Democrats setting themselves up to lose


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

Though the Democrats had a good election in 2018, they are setting themselves up to lose big in 2020, for one important reason: They play the race card too much. Whatever one thinks of Donald Trump, he has figured out that most voters are sick and tired of Liberals bitching and whining about racial bias. Most voters are white, and they are tired of always being cast as the villians whenever the subject of race comes up. Donald Trump is no saint, he has legal skeletons in the closet just like any other politician, but the if the Democrats continue to play the race card, they're turning themselves into a one trick pony, and setting themselves up to lose in 2020.
Political Correctness, the Race Card, Micro Aggression, Identity Politics and even people with Identity issues winning gold medals against women. All of these terms are an added benefit for the President when he pursues his agenda.

The sales job for 2020 is "here is what I promised, here is how I succeeded on each promise. All while the opposition resisted, blocked and used tried to divide us and take away your free speech and life pursuits".

If they had fought him on policies alone, providing sound, common sense positions, in particular on the border, trade, confronting China, they could have fought a better fight, offering an alternative, though with similar goals. As it stands, their goals are clearly different. American citizens self interest don't matter to them, so they have a hell of a mountain to climb in 2020.
I can't imagine even one of these rabid RDDB posters in here coming to senses and switching to vote for DJT? So nothing anyone does actually matters?

Anyone that could vote for any Killary type is too far gone. They need to be exterminated before they multiply into Antifa types. We can't survive another self-inflicted wound like the 2007 housing bust they manufactured.
I can't imagine even one of these rabid RDDB posters in here coming to senses and switching to vote for DJT? So nothing anyone does actually matters?

Anyone that could vote for any Killary type is too far gone. They need to be exterminated before they multiply into Antifa types. We can't survive another self-inflicted wound like the 2007 housing bust they manufactured.

What is RDDB?

Though the Democrats had a good election in 2018, they are setting themselves up to lose big in 2020, for one important reason: They play the race card too much. Whatever one thinks of Donald Trump, he has figured out that most voters are sick and tired of Liberals bitching and whining about racial bias. Most voters are white, and they are tired of always being cast as the villians whenever the subject of race comes up. Donald Trump is no saint, he has legal skeletons in the closet just like any other politician, but the if the Democrats continue to play the race card, they're turning themselves into a one trick pony, and setting themselves up to lose in 2020.
The Donald Trump Circus features, in the center ring, an idiot who hurls racism like custard pies to the face. Donald Trump is a racist. Full,stop.

But you think Democrats are exploiting race as a political issue?


Though the Democrats had a good election in 2018, they are setting themselves up to lose big in 2020, for one important reason: They play the race card too much. Whatever one thinks of Donald Trump, he has figured out that most voters are sick and tired of Liberals bitching and whining about racial bias. Most voters are white, and they are tired of always being cast as the villians whenever the subject of race comes up. Donald Trump is no saint, he has legal skeletons in the closet just like any other politician, but the if the Democrats continue to play the race card, they're turning themselves into a one trick pony, and setting themselves up to lose in 2020.

Probably not here on this message board

but their are many out there from all walks of life that have had enough of the progressive nazis

A democrat being attacked the guy doesnt understand why he cant go to a trump rally

They attacked him ...tried to fuck with his relationships out in meatspace
go watch his video . its only two minutes

Scott Ford‏ @ScottFordTVGuy 4h4 hours ago
Yes. I am attending my first-ever Trump rally as a lifelong Democrat. Final answer.

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Instead of running on policy or positive messaging they are now attempting to demonize and marginalize an entire voting block.
The losing strategy of 2016.

Though the Democrats had a good election in 2018, they are setting themselves up to lose big in 2020, for one important reason: They play the race card too much. Whatever one thinks of Donald Trump, he has figured out that most voters are sick and tired of Liberals bitching and whining about racial bias. Most voters are white, and they are tired of always being cast as the villians whenever the subject of race comes up. Donald Trump is no saint, he has legal skeletons in the closet just like any other politician, but the if the Democrats continue to play the race card, they're turning themselves into a one trick pony, and setting themselves up to lose in 2020.
The Donald Trump Circus features, in the center ring, an idiot who hurls racism like custard pies to the face. Donald Trump is a racist. Full,stop.

