Democrats Support Bringing Rape, Murder, And Terrorism To Your City


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

The media is totally ignoring the rape of a 14 year old Maryland H.S. student by two illegal aliens from Central America. At the same time a Maryland city voted to become a sanctuary city for more illegals. If you don't agree with them you're a racist.

Their defense is not all illegals are criminals like the two that brutally raped a female high school freshman. That's not the point. The point is those two criminals had no business being in this country in the first place. But liberal policies not only made this rape possible, they acted as a magnet to these criminals.

The new mayor of London said that in any large city you have to learn to accept all of the rape, murder, and terrorist acts that goes with being a big city. Sorry, but that seems to be acceptable to Democrats, but not to the rest of us.


The media is totally ignoring the rape of a 14 year old Maryland H.S. student by two illegal aliens from Central America. At the same time a Maryland city voted to become a sanctuary city for more illegals. If you don't agree with them you're a racist.

Their defense is not all illegals are criminals like the two that brutally raped a female high school freshman. That's not the point. The point is those two criminals had no business being in this country in the first place. But liberal policies not only made this rape possible, they acted as a magnet to these criminals.

The new mayor of London said that in any large city you have to learn to accept all of the rape, murder, and terrorist acts that goes with being a big city. Sorry, but that seems to be acceptable to Democrats, but not to the rest of us.

Back when the radical Moooslims started killing US citizens all around the US, while Obama was in office, we kept hearing that We the People shouldn't rush to judge Islam being that the religion is the religion of peace. So there was Boston, Fort Hood, Tennessee, San Bernardino, Orlando and other places where the peaceful religion kept reaching out with that liberal compassion. My answer to the problem... See pictures below. Doesn't matter which one, any will do, just when you hear "Allah ooh Akbar" just point and click.

armed-beautiful-young-woman-rifle-neglected-house-33661054.jpg th123.jpg maxresdefault.jpg th4E0N1MV5.jpg

The media is totally ignoring the rape of a 14 year old Maryland H.S. student by two illegal aliens from Central America. At the same time a Maryland city voted to become a sanctuary city for more illegals. If you don't agree with them you're a racist.

Their defense is not all illegals are criminals like the two that brutally raped a female high school freshman. That's not the point. The point is those two criminals had no business being in this country in the first place. But liberal policies not only made this rape possible, they acted as a magnet to these criminals.

The new mayor of London said that in any large city you have to learn to accept all of the rape, murder, and terrorist acts that goes with being a big city. Sorry, but that seems to be acceptable to Democrats, but not to the rest of us.

Back when the radical Moooslims started killing US citizens all around the US, while Obama was in office, we kept hearing that We the People shouldn't rush to judge Islam being that the religion is the religion of peace. So there was Boston, Fort Hood, Tennessee, San Bernardino, Orlando and other places where the peaceful religion kept reaching out with that liberal compassion. My answer to the problem... See pictures below. Doesn't matter which one, any will do, just when you hear "Allah ooh Akbar" just point and click.

View attachment 118044 View attachment 118045 View attachment 118046 View attachment 118047

I couldn't agree more.

Of course we have clueless idiots in this country who buy that religion of "peace" bullshit and actually think the death cult is peaceful.

If you call them murderers, jihadists, terrorists and try to keep them out of the country they call you a racist or an Islamaphobe.

Guess they missed he dead in Orando, Ft. Hood, San Bernardino, Paris, Nice and everywhere else.

Talk about a bunch of clueless morons.
As I said elsewhere, some rapes are committed by illegals, many aren't....but almost all are committed by men.
No shit. Including homosexual rape. The point is that this particular problem is the side-effect of liberal policies, not male aggression. Democrats looked the other way and created the conditions that not only made it happen, but made it an inevitability.
As I said elsewhere, some rapes are committed by illegals, many aren't....but almost all are committed by men.
No shit. Including homosexual rape. The point is that this particular problem is the side-effect of liberal policies, not male aggression. Democrats looked the other way and created the conditions that not only made it happen, but made it an inevitability.
And let's not forget they are most likely christians, considering the countries they come christians.
As I said elsewhere, some rapes are committed by illegals, many aren't....but almost all are committed by men.
No shit. Including homosexual rape. The point is that this particular problem is the side-effect of liberal policies, not male aggression. Democrats looked the other way and created the conditions that not only made it happen, but made it an inevitability.
And let's not forget they are most likely christians, considering the countries they come christians.
Sorry, but real God fearing Christians don't commit murder, rape, or acts of terrorism. It's against our religion. However, it's a staple of Islam.

