority, above continued Illegal Immigration, ensuring our sovereignty, securing our borders, protecting Americans from violent illegals AND terrorists.
They are fucking geniuses huh? And look how many dumbass followers spout their shit here!
Sounds like Mueller leaked some of his findings to congress. Drumpfs ass is probably in hot water. Sorry for your loss.

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Sounds like Mueller leaked some of his findings to congress. Drumpfs ass is probably in hot water. Sorry for you loss.
I do not doubt that the Democrats / Mueller have continued to engage in leaking counter-intelligence LIES, as they have already proven to have done, as part of their 'Leak Strategy' 1st exposed in Strzok's text messages to his FBI 'hook-up'.
Actually, it’s a sign nothing has been found, and damn they will create the appearance of something if they have to!! Damnit!

Sounds like Mueller leaked some of his findings to congress. Drumpfs ass is probably in hot water. Sorry for you loss.

Actually, it’s a sign nothing has been found, and damn they will create the appearance of something if they have to!! Damnit!

Sounds like Mueller leaked some of his findings to congress. Drumpfs ass is probably in hot water. Sorry for you loss.

So repubs and dems have teamed up to prosecute Drumpf eh? I guess its all so unfair right? :rolleyes:
Sounds like Mueller leaked some of his findings to congress. Drumpfs ass is probably in hot water. Sorry for you loss.
I do not doubt that the Democrats / Mueller have continued to engage in leaking counter-intelligence LIES, as they have already proven to have done, as part of their 'Leak Strategy' 1st exposed in Strzok's text messages to his FBI 'hook-up'.
Mueller is a republican.
This is why they fight so hare against building the wall. They wouldn’t want to be accused of hampering terrorist coming into our country.
Mueller is a republican.
Mueller is a proven CONSPIRATO who hid Russian crimes, protected Hillary from investigation for taking $140+ million from the Russians at a time when they were known to be bribing NUMEROUS US govt politicians and agency members, collaborated with Trump-hating foreign spy Steele and the DO's Ohr BEFORE an investigation was opened up on Trump and BEFORE he was named Special Counsel. Mueller Obstructed Justice, along with Rosenstein, by refusing to comply with US Congressional subpoenas. He took part in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the President of the United States, as his 2 years of 'investigations' into Trump (while ignoring Democrats crimes) shows by failing to come up with any evidence that a crime was ever committed by the President warranting an investigation or a Special Prosecutor.
Mueller is a republican.
Mueller is a proven CONSPIRATO who hid Russian crimes, protected Hillary from investigation for taking $140+ million from the Russians at a time when they were known to be bribing NUMEROUS US govt politicians and agency members, collaborated with Trump-hating foreign spy Steele and the DO's Ohr BEFORE an investigation was opened up on Trump and BEFORE he was named Special Counsel. Mueller Obstructed Justice, along with Rosenstein, by refusing to comply with US Congressional subpoenas. He took part in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the President of the United States, as his 2 years of 'investigations' into Trump (while ignoring Democrats crimes) shows by failing to come up with any evidence that a crime was ever committed by the President warranting an investigation or a Special Prosecutor.
Stop whining and deflecting. Mueller is a republican. Think about that for a moment. Republicans appointed another republican to bring down Drumpf. That fucker Drumpf must really be a criminal for that to happen. :rolleyes:
Mueller is a proven CONSPIRATO who hid Russian crimes, protected Hillary from investigation for taking $140+ million from the Russians at a time when they were known to be bribing NUMEROUS US govt politicians and agency members, collaborated with Trump-hating foreign spy Steele and the DO's Ohr BEFORE an investigation was opened up on Trump and BEFORE he was named Special Counsel.

You should show all that proof you have to the media and Congressional Republicans. I'm sure the Senate will jump at the chance to have all kinds of public investigations and reveal all this to the public. Do it now, your country needs you!
Stop whining and deflecting. Mueller is a republican. Think about that for a moment. Republicans appointed another republican to bring down Drumpf. That fucker Drumpf must really be a criminal for that to happen. :rolleyes:

My dear, snowflake, I am not whining and deflecting. I am doing what you can not, what you will not - be honest about who Mueller is.
You should show all that proof you have to the media and Congressional Republicans. I'm sure the Senate will jump at the chance to have all kinds of public investigations and reveal all this to the public. Do it now, your country needs you!
Some of the media have already seen, even reported the evidence while others run from it, distort it, and/or instead continue to lie and push the Conspirator's lies and propaganda.

