Democrats never leave home without the race card.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Some things are axiomatic, some things are automatic and some things are both. A race card fits the bill here as the democrats when confronted with the hypocrisy of their policies, never leave home without it. That race card is the perfect weapon; not only does it deflect responsibility, it smears anyone who points it out with accusations of racism. The card came out in a heartbeat when Trump pointed out that the rat-infested kingdoms of the city of Baltimore make border conditions for Illegal immigrants on the border look like luxury hotels.

Oddly, just a few months ago the disorder and chaos on the border was referred to by democrats as a “manufactured crisis”. Trump, they said, was blowing things out of proportion; there was no problem with the people and the children; Trump was just making it all up. Now that the truth is out in all its miserable glory, they, including Congressman Elijah Cummings, representing the 7th district of Baltimore city, blame Trump for alleged deplorable, filthy conditions in ICE detention centers.

The democrats can’t hide their handiwork which in the case of the city of Baltimore betrays a morbid example of a city that resembles a failed state. The chickens haven’t come home to roost in Baltimore but the rats have overrun the turf where people used to live like alien rabbits introduced into the Australian outback.

Cummings and the democrats yanked out that race card because they have no defense against the fact that only thing that has really come home to roost are the bad ideas that have propagated since 1964-65 when Daniel Patrick Moynihan warned that destroying traditional American families would lead to the creation of a dangerous dependent underclass where unemployment, crime, drug use and societal degradation rule the day.

Baltimore has become a model for social destruction where the murder rate is higher than many third world banana republics and the schools are just repositories for future killers who are functionally illiterate and far more dangerous than migrants crossing the border. This is what Cummings and the democrats have foisted onto the landscape of modern American democracy and the race card is their sword as they charge against Trump whom they predictably label a racist bigot.

The hypocrisy of Cummings and the democrats is written on backs of the rats that infest Baltimore and that race card cannot hide that.
It is republicans who use the race card

It is their go to whenever their subtle racism is exposed
We are not racist, we don’t even use the N word anymore
It is republicans who use the race card

It is their go to whenever their subtle racism is exposed
We are not racist, we don’t even use the N word anymore

Try not to be a complete idiot so early in the AM
SOME Republicans. SOME Democrats are racist.

But nearly ALL Democrat Politicians use the race card.
FEW Republican politicians use the race card. But they are learning how to finally.

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