Democrats ‘May Not Trust Results Of Election If Trump Wins,’ WashPost Writer Says


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats ‘May Not Trust Results Of Election If Trump Wins,’ WashPost Writer Says

10 Sep 2020 ~~ By Eric A. Blair

The Washington Post’s motto is “Democracy Dies In Darkness.”
So the once-great newspaper is busy spreading darkness.
In a new piece headlined, “Democrats may not trust the results of the election if Trump wins,” the paper sets out the made-up concerns about “what would happen if President Donald Trump loses the November election and refuses to concede.”
But writer Richard L. Hasen, the chancellor’s professor of law and political science at the University of California at Irvine, says there’s another worry that “looms almost as large and gets far less attention: Would Democrats and others on the left accept the presidential results as legitimate if Trump wins? There’s reason to believe they might not – and there are steps Trump and others could take now to bolster his legitimacy if he wins in November. It starts by making sure we have a fair vote.”
While the below reads like an article from The Onion, we promise it’s real:
It’s easy to come up with a scenario where Trump ekes out a narrow victory in states like Georgia and Florida but Democrats blame Georgia voter suppression and the fight to keep former felons from voting in Florida as the reason for Trump’s victory. A democracy depends upon the losers believing the election was mostly fair and agreeing to fight another day, rather than engage in protests and attempts to stop an unfairly chosen leader from serving. If one side sees the other side as consistently cheating, the very premise of democracy is undermined.​
This year, the grounds for Democrats to fear an illegitimate election have only increased. The coronavirus pandemic has upended normal voting plans. Election officials have faced delays in running primaries and been forced to close or consolidate polling places because of lack of available space and adequate workers – who are often older Americans, the people most susceptible to the novel coronavirus. During the April 7 Wisconsin primary, 175 out of 180 Milwaukee polling places were shuttered after Republicans in the state legislature refused to delay the election despite the pandemic.​
Many voters have naturally planned to vote by mail in November where allowed, because that presents a safer way to cast a ballot during a pandemic and avoids potentially long polling-place lines. But Trump has repeatedly raised unsubstantiated claims of fraud connected to mail-in ballots, and he appointed a crony to head the U.S. Postal Service, which must deliver the ballots to voters (and return those ballots that voters put in the mail rather than a drop box or a polling place). Delays in delivering the mail, thanks in part to a management-labor dispute at the Postal Service, have convinced many that Trump is deliberately trying to delay the mailing and return of ballots.​
And Hasen wraps up with this:
I don’t hold out hope that Trump is going to take the steps necessary in the next two months to bolster the confidence of all voters in the fairness and integrity of the process. Quite the opposite. But if he doesn’t, and then he wins again and large portions of the population don’t accept his victory as legitimate – something Trump has consistently complained about since the investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election began – he will have only himself to blame this time.​

It's no secret that the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists refused to accept the lawful and Constitutional election to the Presidency of Donald J. Trump in November 2016 despite the failed internal attempted failed coup d' etat.
They have for more than 1.400 days rejected the election of DJT. His re-election will be no diiferent. They will not accept the will of the people and continue if not intensify their violence in Blue controlled cities.
State and city government have been protecting the anarachists rioting left from the justifiable wrath of Americans allowing Antifa and BLM to assault average Americans and recently assassinated a man.
It's being reflected by frustration and resignation/retirement of LEO's from Chief to patrolman from New York to Washington State.
The rioting left has been fooling themselves into believing that fighting against police, journalists and people protecting their property is right. They have yet to meet the displeasure of the average American who has had enough of the violence, arson and destruct of businesses and towns.
What I fear most is that the PMS/DSA Democrat Commies will attempt to take out DJT in an assassination attempt. I believe that will be the last straw that will be tolerated by Americans and it will turn against them....
Biden didn't hire those 600 lawyers awhile back for nothin'. If he loses there will be lawsuits and investigations out the wazoo. We'll see the same shit from the Dems in the next 4 years that we saw from them over the last 4 years.
They have been hinting at the fact they will not accept a Trump win. They have threatened to destroy the country rather then accept the election. If they don’t end up with power in both houses it will be even worse.
Hinting? Are you joking? They’ve spent the past four years denying the previous election results so why would anyone expect anything different from democrats after this next election?
Mostly convinced the left will not accept a Trump win.

I think the question will become.....
'Is anyone willing to fight the Left over a protracted Presidential race"?

If not, they may (with The 1000's of Lawyers on the Left) claim victory.
The Right will need to get back to work, so only the Left will have time for the fight.

Should be interesting regardless.
Trump, if he loses, will concede.

He knows better than not to concede.
^^^ Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but does the conceding have to be done? One way or another, the runner up is the runner up whether they can lose gracefully or not.

God bless you and both candidates always!!!

Biden didn't hire those 600 lawyers awhile back for nothin'. If he loses there will be lawsuits and investigations out the wazoo. We'll see the same shit from the Dems in the next 4 years that we saw from them over the last 4 years.
Best way to end the sore-loser Democrats' nonsense is hang the loser. Personally I prefer Keel hauling, but hanging will do the job.
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Biden didn't hire those 600 lawyers awhile back for nothin'. If he loses there will be lawsuits and investigations out the wazoo. We'll see the same shit from the Dems in the next 4 years that we saw from them over the last 4 years.
Best way to end the sore-loser Democrats' nonsense is hang the loser. Personally I prefer Keel hauling, but hanging will do the job.
That would certainly deter aspiring career politicians.

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