Democrats Just Hung Themselves

The Trump economy was rapidly failing. Trump saw the virus as an out. He urged no action, lied about the danger, and enabled the virus to take hold and even encouraged people to go to work when sick.

Now he has an excuse for the economic disaster we now have.

Thank you Republicans for enabling this as thousands of Americans will die and Thousands will lose their homes & livelihoods.

You knew it when you voted for him. You know it as you lie to protect him.
Ha ha ha. Oh yeah man! Woo hoo. Oh that Trump economy was sure sinking low, wasn't it. Just with the highest Dow Jones, highest S&P, and highest NASDAQ ever recorded, in US history, that's all.

Do you guys ever take stock of how idiotic you look ? Good grief!

So you were cheering when we had record numbers under Obama? Of course not. The Stock Market has little to do with the economy. A bunch of people trading pieces of paper. Trump borrowed big money to boost the stock market. You act like it was because of Trump's "stable genius"?
Go fishing Joe Biden. Your pals in the Congress just shot to pieces any chance you could've had at getting elected.

For the second day in a row they held up the distribution of national emergency checks to American workers. In so doing, these loons are claiming they are doing it on behalf of American workers

Yikes. Is there a doctor in the house ? Delaying critically needed payments to American workers, is about as helpful to them as flooding the workforce with low wage illegal aliens.

Mind boggling to see dimwit Democrats demanding an assortment of their favorite programs in order for us to get our money. If Democrats want to go crazy this way, then the next time they come up with a major proposal, here's what Republicans will demand -
1. Abolition of affirmative action.
2. Abolition of gun free zones.
3. Abolition of asylum.
4. Jailing of all sanctuary city leaders.
5. Closing if all mosques and elimination of all Korans.
6. Full construction of Mexican border wall.
7. Ban on speech advocating homosexuality.
8. Cancellation of the 2020 presidential election.
9. Removal of all foreign made products from US stores.
10. Name your own.

The final bill is not even written & you assfucks blame Democrats.
You don't. Well, that just convinces the voters all the more to not vote Democrat. There WAS a final bill, and Democrats rejected it.
NO, there was no final bill. You are either lying or dumber than shit.
Yes there was, you idiot. It only became unfinalled by moronic Democrats, screwing with and drawing up an opportunist bill if their own. The original bill was the final bill. There didn't need to be anything else.

One of the lunacies of leftism is their way of changing things to how they want them to be, and them claiming that to be a true definition.

We are dealing with people who are flat out off their rockers.

The bll was srtill being debated with changes being made. The votes were procedural & even your hero Moscow Mitch said it was not yet comoplete. Quit lying.
You confirmed the OP by your use of the word "debate". In a national emergency, when people are dying, you don't debate. You ACT - immediately.

If you have any reservations about it, you can propose another bill afterwards, but you don't engage in delay.
So we should allow Republicans to use an emergency to hand out money to their corporate buddies?

Why don't you assdfucks give a shit that Republiucabns are using this to hand more money to corporate America. Didn't you assfucks give them enough with the tax cut?????

500 billion, no strings attached slush fund in the Republican bill .
I asked for LINKS, not babbling rhetoric. Looks like you punked out.
How about you get betterr informed insteasd of whining for links.
Where are all the Tea Party folks who were whining when Pres Obama was in office. All we heard about their children and grandchildren paying back this debt. Trump hit office and has been running the debt through the roof and not a peep. Sean Hannity and Flush Limpbaugh cried about it everyday, but not a peep since Trump came on the scene.
What there is "not a peep" of is Democrats talking about the great economy we've had for the last 3 years, with record lows in unemployment, record high median income, etc.

Instead, Democrats only want to talk about this so-called "debt", much of which is a myth. China, for instance, will never be able to repay America, for their debt to us.

Prior to this virus in 2019, manufacturing was slipping, GDP growrth hovered around 2%, deficits skyrocketed, farmers were going bankrupt, etc.
Ha ha ha. First of all the BEA numbers on GDP are an Obama holdover laughingstock.

Secondly, farmers were being stipened, and it's only a few of them, a tiny % of the economy, and you ought to be copying all the Democrats who have openly agreed that the economy is booming.

Third, anybody who wants to campaign against Trump using the economy as ammunition, I just say "Go ahead, make my day." lol

So, when the numbers are good, Trump is doing great.

When they are not so good, it is fake news.

Fuck you assholes. There is no cure for stupidity.

Farm income this year is projected to be down 9%. Family farms for generations gone because of your fat ass worthless piece of shit Trump. Trump did such a great job that we need to further subsidize farmers & you think thart is good economic news? Really?
It is simply part of the rough road that gets to be traveled, in order to undo the damage of Obama giving China unrestricted access to our fabulous wealthy MARKET. One of best accomplishments of the Trump administration is taking China to task, and reversing the economic idiocy that existed before 2017.

This lunacy isn't entirely Obama's fault. He was just a clueless sap who knew nothing about economics or business, and stupidly went along with the huuuuge mistakes of the 3 presidents before him, which resulted in our stores being flooded with junk Made in China.

One doesn't fix 30 years of assinine international trade policy, in a single year. It will take years to undo the damage created by these 4 idiots, bit lucky for us, we finally got a president who is working to repair the mess, and certainly there will be some ugly parts to the overall process.

Even a great boxer like Sugar Ray Leonard took some punches and injuries along the way.
Its the road less traveled because others were too smart to take it.

