Democrats seek Constitutional Amendment to save democracy


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Can Democrats save democracy?

WASHINGTON, D.C. - A number of Democrats have proposed changes to the structure of government that they think would help them win, such as lowering the voting age to 16, abolishing the Electoral College, packing the Supreme Court, and changing how Senate seats are allocated. Now, though, some of the Democratic presidential hopefuls are attacking the heart of the matter: what they call an "outdated Constitution" that sometimes "allows Republicans to be elected."

"The election of Trump exposed a fundamental flaw in the Constitution," Senator Elizabeth Warren said at a campaign rally. "Everyone said Hillary was supposed to win, but she didn't. And we're afraid that in the future, maybe Democrats won't win again. We can't allow that."

Warren and numerous other Democrats have proposed an amendment to the Constitution that will state that only Democrats are allowed to win elections, a proposal they say will increase election "fairness."

"When I think about someone other than a Democrat being elected," said Senator Cory Booker, "it makes me so mad." He then raised his fists and shook them, a gesture indicating he was mad. Candidate Beto O'Rourke also spoke out for the proposed amendment, though all he got out was, "It's a great--" before skateboarding into a tree and quickly fleeing the scene of the incident.

None of the candidates have explained how they propose to get three-fourths of the states to agree with this amendment, though this has led them to point out another flaw with the Constitution: that it's "way too hard to change when you suddenly think you have a much better idea."

I am democracy!!

Can Democrats save democracy?

WASHINGTON, D.C. - A number of Democrats have proposed changes to the structure of government that they think would help them win, such as lowering the voting age to 16, abolishing the Electoral College, packing the Supreme Court, and changing how Senate seats are allocated. Now, though, some of the Democratic presidential hopefuls are attacking the heart of the matter: what they call an "outdated Constitution" that sometimes "allows Republicans to be elected."

"The election of Trump exposed a fundamental flaw in the Constitution," Senator Elizabeth Warren said at a campaign rally. "Everyone said Hillary was supposed to win, but she didn't. And we're afraid that in the future, maybe Democrats won't win again. We can't allow that."

Warren and numerous other Democrats have proposed an amendment to the Constitution that will state that only Democrats are allowed to win elections, a proposal they say will increase election "fairness."

"When I think about someone other than a Democrat being elected," said Senator Cory Booker, "it makes me so mad." He then raised his fists and shook them, a gesture indicating he was mad. Candidate Beto O'Rourke also spoke out for the proposed amendment, though all he got out was, "It's a great--" before skateboarding into a tree and quickly fleeing the scene of the incident.

None of the candidates have explained how they propose to get three-fourths of the states to agree with this amendment, though this has led them to point out another flaw with the Constitution: that it's "way too hard to change when you suddenly think you have a much better idea."
this reminds me of how Saddam and Castro used to brag about being democratically elected

Can Democrats save democracy?

WASHINGTON, D.C. - A number of Democrats have proposed changes to the structure of government that they think would help them win, such as lowering the voting age to 16, abolishing the Electoral College, packing the Supreme Court, and changing how Senate seats are allocated. Now, though, some of the Democratic presidential hopefuls are attacking the heart of the matter: what they call an "outdated Constitution" that sometimes "allows Republicans to be elected."

"The election of Trump exposed a fundamental flaw in the Constitution," Senator Elizabeth Warren said at a campaign rally. "Everyone said Hillary was supposed to win, but she didn't. And we're afraid that in the future, maybe Democrats won't win again. We can't allow that."

Warren and numerous other Democrats have proposed an amendment to the Constitution that will state that only Democrats are allowed to win elections, a proposal they say will increase election "fairness."

"When I think about someone other than a Democrat being elected," said Senator Cory Booker, "it makes me so mad." He then raised his fists and shook them, a gesture indicating he was mad. Candidate Beto O'Rourke also spoke out for the proposed amendment, though all he got out was, "It's a great--" before skateboarding into a tree and quickly fleeing the scene of the incident.

None of the candidates have explained how they propose to get three-fourths of the states to agree with this amendment, though this has led them to point out another flaw with the Constitution: that it's "way too hard to change when you suddenly think you have a much better idea."

They're so purty when they cry like that!

I love the Bee. I've decided to leave my fortune to them when I die.


The belief that the political party that is causing all of the problems is going to be irrefutably exposed for their dishonesty, or reach enlightenment, cease opposition to progress, and then all will be good, are delusions derived from the accurate aspects of the American Experiment, but nullified by the unidentified inadequate, or otherwise, adverse aspects. It is a complex mess, and ultimately, none of the subsisting political parties are prepared to be the benevolent oligarchy to guide us to the American Dream and prove that the system designed over two hundred years ago, and then readjusted by a couple of amendments here and there, finally works correctly, because it is finally being run by the good party is irrational.

The American deployment of the Three-part Separation Theory, obviously, yields a contest for control of the three branches, and political parties are the contesting teams in the game to populate and work the system of checks and balances. But how can that be the correct expectation of the system, if the whole idea of separate branches is to yield some kind of a contest among the branches?

Obviously, the three-branch government only prevents any one person from ascending to a dictatorship, it does not prevent oligarchy; which is another form of authoritarianism that a free society should want to avoid
The belief that the political party that is causing all of the problems is going to be irrefutably exposed for their dishonesty, or reach enlightenment, cease opposition to progress, and then all will be good, are delusions derived from the accurate aspects of the American Experiment, but nullified by the unidentified inadequate, or otherwise, adverse aspects. It is a complex mess, and ultimately, none of the subsisting political parties are prepared to be the benevolent oligarchy to guide us to the American Dream and prove that the system designed over two hundred years ago, and then readjusted by a couple of amendments here and there, finally works correctly, because it is finally being run by the good party is irrational.

