Democrats have orchestrated the takedown of President Biden. Why else would these Top Secret documents have ever seen the light of day?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 15, 2016
Tallahassee, FL
Democrats have orchestrated the takedown of President Biden.
Why else would these Top Secret documents have ever seen the light of day?

Who sends attorneys to move boxes and furniture out of an office they are no longer using? A thousand dollars plus per hour for each attorney? Really? If you don't trust a moving company, why not staffers?

The minute it became obvious that Biden was serious about running again in 2024, he had to go. Democrats know that they cannot win the oval office in 2024 if their nominee is Joe Biden.
Democrats have orchestrated the takedown of President Biden.
Why else would these Top Secret documents have ever seen the light of day?

Who sends attorneys to move boxes and furniture out of an office they are no longer using? A thousand dollars plus per hour for each attorney? Really? If you don't trust a moving company, why not staffers?

The minute it became obvious that Biden was serious about running again in 2024, he had to go. Democrats know that they cannot win the oval office in 2024 if their nominee is Joe Biden.
Yeah, God forbid someone does the right thing.
Democrats have orchestrated the takedown of President Biden.
Why else would these Top Secret documents have ever seen the light of day?

Who sends attorneys to move boxes and furniture out of an office they are no longer using? A thousand dollars plus per hour for each attorney? Really? If you don't trust a moving company, why not staffers?

The minute it became obvious that Biden was serious about running again in 2024, he had to go. Democrats know that they cannot win the oval office in 2024 if their nominee is Joe Biden.
This is interesting, we'll see if anything actually happens or if it gets dragged out and diluted by the Democrats and the US Media, TV, social and printed, that they control. GIven the track record over the last few years I'm not holding my breath.
This is interesting, we'll see if anything actually happens or if it gets dragged out and diluted by the Democrats and the US Media, TV, social and printed, that they control. GIven the track record over the last few years I'm not holding my breath.

The Democrats are trying to get him out of the way since he announced his intention of running for reelection. They had to wait until after the midterms until they pulled any stunts. Now that midterms are over, it's time to get Joe to retire even if by force.
The "stuttering shit clown experiment" has been a fucking disaster. They want a polished, professional liar in there, not something that can't remember whether it shit in the garage or stashed classified documents there. Gruesome newsom, or the Dollar Store Obama (jeffries) will be their next attempt at burning this mother fucker to the ground just to rule over the ashes..... communist style.
Democrats have orchestrated the takedown of President Biden.
Why else would these Top Secret documents have ever seen the light of day?

Who sends attorneys to move boxes and furniture out of an office they are no longer using? A thousand dollars plus per hour for each attorney? Really? If you don't trust a moving company, why not staffers?

The minute it became obvious that Biden was serious about running again in 2024, he had to go. Democrats know that they cannot win the oval office in 2024 if their nominee is Joe Biden.
You're probably right. The Dems knew about these documents at least by Nov 2 before the election, but not a single leak, not a peep from anybody until now. They certainly didn't want this news to diminish the public perception of Donald Trump's sins and put the spotlight on their flawed president.

The treatment of Biden continues to magnify the blatant double standard of the Democrats and their surrogate MSM.

Trump: The FBI knew of all the documents in that Mar-a-lago storage room, had gone through them all months before the raid, and all they requested was Trump put an extra lock on the door as a precaution which was done. Those documents were not only secure but under secret service protection and further protected by a security camera.

But an FBI raid was necessary fairly shortly before the mid terms because Trump was an "existential threat to democracy." No time given for President Trump to go through the boxes to remove personal files or anything else.

Biden: The Dems and FBI knew he had the documents at least by November 2 before the mid terms but managed to prevent ANY leaks until after the election. They sure didn't want to minimize Trump's 'sins' and put the spotlight on their flawed President before the election. And now that Biden suggests he will announce a run for a second term, suddenly those documents are in the news--three different batches at least, all unsecured, all classified.

But no FBI raid. No suggestion of 'threat to democracy.' Biden's 'inadvertent possession of classified documents obtained before he was President are entirely different. Biden given months to go through the files to remove anything 'incriminating' before the news broke. Per the MSM: "meh."

Garland apparently has ordered a special counsel to 'investigate' the Biden documents but I'm pretty sure the orders given that person were to not work at it too hard. And once Biden no longer is a danger to the Party, his illegal documents will be found to be of no consequence and no recommendations will be made.

I think we'll never know what the FBI found in any of those documents by either guy. But Biden will be white washed while Trump will continue to be portrayed as a 'threat to democracy.'

It will make it harder for Garland to indict Trump however. And maybe that was part of the plan when they found nothing in the documents he had that were any problem to anybody and now need some excuse not to prosecute?
This is interesting, we'll see if anything actually happens or if it gets dragged out and diluted by the Democrats and the US Media, TV, social and printed, that they control. GIven the track record over the last few years I'm not holding my breath.


On the one hand I've seen unprecedented criticism from outlets such as CNN and CBS.

On the other hand, those same outlets (among others) have a panoply of editorials defending this nonsense.