Trump doesn't know shit about trade or manufacturing. He knows how to bully & bilk people out of money.
That indicates that you would continue the record of 4 US president idiots, and keep giving China unrestricted access to our market. Like those fools, you would allow the flooding of our stores with crap, made in China.

Exactly another reason to be sure we re-elect Trump, to continue the long awaited work on getting our stores (aka "the economy) out of the control of China, and back in control of us.

Yet another reason to be sure to keep idiot, globalist leftists out of power in both the presidency, and Congress.
Where are all the Tea Party folks who were whining when Pres Obama was in office. All we heard about their children and grandchildren paying back this debt. Trump hit office and has been running the debt through the roof and not a peep. Sean Hannity and Flush Limpbaugh cried about it everyday, but not a peep since Trump came on the scene.
What there is "not a peep" of is Democrats talking about the great economy we've had for the last 3 years, with record lows in unemployment, record high median income, etc.

Instead, Democrats only want to talk about this so-called "debt", much of which is a myth. China, for instance, will never be able to repay America, for their debt to us.

Save that Trump Humpin for folks who drink that Kool-aid. This economy was turned around long b4 3 yrs ago. You guys love patting Trump on the back for things that started long b4 he was in office. Tell me a trend he started.

Where are all the fiscal conservatives at?

Where are the fiscal evangelicals at?
Looks like you are the Kool Aid drinker. Trump gets patted on the back for what HE has accomplished, not Obama.

Most of Obama's 8 years was post recession recoil that would occur no matter who was president. In his last years though this normal rebound had worn off and we got to see the "community organizer" for what he was. A worthless economic idiot whose last year in office was an abysmal failure, as I posted the GDP charts many times.

Thank goodness Trump came along and pulled us back up again.
Fuck you & you "community organizer:" bullshit.

What were we recoiling from? A recession? Who gave us that recession? REPUBLICANS you fucking idiot.

Trump came in & built an economy based on tax cuts & Fed bailouts. 2019 was a Trump economic failure. Show me those GDP numbers.
When leftist start losing debates, I come the F bombs. They never were good at self-control.

Yes. We were recoiling from a recession. And unlike the multi,-billionaire Trump, the clueless community organizer, Obama ran up a record of inconsistency and economic changes out of his control.

As the chart I posted showed, Trump's gdp's were high and evenly consistent. Obama's we're a chaotic mess.

2019 was a refreshing economic success, which even leftist leaders and publications concede.
The Trump economy was rapidly failing. Trump saw the virus as an out. He urged no action, lied about the danger, and enabled the virus to take hold and even encouraged people to go to work when sick.

Now he has an excuse for the economic disaster we now have.

Thank you Republicans for enabling this as thousands of Americans will die and Thousands will lose their homes & livelihoods.

You knew it when you voted for him. You know it as you lie to protect him.
Ha ha ha. Oh yeah man! Woo hoo. Oh that Trump economy was sure sinking low, wasn't it. Just with the highest Dow Jones, highest S&P, and highest NASDAQ ever recorded, in US history, that's all.

Do you guys ever take stock of how idiotic you look ? Good grief!

So you were cheering when we had record numbers under Obama? Of course not. The Stock Market has little to do with the economy. A bunch of people trading pieces of paper. Trump borrowed big money to boost the stock market. You act like it was because of Trump's "stable genius"?
FALSE! The stock market has everything to do with the economy. It IS the economy. This is why even the leftist media announces the stock market activity daily on their news reports.

Kills you to see Trump succeeding so much. Problem for you is your anti-Trump blather carries no weight, when everyone left & right knows the economy has been booming.

Yeah man. Tell Biden to run his campaign on the economy. Please do that. LOL.
You should have known that democrats would want illegals to get paid first and double
Quyit crying because you can't just hand money to wealthy people.
DODGE! She posted about illegal aliens, not wealthy people, Mr Deflection.
Wow, you have no thought process whatsoever.
You got caught red handed, Mr Deflection, and your DODGE 2, was laughable. lol
Go fishing Joe Biden. Your pals in the Congress just shot to pieces any chance you could've had at getting elected.

For the second day in a row they held up the distribution of national emergency checks to American workers. In so doing, these loons are claiming they are doing it on behalf of American workers

Yikes. Is there a doctor in the house ? Delaying critically needed payments to American workers, is about as helpful to them as flooding the workforce with low wage illegal aliens.

Mind boggling to see dimwit Democrats demanding an assortment of their favorite programs in order for us to get our money. If Democrats want to go crazy this way, then the next time they come up with a major proposal, here's what Republicans will demand -
1. Abolition of affirmative action.
2. Abolition of gun free zones.
3. Abolition of asylum.
4. Jailing of all sanctuary city leaders.
5. Closing if all mosques and elimination of all Korans.
6. Full construction of Mexican border wall.
7. Ban on speech advocating homosexuality.
8. Cancellation of the 2020 presidential election.
9. Removal of all foreign made products from US stores.
10. Name your own.

The final bill is not even written & you assfucks blame Democrats.
You don't. Well, that just convinces the voters all the more to not vote Democrat. There WAS a final bill, and Democrats rejected it.
NO, there was no final bill. You are either lying or dumber than shit.
Yes there was, you idiot. It only became unfinalled by moronic Democrats, screwing with and drawing up an opportunist bill if their own. The original bill was the final bill. There didn't need to be anything else.

One of the lunacies of leftism is their way of changing things to how they want them to be, and them claiming that to be a true definition.

We are dealing with people who are flat out off their rockers.