Congress has already seen and heard the evidence. Former FBI Director James Comey testified before Congress under oath, and in answering Trey Gowdy's questions testified Hillary lied under oath, did knowingly send and receive classified information - marked classified data, did deleted official subpoenaed documents, did violate both the FOIA and Federal Records Act, did knowingly Obstruct justice by deleting files / destroying devices...

You, of course, already know this because you have seen and read the evidence yourself again and again, as it has been posted repeatedly in numerous threads on this board.

What you have not seen, though, is any evidence of crimes by Donald Trump, after years of conspiratorial investigations attempting the overthrow of this President and government...because no such evidence you already know.
Mueller is a republican.
Mueller is a proven CONSPIRATO who hid Russian crimes, protected Hillary from investigation for taking $140+ million from the Russians at a time when they were known to be bribing NUMEROUS US govt politicians and agency members, collaborated with Trump-hating foreign spy Steele and the DO's Ohr BEFORE an investigation was opened up on Trump and BEFORE he was named Special Counsel. Mueller Obstructed Justice, along with Rosenstein, by refusing to comply with US Congressional subpoenas. He took part in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the President of the United States, as his 2 years of 'investigations' into Trump (while ignoring Democrats crimes) shows by failing to come up with any evidence that a crime was ever committed by the President warranting an investigation or a Special Prosecutor.
Stop whining and deflecting. Mueller is a republican. Think about that for a moment. Republicans appointed another republican to bring down Drumpf. That fucker Drumpf must really be a criminal for that to happen. :rolleyes:

LOL. Let me help you.....
Republican does NOT equal Conservative. You labor under the false assumption that like you ignorant Lefty's ALL "Righties" are in lockstep.
You are too ignorant to want to look up the LONG Comey?Mueller?Clinton association ;)
Mueller is a republican.
Mueller is a proven CONSPIRATO who hid Russian crimes, protected Hillary from investigation for taking $140+ million from the Russians at a time when they were known to be bribing NUMEROUS US govt politicians and agency members, collaborated with Trump-hating foreign spy Steele and the DO's Ohr BEFORE an investigation was opened up on Trump and BEFORE he was named Special Counsel. Mueller Obstructed Justice, along with Rosenstein, by refusing to comply with US Congressional subpoenas. He took part in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the President of the United States, as his 2 years of 'investigations' into Trump (while ignoring Democrats crimes) shows by failing to come up with any evidence that a crime was ever committed by the President warranting an investigation or a Special Prosecutor.
Stop whining and deflecting. Mueller is a republican. Think about that for a moment. Republicans appointed another republican to bring down Drumpf. That fucker Drumpf must really be a criminal for that to happen. :rolleyes:

LOL. Let me help you.....
Republican does NOT equal Conservative. You labor under the false assumption that like you ignorant Lefty's ALL "Righties" are in lockstep.
You are too ignorant to want to look up the LONG Comey?Mueller?Clinton association ;)
You dont have to help me. I didnt say republican equaled conservative. You were just dumb and assumed thats what I meant. :rolleyes:
Stop whining and deflecting. Mueller is a republican. Think about that for a moment. Republicans appointed another republican to bring down Drumpf. That fucker Drumpf must really be a criminal for that to happen. :rolleyes:

My dear, snowflake, I am not whining and deflecting. I am doing what you can not, what you will not - be honest about who Mueller is.
So youre saying Mueller isnt a republican?