There's one today on CNN talking about how Biden was simply too busy and concerned with Orange Man Bad during the transition to clean up after himself.


On the one hand I've seen unprecedented criticism from outlets such as CNN and CBS.

On the other hand, those same outlets (among others) have a panoply of editorials defending this nonsense.

There's one today on CNN talking about how Biden was simply too busy and concerned with Orange Man Bad during the transition to clean up after himself.

Based on the illegalities of the Obama/Biden administration - there is some credence to that last one.
You're probably right. The Dems knew about these documents at least by Nov 2 before the election, but not a single leak, not a peep from anybody until now. They certainly didn't want this news to diminish the public perception of Donald Trump's sins and put the spotlight on their flawed president.

The treatment of Biden continues to magnify the blatant double standard of the Democrats and their surrogate MSM.

Trump: The FBI knew of all the documents in that Mar-a-lago storage room, had gone through them all months before the raid, and all they requested was Trump put an extra lock on the door as a precaution which was done. Those documents were not only secure but under secret service protection and further protected by a security camera.

But an FBI raid was necessary fairly shortly before the mid terms because Trump was an "existential threat to democracy." No time given for President Trump to go through the boxes to remove personal files or anything else.

Biden: The Dems and FBI knew he had the documents at least by November 2 before the mid terms but managed to prevent ANY leaks until after the election. They sure didn't want to minimize Trump's 'sins' and put the spotlight on their flawed President before the election. And now that Biden suggests he will announce a run for a second term, suddenly those documents are in the news--three different batches at least, all unsecured, all classified.

But no FBI raid. No suggestion of 'threat to democracy.' Biden's 'inadvertent possession of classified documents obtained before he was President are entirely different. Biden given months to go through the files to remove anything 'incriminating' before the news broke. Per the MSM: "meh."

Garland apparently has ordered a special counsel to 'investigate' the Biden documents but I'm pretty sure the orders given that person were to not work at it too hard. And once Biden no longer is a danger to the Party, his illegal documents will be found to be of no consequence and no recommendations will be made.

I think we'll never know what the FBI found in any of those documents by either guy. But Biden will be white washed while Trump will continue to be portrayed as a 'threat to democracy.'

It will make it harder for Garland to indict Trump however. And maybe that was part of the plan when they found nothing in the documents he had that were any problem to anybody and now need some excuse not to prosecute?

Democrats and their surrogate MSM.

It is not at all clear to me which is the master, and which is the surrogate.
The Democrat Media Bubble Cult is well aware that without them the Democrat Party is history.
It is not at all clear to me which is the master, and which is the surrogate.
The Democrat Media Bubble Cult is well aware that without them the Democrat Party is history.
I think the deep state is made up of all of it, the MSM, Dem leaders, and those working behind the curtain. Otherwise we wouldn't see them all use the exact same words and phrases in unison so much, i.e. 'gravitas', 'existential threat', 'threat to democracy', etc. etc. etc.

You know exactly what the issued talking point of the day is just by watching the news, spending any time on social media, or hearing the comments of Democrat congressional leaders and/or their spokespersons.

The deep state has infiltrated and pretty much controls the Democrat Party, media, education, scientific institutions, much of big business, and most of the government. They point to J6 as an 'attempted coup' which is utterly ridiculous on the face of it. But I think the deep state is the real coup and they intend to take us without firing a shot. I just hope they aren't already there.
bernard( MoA), as usual , comments with intelligence

The decision to let this out, to not cover it up, is so far unexplained. The whole thing can only hurt Biden. It also disables the Democrats of using Trump's withholding of classified papers as a weapon against him.

Was it the very special content of the classified documents that made this move necessary? Or is there something else that we do not yet know about? Something that led to the judgment that the current limit hangout of some dirty linen is better than to have a real scandal come to the public's knowledge.
Democrats have orchestrated the takedown of President Biden.
Why else would these Top Secret documents have ever seen the light of day?

Who sends attorneys to move boxes and furniture out of an office they are no longer using? A thousand dollars plus per hour for each attorney? Really? If you don't trust a moving company, why not staffers?

The minute it became obvious that Biden was serious about running again in 2024, he had to go. Democrats know that they cannot win the oval office in 2024 if their nominee is Joe Biden.
I would have thought they would have figured that out in the 2020 primaries.
There’s nothing like doing the right think after you’ve been caught.
Caught by whom, retard? The only reason this came to light was that the president's own lawyers reported it.

I know for trumptards, these are all new territory. Doing the right thing is unheard of in your circles, but it does happen a lot in the real world.
Yeah, God forbid someone does the right thing.
Who are you claiming did the right thing?

Vice President Joe Biden mishandled Top Secret Documents over SIX YEARS AGO. They were discovered over TWO MONTHS AGO, just before the mid-term elections, when ATTORNEYS were sent by President Biden to move boxes out of the Communist Chinese-financed "Biden Penn Center. Their existence came to light last Friday.

Is it President Biden you are claiming did the right thing? Seriously?
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