The bll was srtill being debated with changes being made. The votes were procedural & even your hero Moscow Mitch said it was not yet comoplete. Quit lying.
You confirmed the OP by your use of the word "debate". In a national emergency, when people are dying, you don't debate. You ACT - immediately.

If you have any reservations about it, you can propose another bill afterwards, but you don't engage in delay.
So we should allow Republicans to use an emergency to hand out money to their corporate buddies?

Why don't you assdfucks give a shit that Republiucabns are using this to hand more money to corporate America. Didn't you assfucks give them enough with the tax cut?????

500 billion, no strings attached slush fund in the Republican bill .
I asked for LINKS, not babbling rhetoric. Looks like you punked out.
How about you get betterr informed insteasd of whining for links.
Looks I just DID get informed. About why you punked out when asked for links to support your claim of $500 billion. It's because you HAVE NOTHING to back up your words.

You just heard a number blabbered by some leftist on some leftist tv show, and thought you could toss it in here, and we'd all take it on faith.

Guess what. We don't. Back to the drawing board for you.
Where are all the Tea Party folks who were whining when Pres Obama was in office. All we heard about their children and grandchildren paying back this debt. Trump hit office and has been running the debt through the roof and not a peep. Sean Hannity and Flush Limpbaugh cried about it everyday, but not a peep since Trump came on the scene.
What there is "not a peep" of is Democrats talking about the great economy we've had for the last 3 years, with record lows in unemployment, record high median income, etc.

Instead, Democrats only want to talk about this so-called "debt", much of which is a myth. China, for instance, will never be able to repay America, for their debt to us.

Prior to this virus in 2019, manufacturing was slipping, GDP growrth hovered around 2%, deficits skyrocketed, farmers were going bankrupt, etc.
Ha ha ha. First of all the BEA numbers on GDP are an Obama holdover laughingstock.

Secondly, farmers were being stipened, and it's only a few of them, a tiny % of the economy, and you ought to be copying all the Democrats who have openly agreed that the economy is booming.

Third, anybody who wants to campaign against Trump using the economy as ammunition, I just say "Go ahead, make my day." lol

So, when the numbers are good, Trump is doing great.

When they are not so good, it is fake news.

Fuck you assholes. There is no cure for stupidity.

Farm income this year is projected to be down 9%. Family farms for generations gone because of your fat ass worthless piece of shit Trump. Trump did such a great job that we need to further subsidize farmers & you think thart is good economic news? Really?
It is simply part of the rough road that gets to be traveled, in order to undo the damage of Obama giving China unrestricted access to our fabulous wealthy MARKET. One of best accomplishments of the Trump administration is taking China to task, and reversing the economic idiocy that existed before 2017.

This lunacy isn't entirely Obama's fault. He was just a clueless sap who knew nothing about economics or business, and stupidly went along with the huuuuge mistakes of the 3 presidents before him, which resulted in our stores being flooded with junk Made in China.

One doesn't fix 30 years of assinine international trade policy, in a single year. It will take years to undo the damage created by these 4 idiots, bit lucky for us, we finally got a president who is working to repair the mess, and certainly there will be some ugly parts to the overall process.

Even a great boxer like Sugar Ray Leonard took some punches and injuries along the way.
Its the road less traveled because others were too smart to take it.

Trump doesn't know shit about trade or manufacturing. He knows how to bully & bilk people out of money.
That indicates that you would continue the record of 4 US president idiots, and keep giving China unrestricted access to our market. Like those fools, you would allow the flooding of our stores with crap, made in China.

It just goes to show how much of an idiot you are, we are going to keep seeing merchandise from China flooding our market for the simple fact we don't want to manufacture it ourselves.

Exactly another reason to be sure we re-elect Trump, to continue the long awaited work on getting our stores (aka "the economy) out of the control of China, and back in control of us.

Yet another reason to be sure to keep idiot, globalist leftists out of power in both the presidency, and Congress.

Some of Trump's goods are made in China, what the fuck do you think about that?
Where are all the Tea Party folks who were whining when Pres Obama was in office. All we heard about their children and grandchildren paying back this debt. Trump hit office and has been running the debt through the roof and not a peep. Sean Hannity and Flush Limpbaugh cried about it everyday, but not a peep since Trump came on the scene.
What there is "not a peep" of is Democrats talking about the great economy we've had for the last 3 years, with record lows in unemployment, record high median income, etc.

Instead, Democrats only want to talk about this so-called "debt", much of which is a myth. China, for instance, will never be able to repay America, for their debt to us.

Save that Trump Humpin for folks who drink that Kool-aid. This economy was turned around long b4 3 yrs ago. You guys love patting Trump on the back for things that started long b4 he was in office. Tell me a trend he started.

Where are all the fiscal conservatives at?

Where are the fiscal evangelicals at?
Looks like you are the Kool Aid drinker. Trump gets patted on the back for what HE has accomplished, not Obama.

Most of Obama's 8 years was post recession recoil that would occur no matter who was president. In his last years though this normal rebound had worn off and we got to see the "community organizer" for what he was. A worthless economic idiot whose last year in office was an abysmal failure, as I posted the GDP charts many times.

Thank goodness Trump came along and pulled us back up again.
Fuck you & you "community organizer:" bullshit.

What were we recoiling from? A recession? Who gave us that recession? REPUBLICANS you fucking idiot.

Trump came in & built an economy based on tax cuts & Fed bailouts. 2019 was a Trump economic failure. Show me those GDP numbers.
When leftist start losing debates, I come the F bombs. They never were good at self-control.