But you think Democrats are exploiting race as a political issue?


Yeah.. didn't score a point there. DJT is doing MORE for equal justice and "reparations" and making the hood safer and more profitable... Fixing more bad jail sentences than any previous Prez to restore racial parity in incarceration.

He's such a racist. Just went out his way to intervene and offer to pay bail for black Swedish rapper.. Your problem is -- you're out of issue ammo and only have the race,sex,class divisions left to score points.. Need to start focusing on ACTIONS and ISSUES and understand that DJT type ARROGANCE and trollishness is RAMPANT in the Swamp and the Media.. He's not the ONLY troll around....

Though the Democrats had a good election in 2018, they are setting themselves up to lose big in 2020, for one important reason: They play the race card too much. Whatever one thinks of Donald Trump, he has figured out that most voters are sick and tired of Liberals bitching and whining about racial bias. Most voters are white, and they are tired of always being cast as the villians whenever the subject of race comes up. Donald Trump is no saint, he has legal skeletons in the closet just like any other politician, but the if the Democrats continue to play the race card, they're turning themselves into a one trick pony, and setting themselves up to lose in 2020.
The Donald Trump Circus features, in the center ring, an idiot who hurls racism like custard pies to the face. Donald Trump is a racist. Full,stop.

But you think Democrats are exploiting race as a political issue?


Yeah.. didn't score a point there. DJT is doing MORE for equal justice and "reparations" and making the hood safer and more profitable... Fixing more bad jail sentences than any previous Prez to restore racial parity in incarceration.

He's such a racist. Just went out his way to intervene and offer to pay bail for black Swedish rapper.. Your problem is -- you're out of issue ammo and only have the race,sex,class divisions left to score points.. Need to start focusing on ACTIONS and ISSUES and understand that DJT type ARROGANCE and trollishness is RAMPANT in the Swamp and the Media.. He's not the ONLY troll around....
ze this: Democrats react every time the idiot shows his racism. Trump lays a non fire with sticks of NT, douses it withmkerosene, strikes a match and then says 'Wow! I didn't expect that!'

From his pronouncements on Mexicans, Muslims and Democrat congressmen, not to mention 'very fine,people' are you expecting me to ignore the huckster buffoon's words and actions and accept him as not a racist?

My incredulity meter does not go that high.
The Donald Trump Circus features, in the center ring, an idiot who hurls racism like custard pies to the face. Donald Trump is a racist. Full,stop.

But you think Democrats are exploiting race as a political issue?


1. You are expressing doubt about that ? Really ?

2. Upon WHAT can you present here now to show that Trump is a racist ?
(note: up to now, no USMB Trump-basher has EVER answered this question with an honest answer)
I can't imagine even one of these rabid RDDB posters in here coming to senses and switching to vote for DJT? So nothing anyone does actually matters?

Anyone that could vote for any Killary type is too far gone. They need to be exterminated before they multiply into Antifa types. We can't survive another self-inflicted wound like the 2007 housing bust they manufactured.

What is RDDB?

Red Diaper Doper Babies.

The children of leftist intellectual baby boomers, raised from birth on Marxism and a drug tolerant environment, and now in places of political and intellectual influence.

A red diaper baby is a child of parents who were members of the United States Communist Party (CPUSA) or were close to the party or sympathetic to its aims.
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From his pronouncements on Mexicans, Muslims and Democrat congressmen, not to mention 'very fine,people' are you expecting me to ignore the huckster buffoon's words and actions and accept him as not a racist?

My incredulity meter does not go that high.
YES, that's exactly what one would expect. And that will continue to be expected until you, or anyone else here, comes up with even ONE EXAMPLE of where Trump did or said something racist.

(note: typical leftist, hysterical hyperbole doesn't qualify)
ze this: Democrats react every time the idiot shows his racism. Trump lays a non fire with sticks of NT, douses it withmkerosene, strikes a match and then says 'Wow! I didn't expect that!'

He's the Troll in Chief.. Arrogant as hell.. But so are corporate execs that I've worked for.. That's why I'm tolerant of his overstepping.. But his support comes from the fact that the folks he's TROLLING are provocateur trolls themselves.. Or folks that are posers. Like the way he dispatched ANY of his Repub challengers that were part of the "establishment"....