Robert Mueller - Wikipedia

"Mueller is a Republican, and was appointed or reappointed to Senate-confirmed positions by Presidents George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama.
Mueller is a republican.
Mueller is a proven CONSPIRATO who hid Russian crimes, protected Hillary from investigation for taking $140+ million from the Russians at a time when they were known to be bribing NUMEROUS US govt politicians and agency members, collaborated with Trump-hating foreign spy Steele and the DO's Ohr BEFORE an investigation was opened up on Trump and BEFORE he was named Special Counsel. Mueller Obstructed Justice, along with Rosenstein, by refusing to comply with US Congressional subpoenas. He took part in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the President of the United States, as his 2 years of 'investigations' into Trump (while ignoring Democrats crimes) shows by failing to come up with any evidence that a crime was ever committed by the President warranting an investigation or a Special Prosecutor.
Stop whining and deflecting. Mueller is a republican. Think about that for a moment. Republicans appointed another republican to bring down Drumpf. That fucker Drumpf must really be a criminal for that to happen. :rolleyes:

LOL. Let me help you.....
Republican does NOT equal Conservative. You labor under the false assumption that like you ignorant Lefty's ALL "Righties" are in lockstep.
You are too ignorant to want to look up the LONG Comey?Mueller?Clinton association ;)
You dont have to help me. I didnt say republican equaled conservative. You were just dumb and assumed thats what I meant. :rolleyes:

Naa son, you're a partisan hypocrite. Why do you ignore the VERY long Comey/Mueller/Clinton association? You need A LOT of help.
Mueller is a republican.
Mueller is a proven CONSPIRATO who hid Russian crimes, protected Hillary from investigation for taking $140+ million from the Russians at a time when they were known to be bribing NUMEROUS US govt politicians and agency members, collaborated with Trump-hating foreign spy Steele and the DO's Ohr BEFORE an investigation was opened up on Trump and BEFORE he was named Special Counsel. Mueller Obstructed Justice, along with Rosenstein, by refusing to comply with US Congressional subpoenas. He took part in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the President of the United States, as his 2 years of 'investigations' into Trump (while ignoring Democrats crimes) shows by failing to come up with any evidence that a crime was ever committed by the President warranting an investigation or a Special Prosecutor.
Stop whining and deflecting. Mueller is a republican. Think about that for a moment. Republicans appointed another republican to bring down Drumpf. That fucker Drumpf must really be a criminal for that to happen. :rolleyes:

LOL. Let me help you.....
Republican does NOT equal Conservative. You labor under the false assumption that like you ignorant Lefty's ALL "Righties" are in lockstep.
You are too ignorant to want to look up the LONG Comey?Mueller?Clinton association ;)
You dont have to help me. I didnt say republican equaled conservative. You were just dumb and assumed thats what I meant. :rolleyes:

Naa son, you're a partisan hypocrite. Why do you ignore the VERY long Comey/Mueller/Clinton association? You need A LOT of help.
I ignore it because it doesnt change the fact that Mueller is a republican. :rolleyes:
Mueller is a proven CONSPIRATO who hid Russian crimes, protected Hillary from investigation for taking $140+ million from the Russians at a time when they were known to be bribing NUMEROUS US govt politicians and agency members, collaborated with Trump-hating foreign spy Steele and the DO's Ohr BEFORE an investigation was opened up on Trump and BEFORE he was named Special Counsel. Mueller Obstructed Justice, along with Rosenstein, by refusing to comply with US Congressional subpoenas. He took part in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the President of the United States, as his 2 years of 'investigations' into Trump (while ignoring Democrats crimes) shows by failing to come up with any evidence that a crime was ever committed by the President warranting an investigation or a Special Prosecutor.
Stop whining and deflecting. Mueller is a republican. Think about that for a moment. Republicans appointed another republican to bring down Drumpf. That fucker Drumpf must really be a criminal for that to happen. :rolleyes:

LOL. Let me help you.....
Republican does NOT equal Conservative. You labor under the false assumption that like you ignorant Lefty's ALL "Righties" are in lockstep.
You are too ignorant to want to look up the LONG Comey?Mueller?Clinton association ;)
You dont have to help me. I didnt say republican equaled conservative. You were just dumb and assumed thats what I meant. :rolleyes:

Naa son, you're a partisan hypocrite. Why do you ignore the VERY long Comey/Mueller/Clinton association? You need A LOT of help.
I ignore it because it doesnt change the fact that Mueller is a republican. :rolleyes:

You run with that "boy". You ignore it because you're a hack.

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