Yes. We were recoiling from a recession. And unlike the multi,-billionaire Trump, the clueless community organizer, Obama ran up a record of inconsistency and economic changes out of his control.

As the chart I posted showed, Trump's gdp's were high and evenly consistent. Obama's we're a chaotic mess.

2019 was a refreshing economic success, which even leftist leaders and publications concede.

Pres. Obama handed off low unemployment to Trump, a thriving stock market and a very good economy. You can whine all day, but that fact doesn't change. Show me one great thing that Trump had done that wasn't already trending when he took office.
You should have known that democrats would want illegals to get paid first and double
Quyit crying because you can't just hand money to wealthy people.
DODGE! She posted about illegal aliens, not wealthy people, Mr Deflection.
Wow, you have no thought process whatsoever.
You got caught red handed, Mr Deflection, and your DODGE 2, was laughable. lol
Fuck off Trump boy. It is not my fault you are so fucking stupid.
Go fishing Joe Biden. Your pals in the Congress just shot to pieces any chance you could've had at getting elected.

For the second day in a row they held up the distribution of national emergency checks to American workers. In so doing, these loons are claiming they are doing it on behalf of American workers

Yikes. Is there a doctor in the house ? Delaying critically needed payments to American workers, is about as helpful to them as flooding the workforce with low wage illegal aliens.

Mind boggling to see dimwit Democrats demanding an assortment of their favorite programs in order for us to get our money. If Democrats want to go crazy this way, then the next time they come up with a major proposal, here's what Republicans will demand -
1. Abolition of affirmative action.
2. Abolition of gun free zones.
3. Abolition of asylum.
4. Jailing of all sanctuary city leaders.
5. Closing if all mosques and elimination of all Korans.
6. Full construction of Mexican border wall.
7. Ban on speech advocating homosexuality.
8. Cancellation of the 2020 presidential election.
9. Removal of all foreign made products from US stores.
10. Name your own.

The final bill is not even written & you assfucks blame Democrats.
You don't. Well, that just convinces the voters all the more to not vote Democrat. There WAS a final bill, and Democrats rejected it.
NO, there was no final bill. You are either lying or dumber than shit.
Yes there was, you idiot. It only became unfinalled by moronic Democrats, screwing with and drawing up an opportunist bill if their own. The original bill was the final bill. There didn't need to be anything else.

One of the lunacies of leftism is their way of changing things to how they want them to be, and them claiming that to be a true definition.

We are dealing with people who are flat out off their rockers.

The bll was srtill being debated with changes being made. The votes were procedural & even your hero Moscow Mitch said it was not yet comoplete. Quit lying.
You confirmed the OP by your use of the word "debate". In a national emergency, when people are dying, you don't debate. You ACT - immediately.

If you have any reservations about it, you can propose another bill afterwards, but you don't engage in delay.
So we should allow Republicans to use an emergency to hand out money to their corporate buddies?

Why don't you assdfucks give a shit that Republiucabns are using this to hand more money to corporate America. Didn't you assfucks give them enough with the tax cut?????

500 billion, no strings attached slush fund in the Republican bill .
I asked for LINKS, not babbling rhetoric. Looks like you punked out.
How about you get betterr informed insteasd of whining for links.
Looks I just DID get informed. About why you punked out when asked for links to support your claim of $500 billion. It's because you HAVE NOTHING to back up your words.

You just heard a number blabbered by some leftist on some leftist tv show, and thought you could toss it in here, and we'd all take it on faith.

Guess what. We don't. Back to the drawing board for you.
So, you did not know that the Republican plan had 500 billion to help corporations? Really? Doled out by his administration with no strings attached.
Where are all the Tea Party folks who were whining when Pres Obama was in office. All we heard about their children and grandchildren paying back this debt. Trump hit office and has been running the debt through the roof and not a peep. Sean Hannity and Flush Limpbaugh cried about it everyday, but not a peep since Trump came on the scene.
What there is "not a peep" of is Democrats talking about the great economy we've had for the last 3 years, with record lows in unemployment, record high median income, etc.

Instead, Democrats only want to talk about this so-called "debt", much of which is a myth. China, for instance, will never be able to repay America, for their debt to us.

Prior to this virus in 2019, manufacturing was slipping, GDP growrth hovered around 2%, deficits skyrocketed, farmers were going bankrupt, etc.
Ha ha ha. First of all the BEA numbers on GDP are an Obama holdover laughingstock.

Secondly, farmers were being stipened, and it's only a few of them, a tiny % of the economy, and you ought to be copying all the Democrats who have openly agreed that the economy is booming.

Third, anybody who wants to campaign against Trump using the economy as ammunition, I just say "Go ahead, make my day." lol

So, when the numbers are good, Trump is doing great.

When they are not so good, it is fake news.

Fuck you assholes. There is no cure for stupidity.

Farm income this year is projected to be down 9%. Family farms for generations gone because of your fat ass worthless piece of shit Trump. Trump did such a great job that we need to further subsidize farmers & you think thart is good economic news? Really?
It is simply part of the rough road that gets to be traveled, in order to undo the damage of Obama giving China unrestricted access to our fabulous wealthy MARKET. One of best accomplishments of the Trump administration is taking China to task, and reversing the economic idiocy that existed before 2017.

This lunacy isn't entirely Obama's fault. He was just a clueless sap who knew nothing about economics or business, and stupidly went along with the huuuuge mistakes of the 3 presidents before him, which resulted in our stores being flooded with junk Made in China.

