Democrats said they along with Obama had fixed Wallstreet and the banks?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Then JP Morgan stuck a finger in their eye huh? A 2 billion dollar finger.

I thought you loonies were claiming you "fixed" what the GOP messed up? Could it be that Obama hasn't actually addressed ANY of our problems?
The rule's provisions are scheduled to be implemented as a part of Dodd-Frank on July 21, 2012

JPmorgan just proved these assholes can not be trusted.
The assholes truned right arround and did it again and Proved they have to be regulated or they will act like fucktards
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Strike a nerve eh TM?

You had congress for two years to "fix" shit anyway you saw fit and what did you do? Spent two years fucking around with medical issues.
Then JP Morgan stuck a finger in their eye huh? A 2 billion dollar finger.

I thought you loonies were claiming you "fixed" what the GOP messed up? Could it be that Obama hasn't actually addressed ANY of our problems?

The Financial Mess actually started with Jimmy Carter and was enhanced by putting JC's CRI on Steroids, but that is another story, one the Libs hate to hear....

Obama has done nothing but put Billion Dollar Band-aids on everything, he and his administration have no clue to the long-term, especially when the "Bill" comes due.

Then JP Morgan stuck a finger in their eye huh? A 2 billion dollar finger.

I thought you loonies were claiming you "fixed" what the GOP messed up? Could it be that Obama hasn't actually addressed ANY of our problems?

Yep. Let the economy go to Hell as his signature issue of his wasted time is about to go down in flames courtesy of the SCOTUS.
Strike a nerve eh TM?

You had congress for two years to "fix" shit anyway you saw fit and what did you do? Spent two years fucking around with medical issues.

The number one cause of bankruptcy are medical bills. Only a fucking turd like you considers that "shit". Course, that's what Republicans do when they squat on the American people. They take a dump. Their base loves it. Everyone else? Not so much.
Then JP Morgan stuck a finger in their eye huh? A 2 billion dollar finger.

I thought you loonies were claiming you "fixed" what the GOP messed up? Could it be that Obama hasn't actually addressed ANY of our problems?

No skin off my ass that they bet against America. No bail out is needed. They made an idiotic decision, and got screwed. It's not going to collapse our banking system, or even JPM.

The more interesting question is how it will effect their bonus pool, and their executive compensation.

The only regulationrs that we need to return to is to put back the firewall between deposit accounts, which are insured by taxpayers, and their gambling, investment banking pool.
Then JP Morgan stuck a finger in their eye huh? A 2 billion dollar finger.

I thought you loonies were claiming you "fixed" what the GOP messed up? Could it be that Obama hasn't actually addressed ANY of our problems?

Are you for the Volcker rule or against it?

I am for free enterprise with as little govt intervention as possible. If laws are broken, punish accordingly. If failures occur, LET THEM FAIL
Then JP Morgan stuck a finger in their eye huh? A 2 billion dollar finger.

I thought you loonies were claiming you "fixed" what the GOP messed up? Could it be that Obama hasn't actually addressed ANY of our problems?

No skin off my ass that they bet against America. No bail out is needed. They made an idiotic decision, and got screwed. It's not going to collapse our banking system, or even JPM.

The more interesting question is how it will effect their bonus pool, and their executive compensation.

The only regulationrs that we need to return to is to put back the firewall between deposit accounts, which are insured by taxpayers, and their gambling, investment banking pool.
That would be the Glass/Steagal Act, which was repealed by a Republican Congress, and signed by a Democrat President.

Both Parties are corrupt.
Then JP Morgan stuck a finger in their eye huh? A 2 billion dollar finger.

I thought you loonies were claiming you "fixed" what the GOP messed up? Could it be that Obama hasn't actually addressed ANY of our problems?

The Financial Mess actually started with Jimmy Carter and was enhanced by putting JC's CRI on Steroids, but that is another story, one the Libs hate to hear....

Obama has done nothing but put Billion Dollar Band-aids on everything, he and his administration have no clue to the long-term, especially when the "Bill" comes due.


And not to mention Clinton Embellishing CRA...

Bill Clinton's drive to increase homeownership went way too far

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