Democrats suggest invoking the 25th amendment unless Trump gets a grip


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Democrats Suggest Invoking The 25th Amendment Unless Trump "Gets A Grip" | Zero Hedge

Big babies at work all over doing their damnedest to sink Trump
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Trump is doing just fine. Democrats need a strait jacket.

What is needed is for them to take all criticisms said of Trump, and show how they mirror criticisms of Democrats that were ignored and not taken seriously.

For each attack, the Democrats have done and merited likewise!

It's almost uncanny. It's like a backwards form of therapy where everything that is shared really applies back to them, and they need to follow their OWN advice!

We'd fix the party and country in no time, if everyone took their own criticisms and used them to correct their own problems they caused people likewise!!!
Trump is doing just fine. Democrats need a strait jacket.

What is needed is for them to take all criticisms said of Trump, and show how they mirror criticisms of Democrats that were ignored and not taken seriously.

For each attack, the Democrats have done and merited likewise!

It's almost uncanny. It's like a backwards form of therapy where everything that is shared really applies back to them, and they need to follow their OWN advice!

We'd fix the party and country in no time, if everyone took their own criticisms and used them to correct their own problems they caused people likewise!!!

Did Democrats claim they Trump won the popular vote, and that his inauguration was the biggest one ever?
The orange clown has created his own problems with his constant lies. Lies, even when they are meaningless in the context of what is happening today. And it will not be the Dems that put the clown out of office, it will be the GOP, even as it was with Nixon.
The only ones that will put Donald Trump out of office will be the voters...just as they were the ones who put him IN office!

I know that annoys the folks at CNN who did their best to fix the last election for Hillary but it's reality. Invoking the 25th Amendment? Unless you idiots on the left can somehow magically take back majorities in the House and Senate a year and a half from now that's not going to do a thing. So are you working towards that? You just named Nancy Pelosi to lead the House for you. Doesn't sound like anything but the same old same old from Democrats which begs the question...why should anyone vote for you THIS time around?
The only ones that will put Donald Trump out of office will be the voters...just as they were the ones who put him IN office!

I know that annoys the folks at CNN who did their best to fix the last election for Hillary but it's reality. Invoking the 25th Amendment? Unless you idiots on the left can somehow magically take back majorities in the House and Senate a year and a half from now that's not going to do a thing. So are you working towards that? You just named Nancy Pelosi to lead the House for you. Doesn't sound like anything but the same old same old from Democrats which begs the question...why should anyone vote for you THIS time around?
Trump's down to 38% and falling.
The only ones that will put Donald Trump out of office will be the voters...just as they were the ones who put him IN office!

I know that annoys the folks at CNN who did their best to fix the last election for Hillary but it's reality. Invoking the 25th Amendment? Unless you idiots on the left can somehow magically take back majorities in the House and Senate a year and a half from now that's not going to do a thing. So are you working towards that? You just named Nancy Pelosi to lead the House for you. Doesn't sound like anything but the same old same old from Democrats which begs the question...why should anyone vote for you THIS time around?
CNN showing a video of Trump ridiculing a handicapped person makes CNN the bad guy? Seeing that everything today with the exception of the GOP`s debt, is 1000X better than it was 8 years ago, same old same old would be great.
The only ones that will put Donald Trump out of office will be the voters...just as they were the ones who put him IN office!

I know that annoys the folks at CNN who did their best to fix the last election for Hillary but it's reality. Invoking the 25th Amendment? Unless you idiots on the left can somehow magically take back majorities in the House and Senate a year and a half from now that's not going to do a thing. So are you working towards that? You just named Nancy Pelosi to lead the House for you. Doesn't sound like anything but the same old same old from Democrats which begs the question...why should anyone vote for you THIS time around?
Trump's down to 38% and falling.

Does something "happen" if he falls below a certain number in polls that the main stream media manipulate, Junky? Who cares?
The only ones that will put Donald Trump out of office will be the voters...just as they were the ones who put him IN office!

I know that annoys the folks at CNN who did their best to fix the last election for Hillary but it's reality. Invoking the 25th Amendment? Unless you idiots on the left can somehow magically take back majorities in the House and Senate a year and a half from now that's not going to do a thing. So are you working towards that? You just named Nancy Pelosi to lead the House for you. Doesn't sound like anything but the same old same old from Democrats which begs the question...why should anyone vote for you THIS time around?
CNN showing a video of Trump ridiculing a handicapped person makes CNN the bad guy? Seeing that everything today with the exception of the GOP`s debt, is 1000X better than it was 8 years ago, same old same old would be great.

Let's be brutally honest here, August! CNN pushed Trump when he was running against other GOP candidates giving him massive amounts of coverage and giving the others in the race little to none. Then they flipped the script and pushed Clinton while attacking Trump for the rest of the Presidential campaign. That isn't reporting of the news...that's a blatant attempt to manipulate our democratic process with the messages that the people get. You want to blame someone for Donald Trump's Presidency? Blame CNN. Does that make them the "bad guys"? You tell me...
Trump is doing just fine. Democrats need a strait jacket.

What is needed is for them to take all criticisms said of Trump, and show how they mirror criticisms of Democrats that were ignored and not taken seriously.

For each attack, the Democrats have done and merited likewise!

It's almost uncanny. It's like a backwards form of therapy where everything that is shared really applies back to them, and they need to follow their OWN advice!

We'd fix the party and country in no time, if everyone took their own criticisms and used them to correct their own problems they caused people likewise!!!

Did Democrats claim they Trump won the popular vote, and that his inauguration was the biggest one ever?
Is that really the biggest problem there is to complain about? Who really cares if Trump thinks he had an awesome inauguration? Do we care if Hillary goes into her private office and pretends she really won?
OMG you have got to be fucking kidding me.
This is fucking embarrassing. The left is a goddamn embarrassment.
The only ones that will put Donald Trump out of office will be the voters...just as they were the ones who put him IN office!

I know that annoys the folks at CNN who did their best to fix the last election for Hillary but it's reality. Invoking the 25th Amendment? Unless you idiots on the left can somehow magically take back majorities in the House and Senate a year and a half from now that's not going to do a thing. So are you working towards that? You just named Nancy Pelosi to lead the House for you. Doesn't sound like anything but the same old same old from Democrats which begs the question...why should anyone vote for you THIS time around?
CNN showing a video of Trump ridiculing a handicapped person makes CNN the bad guy? Seeing that everything today with the exception of the GOP`s debt, is 1000X better than it was 8 years ago, same old same old would be great.

Thats been debunked a thousand times.
Why do you idiots continue to bring it up?
How embarrassing for the left.
Now a opposite view of politics is insanity?
It's these types that need to grow up and stop acting like spoiled rotten children.
If they keep this up Dems will continue to lose elections for a long period of time.
Did Democrats claim they Trump won the popular vote, and that his inauguration was the biggest one ever?
Of course Trump won the AMERICAN popular vote (popular votes minus illegal alien votes)

As for the inauguration, Trump's was bigger among people who work and contribute (and were able to take the day off from work). Obama's was bigger among welfare leeches, living in DC.

Most of Trump's supporters were AT WORK. :biggrin:
CNN showing a video of Trump ridiculing a handicapped person makes CNN the bad guy? Seeing that everything today with the exception of the GOP`s debt, is 1000X better than it was 8 years ago, same old same old would be great.
The fact that you openly display your being suckered by this DNC ruse, shoots your credibility to hell. It's late February, and you still have gotten the word on the Serge Kovaleski scam ? Sheeeesh!

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