One doesn't fix 30 years of assinine international trade policy, in a single year. It will take years to undo the damage created by these 4 idiots, bit lucky for us, we finally got a president who is working to repair the mess, and certainly there will be some ugly parts to the overall process.

Even a great boxer like Sugar Ray Leonard took some punches and injuries along the way.
Its the road less traveled because others were too smart to take it.

Trump doesn't know shit about trade or manufacturing. He knows how to bully & bilk people out of money.
That indicates that you would continue the record of 4 US president idiots, and keep giving China unrestricted access to our market. Like those fools, you would allow the flooding of our stores with crap, made in China.

It just goes to show how much of an idiot you are, we are going to keep seeing merchandise from China flooding our market for the simple fact we don't want to manufacture it ourselves.

Exactly another reason to be sure we re-elect Trump, to continue the long awaited work on getting our stores (aka "the economy) out of the control of China, and back in control of us.

Yet another reason to be sure to keep idiot, globalist leftists out of power in both the presidency, and Congress.

Some of Trump's goods are made in China, what the fuck do you think about that?
1. Maybe YOU don't want to manufacture stuff yourself, but thousands of American entrepreneurs do. And as tariffs slowly beat China's access to our market away, US manufacturers resurge, and reclaim their positions, without interference from China and other low wage Asian countries.
We did this for hundreds of years before Bush 41 came along, and screwed it all up. Now it's back to business as usual.

2. Must be a shock to liberal dupes like you, to find out that you've been suckered by the liberal media for years now. You could have avoided that, by reading my OPs and posts in this forum.

For years now, I've been helping information-deprived, liberal poor souls, informing them that the goods you have been suckered to believe are "Trump's goods" are NOT that at all, and never have been. Sure, we've all seen the Hillary TV ads claiming "Trump's ties" are made in China. And we've all seen the so-called expose' of Trump supposedly manufacturing ties in China, on the David Letterman show. That was leftist bullshit.

These are typical examples of the lying, leftist media constantly suckering gullible liberals like you into believing this bs.

Actually, none of those ties made in China, are Trump's ties. The companies making them are 100% Chinese and always have been.

I just recently had to deprogram Candy Corn on this same thing. She even went to the extent of posting photos of ties made in China with Trump's name on them. Sure, they have Trump's name on them. Because (what your liberal media doesn't tell you) they are simply examples of BRAND LICENSING, which is how Trump makes most of his money, and has been for a long time.

He sells the rights to a Chinese company to put his name on THEIR product, and they boost their sales that way.

Amazing that in 2020, there are still people around who don't know this. A good example of how far out from reality people can be led, when they avoid conservative media, and only follow the liberal liars. You're welcome.
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No, what you mean is, you don't like his political opinions.

So his pain makes you laugh--you like to see him suffer. Because of his political opinions.

I want to tell you that most conservatives don't think that way. But you wouldn't understand. I mean that.

These would be the same conservatives who thought it was no big deal when Trump was tossing kids into concentration camps?
Where are all the Tea Party folks who were whining when Pres Obama was in office. All we heard about their children and grandchildren paying back this debt. Trump hit office and has been running the debt through the roof and not a peep. Sean Hannity and Flush Limpbaugh cried about it everyday, but not a peep since Trump came on the scene.
What there is "not a peep" of is Democrats talking about the great economy we've had for the last 3 years, with record lows in unemployment, record high median income, etc.

Instead, Democrats only want to talk about this so-called "debt", much of which is a myth. China, for instance, will never be able to repay America, for their debt to us.

Save that Trump Humpin for folks who drink that Kool-aid. This economy was turned around long b4 3 yrs ago. You guys love patting Trump on the back for things that started long b4 he was in office. Tell me a trend he started.

Where are all the fiscal conservatives at?

Where are the fiscal evangelicals at?
Looks like you are the Kool Aid drinker. Trump gets patted on the back for what HE has accomplished, not Obama.

Most of Obama's 8 years was post recession recoil that would occur no matter who was president. In his last years though this normal rebound had worn off and we got to see the "community organizer" for what he was. A worthless economic idiot whose last year in office was an abysmal failure, as I posted the GDP charts many times.

Thank goodness Trump came along and pulled us back up again.
Fuck you & you "community organizer:" bullshit.

What were we recoiling from? A recession? Who gave us that recession? REPUBLICANS you fucking idiot.

Trump came in & built an economy based on tax cuts & Fed bailouts. 2019 was a Trump economic failure. Show me those GDP numbers.
When leftist start losing debates, I come the F bombs. They never were good at self-control.

Yes. We were recoiling from a recession. And unlike the multi,-billionaire Trump, the clueless community organizer, Obama ran up a record of inconsistency and economic changes out of his control.

As the chart I posted showed, Trump's gdp's were high and evenly consistent. Obama's we're a chaotic mess.

2019 was a refreshing economic success, which even leftist leaders and publications concede.

Pres. Obama handed off low unemployment to Trump, a thriving stock market and a very good economy. You can whine all day, but that fact doesn't change. Show me one great thing that Trump had done that wasn't already trending when he took office.
Absolutely FALSE! More examples of the BS you have been given by the lying, leftist media.

1. Even the lying BEA, filled with Obama holdovers, who changed the GDP numbers to keep Obama's last year from looking too disastrous, still show his 2016 GDPs looking low and lousy. And they still show his overall GDPs for 8 years, being and up and down chaotic mess, while Trump's are tall and even, and stable. I've posted the charts on this already. All you're doing is showing how duped you are. Smarter liberals never mention the economy.