I guarantee you that this went on in the Admins from LBJ to current.. But WITHOUT the ability to take the sliming and whining public on the tweet box.. I think I PREFER to hear it -- rather than just fantasize about the thought processes and flaming that I KNOW is going on...

If Hillary learned to be a better troll -- she MIGHT have been President.. That's where we're at. And it's NOT good. But it's also not going away.. Because NOW -- you don't NEED polls and money to get covered.. You just need to fight fights that should never be fought...

And that's what your "squad" does daily since they somehow lucked into a job they largely do not understand..

Red Diaper Doper Babies.

The children of leftist intellectual baby boomers, raised from birth on Marxism and a drug tolerant environment, and now in places of political and intellectual influence.

A red diaper baby is a child of parents who were members of the United States Communist Party (CPUSA) or were close to the party or sympathetic to its aims.
I think the term might have originated with Michael Savage (conservative radio talk show host-one of the best)
The Donald Trump Circus features, in the center ring, an idiot who hurls racism like custard pies to the face. Donald Trump is a racist. Full,stop.

But you think Democrats are exploiting race as a political issue?


1. You are expressing doubt about that ? Really ?

2. Upon WHAT can you present here now to show that Trump is a racist ?
(note: up to now, no USMB Trump-basher has EVER answered this question with an honest answer)
What can I present to,show Trump is a racist?

Drawing equivalence between protesters chanting "Jews will not replace us!" andmprotestoers who agree with the Greatest Generation that the world must not include Nazis.

An Ame I can judgemof Mexican descent cannot rule fairly due to his heritage.

Four duly el credit,congressmen should go back to the crime infestedmcountries from which they came.

NRL players protesting police brutality against thenAfrican American community aremsons of bitches.

Black political opponents are not merely politically wrong, but, as it turns out, are low I.Q. individuals.

Trump traffics in White resentment politics. And Trump supporters pretend that they believe Tump is Ghandi Dr. Martin Luther King and Desmond Tutu all rolled into one bigmlovable multiculturalist. They also don't see racism anywhere at all except in Democrats.

Trump throws a racist bomb and not one Trumpian can hear an explosion.
ze this: Democrats react every time the idiot shows his racism. Trump lays a non fire with sticks of NT, douses it withmkerosene, strikes a match and then says 'Wow! I didn't expect that!'

He's the Troll in Chief.. Arrogant as hell.. But so are corporate execs that I've worked for.. That's why I'm tolerant of his overstepping.. But his support comes from the fact that the folks he's TROLLING are provocateur trolls themselves.. Or folks that are posers. Like the way he dispatched ANY of his Repub challengers that were part of the "establishment"....

I guarantee you that this went on in the Admins from LBJ to current.. But WITHOUT the ability to take the sliming and whining public on the tweet box.. I think I PREFER to hear it -- rather than just fantasize about the thought processes and flaming that I KNOW is going on...

If Hillary learned to be a better troll -- she MIGHT have been President.. That's where we're at. And it's NOT good. But it's also not going away.. Because NOW -- you don't NEED polls and money to get covered.. You just need to fight fights that should never be fought...

And that's what your "squad" does daily since they somehow lucked into a job they largely do not understand..

if things continue on as they are, these squad loons may come to understand how they wrecked the Democratic Party, after Trump wins the 2020 election by a landslide.
What can I present to,show Trump is a racist?

Drawing equivalence between protesters chanting "Jews will not replace us!" andmprotestoers who agree with the Greatest Generation that the world must not include Nazis.

An Ame I can judgemof Mexican descent cannot rule fairly due to his heritage.

Four duly el credit,congressmen should go back to the crime infestedmcountries from which they came.

NRL players protesting police brutality against thenAfrican American community aremsons of bitches.

Black political opponents are not merely politically wrong, but, as it turns out, are low I.Q. individuals.

Trump traffics in White resentment politics. And Trump supporters pretend that they believe Tump is Ghandi Dr. Martin Luther King and Desmond Tutu all rolled into one bigmlovable multiculturalist. They also don't see racism anywhere at all except in Democrats.

Trump throws a racist bomb and not one Trumpian can hear an explosion.
that's because like your hollow list, what you call a racist bomb, is actually a fabricated BS, contrived by leftist Trump-bashers.

