Democrats, Liberals, Progressives-What would U like to see Obama do in his 2nd term?


Information isnt Advocacy
Aug 5, 2010
Peaking out from the redwoods
Even a heavy handed Obama apologist like me has been disappointed about things the President has done or not done.

What would you like to see him working on in his 2nd term? (let's pretend for a second that there's no wall of GOP obstructionism that has been present through most of his 1st term)
- Restore something like Glass-Steagall.
- Take the clause in the NDAA that guts Habeas to court.
- Enact single payer.
- Get the US out of Afghanistan.
- Cut tax incentives to hire overseas.
- Restore collective bargaining rights to public and private Unions.
- Enact fair and progressive tax code. Or at least let the Bush tax cuts expire.
- Properly fund the EPA, SEC, IRS and other regulatory agencies.
- Get High Speed rail going.
- Convert internet to IPv6. Upgrade government backbones.
- More funding for green energy.
- Enact the Dream Act. Make immigration both fair and easy.
- Consolidate government agencies and streamline government in general.
- Continue to restore alliances and build America's stature as the beacon of freedom, democracy and human rights, globally.
- Continue the doctrine of "Smart Power". Eliminate terrorist threats and remove the reason for terrorism in the first place.
- Restore something like Glass-Steagall.
- Take the clause in the NDAA that guts Habeas to court.
- Enact single payer.
- Get the US out of Afghanistan.
- Cut tax incentives to hire overseas.
- Restore collective bargaining rights to public and private Unions.
- Enact fair and progressive tax code. Or at least let the Bush tax cuts expire.
- Properly fund the EPA, SEC, IRS and other regulatory agencies.
- Get High Speed rail going.
- Convert internet to IPv6. Upgrade government backbones.
- More funding for green energy.
- Enact the Dream Act. Make immigration both fair and easy.
- Consolidate government agencies and streamline government in general.
- Continue to restore alliances and build America's stature as the beacon of freedom, democracy and human rights, globally.
- Continue the doctrine of "Smart Power". Eliminate terrorist threats and remove the reason for terrorism in the first place.

I'd add close Gitmo and repeal DOMA, but good list!
obama will be chain smoking and community organizing in Chicago by the summer of 2013.
- Restore something like Glass-Steagall.
- Take the clause in the NDAA that guts Habeas to court.
- Enact single payer.
- Get the US out of Afghanistan.
- Cut tax incentives to hire overseas.
- Restore collective bargaining rights to public and private Unions.
- Enact fair and progressive tax code. Or at least let the Bush tax cuts expire.
- Properly fund the EPA, SEC, IRS and other regulatory agencies.
- Get High Speed rail going.
- Convert internet to IPv6. Upgrade government backbones.
- More funding for green energy.
- Enact the Dream Act. Make immigration both fair and easy.
- Consolidate government agencies and streamline government in general.
- Continue to restore alliances and build America's stature as the beacon of freedom, democracy and human rights, globally.
- Continue the doctrine of "Smart Power". Eliminate terrorist threats and remove the reason for terrorism in the first place.

If he did these things he'd be as liberal as the right pretends he is now. I wish he was as liberal as they believe.

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