2. Trump has gotten unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, and disabled to the lowest levels in US history. Obama didn't do that.

3. If you weren't so tied to liberal media, you wouldn't be so information-deprived, and wouldn't have to ask about the HUNDREDS of Trump accomplishments that weren't trending. Here's your chance to finally get INFORMED.

Here's a list of 289 accomplishments already accrued a year and a half ago.

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You should have known that democrats would want illegals to get paid first and double
Quyit crying because you can't just hand money to wealthy people.
DODGE! She posted about illegal aliens, not wealthy people, Mr Deflection.
Wow, you have no thought process whatsoever.
You got caught red handed, Mr Deflection, and your DODGE 2, was laughable. lol
Fuck off Trump boy. It is not my fault you are so fucking stupid.
Well Gee Whiz! How will protectionist ever come back after that fact-laden, so informative, valuable post ?
Go fishing Joe Biden. Your pals in the Congress just shot to pieces any chance you could've had at getting elected.

For the second day in a row they held up the distribution of national emergency checks to American workers. In so doing, these loons are claiming they are doing it on behalf of American workers

Yikes. Is there a doctor in the house ? Delaying critically needed payments to American workers, is about as helpful to them as flooding the workforce with low wage illegal aliens.

Mind boggling to see dimwit Democrats demanding an assortment of their favorite programs in order for us to get our money. If Democrats want to go crazy this way, then the next time they come up with a major proposal, here's what Republicans will demand -
1. Abolition of affirmative action.
2. Abolition of gun free zones.
3. Abolition of asylum.
4. Jailing of all sanctuary city leaders.
5. Closing if all mosques and elimination of all Korans.
6. Full construction of Mexican border wall.
7. Ban on speech advocating homosexuality.
8. Cancellation of the 2020 presidential election.
9. Removal of all foreign made products from US stores.
10. Name your own.

The final bill is not even written & you assfucks blame Democrats.
You don't. Well, that just convinces the voters all the more to not vote Democrat. There WAS a final bill, and Democrats rejected it.
NO, there was no final bill. You are either lying or dumber than shit.
Yes there was, you idiot. It only became unfinalled by moronic Democrats, screwing with and drawing up an opportunist bill if their own. The original bill was the final bill. There didn't need to be anything else.

One of the lunacies of leftism is their way of changing things to how they want them to be, and them claiming that to be a true definition.

We are dealing with people who are flat out off their rockers.

The bll was srtill being debated with changes being made. The votes were procedural & even your hero Moscow Mitch said it was not yet comoplete. Quit lying.
You confirmed the OP by your use of the word "debate". In a national emergency, when people are dying, you don't debate. You ACT - immediately.

If you have any reservations about it, you can propose another bill afterwards, but you don't engage in delay.
So we should allow Republicans to use an emergency to hand out money to their corporate buddies?

Why don't you assdfucks give a shit that Republiucabns are using this to hand more money to corporate America. Didn't you assfucks give them enough with the tax cut?????

500 billion, no strings attached slush fund in the Republican bill .
I asked for LINKS, not babbling rhetoric. Looks like you punked out.
How about you get betterr informed insteasd of whining for links.
Looks I just DID get informed. About why you punked out when asked for links to support your claim of $500 billion. It's because you HAVE NOTHING to back up your words.

You just heard a number blabbered by some leftist on some leftist tv show, and thought you could toss it in here, and we'd all take it on faith.

Guess what. We don't. Back to the drawing board for you.
So, you did not know that the Republican plan had 500 billion to help corporations? Really? Doled out by his administration with no strings attached.
YOU are the one who doesn't know it, because after all this time gone by, you haven't been able to present a shred of evidence of it.

All you do is come here babbling about what you hear some liberal mouthpiece blabbering on CNN.
Where are all the Tea Party folks who were whining when Pres Obama was in office. All we heard about their children and grandchildren paying back this debt. Trump hit office and has been running the debt through the roof and not a peep. Sean Hannity and Flush Limpbaugh cried about it everyday, but not a peep since Trump came on the scene.
What there is "not a peep" of is Democrats talking about the great economy we've had for the last 3 years, with record lows in unemployment, record high median income, etc.

Instead, Democrats only want to talk about this so-called "debt", much of which is a myth. China, for instance, will never be able to repay America, for their debt to us.

Prior to this virus in 2019, manufacturing was slipping, GDP growrth hovered around 2%, deficits skyrocketed, farmers were going bankrupt, etc.
Ha ha ha. First of all the BEA numbers on GDP are an Obama holdover laughingstock.

Secondly, farmers were being stipened, and it's only a few of them, a tiny % of the economy, and you ought to be copying all the Democrats who have openly agreed that the economy is booming.

Third, anybody who wants to campaign against Trump using the economy as ammunition, I just say "Go ahead, make my day." lol

So, when the numbers are good, Trump is doing great.

When they are not so good, it is fake news.

Fuck you assholes. There is no cure for stupidity.

Farm income this year is projected to be down 9%. Family farms for generations gone because of your fat ass worthless piece of shit Trump. Trump did such a great job that we need to further subsidize farmers & you think thart is good economic news? Really?
It is simply part of the rough road that gets to be traveled, in order to undo the damage of Obama giving China unrestricted access to our fabulous wealthy MARKET. One of best accomplishments of the Trump administration is taking China to task, and reversing the economic idiocy that existed before 2017.