I still call upon you to present ONE EXAMPLE of something Trump said or did that could be defined as "racist".
Drawing equivalence between protesters chanting "Jews will not replace us!" andmprotestoers who agree with the Greatest Generation that the world must not include Nazis.

Wasn't referring just to the EXTREMES of either army of protesters.. The fight over PURGING MONUMENTS does indeed "have some fine people on both sides".. Don't you agree?

An Ame I can judgemof Mexican descent cannot rule fairly due to his heritage.

I'll grant this one partially.. The case involved administration actions on immigration.. And the judge was CLEARLY "not a fan".. Cases in America EVERY DAY, have specialty lawyers picking juries and exercising vetoes on juries based on much the same reasoning.. It's not RACIST -- it's an attempt to WIN a trial... That's not illegal either...

Four duly el credit,congressmen should go back to the crime infestedmcountries from which they came.

The INITIAL tweet was not that message. It was message about solving problems in their countries of origin and then COMING BACK to show everyone how problems get fixed.. The follow-up tweets are just his uncontrolled arrogance and trollishness and got worse from there.. STILL not "racist" because you cannot grant IMMUNITY FROM TROLLING just because the folks who piss you off are a "privileged group".,.. America wouldn't last a month if that IMMUNITY was expected...

NRL players protesting police brutality against thenAfrican American community aremsons of bitches.

To prove this one.. You'd have to convince folks Trump would NOT DO that to any white players who similarly took advantage of their job to diss the country or the flag at a national sporting event.. So no - not racist.. IN FACT, he regularly disses any number of RICH WHITE Hollywood types that hate on America.. It's probably a couple a month if not more...

Black political opponents are not merely politically wrong, but, as it turns out, are low I.Q. individuals.

No idea where this comes from.. "Low IQ Individuals" or "Low Energy Individuals" are his FAVORITE diss.. So I'd say HUNDREDS of people have probably been the target of those... I ain't making the list, but you KNOW this is true...
In fact, his favorite "low IQ individual" flame went out to Joe Biden and Robert DeNiro as well.. I'm SURE there are dozens of others.. And BTW -- DeNiro got a special version --- He's "a VERY low IQ individual"... :2up:

Trump calls Biden a 'low IQ individual' after former VP slips and hints at 2020 run : politics

Donald Trump Calls Robert De Niro a 'Very Low IQ Individual' in Tweet with Glaring Typo

Can't operate with some people claiming immunity by way of class, race, sex from getting punched back... Poor Troll in Chief even gets dinged by the media for Twitter typos...

That's so not fair... :biggrin:
What can I present to,show Trump is a racist?

Drawing equivalence between protesters chanting "Jews will not replace us!" andmprotestoers who agree with the Greatest Generation that the world must not include Nazis.

An Ame I can judgemof Mexican descent cannot rule fairly due to his heritage.

Four duly el credit,congressmen should go back to the crime infestedmcountries from which they came.

NRL players protesting police brutality against thenAfrican American community aremsons of bitches.

Black political opponents are not merely politically wrong, but, as it turns out, are low I.Q. individuals.

Trump traffics in White resentment politics. And Trump supporters pretend that they believe Tump is Ghandi Dr. Martin Luther King and Desmond Tutu all rolled The bla kexcept in Democrats.

Trump throws a racist bomb and not one Trumpian can hear an explosion.
1. How was there an "equivalence " drawn ?

2. I lived in New York City and California, and have known hundreds of Hispanics, and am 1/2 Hispanic myself. I can assure that there is plenty of reason to distrust a Hispanic judge with anything connected to immigration.
Also, Curiel has belonged to an organization entitled La Raza (the race). What would you say if a white judge belonged to an org pertaining to the WHITE race ?

3. All 4 of the squad should leave the US, since they show disrespect and hatred for it. Trump is right. Love it or leave it.

4. The NFL players kneeling during the national anthem did not just protest. They could have protested anywhere anytime. The chose to do it during the national anthem as a show if disrespect and abuse toward the USA. They are worse than SOBs. They are traitors and are lucky to nit be arrested for treason.

5. The only one I ever heard referred to as a low IQ individual, by Trump, is Joe Biden. That's proper, since Biden is indeed quite stupid.
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