Democrats simply can't run on ideas

They have none. Ask them why they lost yesterday. The ones that lost voted 99% of the time with Obama. No ideas!!!!!
Yes, democrats have the gall to be as deceitful as the GOP. I just can't believe it....tsk,,tsk...
hmmm they are labeled the machine!! Chicago is the hallmark city for their lameness. To the point of doing rotocalls to the election judges telling them not to come in for work yesterday. Causing caos gallor in the city. Yeah these dems are real pieces of work. how about... Refusing to concede when they lose. cough, Quinn......and oh, let me insult the guy that won while he's at it along with those who voted for him.

Republicans have their issues, but to put them in the same category as these useless tool Dems, naw, you're way off base.

Yes Republicans have a 2000 year old philosophy about freedom from liberal govt that they can base everything on while liberals have nothing but lies ignorance and the pursuit of raw power
to base things on.

Its easy to prove scientifically. Just ask a liberal to say one substantive thing in defense of liberalism.
So now, your rambling ass bull shit post are meant to convey what sentiment again??
You're the one rambling, kinda why I am not going to bother reading that. If I wanted to read neo-liberal propaganda, which I don't, I would. Keep it up, sure sophistry will get you somewhere - you might even join the Federal Reserve, or the US Chamber of Commerce in a few years.

Exactly you want to disseminate Bull Shit left wing propaganda based on the voices in your head, you don't want to hear that your nonsense carries no weight in this hall of words ................ the snickering at your dumb ass, has to be resounding in your ears.

Fallacious you say, I noticed you did not mention another oil monopoly besides Standard Oil as per your claims................
Oh wait you can't, that rambling block of text allowed me to bend you over, break you open like a double barrel shotgun and proceed to ream you out royally!!
You Fags never cease to amaze me as you are made out to be bold faced liars who routinely are proven to be full of shit, yet you back off and take another run like no one noticed the last failed attempt.

Back in the real world. We live in a mixed economy, with attempts at lassiez faire in several areas. The role of government in this, is to try and split up monopoles and maintain some semblance of competition - succeeds some of the time, but not most of the time.

Also, one of my friends is an economist, though a communist by his politics, and would laugh at the suggestion that a free market exists, save as smoke and mirrors.

This last statement just shows the level of ignorance, it has been explained to you repeatedly that a "Free Market" would be one with little to no government interference, but yet you state what governments role should be, not what it is ................

The articles you refuse to read also chronicle the Obumblers administrations interference with the coal industry, thus government interference, thus not a free market ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

So if the crack head wants to call himself an economist and then make allusions to "Free Markets", we will keep the aforementioned in mind when deciding how much weight this issue will actually receive.
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