This lunacy isn't entirely Obama's fault. He was just a clueless sap who knew nothing about economics or business, and stupidly went along with the huuuuge mistakes of the 3 presidents before him, which resulted in our stores being flooded with junk Made in China.

One doesn't fix 30 years of assinine international trade policy, in a single year. It will take years to undo the damage created by these 4 idiots, bit lucky for us, we finally got a president who is working to repair the mess, and certainly there will be some ugly parts to the overall process.

Even a great boxer like Sugar Ray Leonard took some punches and injuries along the way.
Its the road less traveled because others were too smart to take it.

Trump doesn't know shit about trade or manufacturing. He knows how to bully & bilk people out of money.
That indicates that you would continue the record of 4 US president idiots, and keep giving China unrestricted access to our market. Like those fools, you would allow the flooding of our stores with crap, made in China.

It just goes to show how much of an idiot you are, we are going to keep seeing merchandise from China flooding our market for the simple fact we don't want to manufacture it ourselves.

Exactly another reason to be sure we re-elect Trump, to continue the long awaited work on getting our stores (aka "the economy) out of the control of China, and back in control of us.

Yet another reason to be sure to keep idiot, globalist leftists out of power in both the presidency, and Congress.

Some of Trump's goods are made in China, what the fuck do you think about that?
1. Maybe YOU don't want to manufacture stuff yourself, but thousands of American entrepreneurs do. And as tariffs slowly beat China's access to our market away, US manufacturers resurge, and reclaim their positions, without interference from China and other low wage Asian countries.
We did this for hundreds of years before Bush 41 came along, and screwed it all up. Now it's back to business as usual.

Is Trump still having his goods made in China?
2. Must be a shock to liberal dupes like you, to find out that you've been suckered by the liberal media for years now. You could have avoided that, by reading my OPs and posts in this forum.

For years now, I've been helping information-deprived, liberal poor souls, informing them that the goods you have been suckered to believe are "Trump's goods" are NOT that at all, and never have been. Sure, we've all seen the Hillary TV ads claiming "Trump's ties" are made in China. And we've all seen the so-called expose' of Trump supposedly manufacturing ties in China, on the David Letterman show. That was leftist bullshit.

These are typical examples of the lying, leftist media constantly suckering gullible liberals like you into believing this bs.

Actually, none of those ties made in China, are Trump's ties. The companies making them are 100% Chinese and always have been.

I just recently had to deprogram Candy Corn on this same thing. She even went to the extent of posting photos of ties made in China with Trump's name on them. Sure, they have Trump's name on them. Because (what your liberal media doesn't tell you) they are simply examples of BRAND LICENSING, which is how Trump makes most of his money, and has been for a long time.

He sells the rights to a Chinese company to put his name on THEIR product, and they boost their sales that way.

Amazing that in 2020, there are still people around who don't know this. A good example of how far out from reality people can be led, when they avoid conservative media, and only follow the liberal liars. You're welcome.

So ALL of the Trump products are now being made in America, is that what you are telling us?
Where are all the Tea Party folks who were whining when Pres Obama was in office. All we heard about their children and grandchildren paying back this debt. Trump hit office and has been running the debt through the roof and not a peep. Sean Hannity and Flush Limpbaugh cried about it everyday, but not a peep since Trump came on the scene.
What there is "not a peep" of is Democrats talking about the great economy we've had for the last 3 years, with record lows in unemployment, record high median income, etc.

Instead, Democrats only want to talk about this so-called "debt", much of which is a myth. China, for instance, will never be able to repay America, for their debt to us.

Save that Trump Humpin for folks who drink that Kool-aid. This economy was turned around long b4 3 yrs ago. You guys love patting Trump on the back for things that started long b4 he was in office. Tell me a trend he started.

Where are all the fiscal conservatives at?

Where are the fiscal evangelicals at?
Looks like you are the Kool Aid drinker. Trump gets patted on the back for what HE has accomplished, not Obama.

Most of Obama's 8 years was post recession recoil that would occur no matter who was president. In his last years though this normal rebound had worn off and we got to see the "community organizer" for what he was. A worthless economic idiot whose last year in office was an abysmal failure, as I posted the GDP charts many times.

Thank goodness Trump came along and pulled us back up again.
Fuck you & you "community organizer:" bullshit.

What were we recoiling from? A recession? Who gave us that recession? REPUBLICANS you fucking idiot.

Trump came in & built an economy based on tax cuts & Fed bailouts. 2019 was a Trump economic failure. Show me those GDP numbers.
When leftist start losing debates, I come the F bombs. They never were good at self-control.

Yes. We were recoiling from a recession. And unlike the multi,-billionaire Trump, the clueless community organizer, Obama ran up a record of inconsistency and economic changes out of his control.

As the chart I posted showed, Trump's gdp's were high and evenly consistent. Obama's we're a chaotic mess.

2019 was a refreshing economic success, which even leftist leaders and publications concede.

Pres. Obama handed off low unemployment to Trump, a thriving stock market and a very good economy. You can whine all day, but that fact doesn't change. Show me one great thing that Trump had done that wasn't already trending when he took office.
Absolutely FALSE! More examples of the BS you have been given by the lying, leftist media.

