Democrats Introduce Bill to Seal Up Obama’s Presidential Records


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
East Japip
According to Judicial Watch, Rep. Edolphous Towns (D-NY) has introduced the Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2011. That bill would do with Obama’s presidential records what Obama has already done to his personal and collegiate records: Seal them up.

In an obvious effort to protect President Barack Obama, a group of congressional Democrats has introduced legislation to create an official process that will allow the commander-in-chief to keep presidential records secret after he leaves office.

Ironically, Obama revoked a similar George W. Bush order in one of his first official acts as president. In 2001 Bush penned an executive order severely limiting public access to his presidential records. Shortly after swearing in, Obama killed it as part of his much-ballyhooed commitment to government transparency. At the time, the new president claimed that he was giving the American people greater access to “historic documents.”

If the Democrats’ proposed measure (Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2011) becomes law, former presidents will be allowed to assert a new “constitutionally based privilege” against disclosing records of their liking. Here is how it would work; the Archivist of the United States would be required to notify the former president, as well as the incumbent, of intentions to make records public. Anything that either the former or current president claims should be kept private won’t be released.

The veteran Brooklyn congressman (Edolphus Towns) who recently introduced the law in the U.S. House has yet to explain why it’s necessary.

Democrats Introduce Bill to Seal Up Obama’s Presidential Records

Bill Text - 112th Congress (2011-2012) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)
Does this mean we won't have to suffer the indignity of an obama presidential library?
Every president wants this privilege. After Nixon, none of them are going to get it.

Bush had it and and Barry killed it in the name of 'transparency'. Do as I say, eh?

But..... but.....Obama is the Anointed One! He's "Special". Why, to demand the Messiah hold to the standard he expects from everyone else, well, it just won't do! Why, he's a Harvard-educated "genius"; he tells others what to do; surely you don't expect him to do it himself; he's above THAT! Besides, that's what REAL leaders do, and Barry....isn't one.
Does this mean we won't have to suffer the indignity of an obama presidential library?

Presidential library? Pfffft, Obama is so narcissistic he'll probably have a presidential wax museum instead. See Barry in all his golfing glory . . in the setting of all 57 states! lol
I'm putting my money on the first Presidential ACORN polling booth scam and bank-bankrupting training center. :rolleyes:
According to Judicial Watch, Rep. Edolphous Towns (D-NY) has introduced the Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2011. That bill would do with Obama’s presidential records what Obama has already done to his personal and collegiate records: Seal them up.

In an obvious effort to protect President Barack Obama, a group of congressional Democrats has introduced legislation to create an official process that will allow the commander-in-chief to keep presidential records secret after he leaves office.

Ironically, Obama revoked a similar George W. Bush order in one of his first official acts as president. In 2001 Bush penned an executive order severely limiting public access to his presidential records. Shortly after swearing in, Obama killed it as part of his much-ballyhooed commitment to government transparency. At the time, the new president claimed that he was giving the American people greater access to “historic documents.”

If the Democrats’ proposed measure (Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2011) becomes law, former presidents will be allowed to assert a new “constitutionally based privilege” against disclosing records of their liking. Here is how it would work; the Archivist of the United States would be required to notify the former president, as well as the incumbent, of intentions to make records public. Anything that either the former or current president claims should be kept private won’t be released.

The veteran Brooklyn congressman (Edolphus Towns) who recently introduced the law in the U.S. House has yet to explain why it’s necessary.

Democrats Introduce Bill to Seal Up Obama’s Presidential Records

Bill Text - 112th Congress (2011-2012) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Ironically, Obama revoked a similar George W. Bush order in one of his first official acts as president. In 2001 Bush penned an executive order severely limiting public access to his presidential records. Shortly after swearing in, Obama killed it as part of his much-ballyhooed commitment to government transparency. At the time, the new president claimed that he was giving the American people greater access to “historic documents.”

Every president wants this privilege. After Nixon, none of them are going to get it.

After Nixon, none of them should get it imo.

Does this mean we won't have to suffer the indignity of an obama presidential library?

Presidential library? Pfffft, Obama is so narcissistic he'll probably have a presidential wax museum instead. See Barry in all his golfing glory . . in the setting of all 57 states! lol

+1 :rofl:
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I think he is just trying to seal up his golf scores while he was president.
I hear he has a wicked slice

It's from all that bending over. :)
According to Judicial Watch, Rep. Edolphous Towns (D-NY) has introduced the Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2011. That bill would do with Obama’s presidential records what Obama has already done to his personal and collegiate records: Seal them up.

In an obvious effort to protect President Barack Obama, a group of congressional Democrats has introduced legislation to create an official process that will allow the commander-in-chief to keep presidential records secret after he leaves office.

Ironically, Obama revoked a similar George W. Bush order in one of his first official acts as president. In 2001 Bush penned an executive order severely limiting public access to his presidential records. Shortly after swearing in, Obama killed it as part of his much-ballyhooed commitment to government transparency. At the time, the new president claimed that he was giving the American people greater access to “historic documents.”

If the Democrats’ proposed measure (Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2011) becomes law, former presidents will be allowed to assert a new “constitutionally based privilege” against disclosing records of their liking. Here is how it would work; the Archivist of the United States would be required to notify the former president, as well as the incumbent, of intentions to make records public. Anything that either the former or current president claims should be kept private won’t be released.

The veteran Brooklyn congressman (Edolphus Towns) who recently introduced the law in the U.S. House has yet to explain why it’s necessary.

Democrats Introduce Bill to Seal Up Obama’s Presidential Records

Bill Text - 112th Congress (2011-2012) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

[ame=]Barack Obama on Government Transparency - YouTube[/ame]

:eusa_eh: Did he really promise that? :eusa_eh:
Every president wants this privilege. After Nixon, none of them are going to get it.

Bush had it and and Barry killed it in the name of 'transparency'. Do as I say, eh?

Well Walker was one of the most secretative presidents since tricky Dick. And conservatives were applauding it.

Watch this.

This is bad policy. President Obama should in no way support this move.
According to Judicial Watch, Rep. Edolphous Towns (D-NY) has introduced the Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2011. That bill would do with Obama’s presidential records what Obama has already done to his personal and collegiate records: Seal them up.

In an obvious effort to protect President Barack Obama, a group of congressional Democrats has introduced legislation to create an official process that will allow the commander-in-chief to keep presidential records secret after he leaves office.

Ironically, Obama revoked a similar George W. Bush order in one of his first official acts as president. In 2001 Bush penned an executive order severely limiting public access to his presidential records. Shortly after swearing in, Obama killed it as part of his much-ballyhooed commitment to government transparency. At the time, the new president claimed that he was giving the American people greater access to “historic documents.”

If the Democrats’ proposed measure (Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2011) becomes law, former presidents will be allowed to assert a new “constitutionally based privilege” against disclosing records of their liking. Here is how it would work; the Archivist of the United States would be required to notify the former president, as well as the incumbent, of intentions to make records public. Anything that either the former or current president claims should be kept private won’t be released.

The veteran Brooklyn congressman (Edolphus Towns) who recently introduced the law in the U.S. House has yet to explain why it’s necessary.

Democrats Introduce Bill to Seal Up Obama’s Presidential Records

Bill Text - 112th Congress (2011-2012) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

[ame=]Barack Obama on Government Transparency - YouTube[/ame]

:eusa_eh: Did he really promise that? :eusa_eh:

He is so full of shit . . . how anyone still supports him is beyond me.

Talk is cheap, it's what you do that counts. And boy does he ever 'do'.

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