"Anyone who has killed an enemy and has a proof of that, will posses his spoils."​
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As I said elsewhere, some rapes are committed by illegals, many aren't....but almost all are committed by men.
No shit. Including homosexual rape. The point is that this particular problem is the side-effect of liberal policies, not male aggression. Democrats looked the other way and created the conditions that not only made it happen, but made it an inevitability.
And let's not forget they are most likely christians, considering the countries they come christians.
No usually those who are committing these crimes against humanity are those that came from public schools where they took God out of education. When people aren't taught about Good and Evil, Right from Wrong, but only 50 shades of Grey, actions like you liberals commit, happen all the time. Then how stupid the liberals are, they try to figure out why crimes happen, but are totally clueless why they happen. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal, and it is proven by what bodecea says....
As I said elsewhere, some rapes are committed by illegals, many aren't....but almost all are committed by men.
No shit. Including homosexual rape. The point is that this particular problem is the side-effect of liberal policies, not male aggression. Democrats looked the other way and created the conditions that not only made it happen, but made it an inevitability.
And let's not forget they are most likely christians, considering the countries they come christians.
Sorry, but real God fearing Christians don't commit murder, rape, or acts of terrorism. It's against our religion. However, it's a staple of Islam.

"Anyone who has killed an enemy and has a proof of that, will posses his spoils."​
Also saying everyone from a predominantly Christian country all believe in the same exact thing. This is like the belief by liberals that conservatives think all Muslims are terrorists. No. We just believe most terrorists are Muslims.
And putting a grown man with a criminal background in a school with children is stupid if not pure insanity. But this is liberalism.
Democrats see the hispanic and muslim savages as their army. They intend to kill whites, except for the ruling elite.

If you don't believe it, look at the outpouring of support for the men who beat, raped and sodomized that 14 year old girl.
Democrats see the hispanic and muslim savages as their army. They intend to kill whites, except for the ruling elite.

If you don't believe it, look at the outpouring of support for the men who beat, raped and sodomized that 14 year old girl.
I don't see the outpouring. Just the total silence....which is a form of support if not acceptance.
Democrats see the hispanic and muslim savages as their army. They intend to kill whites, except for the ruling elite.

If you don't believe it, look at the outpouring of support for the men who beat, raped and sodomized that 14 year old girl.
I don't see the outpouring. Just the total silence....which is a form of support if not acceptance.

Democrats see the hispanic and muslim savages as their army. They intend to kill whites, except for the ruling elite.

If you don't believe it, look at the outpouring of support for the men who beat, raped and sodomized that 14 year old girl.
I don't see the outpouring. Just the total silence....which is a form of support if not acceptance.
Democrats in Maryland immediately began the process of making Maryland a sanctuary state protecting the men from deportation.
Democrats see the hispanic and muslim savages as their army. They intend to kill whites, except for the ruling elite.

If you don't believe it, look at the outpouring of support for the men who beat, raped and sodomized that 14 year old girl.
Interesting that you say "hispanic and muslim savages"....why don't you say "christian and muslim".....or "hispanic and arabic"?
Not only that, they are inviting alien men into our schools where they terrorize children....and the schools want to protect them from arrest ON SCHOOL GROUNDS.. and use the children to create a protective barrier against the feds.

My kids aren't attending regular public school after this year. They're either going to boarding school, or getting home.schooled. Im done.
Democrats see the hispanic and muslim savages as their army. They intend to kill whites, except for the ruling elite.

If you don't believe it, look at the outpouring of support for the men who beat, raped and sodomized that 14 year old girl.
Interesting that you say "hispanic and muslim savages"....why don't you say "christian and muslim".....or "hispanic and arabic"?
Because just being Arabic doesn't mean you're automatically Muslim. Same goes for just being Hispanic and Christian.

Last I looked the Spanish Inquisition was Spanish, not Mexican, and it happened hundreds of years ago, not right now as is the case with ISIS or al Qaeda.
Not only that, they are inviting alien men into our schools where they terrorize children....and the schools want to protect them from arrest ON SCHOOL GROUNDS.. and use the children to create a protective barrier against the feds.

My kids aren't attending regular public school after this year. They're either going to boarding school, or getting home.schooled. Im done.
I wouldn't let my kids watch the news these days.
We should all sue CNN and MSNBC for reckless endangerment.

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