Democrats' support for abortion is the reason they became so evil


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
On January 22, 1992, I attended a pro-life rally. The day was the 19th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, and it was only days after the inauguration of Bill Clinton, a Democrat who had won the Presidency on a pro-abortion platform.

The pro-abortion counter-demonstrators showed up, and I was shocked to hear them say:

"Keep your rosaries off our ovaries" and "Hail Mary full of grace, keep abortion legal and safe."

I realized at that moment that these people must be possessed by the Devil. That was the only explanation for the way they mocked Mary with their blasphemous words.

When a person decides to support legal abortion, something happens to her. It is necessary that she withdraw herself from the love human beings have for each other as human beings. It is necessary that she become an unloving person, condemning others to death even though they're innocent of any crime.

Such a person becomes evil, and because evil is so malignant to every part of a human being, it affects the mind, and the person goes partially insane.

The Democrats are evil, insane, and possessed by the Devil. That is the only explanation for the way Democrats have behaved since the election of Donald Trump.

Abortion is the root of it.
Very rarely is there a person that Loves abortion.
But. When 5 Republican socialites become pregnant from whatever reason, we would prefer that when she/they gets that abortion that she herself chose to have, then we think that if she’s going to go ahead with her abortion that she have the opportunity to have it done safely and legally.
Republicans get abortions too.
Even though they scream about the evils of abortion they will still choose to have it done. FACT
I had a friend who said he was pro-life, but when his girlfriend got pregnant, he pressured her to have an abortion.

Later, he told me he was pro-life, but was glad abortion was legal because it kept down the number of black people.

He's not my friend anymore, for this and other reasons, I realized he's an evil man I don't want in my life.
Odd how you wingers cry about people having abortions then turn right around a whine about welfare moms leeching your tax dollars. Which validates the belief that anti-abortionists are all about 'pro-life' up until the moment of birth then they could give two squats about the baby.
Killing a human being is a traumatic experience.

Even if the killing is justified, it takes a toll on the person who did the killing.

How much worse it is for a mother to kill her own child?

The truth about these women is being suppressed by a society that doesn't want to admit what's really going on.
I started a thread hours ago stating that the Republicans lost but we are mature and we can take it. Biden is on TV and now I'm pissed. He wants all votes to count...BS! Pennsylvania is the place they wouldn't allow checkers and put up cardboard so they couldn't look in. Piss on you and your Democrats!
Odd how you wingers cry about people having abortions then turn right around a whine about welfare moms leeching your tax dollars. Which validates the belief that anti-abortionists are all about 'pro-life' up until the moment of birth then they could give two squats about the baby.
That is the lie pro-aborts always tell to justify themselves.

My pro-life community provides help to women who decide to keep their babies. Food, a place to live, diapers, help to get a job, whatever they need.

You don't know us.
Our nation is now paying the price for all these abortions. So many millions of people have become wicked and there is only so many wicked people a society can have before civilization starts to break down.
Odd how you wingers cry about people having abortions then turn right around a whine about welfare moms leeching your tax dollars. Which validates the belief that anti-abortionists are all about 'pro-life' up until the moment of birth then they could give two squats about the baby.
apples and oranges. Being against someone murdering you does not mean I should have to pay for your upkeep.
Odd how you wingers cry about people having abortions then turn right around a whine about welfare moms leeching your tax dollars. Which validates the belief that anti-abortionists are all about 'pro-life' up until the moment of birth then they could give two squats about the baby.
That is the lie pro-aborts always tell to justify themselves.

My pro-life community provides help to women who decide to keep their babies. Food, a place to live, diapers, help to get a job, whatever they need.

You don't know us.

Every community in the USA has places that provide help for women that want to keep their baby. There are also plenty of evil people that don’t want to provide any help for these mothers.
Odd how you wingers cry about people having abortions then turn right around a whine about welfare moms leeching your tax dollars. Which validates the belief that anti-abortionists are all about 'pro-life' up until the moment of birth then they could give two squats about the baby.
That is the lie pro-aborts always tell to justify themselves.

My pro-life community provides help to women who decide to keep their babies. Food, a place to live, diapers, help to get a job, whatever they need.

You don't know us.
Check the 7th bullet point on conservatism in this article about conservatives vs. liberal viewpoints..Why Liberal Hearts Bleed and Conservatives Don't
Odd how you wingers cry about people having abortions then turn right around a whine about welfare moms leeching your tax dollars. Which validates the belief that anti-abortionists are all about 'pro-life' up until the moment of birth then they could give two squats about the baby.
apples and oranges. Being against someone murdering you does not mean I should have to pay for your upkeep.
And right on cue..
The thing pro-aborts don't understand, because evil men are incapable of understanding the motives of good men, is that pro-lifers oppose abortion because we believe it is abhorrent to murder babies in the womb.

We faced the same problem during the days of slavery.

The slaveowners could not understand why abolitionists wanted to end slavery.
Abortion is the sacrament of the Democrat Party.
How many times do you need to be shown the R women have abortions as well as D women and even those terrible people that aren’t political even have abortions.
R are just the ones that are hypocrites about it. Says it’s bad but do it anyway.
Now those people are the real scum.
I don't care about abortion, but find these democrat sluts disturbing. It is rather clear that they entice men to give them more of good old free shit (their real goal - ALWAYS) by enticing them with sex. Then when it goes wrong - others have to pay for their loser mistakes as usual.

That said, I definitely support the idea they don't have any children.
Abortion is the sacrament of the Democrat Party.
How many times do you need to be shown the R women have abortions as well as D women and even those terrible people that aren’t political even have abortions.
R are just the ones that are hypocrites about it. Says it’s bad but do it anyway.
Now those people are the real scum.
Do you have facts or figures to support your argument?

Let's see it.

Also, the fact that some Republican woman have had abortions doesn't change what I'm saying.

The platform of the Democrat Party supports legal abortion. Also, every pro-life Democrat has died off, switched to pro-abort, or has left the Democrat Party.
On January 22, 1992, I attended a pro-life rally. The day was the 19th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, and it was only days after the inauguration of Bill Clinton, a Democrat who had won the Presidency on a pro-abortion platform.

The pro-abortion counter-demonstrators showed up, and I was shocked to hear them say:

"Keep your rosaries off our ovaries" and "Hail Mary full of grace, keep abortion legal and safe."

I realized at that moment that these people must be possessed by the Devil. That was the only explanation for the way they mocked Mary with their blasphemous words.

When a person decides to support legal abortion, something happens to her. It is necessary that she withdraw herself from the love human beings have for each other as human beings. It is necessary that she become an unloving person, condemning others to death even though they're innocent of any crime.

Such a person becomes evil, and because evil is so malignant to every part of a human being, it affects the mind, and the person goes partially insane.

The Democrats are evil, insane, and possessed by the Devil. That is the only explanation for the way Democrats have behaved since the election of Donald Trump.

Abortion is the root of it.
While I do agree abortion is evil, I have to believe and revert back to....

1 Timothy 6:10

King James Version

10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

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