Democrats Must Rely on Young Voters to Win Elections

that's ok and I know that you were talking to Frank but the way I have things figgered is that repubs do halfway good for the next few elections and then the libs and progressives and assorted ilk can have their way with the USA . Don't want to see it that way but what the heck can I do Syriusly ??

The greatest transfer of wealth in human history has occurred during the past six years. What do we have to show for it?
yep CARE4 , illegal immigration wasn't even noticed in the 60s early 70s and the way I understand it the Cubans were pretty much legal because of the dry foot , wet foot policy although I'm not exactly sure how that worked. Cubans were escaping tyranny so they were allowed in if they could get here to the USA , Illegals nowadays are said to be here for economics rather than escaping tyranny so that's the argument . As always , if someone knows better I welcome the correction . --- WOLFIES , yep , I'd sometimes get a sandwich there . Had dinner one time at the FOUNTAIN BLEAU hotel that was a few hotels down from the RITZ PLAZA . I never got the LOX thing , looked like raw fish to me and I prepared / served tons of it at the hotel . Never liked the Gifiltae [sp] fish either but was good with most all kosher food as to me it was regular American food that I grew up with and I'm not Jewish . Yep , Miami and Beach were good times . I mostly ate at the hotel and my wife mostly ate at her job . As long as I kept things kosher I ate anything I wanted at the hotel . Both Jews and Cubans treated me real well and I liked both groups . Cuban ham on Cuban bread that had a palm leaf baked into it was excellent . I didn't like the Palmetto bugs though [big roaches] .

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