1. Even the lying BEA, filled with Obama holdovers, who changed the GDP numbers to keep Obama's last year from looking too disastrous, still show his 2016 GDPs looking low and lousy. And they still show his overall GDPs for 8 years, being and up and down chaotic mess, while Trump's are tall and even, and stable. I've posted the charts on this already. All you're doing is showing how duped you are. Smarter liberals never mention the economy.

2. Trump has gotten unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, and disabled to the lowest levels in US history. Obama didn't do that.

3. If you weren't so tied to liberal media, you wouldn't be so information-deprived, and wouldn't have to ask about the HUNDREDS of Trump accomplishments that weren't trending. Here's your chance to finally get INFORMED.

Here's a list of 289 accomplishments already accrued a year and a half ago.

Talk about right wing propaganda.
Where are all the Tea Party folks who were whining when Pres Obama was in office. All we heard about their children and grandchildren paying back this debt. Trump hit office and has been running the debt through the roof and not a peep. Sean Hannity and Flush Limpbaugh cried about it everyday, but not a peep since Trump came on the scene.
What there is "not a peep" of is Democrats talking about the great economy we've had for the last 3 years, with record lows in unemployment, record high median income, etc.

Instead, Democrats only want to talk about this so-called "debt", much of which is a myth. China, for instance, will never be able to repay America, for their debt to us.

Prior to this virus in 2019, manufacturing was slipping, GDP growrth hovered around 2%, deficits skyrocketed, farmers were going bankrupt, etc.
Ha ha ha. First of all the BEA numbers on GDP are an Obama holdover laughingstock.

Secondly, farmers were being stipened, and it's only a few of them, a tiny % of the economy, and you ought to be copying all the Democrats who have openly agreed that the economy is booming.

Third, anybody who wants to campaign against Trump using the economy as ammunition, I just say "Go ahead, make my day." lol

So, when the numbers are good, Trump is doing great.

When they are not so good, it is fake news.

Fuck you assholes. There is no cure for stupidity.

Farm income this year is projected to be down 9%. Family farms for generations gone because of your fat ass worthless piece of shit Trump. Trump did such a great job that we need to further subsidize farmers & you think thart is good economic news? Really?
It is simply part of the rough road that gets to be traveled, in order to undo the damage of Obama giving China unrestricted access to our fabulous wealthy MARKET. One of best accomplishments of the Trump administration is taking China to task, and reversing the economic idiocy that existed before 2017.

This lunacy isn't entirely Obama's fault. He was just a clueless sap who knew nothing about economics or business, and stupidly went along with the huuuuge mistakes of the 3 presidents before him, which resulted in our stores being flooded with junk Made in China.

One doesn't fix 30 years of assinine international trade policy, in a single year. It will take years to undo the damage created by these 4 idiots, bit lucky for us, we finally got a president who is working to repair the mess, and certainly there will be some ugly parts to the overall process.

Even a great boxer like Sugar Ray Leonard took some punches and injuries along the way.
Its the road less traveled because others were too smart to take it.

Trump doesn't know shit about trade or manufacturing. He knows how to bully & bilk people out of money.
That indicates that you would continue the record of 4 US president idiots, and keep giving China unrestricted access to our market. Like those fools, you would allow the flooding of our stores with crap, made in China.

It just goes to show how much of an idiot you are, we are going to keep seeing merchandise from China flooding our market for the simple fact we don't want to manufacture it ourselves.

Exactly another reason to be sure we re-elect Trump, to continue the long awaited work on getting our stores (aka "the economy) out of the control of China, and back in control of us.

Yet another reason to be sure to keep idiot, globalist leftists out of power in both the presidency, and Congress.

Some of Trump's goods are made in China, what the fuck do you think about that?
1. Maybe YOU don't want to manufacture stuff yourself, but thousands of American entrepreneurs do. And as tariffs slowly beat China's access to our market away, US manufacturers resurge, and reclaim their positions, without interference from China and other low wage Asian countries.
We did this for hundreds of years before Bush 41 came along, and screwed it all up. Now it's back to business as usual.

Is Trump still having his goods made in China?
2. Must be a shock to liberal dupes like you, to find out that you've been suckered by the liberal media for years now. You could have avoided that, by reading my OPs and posts in this forum.

For years now, I've been helping information-deprived, liberal poor souls, informing them that the goods you have been suckered to believe are "Trump's goods" are NOT that at all, and never have been. Sure, we've all seen the Hillary TV ads claiming "Trump's ties" are made in China. And we've all seen the so-called expose' of Trump supposedly manufacturing ties in China, on the David Letterman show. That was leftist bullshit.

These are typical examples of the lying, leftist media constantly suckering gullible liberals like you into believing this bs.

Actually, none of those ties made in China, are Trump's ties. The companies making them are 100% Chinese and always have been.

I just recently had to deprogram Candy Corn on this same thing. She even went to the extent of posting photos of ties made in China with Trump's name on them. Sure, they have Trump's name on them. Because (what your liberal media doesn't tell you) they are simply examples of BRAND LICENSING, which is how Trump makes most of his money, and has been for a long time.

He sells the rights to a Chinese company to put his name on THEIR product, and they boost their sales that way.

Amazing that in 2020, there are still people around who don't know this. A good example of how far out from reality people can be led, when they avoid conservative media, and only follow the liberal liars. You're welcome.

So ALL of the Trump products are now being made in America, is that what you are telling us?
What do you mean by "now" ? After I deprogrammed you from the lying left media, you still think the infamous Trump label ties were Trump's companies ?

Admit it. Until I filled you in about brand licensing, you never heard of it. That's what happens when all your info comes the left OMISSION media.

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