The American deployment of the Three-part Separation Theory, obviously, yields a contest for control of the three branches, and political parties are the contesting teams in the game to populate and work the system of checks and balances. But how can that be the correct expectation of the system, if the whole idea of separate branches is to yield some kind of a contest among the branches?

Obviously, the three-branch government only prevents any one person from ascending to a dictatorship, it does not prevent oligarchy; which is another form of authoritarianism that a free society should want to avoid
Aren't you glad that the DNC has full control over it all so we don't have to worry about it.
They never seem interested in the constitution unless it's to say it should be changed to benefit them. They ignore it the rest of the time.

But that's what they do with everything. Like they don't give a shit about women unless it's time to bang the abortion drum. They bring up christians when they want to look like good people, but when a tranny shoots a bunch of christians they ignore them in order to coddle the tranny community. They claim to love children when they want to push a bill for money, but threaten to withhold money that feeds students because they won't adopt tranny friendly programs or push harming kids by turning them into trannies. And so on.

They only care about something when it serves them a purpose.

Can Democrats save democracy?

WASHINGTON, D.C. - A number of Democrats have proposed changes to the structure of government that they think would help them win, such as lowering the voting age to 16, abolishing the Electoral College, packing the Supreme Court, and changing how Senate seats are allocated. Now, though, some of the Democratic presidential hopefuls are attacking the heart of the matter: what they call an "outdated Constitution" that sometimes "allows Republicans to be elected."

"The election of Trump exposed a fundamental flaw in the Constitution," Senator Elizabeth Warren said at a campaign rally. "Everyone said Hillary was supposed to win, but she didn't. And we're afraid that in the future, maybe Democrats won't win again. We can't allow that."

Warren and numerous other Democrats have proposed an amendment to the Constitution that will state that only Democrats are allowed to win elections, a proposal they say will increase election "fairness."

"When I think about someone other than a Democrat being elected," said Senator Cory Booker, "it makes me so mad." He then raised his fists and shook them, a gesture indicating he was mad. Candidate Beto O'Rourke also spoke out for the proposed amendment, though all he got out was, "It's a great--" before skateboarding into a tree and quickly fleeing the scene of the incident.

None of the candidates have explained how they propose to get three-fourths of the states to agree with this amendment, though this has led them to point out another flaw with the Constitution: that it's "way too hard to change when you suddenly think you have a much better idea."
BIggest bull$hit lie told by Republicans since Rump's Big (Stolen Election) Lie of 2020...
Democracy elects democrats

If only the politicians understood this, as they overuse and misuse the terminology, and both Biden and Harris are guilty of this ..

Listening to Harris describe democracy when she rushed to Nashville to support the two losers who were ejected from the state house ... was comical. Word salad.

Can Democrats save democracy?

WASHINGTON, D.C. - A number of Democrats have proposed changes to the structure of government that they think would help them win, such as lowering the voting age to 16, abolishing the Electoral College, packing the Supreme Court, and changing how Senate seats are allocated. Now, though, some of the Democratic presidential hopefuls are attacking the heart of the matter: what they call an "outdated Constitution" that sometimes "allows Republicans to be elected."

"The election of Trump exposed a fundamental flaw in the Constitution," Senator Elizabeth Warren said at a campaign rally. "Everyone said Hillary was supposed to win, but she didn't. And we're afraid that in the future, maybe Democrats won't win again. We can't allow that."

Warren and numerous other Democrats have proposed an amendment to the Constitution that will state that only Democrats are allowed to win elections, a proposal they say will increase election "fairness."

"When I think about someone other than a Democrat being elected," said Senator Cory Booker, "it makes me so mad." He then raised his fists and shook them, a gesture indicating he was mad. Candidate Beto O'Rourke also spoke out for the proposed amendment, though all he got out was, "It's a great--" before skateboarding into a tree and quickly fleeing the scene of the incident.

None of the candidates have explained how they propose to get three-fourths of the states to agree with this amendment, though this has led them to point out another flaw with the Constitution: that it's "way too hard to change when you suddenly think you have a much better idea."
Democracy = moneyocracy( in the real world ). So what do you expect? lol. :)

Verse 1
Money rules the land, don’t act so surprised
I think democracy died long ago
Now every vote’s bought, there’s nothing free
Just look who gets elected if you want proof.

It’s a moneyocracy we live in today
Where dollars count as votes along the way
And those who have the most control indeed
They use their wealth to shape public need

Verse 2
Politicians dance to puppeteers tune
They never stray off the corporate route
It’s business over country, always has been
Those with cash just push them toward the cliff

It’s a moneyocracy we live in today
Where dollars count as votes along the way
And those who have the most control indeed
They use their wealth to shape public need

And when the rich get even richer still
They tell us it’s good for everyone to take a hill
We’re not seeing through this charade
Just ask the working class what they paid

It’s a moneyocracy we live in today
Where dollars count as votes along the way
And those who have the most control indeed
They use their wealth to shape public need

So we continue to fight onward ho
With truth our weapon we’ll stand toe to toe
Until fair play returns once again
And corruption fades away once more.

( Amazing AI writing the song! ) lol. :)
Fact is some of these stories are spot on, Democrats do want to change the constitution and pack the court. They have said so many times, and if and when they can they will. They have already taken over and destroyed our institutions. We no longer have an impartial FBI, Justice Dept., IRS, CIA etc.
BIggest bull$hit lie told by Republicans since Rump's Big (Stolen Election) Lie of 2020...
You didn't notice this was the Bee didja? No. No you didn't.

It's a commentary on just how bad this country has become, that this story is believable and taken seriously.
We are an ineptocracy
Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
We are an ineptocracy
Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
Just call it Marxism and stop confusing people.

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